reply to post by Ucabearbone
There is no religion on earth that I approve of, but Yeshua, a totally different story, and have already had enough of an experience to know that
he's not a metaphor. Though if he had been, the way to pass the tests were still given.
They used his message, ministry, for their new sungod religion, because his words held truth and light and drew people, then they abused his words,
cut alot of them out, and reformatted this into control, to mean the opposite to what he taught, obey, don't seek within, its occultism, etc etc.
If you did what he said, and even Matthew 13, the sower, the part where he says, that no one here, and that includes in church's, can see, we're
blind and deaf, in a matrix, where everything is backwards, where war veterans are heros, where War is Peace, where loving and equalizing people like
the Early Christians did is a pink commy thing to do, where the reputation of a person is what they own and how they dress, and the movies they watch,
the idols they follow. But he said, the key words, if we asked for healing, to see, we would be healed.
In fact, if your eyes are filled with Light and Love only, and you take out constantly any judgments or negative thoughts, and seek only positive,
words can form, reform when you're reading scripture or even any inspiring nonfiction, fiction or poetry, anything. You can always recognize the
love and that which is not love.
All religions are coded with black squares and white squares by the controllers, not alot of white mind you. You can choose to see God as a pyramid
and miss the words they did let in, that imply more than One Being, the inverted pryamid, Equal and Infinite Progressing Family, you can choose to see
someone who is jealous, smiting, and a war general, killing all the conquered races and putting disobedient teens to death, OR, you can actually
follow in the footsteps of Yeshua, and practice unconditional love, forgiveness of all, and do what the Sun really does, serve everyone like the
Parents do, for it is the Projector of the Hologram and streams this in. Be the sunlight, and serve others, be a warm and loving ray, and serve
others, reach into your infinite potential, like Yeshua suggests go within, and connect, find that pearl, and do greater works than he did. For your
infinite (there is no time) self, in progression is a superstar. So how you can you fail. Even writing that I need to go back into meditation, and
seek more direction. It makes me realize what can we do?
If we're following him and connecting to our infinite potential, what can we do? Well we should be able to do more than this! If we're the only
light in a darkness, our infinity is equal to the infinity around us, and we can shine our light.
That is what Yeshua taught. Budda was a seeker, Yeshua, was his Higher Self, superman in the system, and had found, already passed the tests.
I had a meditation where he appeared, and unlocked a city. I meditated in my pool garden in the sun. He put a waterfall there and suddenly
levitating monks appeared so the waterfall was about turning all negative to positive.
His robe was whiter than white, pure white, glowing gleaming white. And it mean purity. Pure selfless unconditional love and service to others.
Then in Dec 21, with the red moon eclipse, just after the geminid meteor shower I had a vision akin to the 7th seal, a preshadowing of it. For an
hour I was asking my sons what they were seeing and trying to draw what I saw. Not a moon like they did, but these stacking almost like a flexible
slinky, slivers of crescent tops, pure, gleaming white. Whiter than White. The Lamb. Purity. Pure gentle love. So much kindness and beautiful
love. And these discs formed a dove and then a man shape (those are the words that came in my mind when they changed).
I knew no matter what will happen, to not be afraid. Love is holding his hand to all of us. Will we take the hand of Love, and be Love, be
transformed to Love?
These people are so far removed from their concepts of Christianity. They are M Kultra victims, a part of a conspiracy to ridicule Yeshua's message
and to add to the negative harvest of the planet. The planet where War is Peace, and Hate is Love, and all is backwards and we're meant to see
through it.
We don't have to be religious to do this.