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CHANNELING - a scientific spiritual look and GUIDE to doing it yourself!

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:01 AM
I was gonna go with “Ask a Channeler anything” but figured I’d avoid all the questions about next week’s lottery numbers!

There have been many a thread on channeling but I can offer something new: An insider’s view (I’m a proven channeler), combined with knowledge of String Theory and various consciousness theories.

Note to Moderators at the bottom.

Channeling is not a perfect science, and although it now seems provable by scientific means, channeling is (until we create a "channeling phone" for it) always going to be a subjective translation between two people/beings. So even if you choose to believe it's possible don't EVER expect perfect information - mind you, I say this as a channeler, not as a skeptic.


Channeling is a conversation between two people or beings. The beings may be of extra-terrestrial origin, incarnate or spiritual beings, people who have passed on from this world, or even other living people. What makes channeling different than a typical conversation, besides the wide range of people on the other end of the line, is that it takes special practice and training to open the "telephone line", as it were. Nearly anyone can be a channeler. I'll give techniques on how to channel and how to develop the ability later in the thread.


A main aspect of understanding channeling is that it requires a diversion from our typical mindset that we are all totally separate individuals. It may sound odd at first but think of it this way... you can think of a drop of water ONLY as a drop of water, or, you could think of it as a drop of water AND as a little bag of atoms and/or molecules of Oxygen and Hydrogen. Think of yourself as an individual, who also happens to share energy with everything else in the world.

According to String Theory everything, yes EVERYTHING is made of tiny particles. I'll explain that more accurately in a sec but take a look at the following picture:

a wire looks like a two-dimensional line from far away, but if the observer is close enough and small enough, it actually has more dimensions. It isn't just a line, it has depth, height, circumference, and length.

So we see that three dimensions can look like only two dimensions simply because we weren't close enough or small enough to see the true nature of the wire.

In EXACTLY the same way, 10 dimensions can look like 3 dimensions.

In string theory, the mathematics equations show that there are ten tiny little dimensions of reality, eleven when you count time, and they interact to create a small vibrating string of energy. The energy string causes the little quantum pieces to come together and form the atoms and molecules that make everything up. String theory is accepted as fact by most scientists nowadays but is not 100% proven other than by math.
If you find this interesting or want to know more about string theory check out this TED video by Briane Greene!

Reality is made of multiple dimensions but most are too small to see.
If you're standing a long way from a wire it looks two dimensional, even though it's actually three dimensional
If you're looking at a solid object it looks three dimensional, even though it's actually 10 dimensional.


Since most of us can't really do the "I see dead people" thing in our day-to-day 3-D lives we need to access these other levels of reality to speak with these beings. I'm gonna show you how.


A simple way to comprehend the levels of reality is by using my Stalactite Model. I came up with this years ago but, to my chagrine, later found out that Carl Jung had come up with an incredibly similar model using the sea floor and islands years before I came up with mine... but anyway

Imagine for a moment that we have an eternal soul that lives somewhere else before it comes to earth, then comes to earth to live in a human body, then upon death returns home again. You DO NOT need to believe this to believe in channeling, but just roll with it for a moment; it will help you understand channeling better.

Based on the Stalactite Model pictured below:
The soul leaves the infinitely connected and all-knowing energy of the cave roof (imagine it as Nirvana or Heaven or whatever works for you) and travels downward until it is fully in the tip of the stalactite.
When our soul occupies only the tip of the stalactite we view ourselves as distinct, separate individuals. This ignorance of the whole stalactite and cave roof reality is literally "the human condition". Take a look at the model:

When we are born, we forget we are tied to infinite reality and that we once knew everything, and we become "individuals". We appear to ourselves and each other as distinct points at the end of the stalactite, not knowing the cave roof or levels above us exist.

If you're standing in Starbucks waiting to order, that person in front of you "IS" a different person than yourself and every test will tell you that.... UNTIL you get small enough and close enough to see string theory in action.

The Stalactite model posted is unlabeled and reasonably basic, just to get the idea across:
The levels going up from the bottom of the stalactite stand for individual self, as the lowest level.
The next might be empathy - not everyone has it but it's a natural sense of caring for others.
The next level up stands for increased intuition - are you one of those people who knows when someone's going to call you? or what song will be on in a store you're going to?
Next might be prophetic dreams or visions.

The next section is stronger psychic sense and awareness. I'd include an ability to use the mind's eye reasonably well to sense people's perceptions, intentions, physical state and anomalies (like Reiki level II/III), etc.

The cave roof is what we might think of as enlightenment. Buddha, Jesus, various other amazing teachers and spiritual beings.


There are multiple dimensions of reality that most of don't recognize on a daily basis: they are too small to sense. However they do exist and can explain the reality of many wonders in our world. When you are born as a human you forget that you are made of energy - it's simply part of being human that we forget.


The mind is NOT located in some specific part of the brain - our brain is like a radio receiver picking up the outside reality (sorry I don't have a link for this off hand and the subject may still be up for debate in some schools of neuro-Psychology). But let's move on anyway... imagine that in our mind somewhere there is a little movie screen... if I say

Loaf of bread

somewhere in your mind you may have pictured a loaf of bread!

It is THIS SCREEN, the "mind's eye" that we all have, that allows us to perceive other levels of reality. It just needs to be developed and worked on!

So you may be wondering how the whole thing works? say - Tie it all together already!!


We all have the ability to use our mind's eye. It's such a common idea that most people never discuss it or think about it, but it is the place where psychic ability, channeling, intuition, distance healing, dreams maybe?, are all happening. Take a look at the following picture, then I'll explain in-depth.
Upper left is the entity to be channeled
Right side is the channeler
Lower left is the cave model comparison.

What we see here is similar to trance channeling in which the person basically leaves their body a little bit and then creates the connection. What this teaches is finding the next level up the stalactite so you can sense who or what to channel. Then creating/willing the connection, followed by the actual exchange of information.
There are many ways to channel. Some ways work for some people but don't work for others. I'll provide further in-depth directions further on.

I currently channel by simply sensing a being "out there", opening a designated place in my mind's eye and creating the connection. With years of practice I have honed this technique AFTER doing the more beginning level steps of psychic protection, building up the mind's eye, astral travel/OBE, etc.

Now for the WARNING:
Channeling can be slightly dangerous. There are other people, entities, demons, and much more that wish to attach to you for energy or maliscious purposes. It is a pain in the butt to get rid of them and sometimes you won't even know they are on you! Please, if you choose to engage in channeling, do mind's eye-building excersises and research first. NEVER use drugs to "enhance your mind" before a channeling session or to get the ability sooner - you will regret it.

I'll get to the guide very soon, but first....

I first started doing astral travel, remote viewing, and meditation about 20 years ago. I got pretty excited about it but also had a sense of "What if I'm crazy!?" so I decided to devise tests to make sure the information I was getting was real. I've already posted this is another thread I wrote which also pertains to this thread quite naturally, so here's the link and the quote of my way of proving I wasn't crazy.
Electromagnetic spectrum causes visual range, what about range of material worlds?

Scientific Test Time
Here's how I verified to myself that astral travel and my OBEs were real.
I lived about 1/4 mile from a Target store (large department store). I couldn't see it or the road from any of my windows and had to walk a ways to get there. To test I would go astral, remote view the parking lot of the Target store and see what cars I could tune in to. For example, I'd see a white van, gold cadillac, and a red toyota next to each other and have a strong feel it was there - then I'd "come back" into my body and run over to Target to verify. I was dead on accurate several times in a row!
Therefore - not crazy, nothing to see here, move on with discovering metaphysics.

NOTE TO MODERATORS - I have permission from ATS Admin Djarums to post from my own blog. The permission email is posted, as received, in the third post.

You may have noticed some of my recent channeling-related prediction threads. I channel a few different entities at the moment and keep a blog of the interactions. The information has been quite accurate in predicting at least 4 earthquakes in the last few months! Here's the links for those if you prefer proof of channeling before continuing.
Multiple Predictive Warnings about Myanmar Quake via channeling - Prediction... IT'S FIRST OF THREE
Last Four Major Earthquakes SUCCESSFULLY PREDICTED - posted online
Intuitive Choice - my channeling blog

I've channeled for more than 10 years and have dozens of personal stories proving (to myself) it's real - from the above predictions, to channeling words I didn't know the meaning of, using words that make sense but are not part of the English language, finding out unknowable facts (like a list of names written in a family Bible), the list goes on. I have no doubt.

Guide on the next page - go to it!

NOTES TO MODERATORS about moving this thread
We have gotten to a point that channeling can be explained by quantum theory, religion, philosophy, history and personal experience. It is time to allow this genre of thought into the mainstream area of possibility. Please consider this before moving this thread. I understand if you feel you need to move it, I just ask that you consider the reason rather than just routinely transferring it elsewhere because it has the word channeling in it. Thank you.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:01 AM

First a WARNING:
Channeling can be slightly dangerous. There are other people, entities, demons, and much more that wish to attach to you for energy or maliscious purposes. It is a pain in the butt to get rid of them and sometimes you won't even know they are on you! Please, if you choose to engage in channeling, do mind's eye-building excersises and research first. NEVER use drugs to "enhance your mind" before a channeling session or to get the ability sooner - you will regret it.

I'm writing this guide from scratch. I have been psychic my entire life, I have a Master's Degree in transpersonal Psychology and have studied Neuro-Psych, psychic ability, various psi phenomena in a university setting, am a Reiki Master, ghost/poltergeist clearer/crosser, been a channeler for 10 years and much more. There are quite a number of ways to learn channeling and probably hundreds of guides out there. This guide is the result of my intuition and based on my own theory of reality and what works for me. I hope you enjoy it and it works for what you're looking for!

What is to be done?
Develop your mind's eye - it is the receiver end of your telephone.

First step is simply be aware of the minds eye. Did you see a loaf of bread in the above post? if so, awesome! You're doing well!
Developing the mind's eye is THE MOST CRUCIAL PART of channeling! Literally... you need to develop the inner screen to be 3-D and have sound (mind's ear?). This can take a few weeks minimum, up to several months.
Practice every single day, several times a day but just for a few minutes.

You can really make up your own way of doing this, just don't picture something actively coming in, like trying to watch TV thinking you're "training".

My fav way is to imagine a number made of some varied type of material and count your breaths. Do this while trying to keep your mind clear from other distractions.
So, picture a number one (1) made of wood (for example). keep that picture in your mind's eye and breathe in, then back out. If you happened to hear a siren or think of your dog or something start over. Keep your mind's eye and mind in general clear and try to count up to 10. This is NOT easy! If you get to 10 in this first day you are either already a very experienced meditator or you're doing it wrong. It took me a week to get to 4 after already being able to astral travel, so don't get discouraged.

Once you can count a few breaths with pictured numbers, and maybe get bored of it try this next thing:
Still your mind. Imagine a two-colored ball in your mind's eye. Now spin it, then stop it, then spin it the other way. Make sure you sense it rotating, see both sides.
You can make up anything you want for this level of excerise - the key to remember is that you need to be keeping in full mental focus for as long as you can.
When that gets easy use multiple balls at the same time, use 4-colored pyramids, whatever comes to mind that you can see multiple sides of that doesn't change. Make it easy to visualize.

what is to be done?
Develop your ability to sense other beings - you can't make the call without "them"

If you can already naturally sense other beings you truly may be ready to channel after a few weeks of the above excersises.

The simplest way to sense other beings is to go to their dimension of reality - again NOT easy at first.
Three destinations come to mind: people who have passed on and living on "the other side", ghosts or seemingly earthbound spirits, and extra-terrestrials/Agarthans.

it's 2 am so you're gonna get the quick version on this part! Feel free to ask any questions later.

Connecting with ghosts is the quickest first step to success because the energy for them to be here is already present. Their energy is not on some distant plane, it is actually either present at their earthly location or they are already able to spur your energy so you can sense them (which is why some people sense ghosts while others don't)

Trust your intuition, you may already know where a ghost is, or have heard of one.
For ease of description I'll give the scenario that you do in fact have a feeling where a ghost is (otherwise follow the ET steps in the lower section). Go to the house or field or whatever where the ghost is. Get close to the spot where you think it is and simply think to it. You may sense an icy cold area where the ghost is. If you have done your training above you will have a better ability to communicate with this ghost than you ever have before so be open! If that doesn't work, try meditation like you did with the numbers or shapes. Bringing that mental focus in might bring energy to the ghost allowing it to connect with you, and they generally desire to communicate (trust me!! I've met hundreds of them!)

The main idea in connecting with a ghost is that they are very close to our physical plane already. They are attempting to stay, or are mindlessly staying, for some reason. Because their energy is close it doesn't take much work on your side to provide the channel. Keep in mind that anxiety, fear, anger are generally detrimental to connecting with a spirit. Excitedness, meditation, curiosity are generally boons to connecting.

Reaching this group will require astral travel or Out of Body experience (OBE) until you are proficient in channeling.

Gonna post this tomorrow night. gotta get some zzz's

edit on 16-4-2011 by Thermo Klein because: adding to it

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:03 AM
from: Djarums
sent: 8-3-2011 at 11:27 PM
Hi there,

Our general policy is that in order to link to a site you have to be a member in good standing for 6 months or more.

You certainly qualify there.

As long as the site being linked doesn't violate any of the T&C's please consider your request approved.

ATS Admin

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:19 AM
I've had success with astral travel/OBEs, unfortunately it seems to be sporadic and I can't seem to figure out how I was able to do it.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:33 AM
"Channeling can be slightly dangerous. There are other people, entities, demons, and much more that wish to attach to you for energy or maliscious purposes."

Doesn't channeling involve POSSESSION of sorts? POSSESSION by a DEMON would be more than "slightly" dangerous. Also, from what I hear, the practice of channeling for some reason boosts the ego of those who channel. That itself is a bad sign. DEFINITELY do your research.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 03:57 AM
I started practicing channelling last week as I've sensed beings for years, am a reiki master and spiritual healer. After a week of solid grounding exercises I decided I was ready to try. For now, I am asking questions and getting answers for guides. How did your channelling progress? Were you given abstract information early on or did it start as basic question & answer sessions? thank you

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by zenius

I started out doing it as a request by someone who knew I was psychic. She asked me if I could contact her son, and I did (based on verification of questions she had me ask/answer). I was surprised!

I later did several sessions for some friends and experimented around. I didn't do a whole lot with it unless I felt led to. I didn't channel very frequently over the years, just here n there.

About a year ago I became aware that I could sense extra-terrestrials almost all the time in our skies, so I attempted to contact one. It worked! I had a spooky experience and took about 4 months off from being open. Then in December 2010 I began contacting beings from Sirius (not the spooky one) and I created my blog and every contact session has been posted.

I've channeled four beings from Sirius and two Agarthans (inner Earth beings). Here's the site:
Intuitive Choice

Congrats at your channeling and success there! I think it sort of goes hand-in-hand with being a distance healer.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

Thanks for the encouragement! I have been following your blog since you mentioned it on the other thread. I know this is off topic, but if you message me, I could do with some help clearing a 'latched on' entity and another mischievious one. I noticed you mentioned near the start of the thread that you have had experience in this area. thanks again.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by zenius

Just curious, how do you know that you have a latched on entity?

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:43 AM
The so called "Channelers", "Contactees" and "Mediums", who allow their mind and bodies of being possessed by what they assume to be "benevolent entities", are nothing but CATTLE to feed vampires, demons, witches, masters/soldiers of black lodge, dead people's residual larvae and all sort of astral parasites. Included there, extraterrestrials, intra-terrestrials and interdimensional creatures with egoistic and evil purposes.

Lets get the things pretty clear: Ascended masters, after death, DO NOT possess anybody, mentally or physically speaking. They DO NOT talk in nobody's ears, they DO NOT speak through nobody's mouth, they DO NOT write through nobody's hands, they DO NOT "channel" people. If they need carry some mission or send some message from astral dimensions, they simply project their astral bodies, anytime, anywhere.

Unfortunately, the world is plenty of people who are enslaved of such evil entities and live to take more slaves to feed them, with fake "spiritualist" doctrines and occult practices which induce desperate or naive people to open their chakras for such beings.

I hope every single person who read this thread, don't miss my words.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by taccj9903

I don't personally have one, but I was told by a psychic friend that a family member does, as I have felt cold sensations, goose bumps and nausea when trying to clear it and my sons can sense them too. I also have friends with children who both have been speaking of entities in their rooms which I would like to help remove.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
The so called "Channelers", "Contactees" and "Mediums", who allow their mind and bodies of being possessed by what they assume to be "benevolent entities", are nothing but CATTLE to feed vampires, demons, witches, masters/soldiers of black lodge, dead people's residual larvae and all sort of astral parasites. Included there, extraterrestrials, intra-terrestrials and interdimensional creatures with egoistic and evil purposes.

Lets get the things pretty clear: Ascended masters, after death, DO NOT possess anybody, mentally or physically speaking. They DO NOT talk in nobody's ears, they DO NOT speak through nobody's mouth, they DO NOT write through nobody's hands, they DO NOT "channel" people. If they need carry some mission or send some message from astral dimensions, they simply project their astral bodies, anytime, anywhere.

Unfortunately, the world is plenty of people who are enslaved of such evil entities and live to take more slaves to feed them, with fake "spiritualist" doctrines and occult practices which induce desperate or naive people to open their chakras for such beings.

I hope every single person who read this thread, don't miss my words.

You speak with absolute certainty. How is it that you are so sure of your statements? Please enlighten us here with what you know.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

have you personally had a bad experience with some of those things? I'm curious why you feel that way - personal experience or religious "truth" (dogma/myth) of some kind?

From my point of view, I've spent my entire life being psychic, able to sense ghosts since I was a child. I've cleared entities from houses and demons from people. I'm a healer. I'm an educated man in Psychology, Religion, Philosophy and basically every area of the paranormal/occult studies. This area of things is my life and I do good with it.

I was once told by a Christian that my healing abilities were from the Devil AFTER they found out I wasn't Christian. Religion is a powerful motivator and honestly, if someone puts religious dogma before quantum mechanics I don't really care to indulge their beliefs.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 05:17 AM
Thermo, thanks for all the effort you put into this thread about channelling! s&f.

However, I think something that should be mentioned, is that everyone who does that should be REALLY cautious with the beings they channel. The one's that predict precise dates will most likely attempt to trick you into believing them, which opens a lot of room for manipulation. Not to mention those that pretend to be positive entities, but are negative ones in nature, meaning that you could have started channeling a negative entity ("demon"), whereas you think its an "angel." So, having a good protection and discernment when identifying an incoming channel is very advisable.

Here is an interesting quote by the self-proclaimed illuminati insider hidden-hand:

by Hidden_Hand:
My general view of "channellings" is that the majority of them are of very poor quality. That is not necessarily a slight against those bringing them through, but more a matter of their lack of receptivity and subsequent distortions. It is very rare, to find a good, stable, clear, and impartial channel. The key element in channeling, is the ability to temporarily withdraw the "filters" of your own personal beliefs and be a clear channel. To bring through what is actually given, not your slant on what you think it might mean.

The Ra channellings are very accurate indeed. They are the only ones I know of that I would be happy to classify as a "Clear" message. Though as I say, even then it's not 100%. More like 85-90%.

So, even the Ra material, that was channelled by three exceedingly adept individuals was not 100% accurate, accordingly to Hidden-Hand. Everyone who has read the Ra material knows how carefully the three of them prepared each channelling session, in order to reduce the distractions and negative influences to a slight minimum. You can tell what that means when someone less-experienced tries to channel, without the aid of others and without being really prepared.

Another difficult issue with channeling, is that you can start off recieving a Positive entity, and if you are not very perceptive in your discerment and careful in your protection when identifying an incoming channel, you can get a Negative one that pretends to be positive, but gradually slips in more and more misinformation, having gained your trust. The ones that give you precise dates and times are nearly always ones to avoid. Positive entities will not give a date and time. Negative ones will do, so they can set you up for a fall. Once you're tricked into predicting dates and times, and they don't happen, they've succeeded in putting out the Light of your message, as no one will see any credibility in you.

Take it for what it's worth, but channeling is definetely not a kids-game like "playing" the oujia board and really just for very experienced individuals, such as Thermo. Sometimes, you're better of "channeling" what your heart is telling you
At least I leave it with that.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:02 AM
Thank you Thermo for your wonderful put up step by step OP.

As some might know my thread series, it really correlates with what i´ve wrote there!
Go on with it! Following your blog since a time. Very Interesting views!

Peac, love and light,
let u guide by higher i


posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by taccj9903You speak with absolute certainty. How is it that you are so sure of your statements? Please enlighten us here with what you know.

Just something like "Don't think of a loaf of bread" and suggesting anyone would think of it if somewhere in the mind, if I would believe that I would lose a little control over my thinking. Personally I used to believe in channeling, more in a seance kind of way rather than allowing my body to be moved by something other than me. Maybe there is a radio or telephony function to the brain but then it would be just one of many functions and shouldn't be confused with a teleporter out of which beings can emerge to take command of other brain functions.
edit on 16/4/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard

dont you think there are those in between? an infinite potential for variations of thought force produced beings ..... not just extremes

EDIT: great thread by the way, I took a chance to read through some of the other comments, very sound advice, most of you on the board who seem to speak from experience have a much more collected tone in your responses over those who dont know but... know it all. lol. I am reading "the Seth Material", and just finished Monroe's "Journey out of body" and am intrigued to be reading things that affirm some of my own experiences.

thanks for the ba thread

edit on 16-4-2011 by el1jah because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:05 AM
Reaching this group will require astral travel or Out of Body experience (OBE) until you are proficient in channeling.

There are a lot of very useful guides on astral traveling out there so I'll just do the quick version.
If you're just deciding to read this one section because you wish to astral travel I recommend reading the mind's eye practice above. It will make it far easier.

In the OP I discussed the stalactite view of consciousness. Imagine that your soul or consciousness is at the tip of the stalactite (only individual physical awareness) and you wish to bring it higher up. Bringing it higher up is indicative of creating an energy body, having that energy body step out from your physical body, and reach into various astral realms of existence. In layman's terms, imagine it this way:

You have a soul that has always just stayed within your body. Imagine your physical body as a glove, and your soul as the hand inside the glove.

Most people assume that when the soul leaves you are dead... but this is not the case unless the soul detaches and leaves for good. Picture your soul squeezing over to one side of your body, and part of your soul leaving and reaching out to explore. Let's put some descriptions to this so it's easier to picture...

Lie down on a bed or ground or whereever and picture your physical body in your mind's eye. Take your time to get a good mental map of "you". A good way is to relax and envision each part of your body and relax it, step by step: feet... relax them; calves.... relax them, etc.

Once you have a good vision for your physical body, imagine or picture in your mind's eye, an energy duplicate of yourself, just hanging out inside your body. I picture it in clear/white or gold energy. This is where your mental practice comes in, because you are actually dividing your mind! One part of your mind is picturing your physical body and this image needs to gradually fade, while the other half of your mind is picturing, building, strengthening an energy duplicate. It's very easy to fall asleep doing this when you first start, so if you do that don't fret, just keep practicing and make a mental spoken intention of what you wish to do (which is allow your energy body to be recognized and movable).

As you get better at picturing your energy body it's time to step out. The first time I ever did this, (just by intuition as a kid) I had recognized the energy body in me. I kept sending more energy to it and kept building it stronger and more energetic. Eventually I recognized it as myself, similar to what you see when you look in a mirror - it's you but you know it's just an image. Once you can picture it your mind, and your mind relaxes to sort of forget about your physical body, try to sit up! (using the energy body). You will soon recognize that it takes a new way of thinking!! You can not make your energy body sit up or move by bending or taking steps, you need to WILL IT. just like you did when you made the balls or pyramids turn in your mind.

If you do the steps I've mentioned I'd say there's a very good chance you are now astral traveling! There are various signs to be aware of, such as a popping sound or wooshing air, you may feel lost or have a vertigo sense, and it may be shocking or scary so most times people will just pop right back into the body very quickly. This is normal.

As you progress with the first steps of allowing your energy body to leave your physical body expect some of the following:
A blue or green or grey hue to the world
Missing or new objects (such as seeing mountains that don't exist in "real life")
A lack of people around

If you've made it this far check out some channeling/astral travel/paranormal websites and read up on what other people have done or what they're seeing. This extra info will help you to know what to expect and increase your creativity in what to do.

If you get "out" and can't get back, which happens on occassion at first, try this action. Focus all your mental awareness on seeing one of your fingers. Focus all your might on willing it to move. Just as you spent all the energy creating the energy body, do the same by sending energy to try to move that one finger. this can bring you fully back in in a snap many times.

Once you start astral traveling there is a chance some entity can attach to you. When you go astral you will stand out like a flailing swimmer in a calm pool, so be prepared. Signs you should watch for, for which you should get help or tell an experienced traveler:
* Dreams which take on old memory but change it to something bad
(I had one while under the influence of an entity that took a mental map of a store I visited as a kid, then when I got to the register area I robbed the place (in my dream)!
* pay attention to desire for alcohol. If it increases a lot or you have random thoughts of drinking when you normally wouldn't pay attention to that as a warning sign.
* Mental visions of hurting people or doing uncharacteristic egoic or hateful things.

It is easy to get entities attached to you - if this scares you, consider NOT trying astral traveling at all, or at least not until you have a very good grasp of the mental image manipulation excercises I posted above. Also, look into shielding methods - they work! A typical shield most people say to use is surround yourself with white light - I actually DO NOT recommend this for a few reasons: it just brings more attention to yourself, and it's very basic. So an entity may be more likely to spot you, and a malicious person might say "ooh, a beginner!" (some sick people out there!)

that's it for now... more later on moving your energy body up and out to the various astral levels. and the further steps for finding beings to channel.

edit on 16-4-2011 by Thermo Klein because: added more

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:28 AM
i know that lately, i have been feeling like something very big is very close. i know we all have. i keep having the feeling as though i'm going to go through some transformation very soon. i've done a lot of studying into star/indigo children and feel that i am one of them, or something like it. always felt it.

lately...i've been hearing very faint transmissions. had a ocuple visions following them, but they made no sense to me. always felt as though i wasn't from here. looking for someone who can help me more consciously tap into this. they are trying to talk to me but i can't hear. i can't PM anyone as i haven't posted enough times yet so i'm just replying via post.

so yeah...anyone on here think they can help me tap into my memory/true self? i feel like something very big is very close.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:50 AM
Its difficult to explain this, however, I will try. There is a reality, where we are born, and that is basically the only thing, after we are born, we just exist, and there are many of us. However, there is also the place of forms, where we have terrains, worlds, galaxies for us to explore. Over time, we learn, we create, we develop our own kinds of forms and we experience existence in the worlds that we have created. We might project as physical beings, however, the physical bodies are really just vehicles for our consciousness to reside in, and we can easily trade places with each other, as our individuality is not contained within our physical beings, but rather, in our own separare points of consciousness, our experiences, our memories, and our own creativity. What has happened on Earth, is that there is a disconnect, we are trapped in the "mind" that our brain generates, as opposed to being contained within the collective consciousness of the greater reality. However, that is not to say that one cannot create their own consciousness, and exist as their own God.
edit on 16-4-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

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