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My take on spirituality and PSI

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:03 PM
After years studying the spiritual route, I decided to share some tips for people who never heard of mystic theory.

For starters, why try to see the 'invisible'? There is no right answer because this universe of consciousness depends only on the observer. The universe goes on doing its own thing, even if you dont believe in anything "paranormal" - thats the basic premise of our own spiritual relativism. Its both the key and the lock, the prison or the place to learn - our conscience have to decide.

Relativism is the concept that points of view have no absolute truth or validity, having only relative, subjective value according to differences in perception and consideration.

-American Heritage Dictionary


I think any scientist from our history only truly believed in what maybe is out there in the stars after we identifyed the molecules and atoms, cells and biological beings down here. So, the bottom up approach is more effetive, more practical and I believe thats our case in spiritual matters.

To understand big things, we need to understand the little wheels that move on what we refer as 'human being'.

In a single sentence, a human being is a bio-energy entity from our third dimension, a micro-cosmos on its own:

-100 trillion cells;
-Each cell has thousands of bio-molecules;
-Each molecule contains several atoms (sometimes hundreds);

100,000,000,000,000 x 1,000 x 100 = 10 ^ 18 atoms.

Hardly an 'individual', right? The first pattern to grasp is that everything is connected and multi-dimensional. Dimensions could be understood here as abstractions, and this will be the principle in this study.

The first dimension of the human being is the atom, with the maximum expression towards molecular components that vary from forming substances (air, water, rock) to the very fabric of the being - the DNA molecules.

In this scheme, everyone here is a "energy cloud" with 10 ^ 18 units buzzing around.

This is the materialization or the evidence for a higher concept called "the one reality", or the expression "all that is" that we are everyone and everything in the highest possible dimension of consciousness, thus manifesting here at the first dimension as one big soup of energy - for those that can observe it.

How one being differs from another? My idea of the cosmos response to this is the second dimensional level of beings: the cell unit.

Cells are units that perform functions inside a complete three dimensional being. We have billions of cells in our skin, in our heart, in our brain, in our lungs and so forth. At celular level, the 'individual' - 100 trillion cells - have its own identity by DNA molecules, and every cell of this body has a purpose that it is carried own without attention of the being. We cant order our stomach to not process pizza, because this feature of the bio-energetic entity is automated.

This automated processing is nothing short of amazing; check out how Deepak Chopra understands our body intelligence in his 'Book of secrets':

"Higher purpose: every cell in your body agrees to work for the welfare of the whole; its individual welfare comes second. If necessary, it will die to protect the body, and often does - the lifetime of any given cell is a fraction of our own lifetime. Skin cells perish by the thousands every hour, as do immune cells fighting off invading microbes. Selfishness is not an option, even when it comes to a cell´s own survival.

Communion: A cell keeps in touch with every other cell. Messenger molecules race everywhere to notify the body´s farthest outposts of desire or intention however slight. Withdrawing or refusing to communicate is not an option.

Awareness: Cells adapt from moment to moment. They remain flexible in order to respond to immediate situations. Getting caught up in rigid habits is not an option.

Acceptance: Cells recognize each other as equally important. Every function in the body is interdependent with every other. Going it alone is not an option.

Creativity: Altthough every cell has a set of unique functions (...), these combine in creative ways. A person can digest food never eaten before, think thoughts never tought before, dance in a way never seen before. Clinging to old behaviour is not an option.

Giving: the primary activity of cells is giving, which maintains the integrity of all other cells. Total commitment to giving makes receiving automatic - its the other half of a natural cycle. Hoarding is not an option.

Immortality: Cells reproduce in order to pass on their knowledge, expereience and talents, withholding nothing from their offspring. This is kind of a pratical immortality, submitting to death on the physical plane but defeating it in the non-physical. The generation gap is not an option."

Deepak Chopra

We can see in these terms that the second dimension is incredibly conscious - also completely automated for the mind of the biological entity from all that is. The infinite wisdow of the one reality is in us, inside our cells, manifestating everyday and every second. Its always there for those who observe it, like Chopra.

Summing up:

[1d] Atom, molecules [energy]
[2d] Cells, organs, brain [function]
[3d] Biologic entities, the need for an Ego [mind]

What we have going on right here? The first thing to notice is that life is a cooperative and multi-dimensional task. Everything work and delegates its functions to lesser dimensions (from mind to organs to celular and then to molecules thus into energy) so the action is propagated properly in all levels of abstraction of consciousness to effectively manifest itself.

In another words, our universe is saying: mind activity changes matter.


From the pure energy of the cosmos, molecules gathered and formed new structures. Celular beings then appeared, using these new molecules. Finally, these celular constructions joined themselves into beings forming a unique bio-diversity for the evolution of life.

And then consciousness arrived to change everything, but the relativism were there and the whole experience of being alive depends on the Ego - the mind entity that interfaces with the machinery of the full 3d being.

The cosmos (all that is, one reality) now can observe its own creation by using vessels that are completely automated - the human being is just one of probably hundreds in our galaxy alone.

Something else started to play in this equation, with the multi-dimensional cooperation. Cells informed the brain and therefore the mind that things need atention: food and drink, rest, pain. For the sake of machine allegory lets call these can be "human drivers".

When you say "i am hungry", its only the Ego mind acting for a healthier body since the biological entity must hunt/gather the required energy from other beings. But who have the hunger? Our atoms are collapsing? Our cells are dying? In the end, this "automation of the vessel" backfires into the mind this information, and probably disrupts your line of thinking (mind activity).

What im trying to convey here is: our conscience does not belong in this dimension - it interfaces with this world by the mind automation device of its 3d being called Ego, who work internally all the machinery needs, urges, pains and pleasures.

Everything in the transcedental cosmos (4d) begins at the mind, because is the first real dimension of conciousness.

The mind is a special place for conscience to learn - but the more we attend things at face value (I am cold, I am George, My nose is big, etc) less you can observe the difference from consciousness and the Ego. What this means in practical terms is that we have this tendency to perceive that we are the automaton, the bio-energetic machine, not an unique expression of all that is having an experience here.

But how we genuinely (not by hearsay or just by reading) know that we are indeed extra-dimensional beings here in this human being "space suit"? This is not an easy task. Here is some great advice:

"A mystery that does not want to be known will just keep retreating the closer you come to it. The mystery of life does not behave this way: Its secrets are revealed immediately if you know where to look."

Deepak Chopra

A reinforcement of the observer role; but the workings of the mind (in my opinion) requires an Ego - so you have to bring the scared, brute, territorial, sentimental brother with you. You can only go if your Ego is with you, because he is the "medium", "the actor" of the experience.

This is NOT cruel or "mean" (another Ego word) - its the integration price: only by being "the one" with every dimension of the experience you can learn anything; or you will just be another three-dimensional being carrying on a meaningless life.

Lets understand the mind a little further: if I have a memory of some event, than that event happened and its real. Our bodies depend on memory for survival, so its VERY consistent and stable. Common life happens and we remember it. No doubt about it, its real.

What about dreams? Dreams leave some memories on most of us, but it is somewhat "tricky" to remember it.

If you remember, ITS REAL. Period. Deal with it. So, where we went? To another dimension, of course! We are multi-dimensional conscience, this is natural to us. It happens without your consent just like before: the universe
keeps on doing its thing, either you (your mind, but mostly the Ego) believe it or not. This is just one piece of the puzzle. We will talk about dreams later.

Ok, lets sum up:

1) Mind is composed of everything, conscience and Ego;
2) Mind leaves a memory, therefore is real and happened;
3) Dreams leaves a memory, therefore conscience is not permanent bound to the 3d being senses;

So, for the transcendental being operate, it needs a new vessel with both 3d connections and the next 4d dimensional properties. This vessel is enclosed with the 3d being, so every information (1-3D) is propagated - from the very survivalist Ego thougts to higher conscience thinking - all is processed by this new body.

We can call it anyway we want - i like 'etheric body' because this dimensional body it is very mysterious (occult?), and to discover it you have to litterally do "impossible things" to our Ego, that will try to persuade conscience to NOT look upon it, because the Ego will looses its grip from control, authority and security over conscience. That his main leverage and he will not give up easily.

In my opinion, we can only go where our Ego allows us to. The Ego is not our enemy, it just need to be healthy and on check, that´s all. Banishing the ego is not being fully integrated.

Another word used to portray the 4d matter is "prana" - or the conventional PSI.

If PSI exists (4d), it must manifest in our third dimension, but the trickiest thing in the world must happen: your mind must observe the idea in the right angle, your Ego must accept that this idea can be performed "safely" and your etheric body (probably very weak without the mind activity required for it to be functional) must perform the action delegating the interaction to the lowest level of the third dimension. All at once.

Here is where the "mind" frontier is at. This is no walk in the park, its serious spirtiual matter. Its a jump with the Ego screaming "noooooooo, im the boss in here, you cant do that!". The Ego will project doubt, fear and pure rejection just by being introduced to the concept of changing reality where he is the master of everything.

Enough talking: how to discover PSI?

1. State clearly that you know that you are more than your body.
2. Make your hand as a fist - hold it VERY tight, like you are about to hit someone and then open your hand. Repeat ten times.
3. Keep doing [2] for a while, until you sense that your hand has the full attention of your body and mind. All other things dont matter now.
4. Open your hand: should be a little pain; place the index finger of your other hand in your palm. Draw with your finger a strong straigth line up and down slowly on your palm.
5. Breathe in when going up, breathe out when your finger goes down.
6. Keep doing this untill you feel that you absolutely everything about this repetitive movement: how your fingernail is scratching your palm, how the skin cells are being aware and unaware of pressure;
7. Hold your breath (for it not distract you);
8. Take your finger off your palm on the highest up position abruptely ending the movement - FAST AND ONLY USE THE MIND NOW (no verbal commands please): carry on the "pressure feeling" down your palm using your
attention into the fading moving point of pressure.

This will take effort, time and a sense of "what?" - You can only do 4d actions when you are "trancending" or escaping this dimension, by being more than your 3d Ego.

How can you prove to yourself that indeed PSI was present? Pressure is registered locally, but transmitted to your spinal cord and interpreted in your mind. Touch is KEY to survival in 3d, so this process is very reliable and real.

The particulars of our case here is: something triggered pressure locally there, so something is saying "Hi, i am here" and it is the etheric body. Once you repeat it, you can describe it better. For me, the sensation is very
"magnetic", with minor little shocks here and there.

The etheric body is complex as its counterpart, the human body, but in this dimension things are only in mind properties, from Ego to conscience and everything.

I discovered my etheric body by something very special...

My grandpa was in hospital, and all the family sayed goodbye the day before, so the medics would administers drugs to "ease the process".

It was 11:30 in the next morning, and I was extremely upset because we were very close and letting him go was something almost impossible at the time.

I was just leaving from the supermarket. I changed the gear in my old car and then I felt an immense cold, magnetic and shocking hand touching mine. I stopped right away. I felt a ripple from my hand to all over my body, just like when you release a elastic rubber: it changed the fabric of reality around me - it lasts as a chilly breeze. It was over in 2 seconds.

I parked the car, overwhelmed by the experience. Some minutes later my phone rang - it was my syster saying that he past away.

Grandpa always said that we cannot escape death and no one ever camed back to say how it is the other side. I guess this was his way of saying he was wrong...

So, the same effect we can feel from our own etheric body can be felt from outside 4d beings - in my case, someone from my family. This (for me) is another way of proof that we are indeed multi-dimensional.

That experience was what people call PSI-Gamma (or ESP (extra sensory perception). What are we trying to do is PSI-Kappa (or kinesis or stasis) with a Gamma effect on our own 4d "transcendental suit".

To really see a Kappa effect, use a cotton string attached to a key-set, the heavier the better. If you want more fast results, change the string to a series of paperclips.

With your 'best' hand, hold the string steady - this should make a pendulum.

With the oter hand hold strongly the hand with the string. If you have a friend to do it for you, ask him to hold that hand tight. Look at the pendulum, the key set. Feel the 1d universe as atoms going all the way from your head, to your arm and to your hand and then to your finger tips in a single flow of movement. We are everything, there is no separation in energy.

Focus on the keys, and move it with your mind. The first time I did it responded so fast that got me a big scare. After you got prana reacting in our body everything around you respond to mind activity, if all the conditions are
enough in the 4d body.

Make it to do circles clockwise and then anti-clockwise. Do left and right, front and back. The keys move with your command because we have united with it, our transcendental body projected a Kinetic or Stasis field (or a psi-blob for more a psionic word) that is holding intention and manifestating it.

Why paperclips are easier? This one is a clear example of 'mind affairs'... most people (like myself) know that metals are more 'conductive' of energy. This knowledge affects the mind quality of PSI and changes the "blob" or stasis field.

For more exercises, look upon 'psiwheel' on youtube.

What I understand of this dimension goes as follows: what we experience here in the 3d needs to passed along higher dimensions... Its like a pranic signature of existence, the same way sounds can register waves in devices. My research went deep into this and into my own personal experience. Here is a schematic of what I think represents best this transcendental body:

Hands, feet, mouth, eyes
-Prana exchange layer (with earth, sun, galaxy and other trancendentals);

-Expansive energetic (auric field) [cold];
-Bio energetic (prana copy of organs) [magnetic];
-Pure energetic (bones) [eletric shocks];
-Secondary chakras (vortexes) to process incoming prana from exchange;

Head, chest, belly, somesay even in the lower leg] (tiens)
-Prana storage, from higher to lower functions;

Main Chakras
-7 main vortexes in the spinal cord (master circuit);

I wrote earlier: "mind activity changes matter". The medium for our consciousness to affect this world is the 4d body "incarnated" into the 3d physical being along with the Ego to form a "mind" able to experience.

Back into dreams, they are so difficult to remember because they are a internal projection of consciousness inside the 4d etheric body.

When the bio-energetic automated structure (human being) rests, a complex but nevertheless automated process begins. Sleep is a bio-transcendence condition because the etheric body simply would die if cannot exchange with other 4d beings. When you are awake it is fully attending, registering and propagating the human experience to higher dimensions - but it will need a recharge of prana to be fully operational the next day. It works almost as a battery.

On the onset of sleep, the 4d body opens up (the warmth overall feeling) and then later on starts receiving prana (the cold feeling, deep trance). The automaton rests, with minimal movement. Since we are multi-dimensional our conscience slides to our transcendental body carrying on the Ego. In this new dimension and state of mind, prana reacts heavily from Ego, manifestating "outside" what we have "inside", creating stories, absurd situations and sometimes revealing insigths of ongoing dramas in the life of the Ego.

One dream happened to me when my life was pure hell (to the Ego):

I was just staring at the mirror, but the old man obviuosly was not me. But the image reacted as I move my hand around this strange old, dusty beard.

'This is not me, this isnt right' I yelled at the mirror.

Then someone else was watching me - myself! I look at myself and a
wave of terror come to me instantly.

I woke up immediately after.

Most people hate nightmares. I find them amazing (after), because they express exacly what the Ego is suffering - if you remove the emocional part, the rest is pure conscience for the mind to evaluate.

The 'translation' of the dream is easy: I was afraid of what I am becoming and cant see myself the same old way I use to. Maybe the other me manifested because of my own ideas of how the mind operates, but everything was there - if you know HOW to look at the data.

Strange how dreams always seems to happen when we almost wake up, right?

My take on this is the same as Robert Bruce - the integration process (from full 4d to 3d) needs to merge the brain and make the impressions. This merger comes with a cost: only heavy prana signatures can cause a brain to register it, and since the brain needs linearity, the moment of the dream is always at the same: right on verge of waking up.

When you think more about it, you can see:

1. Dreams are a virtual-3d inside the 4d body where the Ego plays his dramas;
2. Dreams vary in 'quality' - the time of the dream affects a great deal of the simulation;
3. Dreams seems to happen when we wake up because of the re-integration of memory inside the brain;

Is that it? No. Sometimes, things happen - here is my first encounter with a transcendental entity:

I was having a big fight with my wife, for like the whole night - almost 5 hours discussing, yelling and... well, a big mess. At almost midnight, I left her in the guest room and go back to our bedroom.

My mind was high on activity - my body exausted. Unaware of it, I was in perfect conditions to project myself out - this is a very very difficult thing to execute properly, mediums can do it naturally but most folks take years to get
the first exit.

I laid at the bed.... off I went OBE. The mind flipped a switch - goodbye worries, a new mind was there to operate with a minimal Ego.

I was seeing through something like a red tunnel, with strange red things twisting and turning... It was different to say the least, but at the time I was euforic! No gravity. I move myself thinking an oral command: "I want to see my wife". The more distance I was out of body, the tunnel got wider, less and less of the red stuff. I turned around the bed, pass through my door and went into the hall.

I made the right turn into the bedroom: there was a young fella with a bright red aura, making gestures at my wife.

That scared me and I was again at the bed. My wife came running and screaming... she hold me and went into full sleep like a snap of a finger.

This encounter opens up alot of questions for me. Recent diceased absorving low (Ego) pranic emanation from people in general is REAL.

Thats a terrible thing for a 'perfect system', right? This new fact bring 'polarity' (good or bad) issues of consciousness in higher dimensions.


Welcome to the 5th dimension. This mind dimension is olny acchieved in OBE state, through a 4d dream projection (spontaneous) or if you are a psychic with years of experience.

But its not that difficult - you have to build a full copy of your own consciouness while the mind is awake and the body is a sleep (this is done by the 4d body automation); you need to hold the Ego withing because of fear of
dying, failure, anything - he wont give up easily; you need to have a healthy 4d body, with enough storage to project; you need to successfully project out with a mind technique (rope?).

Easy. Oh, and sometimes people experience the "dweller syndrome", or a false extra-projection from the Ego that carries on a meaning, evil metaphor in a form that is designed to cause fear and make you go back to your body. That and also 4d beings that are already "out".

Great? Great. No rest for the wicked...

Here is one of my spontaneous astral projections:

I was in my old bedroom, in my old parents house. There was a mirror in there so I looked upon my face - it zoomed in incredibly, fluidly, but I finded normal.
My uncle was there. He spoke to me.
'Do you think this is real?'
'What?' I replied.
'This. Is this real?" he was wearing a semi-smile.
'Of course.' I said like it was a dumb question.
He pushed me. Hard. I felt every muscle contract, expand and relax.
'Is this real?' he asked again.
I pushed him. I felt his arms, and eveything was solid.
'Follow me' my uncle said and he passed like a ghost through our window.
I find that odd, but i followed him. I landed on the first floor and the sky was very dark with strange bright stars.

I wake up instantly again, sweating and amazed. The difference from astral projection to dreams is huge: is like seeing a play in the front row seat, not in a small tube in your living room.

The astral seems to be WAY more reactive to mind affairs. It is not a personal space like the 4d dream state, and has a life on his own.

Here is something that worked for me:

I was having this dream of bus stations and people in line. Very vivid, very intense with the expectations of where this goes and why i am here.

I woke up immediately and open my eyes. My body was fully relaxed, my mind was in a semi-trance. Without doubts i close my eyes. There was black and white speckles of light everywhere dancing.

'I want to go back!' I ordered in my mind.

Something open up in my chest (my heart chakra I guess), I plunged into the light.

I was at the bus station, along my wife and my bed under a tree! The scenario was ethereal (like mind blowing), much more vivid than real life. The trees were extremely detailed and beatiful.

My projected wife next to me rolled to the other side.
I woke up again, it was too much.

Some psychics say they project from the ajna (the 3rd eye) - but i think this is not mandatory. The flux of prana was intense - never again I felted this strong.

But how the astral influence us here, in our mundane lives? This is crucial for me, without this answer everything feels disconnected... I look upon things in the common, everyday life. Everything is spiritual because of our nature. I found something that is a little different, but we do from time to time: a daydream state.

Sometimes you stare at nothing and your mind slips elsewhere - we see images of places and people - nothing real, they are just our 'imagination'. In my opinion, this is a very spiritual practice: we hold the body (Ego control), we stop paying attention to the 3d world, we project (with eyes open) inside our mind a path of 4d pranic links to our 5d body, that is working independently. Whe see our desires playing out there, mimcking our spectations or reinforcing dramas.

Most mystics create more bodies, like the mental body, the pain body, the buddhic body... the answer is: its all relative. In my humble opinion: the 5d body is a pure mind entity that can process (or experience) pure abstract thought and also manifestate concrete ideas.

Everyone agrees that when the 3d bio-energetic "space suit" dies, we pass into 4d (for some days with a guide) and then to fully 5d where what we believe will be the limit of what we can experience.

This raises a lot of conspiracies (astral influence with negative transcendental action) - and I agree with most of it. I´ve saw a neg once, and I can say they are real as sucker punch. This is not the main purpose of this discussion, and I dont know if Icke is right, but I cant deny what I saw - couldnt sleep right for a week. I discussed this matter in a thread of my friend CavemanDD, you can chek the encounter there.

Moving on to...


The 6th dimension for me is natural way of saying that we are infinite, if your current mind is optimistic. To project there, you must be heavyweight psychic, so most of us will only see in second death, at the astral.


The 7th dimension is in fact everything into a single muti-experience connected through the "natural medium" or Akasha.

Thanks for reading!

edit on 8-4-2011 by RobertPaulsim because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:11 PM
i subscribe this thread in its entirity.

i have nothing to ask or further add. good job in making a simple yet exact explanation.

i wish we could flag on the mobile site.

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by AnotherYOU

Thanks! If you would like to share some experiences to show another angles, im deeply interested - thats why I posted it.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by RobertPaulsim

Robert, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to write this huge thread and for providing a very interesting perspective on this monumental topic.

Something that fascinated me when reading your thread was how (seemingly) easy it is for you to astral project / or to have an OBE - which is amazing when considering how difficult it is for most people to trigger such an experience. I guess being a psychic (which I assume you are) is an advantage when it comes to this topic.

Many of the things you spoke of resonated within me, even though I had heared about them in completely different words, in different contexts and with different definitions - the "message" is quite similar and at times overlapping.

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
If you would like to share some experiences to show another angles, im deeply interested - thats why I posted it.

As you said you are interested in reading about other people's perspective I'll try to show you my angle -but I hope you don't mind if I do that tomorrow, as my time today is running out!

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by SunLightyear
reply to post by RobertPaulsim

Robert, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to write this huge thread and for providing a very interesting perspective on this monumental topic.

Something that fascinated me when reading your thread was how (seemingly) easy it is for you to astral project / or to have an OBE - which is amazing when considering how difficult it is for most people to trigger such an experience. I guess being a psychic (which I assume you are) is an advantage when it comes to this topic.

Many of the things you spoke of resonated within me, even though I had heared about them in completely different words, in different contexts and with different definitions - the "message" is quite similar and at times overlapping.

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
If you would like to share some experiences to show another angles, im deeply interested - thats why I posted it.

As you said you are interested in reading about other people's perspective I'll try to show you my angle -but I hope you don't mind if I do that tomorrow, as my time today is running out!

Hey man ( i mean spirit), how are you?

I only managed to project into 4d once, and 5d project its either spontaneous (fall from dream state) or that time when I forced the re-entry...

Everyone is psychic.... we are the same (in the 7th and 1st dimension)!

I will check later to read your stories.


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 02:27 AM
great thread ! S&F.

to me it highlights the microcosim/macrocosim of existance.

our cells/atoms/body are electric.

we have a 4d world and 7 etheric planes.
quantum m theory maintains 11 dimensions.
energy plays in all 11.
strings vibrate to create.

is our spirit form just the entanglement of all that energy inside?
(consider/google those who experience 'phantom limbs' - energy still entangled?)

the interplay of our individual cells working together.
our symbiosis within the world:
we don't survive without certain bacteria inside us (which came first)
trees making our O2, animals make trees CO2.

Thanks. you have added some more pieces to the mosaic.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 02:47 AM
I appreciate this effort. I hope it has some impact.

But it is too complex for me.

The basic point is that awareness or consciousness controls reality (or perception) and not the other way around.

Reverse many of the agreed-upon causalities in our belief system, and you have a truer picture of how things are.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by CitizenNum287119327

is our spirit form just the entanglement of all that energy inside?
(consider/google those who experience 'phantom limbs' - energy still entangled?)

Hey, thanks for the reply. You seem to know what Im talking about.

Phantom limbs: If you ask a cientist he will say is a 'brain thing', if you ask a mystic he would say that the etheric body remains properly set and manifestating in the higher dimension.. if you ask me: both are right. Everything is connected, mind [higher dimensions] manifest matter, but requires an 'embodiment' to experience here.

"Duma key" by Stephen King is a great read, you should check it out. The main protagonist acquires psychic properties after loosing his arm, becoming an artist (painter).


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by l_e_cox
But it is too complex for me.

Hey man... I was afraid that I couldnt express the right words from my line of thinking - English is not my primary language, and if the writting is not good, the message cant get throught. If you can enumerate whats bothering you, I can clarify properly in a reply.

The basic point is that awareness or consciousness controls reality (or perception) and not the other way around.

Reverse many of the agreed-upon causalities in our belief system, and you have a truer picture of how things are.

Yes, this is a major part of everything... Belief systems help your Ego get through life, but will raise conflicts with a conscience that wants to express its criativity... its like a relationship falling apart and people (ego and spirit) cant agree on anything... so the Ego carries on the body, the spirit observes and interacts only in certain moments instead of being integrated at all times.

The mind battle when dealing with PSI here inside the automaton is one constant hit and miss. Performing OBE is another war... The heart chakra (in beginners like myself) always compensate the lack of fluidity in the secondary circuit (the transport of prana), so you will feel your "heart" (the brain translates erroneously at first) beating at 160-200 BPMs... This is supposed to eventually diminish, but I still get the racing part...

Hope to hear from you...


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by RobertPaulsim

I'm still fascinated by your perspective of things, which is clearly an interesting piece to the mosaic.

Okay, here we go. I advise you to take everything I say with a huge grain of salt, as I'm "spiritually blind" so I highly depend on reading, questioning, reading between the lines, connecting the dots, observing another persons opinion, searching my feelings, listening to my heart/gut instinct and the experiences I have made in my life. I'm working on opening my spiritual eyes

Due to language barriers, I do not understand the difference between dimensions and densities ..... but I will use the word density as an attempt to avoid misconceptions with the mathematical term dimension (1d, 2d, 3d, 4d) and the (misleading) interpretation of a dimension by sci-fi and horror movies.

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
The first pattern to grasp is that everything is connected and multi-dimensional. (...)

The first dimension of the human being is the atom, with the maximum expression towards molecular components that vary from forming substances (air, water, rock) to the very fabric of the being - the DNA molecules.
This is the materialization or the evidence for a higher concept called "the one reality", or the expression "all that is" that we are everyone and everything in the highest possible dimension of consciousness, thus manifesting here at the first dimension as one big soup of energy - for those that can observe it.

The state you describe as the 1st dimension is what I consider to be the 1st density and it is likely the same, but I give it an evolutionary spin if you so want - instead of a molecular and biological one. So, at the beginning of this planets evolutionary process there was one; everyone and everything was all that is, it was all one and the same - a huge (spiritual) mass if you so want; rocks - trees - plants.

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
How one being differs from another? My idea of the cosmos response to this is the second dimensional level of beings: the cell unit.

Cells are units that perform functions inside a complete three dimensional being. We have billions of cells in our skin, in our heart, in our brain, in our lungs and so forth. At celular level, the 'individual' - 100 trillion cells - have its own identity by DNA molecules, and every cell of this body has a purpose that it is carried own without attention of the being.

At the point you have switched from 1st dimension to the 2nd dimensional level of beings -from atoms to cell units- it kind of distinguishes with my theory, as I consider the switch from 1st density to 2nd as the state where the insects and animals (etc.) start to evolve and experience themselves as 2nd density beings.

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
[3d] Biologic entities, the need for an Ego [mind]

At this point our theories coincide again; 3rd dimension = 3rd density, humans are beings on the 3rd dimensional level and 3rd density beings with the need for separation, development of the self and the need to form an Ego.

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
So, for the transcendental being operate, it needs a new vessel with both 3d connections and the next 4d dimensional properties. (...)
We can call it anyway we want - i like 'etheric body' because this dimensional body it is very mysterious (occult?) (...)

At this point it becomes quite difficult, as you regard the 4th and the 5th dimension as the spiritual world, the PSI and the paranormal, if I'm not mistaken. So what you describe as the 4th & 5th dimension is in my opinion the astral planes or etheric planes of this planet, that presumably range from 1-7. The 4th dimension is as you perfectly described the playground for the Ego (incl. dreams) within the astral planes and the 5th dimension is the place where our spiritual guides, the souls of deceased human beings, "demons," and the akashic records can be found. So basically when you leave your physical body and travel with your etheric body the 5th dimension you are in the astral planes, I guess, and now at this point the differentiation between dimension and density makes perfect sense to me -something I didn't knew when I was starting this reply.

Okay, so let's just assume for the sake of simplicity that the 4th & 5th dimension you are speaking of = the astral planes of this planet; so the 4th & 5th dimension (or astral plane) is completely beyond the concept of the densities - a microcosm somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th density.

Which brings us to the point of 4th density and what it is. I believe that earth is at the moment a 3rd density planet that has evolved from 1st and 2nd and can be inherited at the moment by 1st, 2nd and 3rd density beings, for example rocks-animals-humans. Once earth ascends to 4th density - which would leave a lot of room for the doom and gloom scenario - it will be possible for 4th density beings to live here. I think that 4th density beings are individuals that are interconnected with each other, hence telepathy might be possible for them , but that is another completely different story to tell and can be found amongst other things in the "RA material" (Law of One) or even in the mayan calendar.

I hope I made myself clear and maybe, I've provided you a bigger picture on things in general.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by SunLightyear
reply to post by RobertPaulsim

Okay, here we go. I advise you to take everything I say with a huge grain of salt, as I'm "spiritually blind" so I highly depend on reading, questioning, reading between the lines, connecting the dots, observing another persons opinion, searching my feelings, listening to my heart/gut instinct and the experiences I have made in my life. I'm working on opening my spiritual eyes

How can someone says that he is blind when we never opened his "eyes" in the first place? We are all capable of observing, the Ego gets in a way.... We are so ready to serve the Ego, that anything out of the "reward" system is extremely difficult to acchieve. Im there with you.

At this point it becomes quite difficult, as you regard the 4th and the 5th dimension as the spiritual world, the PSI and the paranormal, if I'm not mistaken. So what you describe as the 4th & 5th dimension is in my opinion the astral planes or etheric planes of this planet, that presumably range from 1-7. The 4th dimension is as you perfectly described the playground for the Ego (incl. dreams) within the astral planes and the 5th dimension is the place where our spiritual guides, the souls of deceased human beings, "demons," and the akashic records can be found. So basically when you leave your physical body and travel with your etheric body the 5th dimension you are in the astral planes, I guess, and now at this point the differentiation between dimension and density makes perfect sense to me -something I didn't knew when I was starting this reply.

Okay, so let's just assume for the sake of simplicity that the 4th & 5th dimension you are speaking of = the astral planes of this planet; so the 4th & 5th dimension (or astral plane) is completely beyond the concept of the densities - a microcosm somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th density.

Which brings us to the point of 4th density and what it is. I believe that earth is at the moment a 3rd density planet that has evolved from 1st and 2nd and can be inherited at the moment by 1st, 2nd and 3rd density beings, for example rocks-animals-humans. Once earth ascends to 4th density - which would leave a lot of room for the doom and gloom scenario - it will be possible for 4th density beings to live here. I think that 4th density beings are individuals that are interconnected with each other, hence telepathy might be possible for them , but that is another completely different story to tell and can be found amongst other things in the "RA material" (Law of One) or even in the mayan calendar.

I hope I made myself clear and maybe, I've provided you a bigger picture on things in general.

I see the confusion... Im a computer programmer, so I tend to see things in "object design" if the metaphor can strech long enough.

From the Books I´ve read, the astral can be very subdivided from author to author - etheric plane, lower astral, higher astral, mental, buddhic. Robert Bruce (my favorite author) even coined his own term - real time astral - that is what mystics call 'lower astral'.

I look upon this "mess" of concepts and reflected about my own perspective. The first tip I got was that we can interact with "higher entities" in an awake state.... the only way possible for this interaction to occur is that we have "the ears" in place, but because of the immense attention that the "real world" gets, this "subtle, occult" anatomy stays hidden from those who choose to NOT open their eyes. Thats was not the case for me, because I´ve had an enormous contact when very young... in my head I couldnt deny the possibility that the world if far beyond its appearance... i guess I own serious debt to a 5d friend....

So, to incarnate here, my idea begins with a "wrapper" - an interface structure that operate both ways. This was the beginning of the 4d idea of a mixed body that operates like a intelligent fluid transmitting and receiving the next dimension messages. Thats why the term 'transcendental' - it was a reference to a spring board spiritual type of structure that links the 3d to 5d (the whole huge astral dimension).

The densities approach was clever, but for me the abstraction never clicked - a unicellular organism is a full 3d being for me, with all 4d,5d,6d bodies there.. why? because we came from them, and nature is about continuity and excellence, so you cant develop things further if they are not there in the first place. Animals have everything (1 to 7d) in place, but their 3d vessel is not adequate for the mind - the (survivalist) Ego is too strong.


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
How can someone says that he is blind when we never opened his "eyes" in the first place? We are all capable of observing, the Ego gets in a way.... We are so ready to serve the Ego, that anything out of the "reward" system is extremely difficult to acchieve. Im there with you.

Okay, I guess considering myself to be "spiritually blind" was just a limiting belief then - or a very laborious formulation that I haven't opened my spiritual eyes fully, yet.

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
The densities approach was clever, but for me the abstraction never clicked - a unicellular organism is a full 3d being for me, with all 4d,5d,6d bodies there.. why? because we came from them, and nature is about continuity and excellence, so you cant develop things further if they are not there in the first place. Animals have everything (1 to 7d) in place, but their 3d vessel is not adequate for the mind - the (survivalist) Ego is too strong.

Your approach is very interesting and thought provoking, indeed. I think I understand now where you are coming from - form your perspective, it all isn't a matter of a step-by-step evolutionary ascension progress (from 1 to 2 to 3, etc.), but that the 4d, 5d and 6d bodies of a 3d human being coexist, within other dimensions. So, while living in the 3rd dimension the 3d experience is predominant for the body-mind-spirit complex (ego too strong, etc.) so that the 3d experience is for us the one that we predominatly perceive. Once we are able to put aside the predominat 3d experience (Ego) it is possible for us to experience our 4d-6d bodies - namely by deep meditation, trance, etc. Sounds very plausible to me - if I did not misunderstood you.

Still, I'm trying to discover the bigger picture within your theory - the point where creation begins - the point where god, the creator, the big bang (however you name it) comes into play. But I guess this would explode the frame of this topic

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by SunLightyear

Thanks for this discussion SunLightYear.... the big picture is not for us, im afraid. There is another thread in ATS about "the harvest" event.. very spiritual discussion, you should check it out.

So, did you get the pendulum to move? You can u2u me if you need personal advice.


posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by RobertPaulsim

I guess you meant this thread here on ATS?
Thanks for the reference, I will check it out! Thanks for everything!


by Universal Light
The Harvest is an event in which if an entity has learned the lessons of that density, it is eligible to graduate to the next density. Usually this is just designated for the inhabitants of a planet. However, at the end of a bigger cycle, the planet itself can be Harvested as well which is the case with Earth.

That was what I was trying to say (3rd density ascension to 4th density), but I think Universal Light found some better and understandable words for it

edit on 10-4-2011 by SunLightyear because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by RobertPaulsim
If you can enumerate whats bothering you, I can clarify properly in a reply.

Your English is fine, and I don't want to create uncertainty in someone so obviously eager to learn. But I'll say this:

You have obviously studied the traditional mystic teachings. I haven't; at least not thoroughly. I've only studied a more modern teaching. And that teaching asked this basic question: Why were the ancient teachings made so complicated? What were their real intent? Were they truly meant to enlighten and free the spirit, or to further ensnare it?

This modern teaching had a workability to it, and so I took it seriously. But that puts me on an odd footing with those that have become aware of these things through the old teachings.

The true test of any teaching or philosophy is: Can the technology derived from it be used for some desirable goal? Or more narrowly, does it produce the expected result when correctly applied?

If a workable technology can be derived from a teaching or philosophy then that lends credence to that teaching. I am aware of many successful applications of the technologies connected with the teaching I studied. And I am not so aware of this concerning the older teachings.

So if you could clarify something it would be this: How can the teachings you have studied be put to practice to do useful things, improve one's abilities in life, etc? That's what's missing from the picture for me.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by l_e_cox
So if you could clarify something it would be this: How can the teachings you have studied be put to practice to do useful things, improve one's abilities in life, etc? That's what's missing from the picture for me.

I like the way you think - its called pragmatism, and I feel im that movement as well.

About the old teachings: the cultural difference blocks most of the knowledge, most things IMHO got lost in the translation due to this enourmous gap... without science and healthy skepticism most things were explained by deities or traditions folk passed on with a lot of "social conducts" morals.

To answer your question: understand the Ego is key to meaning (conscience), and with meaning there is integration of everything (like the cells of our body), therefore you will feel whole and even your Ego transforms a little into a more peacefull mind creature (the 'monkey mind' in budhist teaching).

This thread got me thinking alot in meanings of life - Im reading "Cosmos" again from Sagan.... Im completely "awed" (dont know if this is the right word) when I finally got to see the intelligence of the molecular strucuture.... Its impossible to be a "little chance" over 4 billions of years... The automated part of 1d must be the laws of nature, something that Kepler, Newton observed and extract formulas to it... but WHY those atoms joined together and formed behaviour in the DNA molecule inside a cell nucleous to REPAIR damaged copies.... this is insane.... they use algorythms! there is patterns and extraction and joining of other molecules to get it RIGHT.... how does it knows its wrong? A decoding mechanism?

Im reviewing my notes, man.... Scientists in the 50s are tyring to look again how evolution begin (the Beilsting encyclopaedia) and the whole thing hit me hard: this universe have the creator mind in the "vaccum" (or the akashic layer if you understand) - a universe huge, unthinkable PSI from all that is.... if conditions are right, life is eventual as gravity, but engineered with the highest dimension full being... I know every one in the room will call upon "mutation" and the 3 principles of evolution.. but this IMHO is the media error, not the conscience behind the movement of particles.... this easily could be another thread.

How moving psiwheels or pendulums improve your life? Well, if MAYBE we understand that this is just a stage for the multi-dimensional mind that we all are, we start care and diminish the cruelty of the Ego manifesting in our society... serving the ego is suicide, because does not complete the cycle of giving (our cells is a prove of that.... cancer happens when there is no integration with a part of an organ).

Im getting carried away.... sorry if m rambling.


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