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People that use others Sympathy for Personal gains are Dispicable....

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posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:01 PM
While I visiting a recent post about giving to the poor,whether or not you would rather give to an inividual or chairty,it reminded me of how fed up I am of those buckets with sad little pictures of a sick children on them that are placed at local convienant stores, asking you for your money. Well I think its about time that before these stores allow people to place them inside,they should do a backround check or something to make sure that the people arent trying to use others compasion towards profit...

I have seen this more than a few times. Where I live,its a smaller community where everybody knows everybody and their business. Its rather annoying but thats what I get for not being able to have chosen where I was born...Anyway,one of the more recent examples was someone I have known since we were kids and knew for a fact that they didnt need the money for what they said it was going to be used for. Their story wa sad. She had a baby and he ended up having a benign tumor on his brain that needed to be removed. Now heres the problem. The little message on the container said thatthe money was needed for the surgery. That seemed funny to me because she is a LPN at the hospital and has full medical coverage. The same my mom has that for surgeries it only makes you pay the co-pay. So the surgery and medical bills were completely paid for. Another funny coinsidence is that around the same time as the surgery she had just purchased a new car. So,if they needed money for the surgery why go out and buy a new car when that money could be used for it? Exactly!!! There was no need for it. They figured that they would use the sad story and try to male bank off of it and I think that is absolutely disgusting...

Theres other examples too...Like another one that I saw was a families house burnt down. Tragic story I know,but not if they had full insurance to cover it...So why ask for money from others? What for their loss that was paid for anyway? For their suffering from losing their home? Why should they be allowed to make others feel bad,the people that are ignorant to their situation end up losing out. Maybe they shouldnt have left candles burning in the bathroom and they would still have had their home...

Now Im not saying that everyone that places the charity buckets around are doing it for their own selfish reasons...I know that most really need the help when trajedy happens to them and thats fine and dandy..I have no problem helping those in need. What I do have a problem with is people abusing and using others sympathy to get some extra cash in their pockets......

Has anyone else ever come cross one of these and known that the people asking for help were doing it for the wrong reasons? What do you think about this?

Or do some of you think its ok for people to use this in that way that in which the examples I provided did?

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by gdaub23

If you need proof of validity before you put your change in one of those cans, then don't put your change in the can if you aren't comfortable. People are well aware that it could be a scam, so its their choice to donate or not. It's not like they are donating huge amounts of cash. The same thing can be said for pan handlers.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:36 PM
I want to say thanks for reminding people of this. It's almost automatic for a lot of people to put their change in those jars. I thought of this just yesterday when I was in a convenience store and saw one of them. It had a very professionaly-printed-looking sign on it claiming it was for the Japanese EQ/tsunami victims. What's worse is that the clerk, getting ready to hand someone their change, held it over the jar and gave the guy a quizzical look. He nodded his head, and she went ahead and dropped it in the jar. Who knows who put that jar there? Did someone just come in and ask if they could put it there? Did the clerk's son or little brother make it on their color laser printer at home? I don't know; how does anybody know? But dollars to donuts it wasn't the Red Cross....

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by nunya13

to me it matters whether its 10 dollrs or 10 cents...if people are using it the wrong and for the wrong reasons they shouldnt get anything...and penies do add up

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by gdaub23

This practice says more about the store. If you trust the store then you can usually trust the money in the jar is going to the cause they're sponsoring.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by nunya13

Yes you do! That's like those little kids who sit at the grocery store and take donations for "the poor starving kids in Africa." I have a good friend who lives in Africa and runs a small orphanage for girls. He tells me that of the millions of dollars send over there, he doesn't get a dime. It all goes to the warlords. My friend has to buy everything from the black market. Remember this next time you feel obligated to put some money in that jar.
Most charities take up to 70% for administration too.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by gdaub23
reply to post by nunya13

to me it matters whether its 10 dollrs or 10 cents...if people are using it the wrong and for the wrong reasons they shouldnt get anything...and penies do add up

Exactly! There was a leaflet in the Guardian newspaper last week from Amnesty International. I think that Amnesty do essential work, but this leaflet was guilt heaped upon guilt. If I didn't give money, I didn't care. How much did it cost to design, print and distribute that? All the other big charities are the same. And you should see what some of their senior administrative and fundraising staff get paid, a fraction sometimes of what those on the frontline get. It is ridiculous.

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 02:08 AM
I carry a lot of change and I give to the poor when and where I see them. This way I know where my money is going. This old guy needs a 6 pack. She needs some tops and tobacco.
Usually, I don't care where they spend it. Can tell real poor from the professional panhandlers by the smell. If I see Eagle Scouts or Veterans or like that I keep singles ready in my car ashtray for them. This way I don't feel guilty passing on all those mysterious "jars" and when the television ads come on I change the channel. Other than my local poor and our fire and ambulance service (you reach a certain age lol) I give nothing to no one, never.

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