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The illusion of freedom.

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posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:42 AM
I am a united states citizen i am my country..or at least that is what i have been told threw out my life.
But if that is so how come our goverment and elected officals do not ask what we think and call a vote on a law or possible war?

Like obamacare.
Did i as a united states citizen ask for or even get to vote on something that is gonna change the fabric of america?
Of course we didnt cause it would not have passed.
There for you had no say in your goverment and your goverment is not for you.
there for themselves and there special interests.

Wars in libya iraq ect...
We are the untied states we are suppose to be the backbone the heart of america.
Yet why are we never asked or at the very minimum call a state vote to see if as a whole we deem war necessary.
We are the people are we not?
Give us a say.
When we go to war the country hates us as a whole for it.
I am tired of being hated for wars i had no say in sending my kids to fight for.
So give us a say so at least they have a valid reason for hating the west in general.

We elect officals per state to be our voice...But when they do not allow us to open our mouths what good is that voice in congress?
That man or woman in congress has no idea what his state wants if they are to coward to call votes on every law he deems is worthy to pass .

The laws of congress and obama force threw with out a vote from the united states citizens.
has got out of control.

It is not freedom when you are forced to buy health insurance people..IT IS NOT.
it is not freedom when you and our great great great grandkids get stuck with a debt so huge...from bailign out failed banks because obama said so
in fact that is called slavery..our children and our childrens children are now born into slavery in a way to pay back what obama has done.

But i say WE ARE NOT FREE!!!
sure you think you are but you are not.

The country would be 100% better if the american people...WE THE PEOPLE!!!!
actually got to have a say.
Every law every war should be passed as a vote via each state and OUR elected offical to speak it for us.
Not our elected offical makes our minds up for us.
That is why we vote so WE THE PEOPLE have a say again.

I bet any thing the american people would have let the failed banks and ceo rott.
But our cowards elected as voices of the PEOPLE..only heard obamas voice.
That folks is not right.

This is not a rant i speak the truth.
Freedom is not freedom if you never have a say.
as it works now they give you a illusion of freedom.
They let you vote a few times a year on pety stuff.
vote to elect a official..but he never aks for you advice..or never takes the states stance.

So its all a illusion this country is not free anymore.
Freedom is just a idea dumb people now go to bed at night thinking of to have good dreams.

Well that is all and remember if you DO NOT have a say in what happens in america...YOUR COUNTRY.
WE THE PEOPLE doesnt exist.
and obama care is just a easy target for my example.
You have no say people obama has told you to STFU and you listen

edit on 10-4-2011 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2011 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:53 AM
If you believe the system is run the way THEY tell you it's run, then nothing happening in politics makes any sense at all. It's counter productive and completely illogical.
If you see politics as a business and 'we the people' are the commodities, then things make a lot more sense.

The gov't knows most of us are going to be very sick in 2014 and beyond, they are preparing for the influx of sick and the costs involved. This is why it doesn't make any sense to us now as to why WE have to pay around $1000 per month mandatory for healthcare in the near future. They are breaking us all down pretty hard and we are going to be feeling it very soon.
edit on 10-4-2011 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Wow, it must suck to be North American. What is this universal healthcare thing anyway? If it's anything like we have here in Australia then YES, dammit, it's a good thing! Our system isn't without its flaws, but I'd much rather pay some tax and be able to afford healthcare! I have money now I'm working a good government job, but when I was at university I couldn't afford anything after rent, food and transport. I needed our healthcare system!

Perhaps your Obama is implementing a new system regardless of what the majority think because it is beneficial? I always adhere to the saying "Wisdom should rule, not the majority". I also like logic.

That rant over, the limitations of freedom are quite disgusting. People are increasingly of the mentality where, "If I'm not doing anything wrong, then why should I worry about being under constant control and surveillance?" The power of a government to change laws in the blink of an eye is impressive, although on a sickening scale.

A government living in fear of its people is the only government that might actually work.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:04 AM
But freedom is is a word a idea.
Freedom of choice ect..

And with obama care there is no choice.
Its FORCED on us.
Buy insurance for your body or go to jail or pay a fine.
that is not freedom.

it is everything but.

I am not saying your country's don't run fine with universal healthcare.
It doesnt make you evil or anything.

But as a person who loves my freedom that also includes me getting a choice.
I think you kinda have to be a american to understand this argument.
No offense lol

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

You're a racist idiot. If someone from another nation cannot comment on your post, then why the hell would you post? Do you really lack enough intelligence to not be able to explain yourself succinctly and with clarity? Seems as though the U.S. stereotype of sheer, unjustified arrogance rings true.

Inhibitions on freedom occur all over the world. You think you've got it bad? Spare a thought for some Islamic nations who ordain that their women must cover themselves, and that any women who is not a virgin when she is arranged a marriage shall suffer an "honour killing". Seriously, harden the hell up. You don't want restrictions on your precious freedom? Then leave your country!

Also, top fact for the day: other nations exist outside the U.S.! Wow!

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by DeepThoughtCriminal

have you lost your mind?
I said if he wasnt american he didnt really have a idea of how the average non politically correct american thinks.

as in we care about our freedoms even if its freedom of choice.
if he is from a country with universal healthcare and is fine with it...that that proves my point.

I did not say he couldn't post lol
+ it wouldn't be racist lol even if i did say that lol

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

I personally would love to have any kind of health care. I have yet to have a claim honored by the insurance companies. Thank God for my union, at least they provide something if hurt on the job.

I would much rather pay some taxes for health care than have my insurance payments be for nothing except to pay for some executive of a company's second home in Aspen.

And why should politicians get the finest health care available with MY TAX DOLLARS. Don't I as a taxpayer deserve the same benefits?

I think universal health care is a good idea. You don't speak for me.

And as far as freedom in the political arena.,,, Do you contact your representatives by phone or emails and let them know your feelings? Do you write letters? Do you attend political functions and contact your local politicians and let them know how you feel? I do!

edit on 10-4-2011 by whaaa because: iioi

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by whaaa

agreed but you in the lower % of americans.
some love to be told what to do..kind of a cuckold syndrome.

But a lot more love freedom of choice more than universal healthcare.
and they never got a say in the matter.
and that is not american.
If you did not have a say in a matter that impacts every americans life including your own.
You are not free.
and there for not a true american.
its WE THE PEOPLE not we the congress or we the obama.
Just cause 1 person or 40% think its ok doesnt make it so.
it needs to be 51% and obama care would not have 51% of the american people behind it and you know it.
So until the peoples voices are heard and listen too.
you are not a free man your a servant nothing more.

edit on 10-4-2011 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by TheAmused
reply to post by whaaa

agreed but you in the lower % of americans.
some love to be told what to do..kind of a cuckold syndrome.

I don't find that funny. I find it very insulting.

You don't know me, my ideology, political persuasion. Just because I have a different opinion you feel the right to insult me, marginalize and segregate me. I get it, you want your freedoms as you interpret them but everyone else is SOL. Freedom.....right!

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by TheAmused
reply to post by whaaa

agreed but you in the lower % of americans.
some love to be told what to do..kind of a cuckold syndrome.

I don't find that funny. I find it very insulting.

You don't know me, my ideology, political persuasion. Just because I have a different opinion you feel the right to insult me, marginalize and segregate me. I get it, you want your freedoms as you interpret them but everyone else is SOL. Freedom.....right!

Ok listen to yourself a minute.

I say freedom ..freedom of choice with due process at least.
lets vote on it.
You say your ok with being told what to do and when to do it.
you made that clear.

So what did i misconstrue?

Like i said some people are content being told how to live and what to do.
While others want there hands held through life.
I get that it's there choice to do so.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:39 AM
You have no choice, sure different side of the coin but its the same coin no mater how many times you toss it
they own you even if you think you elect them you are selecting the same crooks

edit on 10/4/11 by Freedom_is_Slavery because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Freedom_is_Slavery
You have no choice, sure different side of the coin but its the same coin no mater how many times you toss it
they own you even if you think you elect them you are selecting the same crooks

edit on 10/4/11 by Freedom_is_Slavery because: (no reason given)

Thats why i said its all a illusion.

Sure they circle jerk candidates for you to vote for..
Did you vote to pick the candidates?
Thats my whole argument We are not free we actually worse than third world countries with a dictator.
cause at least they are born knowing there slaves.
and they know who pulls the strings in there country.
In america we dont even know who is running this place.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 02:42 PM
I need health insurance and dental. The problem with obamacare is that it didn't go far enough. Everyone needs to have health insurance and dental and a prescription plan. What else do our taxes do for us? pay for wars? If i am going to pay taxes, maybe I should get something for it...besides jails and prisons. How about I just go pay the $900.00 dollars cash to have one single route canal. Or the $1200 a month bill for my pills. Yea I can afford it.

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