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The "Slut Walk" protests.

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posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps

And, consider, if clothes maketh the man, what do clothes maketh of the woman...?

P.S. Men thought it was sexy or whatever that I put my hand out when rising from a seated position and always walked arm in arm with them... even when out with male friends. Women dont do this much anymore... lost technique as far as Im concerned. I learned this trick from my grandmother who was a certified BOMBSHELL... we do it because heels are high and unstable.. and of course because men take these cues pretty readily even when they dont know they are doing it! Id rather lean on a date or event escort than face plant on the floor or trip like a fool .It wouldnt matter if you were touching them with the tip of your pinkie... men love the physical contact even when youre using their arm as a support! I mean dont lean on them with your weight.. use the arm touch like a tight rope walker uses a pole.. its for balance. The higher the heels are, the more men like it.. she claimed it was because men instinctively knew in heels we were weaker and couldnt run away .... a sort of hobbling. ROFL!! SO go HIGH.. shoot for the aching feet hobbling heights.. and find a man to lend an arm, preferably a good looking one.

Nudity, or as nature intended, would certainly be healthier

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:32 AM
Don't know how I missed this thread - sad so many bad comments. Here's the purpose of this walk.


Most of these comments remind me of comments about women being raped for not wearing a headscarf. I would say about 99% of Americans wouldn't agree with this, though in some countries this wouldn't be a shock.

It's the same type of mentality here. It's using the threat of rape to control women. It's forcing a whole culture to modify their behavior because the false belief men can not control themselves.

MEN CAN CONTROL THEMSELES......They may not be able to control their thoughts....but 100% of men have they ability not to rape.


posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
See, long ago, dudes did not even know that semen, resulted in babies. Because sex was all there was to do, so there was a lot of semen around, and nobody really connected sex to pregnancy until someone ABSTAINED from sex, then they realized, "Oh damn, no white stuff means no babies!" This I think was a major revolution in human thinking because in that moment, men realize they make babies.

I think you are mistaking early man for chimpanzees, haha, not that there aren't similarities of course, but I think that we, when we left the trees lived in much smaller, gorilla like configurations. Sex would have been the least of our priorities when we left the trees and sexual activity would have been seasonally stimulated, otherwise it would have wasted our energies. Nudity still exists as the norm in some cultures, and I do not think that they spend all their time copulating. Nudity in itself is clearly not what is arosing, which is why clothing often creates confusion, some cultures still practice spring rites, the same body parts are emphasised in those rites, to invite 'mating', as some women display on an everyday basis, thus, presumably, unknowingly, expressing their (unconscious) sexual availability. Men, presumably, are kept in a state of constant arosal by these indicators...and no-one is any the wiser...seemingly.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by BadPenny

Originally posted by smallpeeps
See, long ago, dudes did not even know that semen, resulted in babies. Because sex was all there was to do, so there was a lot of semen around, and nobody really connected sex to pregnancy until someone ABSTAINED from sex, then they realized, "Oh damn, no white stuff means no babies!" This I think was a major revolution in human thinking because in that moment, men realize they make babies.

I think you are mistaking early man for chimpanzees, haha, not that there aren't similarities of course, but I think that we, when we left the trees lived in much smaller, gorilla like configurations. Sex would have been the least of our priorities when we left the trees and sexual activity would have been seasonally stimulated, otherwise it would have wasted our energies. Nudity still exists as the norm in some cultures, and I do not think that they spend all their time copulating. Nudity in itself is clearly not what is arosing, which is why clothing often creates confusion, some cultures still practice spring rites, the same body parts are emphasised in those rites, to invite 'mating', as some women display on an everyday basis, thus, presumably, unknowingly, expressing their (unconscious) sexual availability. Men, presumably, are kept in a state of constant arosal by these indicators...and no-one is any the wiser...seemingly.

Well it is true that the Bonobo is a very loving species, compared to the chimp which is less-of an ancestor to humans. We have a tiny bit more bonobo than chimp or any other primate.

And the bonobo of course is all about the ladies. But see my point is that humans lost the bonobo ways, and in fact I have spoken here at ATS in that it is essentially chimp vs. bonobo on Earth at this time, so you are perfectly aware at this point, thanks.

But see, who wins? Chimp society and behavior is totally different from bonobo. Polar opposites. Our world today is chimplike. Some Kings like Jesus and Amenhotep IV may have thought to encourage the bonobo aspects --which is the larger portion of human DNA, but you can see how hard it is to change these chimps! Haha, and I do not mean chimp in a racist way, this is humans I am speaking about, men versus women, not shades of flesh or cultures.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Daughter2

Something must have been lost in translation when they did their "Slut Walk" in my city.

Not one sign about rape.

Not one sign about awareness.

Lot's and lot's of signs about how women should be able to dress however they want.

Well, within legal confines (the same confines every man must adhere to as well) they already have that right.

I didn't even know the "Slut Walk" was related to rape until this thread.

As another poster put up, as far as protests go, this one (in my city) lacked focus and goals.

No protest is useful unless you can get the message you want across.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Well it is true that the Bonobo is a very loving species, compared to the chimp which is less-of an ancestor to humans. We have a tiny bit more bonobo than chimp or any other primate.

And the bonobo of course is all about the ladies. But see my point is that humans lost the bonobo ways, and in fact I have spoken here at ATS in that it is essentially chimp vs. bonobo on Earth at this time, so you are perfectly aware at this point, thanks.

But see, who wins? Chimp society and behavior is totally different from bonobo. Polar opposites. Our world today is chimplike. Some Kings like Jesus and Amenhotep IV may have thought to encourage the bonobo aspects --which is the larger portion of human DNA, but you can see how hard it is to change these chimps! Haha, and I do not mean chimp in a racist way, this is humans I am speaking about, men versus women, not shades of flesh or cultures.

That is a very astute observation there, and it took me a while to get, but you are entirely right. However, having the capability to reason, which presumably we developed for a 'reason', allows us to overcome animalistic behaviour that continues to inhibit overall social progress away from the dependency that creates it. Both groups use sex as a control mechanism. Chimpanzee males get rewarded with sex, while Bonobo females get rewarded for sex. The problem is when in the group develops the ability to 'pimp', then you have a whole new economy and whole new specialisms to further the mind. I have nothing against sex, somewhat in favour of it actually, but is all this, in humans, really necessary or even, developmentally, natural? I suspect not, and wonder if this stasis has been programmed into the mind-set *.

I cannot help but think of Mr Boots Riley, and paraphrase, women should not get involved in any more revolutions in a world that still worships prostitution. Hmm...? Amen to that.

edit on 16-5-2011 by BadPenny because: * and when you put perverts on the Rockerfeller pay roll

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by devilishlyangelic23

Maximum skin exposure men causes to become aroused and this makes them want to rape.

All that female flesh asking for it.Of course women are to blame for rape to a certain extent.

Why wear revealing clothes if not to attract a man and have sex?

hijab wearing women don't get raped so that proves my point.

If she walks like a slut, talks like a slut, acts like a slut and dresses like a slut. What is she? She is up to be treated like a slut!

edit on 13-6-2011 by nobodysavedme because: anger at stupids

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by nobodysavedme
If she walks like a slut, talks like a slut, acts like a slut and dresses like a slut. What is she? She is up to be treated like a slut!

edit on 13-6-2011 by nobodysavedme because: anger at stupids

I love girls that put out. That's how babies get here.

Girls like that are not called "sluts", the more common name they hear is, "Mom". --Oh but of course YOUR MOM was not a slut, she just somehow got knocked up. In a nice and non-slutty way of course.

Please remember that "mother" is the ultimate forbidden word, in Huxley's "Brave New World".

Sluts = motherhood = daughters = sluts = motherhood = daughters... and so on...

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 08:20 AM
the amount of victim blaming in this thread hurts my soul. all those variations of "she shouldnt dress like a slut" and the like are nothing more than shifting the blame from the attacker to the victim. i wonder just how many people who have been raped were asked "well what were you wearing?" or "what were you doing" before they were asked if they were ok. even if a person is wearing an eye patch while walking down the street, that doesnt give anyone the right to attack them. thats what i think this walk is trying to convey.

personally, i find it a bit offensive to men that they have to carry the label of beasts who cannot control their base sexual urges instead of human beings with capacities for self control, respect, and dignity.

but thats just my buck 3.80

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Misteriosa

i don't understand how women can get raped.i really don't.

even in normal situations it can be tricky to get penetration with the average 7 incher so how do these rapists achieve it with a victim who is writhing,twisting,moving,screaming and allegedly struggling?

i mean all the women has to do is cross her legs.thighs have very strong how rapists manage to rape a bucking bronco?

any answers?

any women here who can answer?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by nobodysavedme
reply to post by Misteriosa

i don't understand how women can get raped.i really don't.

even in normal situations it can be tricky to get penetration with the average 7 incher so how do these rapists achieve it with a victim who is writhing,twisting,moving,screaming and allegedly struggling?

i mean all the women has to do is cross her legs.thighs have very strong how rapists manage to rape a bucking bronco?

any answers?

any women here who can answer?

Such a silly response.

But hey, ignorance and innocence live next door to each other.

To rape? First of all, men and women get raped. So it is not gender-specific, though the weak, are easier to overpower. Uh yeah: Duh.

So step one would be lure the victim into a place where you as an attacker, have time to work. Lesson for victims: Don't isolate yourself with someone you do not know.

Step two would be ply them with booze or pills or both. Lesson for victims: Don't drink booze, don't let it out of your sight if you do. Don't do things when buzzed if you normally wouldn't do them, like disobey step one.

Step three would be loosen them up via talk, touch and trust. Lesson for victims: Don't talk touch or trust unless in full cognizance of your surroundings and self. See steps one and two.

Step Four would be overpowering the victim. This speaks to you point, it takes a moment to hogtie someone or punch then in the face like famous rappers do with their girlfriends. Lesson to victims: If you avoided the steps above, have a box cutter on your person, and be ready to slice with it. A few slashes with your free hand and you might score a victory on the attacker: One gush of blood and there's no rape after that. Get free, grab your hidden boxcutter/razor and slash at the softest exposed part of the assailant.

Step Five: Be prepared for the attacker's lawyer who will say steps 1 through 3 were all your fault, and step 4 was an over reaction. But if you gacked your attacker harshly enough, chances are he will be either nicer/meaner with his next victim, depending on how much fear you put into him. Just a bit of friendly advice from a man who doesn't rape and who hates men that do. BUT if you go through with steps 1 through 3, and you aren't prepared for step four, well, it won't matter what you wore.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

you have not really addressed the points about penetration of a agitated/writhing person i made at all.why?

i also forgot to raise the issue of can penetration be achieved without lubrication unless the guy is Superman with a rod of steel?

today i was walking to work on a 20 degree temp cloudy day and there were loads of women with sky high skirts in various states of undress with acres of flesh exposed.what is the point.

as i walked there was a girl walking in front of me with as skirt so short ,the hemline must have been on the same level as her crotch.i could not avert my eyes from her is the way we men are programmed.

what was she trying to prove?

i think a study should be done in which women who have been raped should also be compared versus how much flesh was exposed versus less flesh exposed.

i.e amount of skin exposure versus number of women raped.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by nobodysavedme
reply to post by smallpeeps

you have not really addressed the points about penetration of a agitated/writhing person i made at all.why?

Yes I did: It is easy to restrain people. You are a troll, in my humble opinion.

Originally posted by nobodysavedme
i also forgot to raise the issue of can penetration be achieved without lubrication unless the guy is Superman with a rod of steel?

today i was walking to work on a 20 degree temp cloudy day and there were loads of women with sky high skirts in various states of undress with acres of flesh exposed.what is the point.

as i walked there was a girl walking in front of me with as skirt so short ,the hemline must have been on the same level as her crotch.i could not avert my eyes from her is the way we men are programmed.

what was she trying to prove?

i think a study should be done in which women who have been raped should also be compared versus how much flesh was exposed versus less flesh exposed.

i.e amount of skin exposure versus number of women raped.

Troll alert.

First, you'd have to turn off the pr0n. Then, leave your mom's basement apartment. Then, try to date a woman.

Let us know how it goes.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:27 AM

Based on the image I posted above answer the following questions:

Which girl would you vote 'most likely to succeed'?
Which girl do you think would be the easiest to get into bed?
Which do you think is more likely to be raped?
Which would you hire to manage your new night club?
Which would you hire to work the stripper pole at that club?
Which one do you have more respect for?

Appearance is everything. "Not dressing like a slut" may not drop rape rates, but I think we can all agree that it's a step in the right direction for women everywhere.

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