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miracle at puxian. talking statues....

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:11 PM
have you guys seen these videos on youtube about the statues.

i know it's impossible... still those images are freekyyy.... i can the mouth moving and also the eyes open.

At 5–6 p.m. local time on Feb. 27, after a service at the Buddhist center, more than 100 members were lining up to meet Tong Chew, the abbot of the center, when they saw that the Buddha statues in the room started moving, Malaysia’s Chinese newspaper Guang Ming Daily reported.

The witnesses told the newspaper that they first saw one Buddha statue’s lips moving, and its chest also moved as if it was breathing. Then, other statues started moving their lips too, and some kept blinking and even moved their fingers up and down.

Many of the witnesses recorded the strange phenomenon with their cell phones and cameras, and uploaded the videos to YouTube and Facebook. One particular video shows light emanating from the swastika symbol on a Buddha statue’s chest several times. Another video shows a blue light appearing behind a Buddha statue.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:15 PM
Looks like really crappy animatronics / puppeteering work to me .. of course the video quality would have to be terrible for such a miracle..

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:21 PM
Actually after watching several of these guys "miracle" videos it appears to be caused by the camera itself, in a few of them things around the statues ( with edges ) give off a similar effect every time he moves.. this makes the eyes look like they are moving as well as the mouth.. I could be wrong but several other youtube comments pointed that out ..

either way, his camera sucks..

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:23 PM
here is at least a clearer video

Funny comment someone left: Strange how nothing happens when people use a clear camera that isn't fuzzy.
edit on 6-4-2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:32 PM
I'm with miniatus on this one

Looks like a visual artefact produced by the cameras they're recording with. If it were a real or well known phenomenon, more people would have uploaded videos.

Still, good find

edit on 6/4/2011 by Fazza! because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:33 PM
Now my neck hurts......

This is the same reason we get flooded with "reptilian" videos. It's video compression artifacts caused by uploading to YouTube.

I would be more inclined to believe in statues that bleed milk or blood before I believed a bronze statue could talk.
edit on 4/6/2011 by CastleMadeOfSand because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/6/2011 by CastleMadeOfSand because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by CastleMadeOfSand
Now my neck hurts......

This is the same reason we get flooded with "reptilian" videos. It's video compression artifacts caused by uploading to YouTube.

I would be more inclined to believe in statues that bleed milk or blood before I believed a bronze statue could talk.
edit on 4/6/2011 by CastleMadeOfSand because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/6/2011 by CastleMadeOfSand because: (no reason given)

Absolutely right.. the reptile stuff drives me nuts, I don't know why I click on them every single time but I do and it's always the same thing.. it's helped a bit with all the HD stuff in youtube lately but not everyone uploads properly and usually something has been transcoded once or twice before youtube gets it and transcodes it again..

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:58 PM
.....and I thought Buddhists were generally honest people? I guess every bunch has their bad apples eh?

Did the person who filmed this see this with their own eyes, or were they filming for no reason and noticed through the lens?

Can anybody here translate what is being said in the video?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by CastleMadeOfSand

By the looks of this video it would seem that there are lots of different people, wish i could understand...

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:52 PM
My first thought was why don't these people sound more excited? it sounds like just normal talking no...MY GOD! LOOK! THEY ARE TALKING!!! When i hear asian speach when people are freaked or excited it sounds very fast and shrill. Maybe they see this everyday humm

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