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Oprah Winfrey, The Eighth Sphere and the Secret War for Your Soul

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 02:04 PM
I just finished reading this whole thread. All I can say is WOW. As a singer, I am especially attracted to the spontaneous singing and dancing, but the whole thing -- the lunar stuff, all of it, has profoundly affected me in a way that I have never experienced before. It is the closest thing to a truly spiritual ecstasy -- outside of rock n roll -- that I have ever seen or experienced first hand.

For me -- this thread was worth the price of admission here, en toto. I owe you all a huge gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by 0zzymand0s
I just finished reading this whole thread. All I can say is WOW. As a singer, I am especially attracted to the spontaneous singing and dancing, but the whole thing -- the lunar stuff, all of it, has profoundly affected me in a way that I have never experienced before. It is the closest thing to a truly spiritual ecstasy -- outside of rock n roll -- that I have ever seen or experienced first hand.

For me -- this thread was worth the price of admission here, en toto. I owe you all a huge gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

i feel your enthusiasm x))

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by 0zzymand0s

This touches me to the depths of my presently concealed Reinbeau hued heart, 0zzymand0s.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading it all.

To The Noosphere!

P.S. I am a big Venture Brothers fan from the beginning.

Check this out

edit on 29-5-2011 by Frater210 because: Check out 'Arduino' and 'Embedded'

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Frater, I'm not inclined to swallow whole anything from either AP Sinnett or Rudolph Steiner.

I came across this which explains the purported "Esoteric Buddhism" view of the Eighth Sphere:

The Eighth Sphere: Lucifer's Dream, Earth's Dump*

I'm not sure who owns this site. I can understand his wanting to maintain his anonymity. It might be "nonastronaut" is his site screen name. But his site is a treasure trove of Occult conspiracy theories.

“Satan’s Fake Apocalypse”

"Yet it behooves us to know that the enemy is wont to counterfeit this salutary advent of Christ [i.e. the Second Coming, which is not a physical event] with cunning fraud in order to deceive the faithful, and in the place of the Son of Man, who is looked for as coming in the majesty of his Father, to prepare the Son of Perdition with prodigies [3] and lying signs, that instead of Christ he may introduce Antichrist into the world.... "[4]

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever." [6]

Site Contents:

Satan's Fake Apocalypse

Black magic


Writings by others


Website revisions (4/12/11)
The Campaigner Unbound (Google and Yahoo have seen fit to filter my site The Campaigner Unbound from their search engines, so I decided to include a link to it here. It contains the articles listed on this site's page Big Brother's Neighborhood, and a few more.)

I will be happily exploring his site. I'm bound to learn a thing or two.

edit on 29-5-2011 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

In previous articles, I claim that there are signs that one purpose behind the abuse of US "war" prisoners is to experiment with ways to implement the 8th Sphere agenda.

After rereading Rudolf Steiner's descriptions of the conditions which are used for this purpose, and reading additional accounts of the forms of the abuse, I am even more convinced that this is taking place.

It appears that this program is more prevalent in certain locations where the conditions can be more carefully controlled and monitored, and where the psychologists who run it can be hidden more easily - i.e. at Guantanamo and the black sites. In the course of reading articles about this program, I also stumbled onto tantalizing hints of a connection to black magic.

Thanks, AV. I did not know this was available. Great stuff. I will be reading as well, when I am able.

Thanks for your tenacity.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

Found this passage effing awesome:

Stewart C. Easton provides an excellent description of the evolution of consciousness intended for us at this time by the progressive spirits. [4] He in turn recommends the chapter entitled The Adventure of Reason in Man or Matter by Ernst Lehrs. Easton, as Steiner, uses Goethe as a model for this type of consciousness: a meditative consciousness in which we observe an object and allow its conceptual element (the idea behind it, which comes from higher-level spiritual beings) to reveal the object's true nature to us, without imposing our beliefs upon it. In this process, we develop the ability to perceive the etheric realm with our etheric body. The other challenge of this age is to use this new type of perception and thinking to provide solutions to society's problems. Now, back to Inner Impulses of Evolution: We know that this is the age of the development of the consciousness soul and that, to accomplish this, a number of forces soul and bodily forces must be active. FIRST, A CLEAR PERCEPTION OF THE SENSE WORLD IS NECESSARY. THIS DID NOT EXIST IN EARLIER TIMES BECAUSE, AS YOU KNOW, A VISIONARY, IMAGINATIVE ELEMENT CONTINUOUSLY PLAYED INTO THE HUMAN SOUL [a dream-like state in which objects were represented by symbols, although there was a correlation between the symbols and the objects]. THE OTHER TASK IS TO UNFOLD FREE IMAGINATIONS [i.e. perceiving and thinking with the etheric body] side by side with the clear view of [physical] reality in a way, a kind of repetition of the Egypto-Chaldean age. To date, humanity has not progressed too far in this task. Free imaginations as sought through spiritual science means imaginations not as they were in the third post-Atlantean age, but unfettered and undistilled into fantasy [apparently referring to the aforementioned dreamlike state, in which an encounter with an object triggered a vision of a symbol which had been assigned to that object by the higher beings]. It means imaginations in which man moves as freely as he does only in his intellect [referring to the new way of thinking, using ideas derived from the etheric world and thinking with the etheric body]. That, then, is the other task of the fifth post-Atlantean age. The unfoldment of these two faculties will lead to a right development of the consciousness soul in our present epoch.

This bit in particular,"a meditative consciousness in which we observe an object and allow its conceptual element (the idea behind it, which comes from higher-level spiritual beings) to reveal the object's true nature to us, without imposing our beliefs upon it " struck a very loud chord. Rather than contemplate an object's no-thing-ness, try to allow for a complete conceptual grasp of it's essential Thingness.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

You weren't kidding, that is a tresure trove. The essay he cited on "The Advent of Ahriman" was full of Steiner thoughts, I haven't yet read.

Why it may be a stretch, Steiner's bust of Ahriman does look a bit like Dubya.

I have been reading so much on "The Great Deception" topic recently that is exhuasting. From what I gathered the common denominator of all of the theories are we will, in the least, be given the opportunity to choose our path. Be it with the technilogically advanced "greys", the beings offering to bring us from this earth prior to its destruction(but actually these are the moonies, taken us to another demension for further harvest), those working for the Satan and Ahriman, or decide to stick it out here on earth and fight the big spiritual battle that is looming.

Tough decison, seeing as damn near everything I have read has an absolutely different point of view.......each of which has a differing opinion on who "the evil ones" are.....Deception is exhausting.

Here is a speech from some hack i listened to this weekend....He appears honest, but also sounds like he is just spouting off crap he read. But, who knows....

And finally a guy who may need to step back a few steps
edit on 31-5-2011 by yoyoma15 because: i forgot to add place the clip.

edit on 31-5-2011 by yoyoma15 because: yet again, i messed up.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by yoyoma15

Here is a speech from some hack i listened to this weekend....He appears honest, but also sounds like he is just spouting off crap he read. But, who knows....

Hi, yoyoma15,

'Member what I was saying about fashion? With that in mind consider this...

The video of the first guy you posted is riffing off the second guy you posted. That much I am sure you have gathered.

But you may not know that the second guy is riffing off of channeler Laura Knight Jadczyk and she was riffing off of channeler Babara Marciniak.

The second guy is shilling this whole galactic federation of light thing and I just can't overcome the impression that he is selling something.

I think you knew that though.

Anyway, I just trace the 'fashion' path and this stuff ceases to seem so isolated and revelatory to me.

To me these guys just seem to patronize one another.
edit on 1-6-2011 by Frater210 because: Fight Gravity!

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Frater210

I think you knew that though.

Yes, I wrote the last post in a rush at the end of work. What I was trying to convey is the multitude of potentially bogus information outhere. I can not even imagine the amount of individuals who have placed their trust completely in people like this.

On another topic, I am interested in Steiner's thoughts that one of Ahriman's goals is to make man "mechanized." Something about this argument really resonated with me. I have have this thought for a while. I first started thinking about it when I took a "History of Sport in America" class in college.One of the major emphasis in the class was describing the differences in sport before and after the industrial revolution. This theory is conceptualized by comparing baseball and football and how the two sports showed the changing mind set of the public when the sport was created.

Baseball: Pre-industrial age, pastoral, played from spring to fall(the time of harvest), no running clock of any sort(theoretically a game could last for eternity), while having some boundries(foul ball) the lines continue from home plate to infinity(assuming you don't have outfield walls, which they did not when it was first created.), a game that is mostly about the individual (pitcher v. hitter), non contact, no real penalties or punishment only judgment calls by the umpires, etc.

Football: Industrial age, the game is run by a rigid game clock, the entire playing field is careful placed in a grid format down to the last yard, played in the non-harvesting winter time, the game places emphasis on the collective rather than the individual (all must block for the runner), punishment is often times enforced by the refs for "illegal" behavor or plays, and contact is the name of the game.

So my point is, that this is just one example showing Steiner's thoughts of the mechanization of man, via sport. Sport has always reflected the society that created it.(Gladiators and the fall of Rome)

I have to say that the punch clock is the prime example of man's mechanization.(As an attorney who must bill X hours per week, I am well aware of the soulessness of the punch clock.) I find it hard to believe that the pre-industrial man was as apt to trade his time/freedom for money/security. It seems the preindustrial people were goal based and not as concerned with the time spent to achieve that goal(ie. I will tend this field approprietly..."if it takes me all day so be it. If it takes me an hour, so be it.") The post industrial life seems to only centered on the time and not the goal.(ie. you work from nine to five regardless of the goal. The goal is then, you being at work and giveing up your freedom.)

You add this working process with the overuse of calculators, television, radio, IPODS, the internet, cell phones etc. and you have Steiner's mechanized man. A person who is completely void of the freedom of action and thought that we as a people were ment to utilize.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 10:47 AM
Well I certainly am gifted at shutting down an interesting thread. It appears my above post just blew everyone's #ing minds!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by yoyoma15

Well I certainly am gifted at shutting down an interesting thread. It appears my above post just blew everyone's #ing minds!

Yes, you bet that information you posted blows #ing minds. It does every time I think about it.

Your post is super appropriate for where this thread is at right now ( a ripe old age for us all to be still checking it out). This mechanization, inflicted upon Mankind by 'Ahriman', is precisely what Gurdjieff and others were trying to describe and warn us about. It's really what Gurdjieff's dances were designed to remedy. Your post brings us full circle.

Thanks, Man.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 09:48 AM
Thanks Frater, I am one of those people that just can't let go of interesting threads. I have just picked up too much info from people's posts to let it go. I guess I am bad at goodbyes.

Anyway, because of this thread I am about 300 pages into Beelzebub, which is a great read. I find it interesting that many of Gurdjieff's theories have proved true. One of which is his theory that the moon was created by a "cosmic miscalculation" when the earth collided with another planitoid. The moon and another smaller piece he called "Anulios" seperated from the earth and became our moons. Years after his death, Anulios was supposedly identified.

Amazingly, Gurdjieff also held that at the time of this collision a smaller
moon, which he calls Anulios, was created. Some 20 years after his death this
was scientifically verified. The New York Times reported in July 1970:

It has recently been discovered that the Earth and the moon do not make
up an isolated, self­sufficient two­body system, as men have believed for
centuries. Rather, they are part of a three­body system whose third
member is a tiny “quasi­moon” only a mile or two in diameter. Toro, as
this third body has been named, wanders around the sun five times in the
time that it takes Earth to make eight circuits. When Toro comes too near
earth—9.3 million miles at the closest point—Earth’s gravity tends to
change Toro’s curvilinear path so that on its next passage it is further
away from Earth; in turn, Earth’s gravity affects this revised path so that
on its following pass it is closer to Earth.

Actually this essay seems to sum it all up pretty well.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by yoyoma15

Thanks, man. This thread isn't dead and no need to say goodbye.

You just lit the fuse again. I am going to go check out Anulios (Toro) and I am going to actually try to get a post together that will maybe sum up where we have been with this so far. Plus I need to synthesize and add the material from TimeWalker and our long lost Tamahu.

I don't know how long it will take but I'll be back.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:22 AM
I found a blog written by someone who claims to be a bona-fide sociopath.

The very picture of the Avitchi man. The background?

A Big Ol' Fricken Full Moon.

This poem is posted there. I would like to quote a passage.


But since I laid a hand thereon
And found a heart of stone
I have attempted many things
And not a thing is done,
For every hand is lunatic
That travels on the moon.

edit on 1-8-2011 by mistermonculous because: floop.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 08:53 AM
More proof of Gurdjieff's two moon theory?
edit on 4-8-2011 by yoyoma15 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Frater210

There's only one person who could link Oprah to Esoteric occultism so seamlessly
Great job, there's a number of concepts in here I wasn't overly familiar with. I've just downloaded Esoteric Buddhism so I'm off to read that now before making comment.

Great job as usual.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

II. Human Dignity

Like the moon her kindness is,

If kindness I may call

What has no comprehension in't,

But is the same for all

As though my sorrow were a scene

Upon a painted wall.

So like a bit of stone I lie

Under a broken tree.

I could recover if I shrieked

My heart's agony

To passing bird, but I am dumb

From human dignity.

Wow, I never thought of Human Dignity like that. Are we dignified to the point of obstinate stubborness? I would say yes. I can think of times that I was unable to perform the most appropriate action due to the confines of dignity.

What is dignity? Anyone?

The more I think on this the more I am revving up in to wanting to understand it.

MM, you just nailed something big time. This is why more brains is better than one. I don't believe that any one of us could ever understand this moon thing.

Please consider that Poets represent the most sensitive antenna we have as human beings and the signals they receive are on a whole other level of prescience.

What is Dignity and why do we have it? And how is it defeating us if we do not fully understand it? Is there a Higher Dignity that is occluded by this lower dignity that we participate in?

Here are some random images from Google image search concerning dignity.

Scariest of all:


Dignity is a term used in moral, ethical, and political discussions to signify that a being has an innate right to respect and ethical treatment. It is an extension of the Enlightenment-era concepts of inherent, inalienable rights.

That people have to actually sit down and determine this as a committee is very disturbing to me.

Why is Dignity represented as this weighty burden?

"Now I see the desert,
I sit all alone in the desert
And no girl understands me"

J. Richman. Dignified and Old

Oh, by the way. I have seen my cat demonstrate his dignity to his great deficit. One day after it rained and two dogs were where they should not have been. I came outside just in time to see my giant black cat demonstrate his great dignity just before being attacked. I rescued him and the dogs got handled.
But I will never forget his dignity having nothing to do with the reality of what was about to happen to him.

Did he learn that from me? Or is it an innate quality in cats? I have read some pretty convincing writing that perusades that all of these human features we find so enduring in our pets are entirely inculcated in to them by us.

What would it be like to be the proud animals that we are in all its natural goodness and still maintain our true dignity? Whatever that may be.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Frater210 because: ?

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 02:31 PM
OK, I know. You now need more Modern Lovers and Jonathan Richman.

I understand, Noonauts.

So this has nothing to do with this thread other than that it is dedicated to all of you who have made this such a fun thread over the last few months.

Thanks to all of you.

Astral Plane

Pablo Picasso

edit on 8-8-2011 by Frater210 because:

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Right, I hate to bust this out, but consider the very first thing Adam and Eve did when they got the apple whammy. They put on some clothes. Was it for God's benefit? No. They did not wish to be seen by one another.

I believe what you have termed lower dignity might tie in mightily with this concept. Dignity in this sense is predicated upon concealment, a wish to hide the true self from the Other.

In other words, it's just another gimmick to keep us separate rather than Individuated.

True dignity? Maybe that's tied into concepts like honesty, vulnerability, courage.
edit on 9-8-2011 by mistermonculous because: wa-cha!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 08:25 PM

I believe what you have termed lower dignity might tie in mightily with this concept. Dignity in this sense is predicated upon concealment, a wish to hide the true self from the Other.

Also, kitteh in epaulettes is pertinent as well as adorable.

What is more dignified than a uniform inflated with a military bearing? Dignity is upholding your place in the hierarchy. Heavy the chest that bears the medals.

It all comes down to the systems that reinforce the various iterations of Us vs. Them.

In other words, it's just another gimmick to keep us separate rather than Individuated.

I'm brought back to square one here.

The prime mechanism by which we are Kept is the emphasis on the trivial demarcations between You and I. The broad strokes confine us at the expense of our finer details.

Bloodshed ensues where a handshake would suffice.
edit on 9-8-2011 by mistermonculous because: Flurgh.

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