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So, you have just conquered Earth.....Now what?

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posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:30 AM
The answer to your question "what would I do after taking over the world" is easier answered in a song I once wrote.

So here it is...pray I don't ever accomplish this anytime soon.

Song by me, titled "ME".

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:32 AM
i dont know, probably get more power mad(somehow) get some people on my side and start getting rid of all the other elites so i can have everything to myself

this is not just a joke i honestly think that is what will happen if this plan come to power, they will just wage war on eachother
edit on 16-4-2011 by connorromanow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:03 PM
In lifes little kaleidoscope one only has really simple pleasures. Apart from extremes money and power only give you location. Think clearly on this. A person can only eat till he's full. A person can only drink till he's drunk and generally can only have one woman at a time. NOW where one does those things in the world is what money gets you. Having a beer in your local dive and having a beer on a paradise island surrounded by beautiful women is totally different. My sincere appologies to all the feminists with this reply.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:16 PM
Every self respecting, power hungry, elitist devil worshiper should have a goal. Right? Maybe after they're done with us they can hit the road in search of other lovely planets to plunder and destroy. Endless possibilities. Sick bastards.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:00 PM
I have just conquered the whole entire earth. The first order of business would be to divide the worlds population up among land. Everyone would be perfectly spread out to a point to where they could reproduce up to a certain point to sustain life in there region. These regions, even though divided, would not be separate or cut off from one another. They all would be one and the same.

Since these regions would be divided up, so would all of earths resources. EVERY resource available on earth would be extracted for just that particular areas needs and distributed out evenly. No one would have more or less, that is depending on their birth rate. Reproduction would be the new education. You could even call it the religion. But the population would know and understand they it has to stop at a certain point. Each area according to landmass would have a reproduction cap.

There would be no more currency. The new currency is education. If you don't pursue an education and you don't work, you do not recieve the basic goods to sustain life. Education would start on the most basic elementary levels. It would start with indoctrinating the people to understand that there is no more status or reward for being "Better" than anyone else. They would learn that you don't just simply go after the jobs that are going to make you super successful like the "Old World" did. For instance it would be no longer better to be a doctor than say a janitor. All positions would have a purpose and would all be just as equally as important. It's just as important to have a clean society as it is to have a society that can help heal one another.

Before they are set to choose their career paths, early on they will be taught the importance of every job. No job is a bad job like it is today. Every job has its importance. So when it comes time to choose their "duties" they will be presented with choices of jobs that society will need done. For instance, the population will understand that not everyone can become a cook. They will learn in school early on that they must become what society needs at that current moment to keep it functioning.

If one day they decide they want to pursue other career paths, like say, they've been a dentist for the past 10 years and want to pursue something else. They can go down to the local "college" and talk with other up and coming pupils and trade with them. Like I said, education is the new currency. If an up and coming pupil would like to perform the tasks of a dentist, then they could trade with the current one and then the dentist could purse what that student was after and so on.

All countries would have food, water, and electricity distributed freely. This of course coincides with the jobs up above. If most of society had the chance to live without a currency and all have jobs, then I think that would take care of 90% of the worlds problems. I think the main thing as ruler of earth would be to do would be to just make sure theres fair order. Fair resource and land allocation. Make sure certain things are kept in place and protected and the rest of society will run itself autonomously.

Don't you all agree?

But it's going to take a society to be fully indoctrinated to understand this and to understand that a ruler of earth would have to have certain guidelines and principles he would have to follow to. Then you have to hope that human nature doesn't take control and let faults get the best of said ruler. Hopefully that ruler would be able to steer away from greed and wanting of more power. I think if you take away currency, really what power exists for there to be taken? None. The only real battle of the day is to live. Is to survive. And a society that works together will live and survive much easier. The ants do it, the Bees do it, hell, to them creatures, they probably think they control the world. Do you see them asking anyone permission for their resources? No, they take it, the Queen allocates it, they live together in harmony. Simple as that. Their queens preserve order, but fair and just order.

Smaller in stature, but 1000 times larger in living life and living in harmony together. I bet if there was a study done on ants and bees, I bet whom ever done such a study would find that all bees and ants die virtually stress free. We need to quit thinking like the giants of the earth we are with our large brains and all, and start paying better attention to the "lesser" species. Don't you think? We might could just learn our "biggest" lesson after all.

Take care.
edit on 16-4-2011 by J.Son79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 04:02 PM
what would i do the day after taking over the world?

sleep in.

no, seriously, i would.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by J.Son79

You have been reading this site; Illuminati havent you? I like the sound of a meritocracy too, but not one as controlled as you described, the way you described the new world order is creepy, and unnecessary.

As to the original OP, I have no idea what they are planning to do once they have it all, but I believe they are working on behalf of some other force, and that this force is going to bite them in the gonads just when they are getting ready to celebrate; lets see how hard they will be laughing then!!
I just pray they arent able to carry out their psychotic plans.... aholes

edit on 16-4-2011 by Rhebefree because: Thought of other stuff to say

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by J.Son79

I think your confusing the elitists with someone who gives a ******.

Considering I was mildly drunk when I wrote this thread Im surprised it has had any responses anyway. Im also surprised that people seem to not bat an eyelash at the fact that at the beginning of my post it clearly states the "elitists" have just killed 6 BILLION people. As if this is okay or something. Plus it is a good bet that out of the half billion survivors or so that someone has to know this was not an accident.

If I am that guy who knows who did it I wont be like..."Oh it was for he glory of the earth? Oh well, okay then haha my mistake carry on!" No I would probably start a war on the elites until they kill my group off.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by snowen20

snowen20 TPTB must have some good inside track info or they would have been satisfied long ago. If we're looking at the people who really work the marionette strings, they have the power & money to indulge any whim or lifestyle. Consider the incredible waste of natural resources and labor hours plus the loss of life, suffering & destruction of playing war. Then there is the price mankind pays for living in a highly manipulated social structure that best serves those with the most, with no regard for having retarded those peoples natural existence in harmony with nature and the strides that might have been made in personal spirituality.

Seems like no cost is too high.

I think TPTB have long held knowledge that was left behind for all to benefit from, back in the unknown days of the Missing Link, or perhaps from the days of Earth's creation.

Here we are in 2011 and people are still discovering incredible finds around the world. Caves and caverns are stumbled upon, or someone in Italy is digging in their cellar and finds underground rooms and hallways. Maybe TPTB have been going underground for a long time, using the found knowledge to guide them. Like a farmer may use the Almanac to plant, maybe TPTB use their found knowledge to make certain they are well dug in before TSHTF and Planet Earth is in for a cyclical cleaning that heavily decimates living things and changes the face of the planet some here and there.

The cyclical cleaning may not be every 'X' amount of years, and it may vary in form and magnitude, but are super catastrophes all the same. Maybe underwater activity, maybe volcanos, whatever.

After the big ugly passes, TPTB come up from the rabbit holes and the cycle begins again. Maybe this is why there are so many ultra-huge great unknowns around the planet that mankind still has not figured out today, even with their cellular telephones and laptops and learned degrees. There are many past civilization that rocketed past us long ago, we're still trying to catch up with the past.

We're still trying to catch up with the past.

TPTB don't share their found knowledge, so... I think The Who state it best, in this excerpt from The Punk and The Godfather ( Quadrophenia ):

You declared you would be three inches taller
You only became what we made you.
Thought you were chasing a destiny calling
You only earned what we gave you.
You fell and cried as our people were starving,
Now you know that we blame you.
You tried to walk on the trail we were carving,
Now you know that we framed you.

But I could be mistaken. Any way, when TPTB pop back out of their rabbit holes after it's deemed safe, you have a group of over-privileged entitled spoiled morally absent inbred control freaks that have been at each others throats for far too long. They miss their all-out debauchery and having their every whim quickly granted. Their underground lairs let them survive, but they do not emerge from the experience humble and grateful They splinter off into a few groups and civilization / competition begins anew once again, working toward a long-term goal of being top dog.

It could be something silly as that because people are the way they are. People can't get along after they have been exposed to things that derail their mind from living in harmony with nature. And as long as TPTB continue to be well dug-in before the next time TSHTF, they are going to keep coming out on top.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Rhebefree

No, i've never been to that site before. I just believe if everyone does their part, then there is no need for currency. Without currency, it breaks the "I have/need more then the next guy" mentality. In the society I try to describe, everyone is equal and does their part. A ruler is in place to make sure no one takes to much or tries to take away from others. Everything is equal. Everyone does their part so there is no need for currency or reward. Then everyone is happy and free to do as they please. I don't really see whats "creepy" about that.

I think that would be the perfect society, perfect way to live honestly. To not have a care in the world. Work hours would be cut shorter as well. The world would be healthier as a whole. No more of this being to poor to afford proper medicine or health care. No more starving. If everyone worked you'd really only be working a few hours a day or only doing your job when something would need to be done. No more of this working 8-12 hours a day stuff. Sure, it would be rocky in the start, but once everything and everyone got settled in, things would run smoothly. I just don't see how thats creepy.
edit on 16-4-2011 by J.Son79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by LargeFries

Good points you make there, I think that's kind of the answer I was looking for.
They seem to be smarter than people of their caliber should be. So something is going on. IMO

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by snowen20

Honestly, I think in order to bring about a society like I described, it would take a great "cleansing". Probably not 80%, but a strong figure. In order to bring about a society like I described, your going to have to do away with anyone who still has issues with wanting more than others or wanting wealth. You would have to do away with anyone that had ideas of opposing gods and religions. I'd be happy to do away with religion all together. I think it's just another obstacle that has held man back for 1000's of years. I believe it was invented in the first place to control people. All of it. In my idea society, you would have no need for this. But there are billions around the world that would not be able to let this go. They have grown up believing in this.

It makes me wonder if sometimes the elite may have this type of plan set out for the world. But in order to change the current structure, you may have to be "Elitist" to make a difference. Surely no poor person in todays world will. Sure, not every "elitist" has this idea in mind. Most would like nothing more but more and more power, more and more wealth. But, there could also be those out there that only acquire wealth to try and change the world to something like I described or something along those lines. In order to do that it would have to take a person of power. This current society structure would not allow it any other way. Now the real wonder is, is there anyone out there like that? Maybe. There may be someone out there that is an "elitist" that wants to do good for the world but we just don't see it. Or we don't understand the true complexity of what really must be done for the world to change. An elitist who is carrying out such a plan would have to keep it secret and could never unveil his or her true intentions. We just have to be careful of the ones that are trying to enslave and gain more for themselves.

Imagine today if a U.S. president or someone else of great political power was to stand up and declare the world equal and no more currency. Everything is free, but everyone has to do something. No body can sit around and free load. What do you think would happen to that person? He would gain just as many enemies as followers. People of power would put out so much propaganda against someone like that you wouldn't know what to believe. In order for great change to take place, it would take something huge to happen. Maybe a large group of elites are working towards this but we just don't know it. Maybe someone who doesn't want their "new world order" to succeed is turning people thoughts against them. Would the religious institutions do this? Why yes of course. Would the rich? Why yes. Just something to think about. Maybe this is the New World Orders plan all along and we truly are being misled.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by J.Son79

To put it simpler
Basically what you described is a mesh of Communism and Caste systems.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by J.Son79

Well you make it sound like it is wrong to be free. That being free is somehow a root cause of world flaws to this day. I can agree that too much of a good thing leads to decadence. But replacing what freedom a people do have with a controlling government that determines what you learn and how you learn it insomuch as to prevent open mindedness to an issue sounds pretty tyrannical to me.

Also, I can understand the problems with religion overall, but removing all governors for human acceleration may do more harm than good. Without a formal means of putting people in check and providing them with a strong reason for self sacrifice and self restraint combined with any form of reasonable self denial I think society would quickly find its way into a hell hole worse than anything religion ever brought about. The fact is people are more disposed to give up something in the name of a god or an afterlife than in the name of mechanical methodology. Perhaps a theocracy would be a better idea.. A One world religion for example. Though I see your point in the education being like a religion.

Lastly, do you honestly believe that the elites that are so notorious to this day honestly have such views on the world beyond a selfish reason? If they made it sound like a reasonable sacrifice for the greater good that would be one thing, but they don’t. They make it seem like a sick joke where they alone are the winners of a game.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by snowen20
reply to post by J.Son79

Well you make it sound like it is wrong to be free. That being free is somehow a root cause of world flaws to this day. I can agree that too much of a good thing leads to decadence. But replacing what freedom a people do have with a controlling government that determines what you learn and how you learn it insomuch as to prevent open mindedness to an issue sounds pretty tyrannical to me.

Also, I can understand the problems with religion overall, but removing all governors for human acceleration may do more harm than good. Without a formal means of putting people in check and providing them with a strong reason for self sacrifice and self restraint combined with any form of reasonable self denial I think society would quickly find its way into a hell hole worse than anything religion ever brought about. The fact is people are more disposed to give up something in the name of a god or an afterlife than in the name of mechanical methodology. Perhaps a theocracy would be a better idea.. A One world religion for example. Though I see your point in the education being like a religion.

Lastly, do you honestly believe that the elites that are so notorious to this day honestly have such views on the world beyond a selfish reason? If they made it sound like a reasonable sacrifice for the greater good that would be one thing, but they don’t. They make it seem like a sick joke where they alone are the winners of a game.

No, you have my plan mistaken. People would be far more free than they are anywhere on earth now. What enslaves people is lack of wealth or to a point wealth in general. Especially in the United States. You would have the choice to go to school and become whatever it is you wanted to be.

See, the way we live now, it is hard to comprehend my ideal society. Even though it may sound like the gov't is making them choose jobs, but really they wouldn't be. That concept is hard to grasp now because thats how we live today. For instance, what if right now you had the choice of being a cook at any restaurant you wanted to, or becoming a cardiologist or the c.e.o of a large corp.? In today's structure you would choose the latter. Because of income purposes. But in a society where there's no currency, you would choose the job of cooking. Why? Much less stress. Would you really want the responsibility of managing 5000 people and making sure everything they did was for success of the company? Or would you like to enjoy cooking for a few hours day? Or have the responsibility of someones life in your hands while you operate on them? See which is the easier and least stress free? Obviously the cooking.

Okay, in my ideal society, if everyone just transfered over to that tomorrow, most people would take the jobs that hardly anyone wants today. Why? Because they are easier, and if everyone was working, unlike they are today, then you would have more people helping. So your work hours would be far less shorter. But in my society there would be no need for C.E.O.'s after profit. Only managers responsible of ordering goods and making sure people work and that sort of thing in that particular industry. No more worry over profit. That sort of thing would be a thing of the past. But none the less its still a lot more pressure to watch over 5000 people then say someone who is only assigned to cooking. Therefore your going to have the problem of everyone wanting the lazy jobs. See what I mean? That's if everyone from todays standards switched to that system tomorrow.

So it would have to be a must for people to understand that they must not only choose the jobs they want to do, but also they must choose for the better of society as a whole. Which obviously is going to be must anyway for this type of thing to work or really ANY truly free society. I mean, come on, you have to have people working if there is to be no currency. Take away currency and everyone is going to have to work. It's only fair. No society would survive if that were the case.

It's not necessarily making people do certain jobs. Its showing them a list of what's in demand, and like I said in an earlier post they would always have the opportunity to change that position later on. That's why this is nothing like communism. Even today some people like to cook more than others, those would be the cooks of the world. Some people are natural born leaders. These would be the managers. Some people truly want to help others get better if they're sick. These are the people who'd become doctors and nurses. Some people just want to live and do whatever they can to help. These would be the people that would take on odd jobs just that, to help.

Think of all the people out of work today in every country. Especially places like Africa, and lower South America. All the poor people of India. All the disabled people all over the world. All these people could now choose the proper jobs for them. Think how this alone would reduce the work load. This would also open up tons of people to fill every position imaginable. But once you take away currency, it's also going to take away a lot of useless business and services that have only been created for the purpose of making currency. See what I mean.

Think of all the people in the world right now that didn't excel in school, not because their stupid, dumb, or incompetent, but just because the way they were taught wasn't right for them. All of these people are going to have a chance now. Think of the people that could be better scientist or doctors then what we have out there today, but can't practice what they love because they couldn't afford college? All of this would be eliminated. I'm talking about the people living right now who have a natural love for this thing. These are the people that would fill that role happily NOW without pay. Think for a moment of everything you love to do, now that's what you would be doing for a job. Things you naturally love to do that are productive. Everybody has something in them that they love to do that is productive and would help society. Something that they love to do so much they would do it without pay. These are the things my society would thrive on.

Education for the first part of their lives would teach them how they got to where they are today and why and what mistakes were made in past civilizations. How if society is to function without currency then people must understand that they have great role to play and that it to help one another in some form or another. These basic principles would be the first thing people learn. Along with the basics, likes laws and decency, morals, things of that nature. Then in their teen years they would start deciding on what they may want to be. They would get practice helping out in the community doing odd jobs here and there. Figuring out what they love and enjoy. Then if they decide thats what they want to do, then the last years of their schooling would be to hone and perfect their ideal job in society or for the community. A few years down the road if they decide they want to do something else, no problem. They can. Its an easy transition to the next job.

In todays world it's unheard of for someone to go to school for all those years and pay all that money and become a doctor, and then decide they want to be a store manager, or lawyer and switch. It's unheard of. Hardly ever happens. In my society it will easily happen. I understand the need for change in a human beings life. I understand thats a HUGE part of human life. Think about how many times you've changed in the years you've been alive. So it will not just be a choice, it will be welcomed, encourage to switch professions.

Now about the Elites of today, what I was saying was, it's possible that some "may" be like that. Keyword, "may". Most of course are not. Which to me currency is the root of all problems today anyway. It's the reason for war, famine, sickness, enslavement, and on and on. Every problem you think of, some how or another currency is the root of it. Most elites thrive on currency. But what I was trying to say is, its possible that there could be some elites that are trying to do "good" for humanity. Because it's going to have to come from someone like that. Someone who has the resources to use against the oppressors. Your going to have to use their on tools against them. If every man on this earth had nothing but their fists for protection, then the man whom owns missiles will surely enslave the rest, hold unbridled power over every one. But the man or men who can get those missiles also to fight back aren't necessarily evil just because they posses a missile. Sure, from the outside it may appear that way. But now he can fairly challenge the man with missiles that has been enslaving everyone. Now he/they have a means to fight back, a fair fight if you will. Money is no different. It's a weapon as much as it is anything else.

I was trying to say earlier that there could be some out there like that. All Elites may not be like we think. If they are though, they would not be able to speak their true intentions. We wouldn't know it, nor may we necessarily agree with what they are doing currently. But who knows, I doubt there is anyone like that, but you just never know. See what I mean? Wouldn't it be something if that's the real Illuminati/NWO/PTB agenda?
edit on 17-4-2011 by J.Son79 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-4-2011 by J.Son79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by J.Son79

Understood and fair enough….but…. what if someone decided they wanted to worship a god?
What if someone had an incident or continuing incidents that made them look beyond science for answers, or even had experiences that currently at that time science could not answer. Would they be allowed to freely pursue their ideal lifestyle even if it did not include the perceived life that a state would offer? What if they started recruiting others and were quite non violent. Would they be “corrected” or would they be allowed to do as they wish and live freely?

What happens to people who are unable to work and what about the people whose minds change and they begin doing things that are harmful to nature? What about cults that spring from such action? Not religious cults per se but specifically idealistic views on political methodology.

Would people be allowed to freely question their rulers, and if so would they even be free to oust them if they felt they were abusing power? Bear in mind this can all spring from the open minded ideas of a single person. How do you account for this problem without finding yourself in our current existence?
Did that make sense?
Thanks for the good posts by the way.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by snowen20


Oh how could I resist to answer this question.

We could do without the whole genocide, sterilization bit though. No need for that.

There's two playbooks that are a major influence on the direction of COBRA.

Atlas Shrugged and Starship Troopers

As you may know Atlas Shrugged is a pre collapse novel about the titans of human civilization who go on a global strike in response to bureaucratic collectivism dominating world governments. The global strike results in societal collapse. In the aftermath, the titans emerge to rebuild the world.

Starship Troopers is a post collapse novel, where a new global social order is established in the form of the Terran Federation. The Terran Federation is a stratocracy that emphasizes Federal Service. It has two social classes: Citizens and Civilians. Citizens are members of society who have served and as such they have privileges that civilians don't, such as the privilege to vote, to hold office, etc.

Now take those two books and imagine Atlas Shrugged is vol. 1 and Starship Troopers is vol.2.

Imagine the combination of John Galt's/Ayn Rand's Objectivism with Robert Heinlein's stratocratic federation.

What would be the result?

A social order that emphasizes reason, individual liberties, laissez faire capitalism, and federal service.

Welcome to the Objectivist Stratocracy.

In the immediate aftermath of the collapse, law and order would have to be restored. The first step would be the establishment of an International Provisional Authority. The IPA would then recruit relief workers and peacekeepers for its Security, Stabilization and Assistance Force and Relief, Reconstruction Teams. Humanitarian relief and peacekeeping operations would commence. Some places would recover faster than others and a worldwide Marshal Plan would be enacted by the IPA.

Everyone who served in any capacity, whether it be SSAF or R&R teams would be rewarded with full citizenship within the new supranational federal republic. The establishment of a supranational legislature or intercontinental congress would be the main priority once a majority of the planet had been stabilized. This new legislative body would have representatives of every citizen on the planet.

The legislature's first order of duty would be to hold a constitutional convention. The new constitution would detail a bill or charter of universal rights and citizens privileges.
Included in among the universal rights would be:

1. Universal freedom from censorship
2. Universal freedom of faith and philosophy
3. Universal freedom of armed self defense and security
4. Universal freedom of privacy and private property
5. Universal freedom of income and wages (no income tax)
6. Universal freedom of justice and innocence
7. Universal freedom of trade and barter (no tarrifs)
8. Universal freedom of information and communication (everyone has internet access and cell phones)
9. Universal freedom of assembly and association
10. Universal freedom from monopolies, unions, and political parties.
11. Universal freedom of mobility and travel (no passports, drivers certificates/liscenses are free)
12. Universal freedom of service and citizenship

Included among citizens privileges:
1. The Privilege to vote.
2. The Privilege to hold office.
3. The Privilege to lobby.

The new constitution would also outline the government structure, checks and balances, and federal service.

Examples: The new legislature would be tricameral. The three chambers would be a popularly elected assembly (headed by a prime minister in charge of intranational affairs), an executive chamber appointed by the assembly (headed by a president in charge of international relations), and a chamber of tribunes appointed for life by the executive. Each chamber would also correspond to a section of government. Only the popular assembly would be able to introduce bills. Bills would require the approval of the executive chamber and assent of the chamber of tribunes before it could become law. Tribunal assent would prevent the need for legal cases to determine the constitutionality of legislation. They would determine the constitutionality before it even became law.

I could go on further into detail, but it would literally take up a whole book, but this gives someone at least some kind of idea what kind of system could be in place if Rand and Heinlein wrote a political manifesto and how COBRA would govern the world.

edit on 17/4/11 by MikeboydUS because: s

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by connorromanow
i dont know, probably get more power mad(somehow) get some people on my side and start getting rid of all the other elites so i can have everything to myself

this is not just a joke i honestly think that is what will happen if this plan come to power, they will just wage war on eachother
edit on 16-4-2011 by connorromanow because: (no reason given)

I wasn't joking either...Psychopaths are just that...psychopaths. Them living in harmony is like throwing a bunch of snakes in a basket. No-go. They need us " cattle " to survive, like parasites.

So them killing off 80% off the population and not turning on each other at some point is highly unlikely. It's not about money for a psychopath, it's about power. Pure dominance and superiority over someone else.

Personally I would love to see that. Bunch of Psychos turning on each other, cause they don't have anybody to f over but each other?...priceless.
edit on 17-4-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

*Stares blank faced*.............So,...why are we against Cobra again?
Seems the elites in this scenario have good idea, and if that's the case I vote for Cobra.
Down with the "real" American Hero, up with COOOBBBBRRRRAAAAAA!!!!!.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by dude69

That's a good point that it seems people over look to often when it comes to dealing with these people.
If there is one constant throughout history it is that we have been slaves, food, energy or something to these people. For them to get rid of us willy nilly and carry on with there business is a raising BS flag.

They may hate us and feel too good for us, but I think we are integral in their future plans even if such plans are sinister in nature. Also people forget they are psychopaths.

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