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Kapagen Generator - Free Energy from the Capacitor called The Earth - With Video

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:17 PM
The Kapagen Generator is a device that captures and uses the stored electricity of the Earth itself.

Just like plugging two electrodes into an orange to get energy to power a small fan or clock ( these toys/science experiments are all over), this device simply works.

This generator based on the work of Nikola Tesla was built by Tariel Kapanadze. There is a video download link here of Tariel Kapanadze and his experiments :

On this page Jean-Louis Naudin has tried to recreate this generator.

IMHO, I think that the working principle of the Tariel Kapanadze generator is to suck the free electrons from the Earth. The Earth is a big capacitor which contains free electric charges. If it is possible to create or to find a potential imbalance between two points in the ground, it seems possible to suck additional electrons from the ground and thus to create an increase of the current flow through a wire connected between these two points. Early in his researches in Colorado Springs, Nikola Tesla wanted to collect free energy from the Earth capacitor between the ground and the ionosphere by the use of a parametric resonance with the TMT project (read the Colorado Springs notes from 1899). Later, Tesla has also found that it is possible to do the same process with only the use of the ground by using the natural imbalance of the ground potential produced by the telluric currents flow underground and Tesla has found that this can be done by the use of an asymmetric displacement of current...

"Minimal work is done in the system due to absence of translational movement in the displacement current. As small heat losses occurs, oscillations are maintained by the surplus charge stored in the coil. Very low energy expenditure allows power delivery to a load over an extended time period without an external fuel supply. After an initial input of energy from an outside source, Tesla's new electrical generator would operate as a fuelless device." from "The Second Law Thermodynamics and Tesla's Fuelless Generator" by Oliver Nichelson

Here are some videos of his experiments.

Many of these devices have been built. See the Replications page here:

The website has full instructions, schematics and diagrams for Free. No one is selling any of this technology as far as I can see. you are free to make your own and test it.

My question is, if this Technology exists - as simple as it is - Why aren't we using it?
edit on 6-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:18 PM

My question is, if this Technology exists - as simple as it is - Why aren't we using it?

Because it's not real.


posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by boncho

My question is, if this Technology exists - as simple as it is - Why aren't we using it?

Because it's not real.


How do you know that? The energy from an orange simply does work. The idea of earth as a capacitor that has stored and useful energy has been proven over and over again - so what makes you think this don't work?

I don't think you had enough time to read the material before answering me - you simply jumped to your conclusion. I added some extra info by way on explanation to my post above.
edit on 6-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:28 PM
I cant disprove this, but are we to believe that bush is powering all those lights? Cant tell if maybe that cord continues to maybe a wall outlet or concealed battery in shown bush. Only watched first vid so if I missed a key detail from the others ignore my comment and chalk it up to laziness.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by regor77
I cant disprove this, but are we to believe that bush is powering all those lights? Cant tell if maybe that cord continues to maybe a wall outlet or concealed battery in shown bush. Only watched first vid so if I missed a key detail from the others ignore my comment and chalk it up to laziness.

As a layperson I don't understand all the science myself - that is exactly what all those components are actually doing.

If you download the video here: , you will see the inventor putting together the parts from scratch and burying the wires. in his case he used a car radiator buried in the ground attached to a wire and hooked the other wire to a ground source a cold water pipe. I only speak English and this video is not in English. I wish someone could translate for me but the video is very long.

This seems to be the nuts and bolts of the idea:

IMHO, I think that the working principle of the Tariel Kapanadze generator is to suck the free electrons from the Earth. The Earth is a big capacitor which contains free electric charges. If it is possible to create or to find a potential imbalance between two points in the ground, it seems possible to suck additional electrons from the ground and thus to create an increase of the current flow through a wire connected between these two points.

edit on 6-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Anyone contacted these people...

seems very basic low level electronics... I don't discard it as fake but it sure doesn't look like the standard "free energy" devices I've seen sofar.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

How do you know that? The energy from an orange simply does work.

The energy for the battery does not come from the lemon or potato, but rather the energy comes from the chemical change in the zinc (or other metal). The zinc is oxidized inside the lemon, exchanging some of its electrons in order to reach a lower energy state, and the energy released provides the power.[3] The lemon or potato merely provides an environment where this can happen, but they are not used up in the process.

Insert "Lemon" for "Orange."

Naudin is known charlatan by the way.

edit on 6-4-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by boncho

Naudin "replicates" Steorn.
Steorn's own people say they're bunk.

There is a ton of info on Steorn, you can look up the rest if you'd like to know.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by boncho

The orange analogy was my creation. I thought it was a good one. So, you've disproved what I said about the orange. I know nothing of Naudin or Kapanadze. It's claimed this principle is based on Tesla's work and we know He was no fraud.. just because Naudin may have lied about one thing in the past ( and I have no knowledge of this just your word), does not mean he lied about this technology.

The claim is:

Early in his researches in Colorado Springs, Nikola Tesla wanted to collect free energy from the Earth capacitor between the ground and the ionosphere by the use of a parametric resonance with the TMT project (read the Colorado Springs notes from 1899). Later, Tesla has also found that it is possible to do the same process with only the use of the ground by using the natural imbalance of the ground potential produced by the telluric currents flow underground and Tesla has found that this can be done by the use of an asymmetric displacement of current...

Do you dispute that Tesla did this?

I'm not saying it's real or not but you would have to better than that to disprove this to me. If you download the Kapanadze video, you will see him and a group of lots of people test this thing with meters and other measuring equipment. I encourage you to watch that video for a better understanding of this device.

Better yet, Put your money where your mouth is. The instructions are all there. Build one for yourself and if it don't work as claimed, then you can come back and tell me why it don't.

What about the fact that many other people have replicated this device?

edit on 6-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I'm not saying it's real or not but you would have to better than that to disprove this to me. If you download the Kapanadze video, you will see him and a group of lots of people test this thing with meters and other measuring equipment. I encourage you to watch that video for a better understanding of this device.

1. Not wasting my bandwidth on it. 2. There have been NUMEROUS demonstrations done of bunk energy devices. Doesn't matter how many people are there. You ever been able to explain a magicians act during or after the show?

Better yet, Put your money where your mouth is. The instructions are all there. Build one for yourself and if it don't work as claimed, then you can come back and tell me why it don't.

How about since you believe in it, you build it and tell us it works. If someone were to try and replicate every crackpot idea out there it would take a lifetime to get through them all.

What about the fact that many other people have replicated this device?

Any independent labs do this? Please, link the papers. I will review them in a heartbeat.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix

How do you know that? The energy from an orange simply does work.

The orange produces energy the same way any car battery does. It isn't "sucking" energy out of the earth, or anywhere else.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by boncho


Yes, there have been bunk free energy devices. You hold them all up to this " they are all bunk standard" without looking at the info? You state you won't waste your time looking at the info yet you claim to have all the answers? Are you for freaking real pal?

All of the info on this I have seen has been from mid 2010 - this seems pretty new. I suspect if there is something to it it will take a while before any labs seriously get around to testing it. All technology goes through stages. Until the science is understood ( and there is a lot of science out there that is not understood) one of the first is disbelief. This is the stage your at. If you won't even examine the information, then you have no leg to stand on.

Sure go ahead and maintain it's bunk all you want - you are free to believe what you want to - but don't on generalities come into my thread and tell me its bunk without even looking at the info and studying the components and science behind it. Do that then if there is a flaw in the science or design that you can point to, then you have my blessing to explain why it won't work.

Btw, I noticed how you conveniently ignored my information about Tesla and that he discovered these principles. I asked you if you dispute this. You refused to answer. I wonder why this is. Could it be you don't want to have to publicly state that Tesla didn't do this or that Tesla's science is bunk? If you were forced to admit that yes, Tesla did make such claims then your whole bunk theory would lose credibility?

Look up telluric currents. They are real and based in science fact.

This is also similar in principle to an earth battery. We KNOW these are real because they were actually used to power telegraph machines years ago.

Now, you wanna tell me again how bunk this is without looking at the science?
edit on 6-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:40 PM
Here is another video showing this machine in action.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Yes, there have been bunk free energy devices. You hold them all up to this " they are all bunk standard" without looking at the info? You state you won't waste your time looking at the info yet you claim to have all the answers? Are you for freaking real pal?

When the person in question has been promoting bunk ideas and bunk systems, then yes, I hold them to the standard they set for themselves. Researchers and scientists make mistakes, but any that are worth a grain of salt will make sure that their findings can't be falsified (by anyone) after promoting something that wasn't.

There is no info, there are videos, anyone can make flashy videos that claim whatever the author desires. Just because Elizabeth Montgomery disappeared in Bewitched, it never meant we invented teleportation....

This is the stage your at. If you won't even examine the information, then you have no leg to stand on.

Like I said, no information.

you are free to believe what you want to - but don't on generalities come into my thread and tell me its bunk without even looking at the info and studying the components and science behind it.

Show me the science behind it!

It's BUNK cause you put FREE ENERGY in your title.

Every crackpot mixes real scientific phenomena in with their claims. You claimed this is "Free energy". Something thats from the 1800's... If you want to re-title your thread and talk about actual science against this persons claims, knock yourself out. If you want to talk about telluric currents in a thread, knock yourself out.

Btw, I noticed how you conveniently ignored my information about Tesla and that he discovered these principles. I asked you if you dispute this. You refused to answer. I wonder why this is. Could it be you don't want to have to publicly state that Tesla didn't do this or that Tesla's science is bunk? If you were forced to admit that yes, Tesla did make such claims then your whole bunk theory would lose credibility?

You misinterpret. Re-Read your title again, thanks.
Your thread title was not "Let's analyze Telluric Current!" It was: "Free Energy...."

And then you end your OP with:

My question is, if this Technology exists - as simple as it is - Why aren't we using it?

(why post hypotheticals that you already know that answer to? ^^)

We did use it, in the 1800's. They found better stuff.

I should have said the OP along with Naudin was bunk. I will give you credit for retracting your statement on the orange though. If you took that as me saying the telluric currents are bunk than I apologize.

edit on 6-4-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Here is another video showing this machine in action.

I can post a video of me cooking a pound of beef steak on my stove. The only thing you will be able to deduce from that is that I will be full after eating it.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by boncho

Again you side step answering the questions.

No Info?

The Info is all over the pages I posted.. not the videos but the website with schematics and diagrams of the machine as well as detailed instructions.

If you do a google search you will find tons of places with more info, instructions diagrams and the science behind this. It's not my fault you cannot be bothered to go actually read the website.

who cares what my title is? It could "Be Proof pink pigs Fly !" I gave you plenty of info and your trying to cover your arse by being nit picky.

You say, "(why post hypotheticals that you already know that answer to? ^^)

We did use it, in the 1800's. They found better stuff. "

If you have read the page you would know that they are amplifying this low voltage ground energy to do proper work.
edit on 6-4-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:46 PM
Earth as a capacitor. Rotation is an interesting feature of free energy with magnetized poles. Just think what can happen if we approach true zero in the magnetic field....

Thank you for this thread, its one more clue and information we need to preserve. There is going to be a need for energy soon.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

The Info is all over the pages I posted.. not the videos but the website with schematics and diagrams of the machine as well as detailed instructions.

No, not info. Misinfo.

If you do a google search you will find tons of places with more info, instructions diagrams and the science behind this. It's not my fault you cannot be bothered to go actually read the website.

Depressing. Why exactly do you want me to research this for? You posted it, claiming it to be some kind of "free energy". You provided nothing to back that up. Unless to say that it is free in that you don't have to pay for it after recouping your cost for all the materials you used to build it...

who cares what my title is? It could "Be Proof pink pigs Fly !" I gave you plenty of info and your trying to cover your arse by being nit picky.

I thought you were trying to convey a message or at least offer an opinion, if it isn't your title than the rest is equally confusing.

If you have read the page you would know that they are amplifying this low voltage ground energy to do proper work.

What exactly is the proper work they are doing? What the hell is the point of all this I can't figure it out, besides rehashing old, old stuff.

Am I missing something?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

The Info is all over the pages I posted.. not the videos but the website with schematics and diagrams of the machine as well as detailed instructions.

No, not info. Misinfo.

How would you know, if you refuse to look at it?

If you do a google search you will find tons of places with more info, instructions diagrams and the science behind this. It's not my fault you cannot be bothered to go actually read the website.

Depressing. Why exactly do you want me to research this for? You posted it, claiming it to be some kind of "free energy". You provided nothing to back that up. Unless to say that it is free in that you don't have to pay for it after recouping your cost for all the materials you used to build it...

He provided a ton of sources LOOK AT THEM.
You regect ideas out of hand without even investigating.

who cares what my title is? It could "Be Proof pink pigs Fly !" I gave you plenty of info and your trying to cover your arse by being nit picky.

I thought you were trying to convey a message or at least offer an opinion, if it isn't your title than the rest is equally confusing.

It is you that is confusing. I do not know if it is your intention,
but you come off like an uninformed zealot. (Could be your Avatar tho)

If you have read the page you would know that they are amplifying this low voltage ground energy to do proper work.

What exactly is the proper work they are doing? What the hell is the point of all this I can't figure it out, besides rehashing old, old stuff.

Again, just take a look at it without dismissing it out of hand.

Am I missing something?

Yes, you are missing something called scientific method.
You are making conclusions before examining the evidence
rather than simply following where the evidence takes you.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by woghd

Yes, you are missing something called scientific method. You are making conclusions before examining the evidence rather than simply following where the evidence takes you.

No, I did go through it all. If you want you can explain what why any of this is worth anything. It certainly isn't a newfound unlimited source of energy.

So is there something I am missing? It is not I who has not researched these things, it is anyone claiming that this is some kind of miracle. Because it is not.

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