I was gonna go with “Ask a Channeler anything” but figured I’d avoid all the questions about next week’s lottery numbers!
There have been many a thread on channeling but I can offer something new: An insider’s view (I’m a proven channeler), combined with knowledge of
String Theory and various consciousness theories.
Note to Moderators at the bottom.
Channeling is not a perfect science, and although it now seems provable by scientific means, channeling is (until we create a "channeling phone" for
it) always going to be a subjective translation between two people/beings. So even if you choose to believe it's possible don't EVER expect perfect
information - mind you, I say this
as a channeler, not as a skeptic.
Channeling is a conversation between two people or beings. The beings may be of extra-terrestrial origin, incarnate or spiritual beings, people who
have passed on from this world, or even other living people. What makes channeling different than a typical conversation, besides the wide range of
people on the other end of the line, is that it takes special practice and training to open the "telephone line", as it were. Nearly anyone can be a
channeler. I'll give techniques on how to channel and how to develop the ability later in the thread.
A main aspect of understanding channeling is that it requires a diversion from our typical mindset that we are all totally separate individuals. It
may sound odd at first but think of it this way... you can think of a drop of water
ONLY as a drop of water, or, you could think of it as a
drop of water AND as a little bag of atoms and/or molecules of Oxygen and Hydrogen. Think of yourself as an individual, who also happens to share
energy with everything else in the world.
According to String Theory everything, yes
EVERYTHING is made of tiny particles. I'll explain that more accurately in a sec but take a look at
the following picture:
a wire looks like a two-dimensional line from far away, but if the observer is close enough and small enough, it actually has more dimensions. It
isn't just a line, it has depth, height, circumference, and length.
So we see that three dimensions can look like only two dimensions simply because we weren't close enough or small enough to see the true nature of
the wire.
EXACTLY the same way, 10 dimensions can look like 3 dimensions.
In string theory, the mathematics equations show that there are ten tiny little dimensions of reality, eleven when you count time, and they interact
to create a small vibrating string of energy. The energy string causes the little quantum pieces to come together and form the atoms and molecules
that make everything up. String theory is accepted as fact by most scientists nowadays but is not 100% proven other than by math.
If you find this interesting or want to know more about string theory check out this TED video by Briane Greene!
Reality is made of multiple dimensions but most are too small to see.
If you're standing a long way from a wire it looks two dimensional, even though it's actually three dimensional
If you're looking at a solid object it looks three dimensional, even though it's actually 10 dimensional.
Since most of us can't really do the "
I see dead people" thing in our day-to-day 3-D lives we need to access these other levels of reality
to speak with these beings. I'm gonna show you how.
A simple way to comprehend the levels of reality is by using my Stalactite Model. I came up with this years ago but, to my chagrine, later found out
that Carl Jung had come up with an incredibly similar model using the sea floor and islands years before I came up with mine... but anyway
Imagine for a moment that we have an eternal soul that lives
somewhere else before it comes to earth, then comes to earth to live in a human
body, then upon death returns home again. You
DO NOT need to believe this to believe in channeling, but just roll with it for a moment;
it will help you understand channeling better.
Based on the Stalactite Model pictured below:
The soul leaves the infinitely connected and all-knowing energy of the cave roof (imagine it as Nirvana or Heaven or whatever works for you) and
travels downward until it is fully in the tip of the stalactite.
When our soul occupies only the tip of the stalactite we view ourselves as distinct, separate individuals. This ignorance of the whole stalactite and
cave roof reality is literally "the human condition". Take a look at the model:
When we are born, we forget we are tied to infinite reality and that we once knew everything, and we become "individuals". We appear to ourselves
and each other as distinct points at the end of the stalactite, not knowing the cave roof or levels above us exist.
If you're standing in Starbucks waiting to order, that person in front of you "IS" a different person than yourself and every test will tell you
UNTIL you get small enough and close enough to see string theory in action.
The Stalactite model posted is unlabeled and reasonably basic, just to get the idea across:
The levels going up from the bottom of the stalactite stand for individual self, as the lowest level.
The next might be empathy - not everyone has it but it's a natural sense of caring for others.
The next level up stands for increased intuition - are you one of those people who knows when someone's going to call you? or what song will be on in
a store you're going to?
Next might be prophetic dreams or visions.
The next section is stronger psychic sense and awareness. I'd include an ability to use the mind's eye reasonably well to sense people's
perceptions, intentions, physical state and anomalies (like Reiki level II/III), etc.
The cave roof is what we might think of as enlightenment. Buddha, Jesus, various other amazing teachers and spiritual beings.
There are multiple dimensions of reality that most of don't recognize on a daily basis: they are too small to sense. However they do exist and can
explain the reality of many wonders in our world. When you are born as a human you forget that you are made of energy - it's simply part of being
human that we forget.
The mind is NOT located in some specific part of the brain - our brain is like a radio receiver picking up the outside reality (sorry I don't have a
link for this off hand and the subject may still be up for debate in some schools of neuro-Psychology). But let's move on anyway... imagine that in
our mind somewhere there is a little movie screen... if I say
Loaf of bread
somewhere in your mind you may have pictured a loaf of bread!
It is
THIS SCREEN, the "mind's eye" that we all have, that allows us to perceive other levels of reality. It just needs to be developed and
worked on!
So you may be wondering how the whole thing works? say - Tie it all together already!!
We all have the ability to use our mind's eye. It's such a common idea that most people never discuss it or think about it, but it is the place
where psychic ability, channeling, intuition, distance healing, dreams maybe?, are all happening. Take a look at the following picture, then I'll
explain in-depth.
Upper left is the entity to be channeled
Right side is the channeler
Lower left is the cave model comparison.
What we see here is similar to trance channeling in which the person basically leaves their body a little bit and then creates the connection. What
this teaches is finding the next level up the stalactite so you can sense who or what to channel. Then creating/willing the connection, followed by
the actual exchange of information.
There are many ways to channel. Some ways work for some people but don't work for others. I'll provide further in-depth directions further on.
I currently channel by simply sensing a being "out there", opening a designated place in my mind's eye and creating the connection. With years of
practice I have honed this technique AFTER doing the more beginning level steps of psychic protection, building up the mind's eye, astral travel/OBE,
Now for the
Channeling can be slightly dangerous. There are other people, entities, demons, and much more that wish to attach to you for energy or maliscious
purposes. It is a pain in the butt to get rid of them and sometimes you won't even know they are on you! Please, if you choose to engage in
channeling, do mind's eye-building excersises and research first. NEVER use drugs to "enhance your mind" before a channeling session or to get the
ability sooner - you will regret it.
I'll get to the guide very soon, but first....
I first started doing astral travel, remote viewing, and meditation about 20 years ago. I got pretty excited about it but also had a sense of
What if I'm crazy!?" so I decided to devise tests to make sure the information I was getting was real. I've already posted this is another
thread I wrote which also pertains to this thread quite naturally, so here's the link and the quote of my way of proving I wasn't crazy.
Electromagnetic spectrum causes visual range, what about range of material worlds?
Scientific Test Time
Here's how I verified to myself that astral travel and my OBEs were real.
I lived about 1/4 mile from a Target store (large department store). I couldn't see it or the road from any of my windows and had to walk a ways to
get there. To test I would go astral, remote view the parking lot of the Target store and see what cars I could tune in to. For example, I'd see a
white van, gold cadillac, and a red toyota next to each other and have a strong feel it was there - then I'd "come back" into my body and run over
to Target to verify. I was dead on accurate several times in a row!
Therefore - not crazy, nothing to see here, move on with discovering metaphysics.
NOTE TO MODERATORS - I have permission from ATS Admin Djarums to post from my own blog. The permission email is posted, as received, in the third
You may have noticed some of my recent channeling-related prediction threads. I channel a few different entities at the moment and keep a blog of the
interactions. The information has been quite accurate in predicting at least 4 earthquakes in the last few months! Here's the links for those if you
prefer proof of channeling before continuing.
Multiple Predictive Warnings about Myanmar Quake via channeling - Prediction... IT'S FIRST OF THREE
Last Four Major Earthquakes SUCCESSFULLY PREDICTED - posted online
Intuitive Choice - my channeling blog
I've channeled for more than 10 years and have dozens of personal stories proving (to myself) it's real - from the above predictions, to channeling
words I didn't know the meaning of, using words that make sense but are not part of the English language, finding out unknowable facts (like a list
of names written in a family Bible), the list goes on. I have no doubt.
Guide on the next page - go to it!
NOTES TO MODERATORS about moving this thread
We have gotten to a point that channeling can be explained by quantum theory, religion, philosophy, history and personal experience. It is time to
allow this genre of thought into the mainstream area of possibility. Please consider this before moving this thread. I understand if you feel you
need to move it, I just ask that you consider the reason rather than just routinely transferring it elsewhere because it has the word
channeling in it. Thank you.