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There should be a BETTER word than UFO ... is there one?

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:01 AM
What really frustrates me is that a UFO is literally an Unidentified Flying Object - you all know this

It irks me when people say "I dont believe in UFOS" because what they REALLY mean is Alien flown Spacecraft.
NOONE can deny UFOS because they are JUST THAT - Unidentified. They could be birds on a radar or a kids remote toy - but they are real because they are unidentified.

But the moment you start talking about spaceships and alien abductions - they are IDENTIFIED

so for the love of sweet (insert your deities name here) can we PLEASE just have a universal name for the spaceships/crafts/whatever and STOP calling them UFOS if they are supposedly "identified" as alien craft?

(sorry for the rant and im SURE its been brought up before)
If there IS already an acknowledged terminlogy in UFo/Alien circles please enlighten me... I'm new to all this... I grew up Hindu so the aliens and spacecraft have always just been normal to me. Interesting reading these forums. Keep up the good work.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by RADHESYAM

Inter-dimensional anomally...IDA

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:17 AM
Alien Space Ship

There, now you can go and tell everyone you saw an ASS in the sky

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:23 AM

I think that is the coolest sounding.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:27 AM
Is there one ? , yes there is .
U.A.P ....... Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon .
edit on 5-4-2011 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:33 AM
Well we could call them Vimadas(sp), but I`ve heard AFO before, I guess its ALIEN Flown Object... Then there`s USO`s which are unidentified submerged objects in case you haven`t heard that one... Its for ships that come out of or go into the water, which I suspect many of them can and do this. When you see something in the sky, how do you know it didn`t just pop out of the earth somewhere and travel to your area at a high altitude leading you to believe "it came from space"? Anyway, if you want to correct a skeptic who says they don`t believe in ufos, you could say, "no, it`s AFos you don`t believe in. A ufo is any object flying which is unidentified to the observer"

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by RADHESYAM

My position is this. If a person says "I do not believe in UFO", then you shouldnt be talking to them, because there is enough evidence of irreversable levels of dumbassery centred on that person, that attemtping to make them understand the difference between the term UFO and the term Alien Craft, will be like teaching a rock to sing Verdi's Requiem. Its not going to work, and no matter how long you spend trying, there will be no fruit on the tree of your efforts.
Unidentified Flying Object is a perfectly useful term, which in of itself says nothing about an object other than its mode of locomotion, and its mysterious nature. I would say it is legitimate for a person to say that they do not believe in alien visitation. Thats a fair point, and a good one to debate into the long hours of the morning, as I have done many times on this very site. But the level of ignorance it takes to instantly assume that UFO means aliens is pretty much the point at which I refuse to help a person. If they are that dumb, I will leave them to play on the railway tracks at peak times, such is the hobby of persons so intellectualy stunted.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by RADHESYAM

Honestly I don't think that you can have a better name. I think your frustration only comes from people misusing the term. Unidentified Flying Object is the perfect term for an apparent object that seems to be flying in the air, yet is not identified. If you think you can identify it....either as a bird, or a weather balloon or an alien craft....then feel free to call it a bird, a weather balloon or an alien craft. Whats stopping you? If something is in the sky, and yet it is a mystery then it is just that...a mystery....unidentified. Not necessarily unidentifiable...Some of the strangest images I have ever seen have turned out to have had simple explanations....not that I am suggesting by any stretch of the imagination that ALL of them have simple explanations....just that you can't write something off as unidentified is totally appropriate in most cases...up until the point that it is indeed identified that is, assuming that it ever is.

Also even if you can get people to agree that the object is anomalous, I don't think you will ever get a universally accepted term for what it is. To some people 'real' UFO's are Alien others they are Plasma Life Forms....still others claim they are Humans from the future coming back for genetic information to cure a future genetic plague.....Some suggest they are earth people from an alternate dimension or timeline concurrent with our own, but where technology advanced much faster. Some suggest UFO's are actually Demons strait from Hell sent here by Satan to confuse us, and herald the coming of the AntiChrist. Some see them as Angelic Beings sent to enlighten us, and herald the coming of a New Age. Some see them as nightmares from the collective unconscious made manifest in some shared warping of reality. Others suggest they are completely terrestrial and come from secret Government bases using Technology first invented by the Nazi's......Etc, etc. etc. .....Even if you aggree they are Aliens, you still run into trouble. Are these David Ickes Reptilian Overlords coming to overthrow the Governments of the world?....or are they Billy Meier's Pleiadians come to save us from our own destructive and selfish ways? Or are they just those little grey guys that like to probe our anuses

I think you just have to bite the bullet on this one and simply call them UFO's. I don't think you could ever come up with a term that is more fitting......When and IF they are ever conclusively identified as craft piloted by Aliens from some particular planet or another......Then feel free to call them 'Ships from the Planet Kuklazon' or whatever the Alien Planets name is......till then, whatever you see is going to be unidentified (assuming there is no good normal explanation that fits)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:11 AM
I agree, i actually started a similar thread a long while ago but after thinking about it abit more i came to realise that we need to ID them before we can give them a better name.

At the moment they are just that, unidentified....

We dont know what they are, who they are or where they come from?

When we can answer that then we can label them

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by RADHESYAM

haha.. Like.. SAITS.. U can guess that one.. Or WTF.. Hey I saw a "wtf" today.. Maybe thats what GOD was originally.. The description of what they didnt know was flying around.. Haha.. Great overhead duuuhhhh... ??

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

VreemVjill...whatever you called ' that what the Swedish Chef on the muppets calls spaceships? I guess to him they could still be UFOs...uncontrollable fishy objects.

edit on 5-4-2011 by the owlbear because: stupid phone

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:14 AM
How about UMV?

A more comprehensive and definitive name for the phenomenon would have to recognize the multiphibious characteristics inherent to the phenomenon from a numerous collection of land, and marine sightings. The term unconventional multiphibious vehicle (UMV) certainly describes succinctly the reported phenomenon.


posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by karl 12

That option would only be applicable if it could be ascertained to a reasonable degree of certainty that the object is indeed a vehicle, rather than a drone, or a ball lightning , or other naturaly occuring weather phenomenon. In the instance where an object, and its origins are entirely uncertain the only appropriate term would be UFO.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:19 AM

Don't tell CNN . . . they'll be all over that like a fat kid on a Mars bar!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 07:30 AM
Maybe we could call them the undisclosed anomalies being kept from knowledge of awareness to all.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by RADHESYAM
so for the love of sweet (insert your deities name here) can we PLEASE just have a universal name for the spaceships/crafts/whatever and STOP calling them UFOS if they are supposedly "identified" as alien craft?

I do not claim here that this is a better word, but I think this is as close as possible.

UICAPs “Unidentified Intelligent Controlled Aerial Phenomena“.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by RADHESYAM

What about the good ol "Flying Saucer". It served in the 1950's and 60's . When you said Flying saucer everybody knew what you meant!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:25 AM


There ya go.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 09:32 AM
They should be called Vignette's.

This is a photo editing technique used by many throughout the world and resembles a circular or oval shape shadow over the original photo being worked on. Look it up on

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by RADHESYAM

I just call them what they are, Extraterritorial Craft, ET Craft for short. You are right, and I have come to the realization that humanity is the real alien here, not our friends from outer space. Take away the humans and within 1000 years all that they made would be gone, and everything here, every creature, would practice a balance with Nature. There would be no pollution, no fossil fuel digging, no oil drilling, no de-forestation, no killing for sport. Human beings are a virus on this world.

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