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Cut this. Cut that. But, keep spending $8 billion Every Month on a Senseless War - Walter Jones

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:57 PM
Cut this. Cut that. But, keep spending $8 billion Every Month on a Senseless War - Walter Jones

"Here we are in Washington discussing right now about the 2011 budget. What should we do and what we should not do. Cut this. Cut that. And, yet we seem to find $8 billion per month for a corrupt leader in Afghanistan, Karzai. He is corrupt and his government is corrupt "said Walter Jones is U.S. Representative for North Carolina's 3rd congressional district and a member of the Republican Party.


Its' all about Oil and profit for the Corporations that run this Country including the Politicians in DC. There' no hope any longer. It's completely rigged. Our military budget is $500 BILLION a year. That's OBSCENE.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:00 PM
The title says it all. It isn't only about the oil, it's about implementing their world organization structure. Corporation expansion and dominance of all markets. They can then make all the rules and reign unopposed, the same goals most empires sought, but didn't have the technology that is available now.
These wars aren't going to end, they're just getting warmed up.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:13 PM
Interesting, to bad it talks so much about god at the end, was going to use the video to prove to my friends (i live in Europe) that the US is sick of the war, and how the middle east is 100% related to the cuts being made atm, but the whole god aspect, that gets ridiculed here in Europe, as we separated Religion and Government along time ago (well on the surface anyway)
edit on 7/4/11 by WiseThinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Pha3drus

Pha3drus things can get you down sometimes, I understand, but if the awake people give up then for sure change shall never come, at least not positive change.

TPTB have been in-the-know and at the helm for too long. Too many pots are boiling over, too many things are right out in the open for all to see. I think TPTB feel they are so far along with their big plans that there is no stopping them. Me, I remain in hope that people like you & I will continue to speak with neighbors and co-workers, gently planting those mustard seeds that will grow into the mighty tree of knowledge.

'Obamacare' is going to fail mightily, and when it negatively affects the largest voting pool, our seniors, there is going to be severe backlash.

I can't accept this society that TPTB operate. The 'almighty' have led millions along a terrible path, and while we toil in slavery for their whims we are further removed from a peaceful existence living on the land and following our bliss. TPTB have retarded the masses with their well-oiled manipulation machine. We should be growing vegetables, pondering the stars and seeking spiritual enlightenment or the answers to questions that interest us. TPTB have a really good Hansel & Gretel currently underway. It is our responsibility to make others aware.

Please don't give up. Just as David toppled Goliath, just as lowly K-Mart bought out the mighty mighty Sears & Roebuck empire, we too must be unwavering in our goal. There was a time when men were free to work the soil and reap the reward without even the concept of rent, mortgages or taxes. People could enjoy living amongst their extended family, working together, dining together, giving thanks together - in peace and harmony, living off the land. I reject this box of oppression and manipulation TPTB saw me born into. One day we all will choose to stop complying with their demands. They who was The Big Cheese will be toppled, as will the fast food restaurants, car dealerships and all other trappings of destruction. Together we can bulldoze the rusting factories and see nature take hold once more.

Please, hang in there.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by LargeFries
reply to post by Pha3drus

Pha3drus things can get you down sometimes, I understand, but if the awake people give up then for sure change shall never come, at least not positive change.

TPTB have been in-the-know and at the helm for too long. Too many pots are boiling over, too many things are right out in the open for all to see. I think TPTB feel they are so far along with their big plans that there is no stopping them. Me, I remain in hope that people like you & I will continue to speak with neighbors and co-workers, gently planting those mustard seeds that will grow into the mighty tree of knowledge.

'Obamacare' is going to fail mightily, and when it negatively affects the largest voting pool, our seniors, there is going to be severe backlash.

I can't accept this society that TPTB operate. The 'almighty' have led millions along a terrible path, and while we toil in slavery for their whims we are further removed from a peaceful existence living on the land and following our bliss. TPTB have retarded the masses with their well-oiled manipulation machine. We should be growing vegetables, pondering the stars and seeking spiritual enlightenment or the answers to questions that interest us. TPTB have a really good Hansel & Gretel currently underway. It is our responsibility to make others aware.

Please don't give up. Just as David toppled Goliath, just as lowly K-Mart bought out the mighty mighty Sears & Roebuck empire, we too must be unwavering in our goal. There was a time when men were free to work the soil and reap the reward without even the concept of rent, mortgages or taxes. People could enjoy living amongst their extended family, working together, dining together, giving thanks together - in peace and harmony, living off the land. I reject this box of oppression and manipulation TPTB saw me born into. One day we all will choose to stop complying with their demands. They who was The Big Cheese will be toppled, as will the fast food restaurants, car dealerships and all other trappings of destruction. Together we can bulldoze the rusting factories and see nature take hold once more.

Please, hang in there.

Good words, mate. I agree. We mustn't let the pessimism dictate our future actions.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:27 PM
AMEN brother!!

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by WiseThinker
Interesting, to bad it talks so much about god at the end, was going to use the video to prove to my friends (i live in Europe) that the US is sick of the war, and how the middle east is 100% related to the cuts being made atm, but the whole god aspect, that gets ridiculed here in Europe, as we separated Religion and Government along time ago (well on the surface anyway)
edit on 7/4/11 by WiseThinker because: (no reason given)

Yeah. It gets a little frustrating.

Also, I just found out that he voted for some bill requiring French Fries to be renamed to Freedom Fries when the French refused to join us for invading Iraq.

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