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Can We Make Yet Another Mistake?

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:12 AM
There is and always will be a debate and discussion about past presidents, whether you were for or against them. You would think that we would already be familiar with they way that elections work, the lies that are told during our so called "analyzing" the candidates.

With the rumors that are already circulating about the potential presidential candidates. I ask. Did we learn anything? What would you do this time that you didn't do before, and do you think that it even matters? I have a feeling that this election can go into to many directions right now, not excluding the possibility that someone we are 100% sure we do not want to hold the seat, will win, and an uprising may occur here in the US.

I know that over the next year we will (here on ATS) really look into all potential candidates, and we I am sure will see some surprises, and there will be some upset, but can we, as a nation actually make sure that we will not make the same mistakes... again?

Peace, NRE

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:00 AM
Honestly, I don't think it matters. Its sad, because I wish it did.

We could spend years analyzing how they're going to be in office, but we're still being lied to and its hard to read into a lie. This is obvious, but they will/can/do say anything to be elected and further the agenda of their controllers.

The only thing I learned is that no matter who wins, nothing will change.

...unless I can vote for Jesse Ventura.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:09 AM
Maybe we should be looking into the Bilderberg thing....

Someone I know told me that the winner is ALWAYS one that they invite to a dinner. Not sure how accurate tha is, but rather alarming to think about.

Some people, though, assuming we do choose, will not learn. Already clear, as some refuse to place any blame at all on the sitting president. Plus, the same thing is happening again on the Republican side, with no clear single person being supported by all. That sort of division is why we lost last time. Some would not vote for McCain, because he wasn't their favorite pick (wasn't mine...), and voted 3rd party. Sadly, the way things are, that's like throwing your ballot in the trash.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:12 AM
I thought we had all agreed on the two guys that run this taco shack?

or Boondock or whatever?
Did I miss something

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by Rustami
well if they do not run i think i will right in Donald duck for prez at lest he will get his feet wet and no one will know what he saying.
On the serious note of this i think this 2012 election will be the worst of them all we have the current blow hard, The only good thing about him is the quick and not drawn out pres address.
Then one we all now and would like to use our TV sets as target practice Donald Trump, (at least i would)
then there is talk of all things Glen ,yes that freak loving freak Beck, shoot my self, Mitt Romney
last but not least Ron that's my boy Paul, my god have mercy on us all, i se no one there voting for, well ok Donald Duck.

edit on 13-4-2011 by bekod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:52 AM
I have voted for president 13 times.
Of my 13 votes I have voted for the winner 3 times.
Of my 13 votes only 5 were cast with pride.
Of my 3 winning votes i was proud of none.
I have voted for democrats and I have voted for republicans.
I have voted for third parties both liberal and conservative.
I have voted for, and I have voted against.

The options I have been given election after election have been simple.
Bad or Worse.
Or third party which will garner at best, 19% of the popular vote and 0 in the Electoral College.

Just how stupid can I be?
Just how stupid can we ALL be?

In our two hundred and how many years we have had the choice of

Black men...................1
Rich white guys............all the rest.

Is this a joke? Is this a fraud? Is this democracy?

No. It is an insult, and I will be insulted no longer.

It will take a lot more than Ron Paul to get me in that booth again.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Can We Make Yet Another Mistake?
'If USA cant do it no one can' - for once I would agree with this line of thinking

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

Black men..........1
Rich white guys....all the rest.

So you think that rich woman, or a rich black guy will somehow change anything? Or are you under the delusion that a regular jane or jermaine might actually have a shot at winning even a primary, let alone an election?

edit on Wed, 13 Apr 2011 05:45:13 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 07:18 AM
Isn't it time that we evolve our politics and how we create laws and let people govern over us? I'm thinking with a lot of other people that we have the ability to vote on the issues at hand as a whole people instead of voting for these officials who barely do anything, go on vacation with our tax money and than nothing gets done. sure most people dont even vote because they feel like they dont know what they are voting for or who to vote for. We have the technoogy. We were always able to do this, but now at this time.....IT WOULD BE SO EASY. You could do it from your cell phone or normal mail hahah + 100 more ways

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 07:38 AM
I think the most important thing to do besides voting is educating friends family on other candidates that they know little about because of their own ignorance & msm not giving them enough coverage. A lot of people just go along with the crowd, it's easier for them to do that than think for themselves. So if you like a candidate make sure you tell others why you think he is a good choice.....don't leave it up to the tv to tell them.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:11 AM
Question you asked, Can you make another mistake.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:44 AM
Doesn't the American president by definition represent a minority? I mean voter turnout is usually around 55% of the voting-population, which is less than half of the total population. Little over half of that number votes for the winner and how many of those actually vote for him because they support him, rather than voting for him because they dislike the other guy even more?

So whoever wins, we already know for a fact that 80 to 90 % of all Americans do not really support him. Therefore, yes, after the whole election circus, the vast majority will claim it to be a mistake. That very same majority will then let itself be distracted by Justin Bieber and his ilk and all will remain as it is.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

So you think that rich woman, or a rich black guy will somehow change anything? Or are you under the delusion that a regular jane or jermaine might actually have a shot at winning even a primary, let alone an election?

Ya know tkdrl, I debated with myself over adding that little chart at the end of that post.

To answer your first question, from the rest of my post it should be clear that I do not. The post in it's in its entirety is meant to express my dissatisfaction and and current rejection of U.S. Presidential elections. To answer your second question which you phrased rather antagonistically, no, I am under no such delusion.

Back to the little chart that seems to have raised your ire. The facts speak for themselves. Until two years ago they read 0-----0------all the rest. Simple. Plain. A cold and succinct apodeictic statement of the imbalance of the electoral process as I could think of late at night as I was falling asleep.

So what's with you tk? Something there seems to have gotten your goat from the tone of your questions.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

id we learn anything? What would you do this time that you didn't do before, and do you think that it even matters?

I think the American people learned that you can't just fall for the "change" line, and should pay attention to a guy's record. His poor attendance should have been indicative of all the vacations he'd take as President, for example. Seemed every time I saw this guy in the news he was on vacation.

What would I do differently? Nothing. I voted for who I thought would represent my interests (even though I knew he wouldn't win). Still though, I registered my choice, for all it mattered.

If EVERYONE voted based on their ideals, vs. who they think could realistically win, then yes, I do think it would matter. Of course, the people really in charge don't change with elections, but the president still has some key power, and the choice does matter.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:16 AM
We do not vote for our president. The whole thing is indeed a scam.
We all know that the president is chosen by the electoral college, yet did you know that there is no constitutional or federal law requiring electors to vote according to the popular vote?

There are however state laws requiring their electoral representatives to vote according to the popular vote...
... only 26 states that is. The rest can vote however they please, though are expected to vote their party lines.

Now ask yourself this, even for those states with state law requirements to adhere to the popular vote, how many people in those states are aware of that and how much oversight do you think there actually is?
There is nothing, absolutely nothing that prevents any election from being bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists and party politics.

We, The People, are incidental.
Never kid yourself that you have any say.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

I was just being an ass, I do that from time to times.

Sometimes it ends up sparking some good conversation, other times people just try to smack me.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:23 PM

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that prevents any election from being bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists and party politics.

We, The People, are incidental.
Never kid yourself that you have any say.

While technically correct, I think there'd be quite an uproar in modern times if the electoral votes didn't jive with the popular vote. The real problem may be in the reporting of the popular vote, and how to ensure we're getting accurately reported results.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:38 PM
Basically my feelings on every election that I have ever voted in.


posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by dethduck
We do not vote for our president. The whole thing is indeed a scam.
We all know that the president is chosen by the electoral college, yet did you know that there is no constitutional or federal law requiring electors to vote according to the popular vote?

There are however state laws requiring their electoral representatives to vote according to the popular vote...
... only 26 states that is. The rest can vote however they please, though are expected to vote their party lines.

Now ask yourself this, even for those states with state law requirements to adhere to the popular vote, how many people in those states are aware of that and how much oversight do you think there actually is?
There is nothing, absolutely nothing that prevents any election from being bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists and party politics.

We, The People, are incidental.
Never kid yourself that you have any say.

I am glad that someone finally "got it".

We have NO SAY when it comes to the Presidential Elections, it is all an illusion to make us think we have some kind of choice.

Whoever will win in 2012 has already been chosen by those who truly are in power and nothing John Q. Public can do will change that (unless you go the route of the "Lone Nut".)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Whoare the gods that are returning?

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