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Why some people pretend to be Freemasons

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posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 06:52 AM
I have not been posting on this webiste for a very long time but in the time that I have been posting I have noticed at least one person who says he is a Freemason and in my opinion and the opinion of several other people is an impostor. Why do these people tell lies???????????

To become a Freemason is not that difficult. In my case I had two Great Uncles who were Brethren of Solomon 1209(SC). I asked one of them if he would get me into the Lodge. He was more than happy to do that. My other GU did not stay in Scotland and I did not get him to second my petition. I was able to get my petition seconded by a senior PM of the Lodge.

I am sure that there are some people who are interested in joining Freemasonry but are not sure how they do so or are worried that they might have to sell their soul to the Devil etc,,,,,,,. I can tell you that no such thing happens. Freemasonry is a world wide society of men and in the free world you will always find a Lodge and people who will be happy to meet you.

Brother Gerard MM 1209/ PM 1316 (SC).

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Gerard
I have not been posting on this webiste for a very long time but in the time that I have been posting I have noticed at least one person who says he is a Freemason and in my opinion and the opinion of several other people is an impostor. Why do these people tell lies???????????

Brother Gerard MM 1209/ PM 1316 (SC).

Greetings Brethren and Fellows,

Bro. Gerard, it is blatantly obvious you are referring to me; and my post in the 'How many Freemasons are there on ATS' thread. And in answer to that, the man asked a question... How many Freemasons are there on ATS? I am a Freemason, and I am on ATS - so I fit the criteria. If you wish to pursue it further, all I can say is 'Some people do not deserve opinions'.

Bro. Daniel Brown

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 05:27 PM
In this post I did not say that Mr Brown or Bro. Brown was or was not a Freemason. There are many Freemasons who post on this board.....
I did say in a previous thread that I have doubts about Mr Brown being a Freemason. I was not alone in these doubts. I still have these doubts.

Bro. Gerard

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 05:37 PM
What would anyone have to gain by prentending they are a mason?

I am not a freemason and even though one day I may join, I still look down on to anyone who slanders an organization they know nothing about. Anyone who claims to be something they are not is a kook and should not be taken seroiusly IMO.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by jrod
What would anyone have to gain by prentending they are a mason?

On several other forums, I have seen those who are opposed to Masonry pretend to be Masons in an attempt to discredit our fraternity by acting like idiots and making outrageous comments.

On this very forum, for example, the poster known as "Mr. Necros" has falsely claimed that he was made a Mason, and was drugged during his initiation.

The "Freemasonry Watch" website forum is notorious for having anti-Masons masquerade as Masons. This, along with threats of physical violence against family members of Masons, caused their forum to be shut down. The webmaster has now put up a new forum with a new host, and has blamed the entire fiasco on Masons. These anti-Freemasonry guys are nothing if not Adepti and Universal Grand Masters in the arcane science of BS.

Fiat Lvx.


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