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Soros Convenes 'Bretton Woods II'

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Soros Convenes 'Bretton Woods II'

Internationalist billionaire George Soros is holding his international conference April 8 to April 11 at Bretton Woods, N.H., the noted birthplace of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, where he plans to “rearrange the entire financial order,” as he noted in a November 2009 article in The Japan Times Online.
This “Bretton Woods II” comes along just as the Trilateral Commission will be meeting at the same time in Washington, D.C. With an apparent goal of creating nothing less than a new global economy, Soros is spending $50 million in New Hampshire to bring together up
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:59 AM
As AFP goes to press, the attendees are to include ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and World Bank executive and Nobel Prize winner in economics Joseph Stiglitz.
The conference is slated for the Mount Washington Hotel, site of the historic 1944 Bretton Woods conference, which established the post-World War II international financial architecture.

Now Soros comes along as the new Keynes to save the day by proposing another miracle solution to our problems, couched in lofty doublespeak such as “reform,” “cooperation” and “equal participation.” Soros is proposing the end of sovereignty as we know it.

Soros.....a keynesian idiot who promotes failed monetary policy and failed economics~
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:28 AM
I hold Soros and and current government official taking direction from this conference responsible for their actions. Any distruction of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights will be an act of treason and/or sedition punishible by death. Preferably hanging and forfeiture of all estate money, property.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:30 AM
The fact Soros has Gordon Brown present means he has first base covered.

He has the best in the world from all the western Governments to explain HOW NOT TO run a country's finances.

+12 more 
posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:31 AM
When asked about 1944 when he was helping to confiscate homes from Jews in Hungary:

Asked by Kroft if he felt any remorse, he answered, “No, not at all; I rather enjoyed it.”

“No feelings of guilt?” asked Kroft. “No,” answered Soros, “only feelings of power.”

He had the hand in hurting Britain in 1992, Russia in 1999, also Malaysia and Thailand in 1997, which led to the PM of Thailand calling him a “Dracula” and the PM of Malaysia calling him “a villain and a moron”.

He also helped to tear apart Yugoslavia and damage the economies of Japan, Indonesia, Georgia, Ukraine and Burma.

And since his love for power knows no limits, as proven in 1944 by aiding the Fascists, he now at 81 has his sights set on taking down America:

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. The time has come for a very serious adjustment,”

Who did he fund for President of the United States? Barack Obama. Who does he visit regularly at the White House for meetings? Barack Obama. Who will be his puppet for ushering in Bretton Woods System II? Barack Obama.

George Soros is a monster, he reeks of sulfur. The man is an animal with a lust for blood and destruction, nothing will stand in his path to a one world government run directly by his cronies trained by Fabian Socialists from the London School of Economics and establishing puppet regimes around the world with his control and backing through the implementation of his “Open Society” where he recruits them from the Ivy League schools across the globe.

Well friends, young and old, rich and poor, strong and weak, this is their time. They know it, we know it, and they know we know it, so now it is all about taking the power as quickly and quietly as possible.

The plan since Bretton Woods I was to put us on the road to debt and thus servitude to the Central Bankers then when the system cannot manage itself anymore they bring in their new system. It will be like the Lisbon Treaty in the European Union, only far much worse than that. They will pretend like each nation has the choice to support it or not via a vote, but we all know that those in office come from their background and receive their funding so they will vote as they are told. The vocal minority will not have the power to stop them and it will be all theirs.

But just as all the NWO fanatics say, the United States is the only roadblock in their way. So my fellow Americans are we going to stand up and be this roadblock? Or will be stand down and let not only ourselves be imprisoned within their new system, where the only way out is through major bloody uprisings met with force from all the world’s forces administered by the UN, but for all people across the world?

If the government shuts down we will default in two weeks without a raise in the debt ceiling, if it does not shut down we have one week until default without raise in debt ceiling. At this same time they are convening to create a new global financial world order and the Bilderberg group is meeting to discuss how the world will be run for the next year. This is the big moment in history everyone, April will be the month that changes history forever.

When the bill to sign away our sovereignty is handed down to our Congress we will have but little time to react and do so with as much popular force as possible. Because the globalists want this and know that all it takes is to sign the bill and the deal is done, there will be no more battles the power is finally theirs, so that means we the people will meet the end of the road. Where either we stop it, or they stop us forever.
edit on 4/8/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:32 AM
Talk about convenient timing, this conference just happens to take place on the eve of a US goverment shutdown.

Funny how these things happen, eh?

The people are the world are being played like a fiddle. Many know this, but are either too lazy or too afraid to try to organize to do anything about it.
I know I'm too busy with trying to stay financially afloat during this economic downturn to even attempt to 'buck the system". So lump me in the "too afraid" category for now.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Very well put and excellent points provided.

Why is it so many people try to deny the working of evil men like Soros as only 'paranoia' when, if you follow the money and global events, his hand at trying to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States is obvious?

Once again, great post, well written!

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Outstanding presentation, and very well thought out sir~

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:53 AM
Keynesian theory isn't bad on its own. It gets its bad reputation from those that try to implement it. Its akin to stepping on the gas or the brakes depending on the economic situation. Problem is with poli-chickens is that they won't put into place the brakes by raising taxes nor will they cut back government during these times to save for the bad times. They just see the word "SPEND" and salivate.

As for the Soros affair...I think we are officially in the "put on your helmet" phase of Ron White's crisis meter. If they are planning the next international system and the current one is semi-stable ( even though its on life support), this must mean that there is something big coming down the pipe to finish it off. This is because you need a major shift in global power to arrange something like this in order to make room for it. At the end of WWII you had the last breaths of the global British Empire and the void left by it and the other European nations losing many of their colonies to fill with the new system.

When you look at the world today there are many threat vectors: Oil prices are increasing along with food, Fukushima, increase in seismic activity in general around the world, Nations are going bankrupt, the list goes on and on and the further down you get into the more "shady" vectors (HAARP influencing seismicity for instance). Any sharp action along any of these could cause a major global void to open that a new Breton Woods system could fill. Even if nothing happens the fact they are planning this means that they see something that we don't necessarily.

Definitely this is something to keep a very close eye on.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:56 AM
This is it, the beginning of the end. Its time to fight back. We need to stop them. This is the endgame, they have it all right where they want it. If we don't do something soon, humanity as we know it will soon be enslaved.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Sir Solomon

Sorry, but i must disagree, Keynesian economics depends far to much of actions by the government to stabilize output over the business cycle.

There is a reason it lost some influence following the stagflation of the 1970s.

We already have entirely to much Government intervention. What we need is more individualism.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Sir Solomon

Something big, eh?

Would a dirty-bomb attack in NYC be big enough?

Let me find those links to those threads talking about WMD training in New York recently...

There we go.
edit on 8-4-2011 by Dreine because: Link added.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Davian

We are already enslaved but I do understand your point. Bretton Woods I was to organize us all with the IMF and World Bank, we were still going to be mostly sovereign states just with more centralization and concentration of wealth and power. This time however, their Bretton Woods II is going to be far worse.

The first one was to push us into debt and their second one is going to be the answer to what they originally created. “Let us help we must restructure the system because the one we first set up destroyed you, so let us fix what we first screwed up”. How stupid are people?! That is like letting your doctor ‘accidentally’ removing your kidney and then him telling you that he will just operate again to fix what he first messed up, you can trust him!

I swear if people cannot wake up even for this maybe I should just go ahead and join their side at least I can have a good life not worrying about being a slave. If people are just that stupid to even try and stop them from enslaving them when they still have the chance to stop it then maybe my efforts should be dedicated to getting on their side and moving my way up with them. If I was to even see just a little anger by the public about this after the news breaks then I will proudly stand by the people, but if they are just that lost maybe my allegiances should be placed elsewhere. :shk:

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:12 AM
Hey, at least somebody's trying to fix the economy.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Sadly, like the old addage goes, "Ignorance is bliss."

Is it better to think you are free when you are not, or to struggle for true freedom against almost insurmountable odds? Most people would rather be like "The Matrix" and think everything is alright. They are scared of what might be lurking under their beds... and rightfully so.

I'd like to be numb and happy as well, but my mind won't let me shake what I see and hear. Bad things are definitely on the way.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by OhioPariah
Hey, at least somebody's trying to fix the economy.

You mean the same people who had intentionally ruined it in the first place?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Misoir

Originally posted by OhioPariah
Hey, at least somebody's trying to fix the economy.

You mean the same people who had intentionally ruined it in the first place?

I guess they'd know what to fix. The saboteur usually knows what he did to sabotage the machinery.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Bretton Woods I, as it is now being dubbed really came about to deal with the bankruptcy and insolvency of the United States.

How to mask it's debtor status and create a system in which it could still do commerce with it's creditors, and obtain international lines of credit, and more importantly keep International investment from cashing out.

We have actually been in Bankruptcy since 1931 with key members of Congress appointed as Trustees.

Our debts have not decreased since then and we are in fact hopelessly insolvent in a system that can not be reconciled.

With 14 trillion in International Debt, and 11 Trillion in Consumer Debt with only 3 Trillion in currency in circulation to pay it all back the system created by the Bretton Woods conference and then later modified radically under Nixon when he removed us entirely from the Gold Standard is hopelessly beyond repair as a result.

We lost our sovereignty back in the 1930's, how do you imagine we ended up as the world's policeman, an international mercenary force to secure natuaral resources and markets for the corporations and their banks?

Because it was fiscally prudent for a financially bankrupt state to underdake costly military endeavor after military endeavor?

Because it was morally imperetive to impose our system that can't even balance it's books and live within it's means on others?

Because hordes of Huns and Marauders were invading our borders at will?

No to keep getting more lines of credit and doing the International Banking Cartels, International Corporations and the Military Industrial Complex's dirty work.

It was all over but the shouting in 1931, now it's time for the shouting!

Earplugs anyone?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thank you for elaborating on that but I do have one question which I hope you can answer.

Since Bretton Woods I was actually to veil the actual insolvency of our country and force us into becoming the world’s policeman for big business and bankers so as to just keep ourselves afloat and we do know now that this is the end of the line then what are their plans with Bretton Woods II? Obviously it is to rescue their original creation, not actually rescue it but change it, so what are their new ideas?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Sir Solomon
Keynesian theory isn't bad on its own. It gets its bad reputation from those that try to implement it. Its akin to stepping on the gas or the brakes depending on the economic situation. Problem is with poli-chickens is that they won't put into place the brakes by raising taxes nor will they cut back government during these times to save for the bad times. They just see the word "SPEND" and salivate.

As for the Soros affair...I think we are officially in the "put on your helmet" phase of Ron White's crisis meter. If they are planning the next international system and the current one is semi-stable ( even though its on life support), this must mean that there is something big coming down the pipe to finish it off. This is because you need a major shift in global power to arrange something like this in order to make room for it. At the end of WWII you had the last breaths of the global British Empire and the void left by it and the other European nations losing many of their colonies to fill with the new system.

When you look at the world today there are many threat vectors: Oil prices are increasing along with food, Fukushima, increase in seismic activity in general around the world, Nations are going bankrupt, the list goes on and on and the further down you get into the more "shady" vectors (HAARP influencing seismicity for instance). Any sharp action along any of these could cause a major global void to open that a new Breton Woods system could fill. Even if nothing happens the fact they are planning this means that they see something that we don't necessarily.

Definitely this is something to keep a very close eye on.

I was following you till you said HAARP, then I threw the whole posit out the door with the bathwater. A serious subject like this gets thrown in the shcitzo category by one slipup like that. That is why nobody takes these serious subjects seriously, a piece of garbage disinfo gets lumped in and nobody will listen.

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