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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:11 PM
If we make it there and nothing cataclysmic has happened but things are still bad, what does this mean for mankind?
Regardless of their beliefs; most people are predicting the end (or a paradigm shift) during or before the end of 2012 (and, admittedly, the general 'feeling' in the air would accomodate this speculation), how will you feel if nothing's changed and we make it to 2014 with the same old # going on? Will your belief systems be challeneged? How?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by ballsdeep

I hope nothing happens, as for my belief system.
I'm a christian, so my faith will remain solid.
As for mankind, life goes on.
Y2k for instance.

edit on 31-3-2011 by PoopDawg because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by ballsdeep

First off, I'm a Christian.
To your question: not exactly, I'd expect it to be far worse, of course, but not the end of the world, yet. I'd be pleasantly surprised if it was the end of the world, in fact.

I honestly believe the end of the world, as in, all life ended, to be in around mid 2018 to mid 2019.
I believe the rapture to occur around mid 2014.

If I were to give a % on this, I would say 80% certain.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Lionhearte
reply to post by ballsdeep

First off, I'm a Christian.
To your question: not exactly, I'd expect it to be far worse, of course, but not the end of the world, yet. I'd be pleasantly surprised if it was the end of the world, in fact.

I honestly believe the end of the world, as in, all life ended, to be in around mid 2018 to mid 2019.
I believe the rapture to occur around mid 2014.

If I were to give a % on this, I would say 80% certain.

The bible says the end will come like a thief in the night.
where do you get 2014?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

what reasons do you have to say that this is a 80% chance of happening

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:34 AM
I think its all a waste of time. Y 2k etc.

I think the thing that people need to be concerned with is that plant in Japan or we may be in a 2012 scenario.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:00 AM
No, I wouldn't view the world differently. Because I believe in the NWO and it's ability to creat H*ll right here on earth. Our only real chance of beating them, is if so much natural disaster sh*it happens it's diaplaces them, Yet they all set for that too, so It really doesn't make much difference in either case. World Ends or NWO and then alot of people die, because they won't conform. It's one of the reason, I think the NWO is systematically killing people off. 6+ billion people are alot to control. But on the bright side, I actually believe in the true god, so he will return before all h*ll breaks lose.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by PoopDawg

Originally posted by PoopDawg
The bible says the end will come like a thief in the night.
where do you get 2014?

Originally posted by caf1550
what reasons do you have to say that this is a 80% chance of happening

The Bible says we will not know the day or the hour, but I think we have a pretty good shot at knowing it's happening this century or even decade, although which year is going to be a guess anyways. I say 2014 off the assumption that the 7 year tribulation starts this year in 2011, and the Church to be raptured out 3 1/2 years inwards.

Obviously I could be wrong about any of this. Call me a pessimist, but I believe Christians to be going through the 7 year tribulation until the 3 1/2 year mark. Although it would be nice to get out pre-trib, from what I've learned of the Bible, it's just something I've come to accept. As Gary Kah said earlier this year - Hope for pre-Trib, prepare for post-Trib.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:18 AM
Doomsday predictions will go on...

Remember we still have Apophis to look forward to.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:29 AM
sayin a date like 2014 only lowers some people into a false sense of security about 2012 but then again maybe the guy who came up with 2012 was only doing the same about 2011...

imma wait n see what happens (will have spare pair of underpants ready incase it comes early and i mess myself)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

because everything in the bible is true right?

im not trying to attack your religon at all because my mother is very religous she is roman catholic, i have been confirmed but im sorry im no longer religous

just after everything the church has done in the name of "god" its inexcusable

the crusades, sex abuse of catholic priests, the spanish inquisition, wars the list goes on whenever there is a war or natural disaster people always will say that we are in the end times and revelation has begun

during the black death in europe people probably thought the world was going to end during ww1 ww2 the crusades people probably thought the world was going to end, just because a book says something doesn't mean its always true

again im not trying to attack your beliefs because you have every right to believe what you want

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:36 PM
Well, after looking at the prophesies of the Bible I come up with a different date to look forward to. May 15 2021. Why would you ask? After looking at several prophesies that seem to put the start of the reign of saints mentioned in Revelation 20 in the 2020s and based on Matthew 24 I would put the 7 year agreement of Daniel 9-27 as starting on or before this date.

Is this prediction correct? You'll have to watch to find out now won't you?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by ballsdeep

So if the yugas are correct and people like Major Jenkins are indeed correct then the next 50'ish years will be difficult.

The winter solstice, next year, sees the entire solar system perfectly aligned with the center of the universe. This means we are on the equator on the universe and moving from one hemisphere to the other. There will be a period where the magnetic poles shift but more importantly hit null as our system makes the transition. Think about how the water drains in opposite directions from northern to southern hemispheres on Earth.

That is just one example of things to come. These cycles have been repeated numerous times.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by zroth

So if the yugas are correct and people like Major Jenkins are indeed correct then the next 50'ish years will be difficult.

If Jenkins say it is so then I now it isn't.

2012 is a hoax. It is a modern hoax that has been dressed up with falsified claims of ancient stories.

This hoax is in my opinion a stinker. It is not nearly as interesting as the claim that KFC grows their 'chicken' parts in in cell cultures and squeezes them into nuggets for your eating pleasure.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by caf1550

because everything in the bible is true right?

From my understanding and personal research, yes.

im not trying to attack your religon at all because my mother is very religous she is roman catholic, i have been confirmed but im sorry im no longer religous
I'm not religious either, no big deal.

just after everything the church has done in the name of "god" its inexcusable

Humans do not set a very good example for what a child of God should be, it's true. No argument here.

the crusades, sex abuse of catholic priests, the spanish inquisition, wars the list goes on whenever there is a war or natural disaster people always will say that we are in the end times and revelation has begun

I really don't understand why people throw the Crusades around to 'put down' Christians. Were there no tears shed for the 3000+ Christians massacred just prior to the start of the Crusades? The idea of the Crusades was an end to the infidels, or Moslems, who, I assure you, are not peaceful people.

In today's world, we really have 2 types of Muslims: Cultural and Radical. The same can be said for any "religion", really. Cultural Muslims are those raised in an environment where they have NO choice but to follow this Muslim religion, in case you didn't know, it's basically a law in many, many countries to be anything other than a Muslim. Penalty is death. Christians die every day from persecution in said countries, but I'm getting off track here..

The other type is a Radical Muslim. These existed far more in ancient times than they do today, but they still exist. By their faith, they are commanded to kill any and all enemies of Muslim teachings, Christians and Jews are their main priority. This isn't some horrific notion someone just decided to do, it is written in their very Qur'an, it was preached openly by Mohammad; he practiced and made examples of the very thing "Allah" instructed him to do - behead the enemies of Muslim.

My point here, is that the Crusades were an act of retaliation for the betterment and safekeeping of Christians and Jews everywhere. Easily justifiable.

during the black death in europe people probably thought the world was going to end during ww1 ww2 the crusades people probably thought the world was going to end, just because a book says something doesn't mean its always true

You may be missing the point here; it isn't the Bible's fault, it's Humans' fault. The Bible foretells what you will see when the end is near; natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars, plague and famine.. so yes, I agree that whenever something like this happens, people believe it to be the end of the world. This is Human error.
Many of these events were terrifying, indeed.

The difference is the scale on which they occurred. Today, Natural Disasters, wars/rumors of wars, plagues/famines are FAR WORSE than they have ever been in the history of mankind. In my life alone I have witnessed several terrifying events that classify as "the worst that's ever happened in history of x", i.e., the 9/11 attacks, Katrina, Earthquakes (Japan, New Zealand, Haiti, Chile, Sumatra, Somoa, all of these were the worst they've ever had), viruses that are immune to anti-biotics now appearing more and more rapidly, and indeed, the rumors of World War 3 are extremely terrifying, as it has the potential to end all life as we know it.

Point here: The Bible choose to tell of these events, but people mistake one bad thing happening for the end of the world, repeat a few hundred times, and of course you'll have nay-sayers when the real end comes (Bible says so itself, naturally).

Should the Bible have chosen NOT to prophesy the end of times? What then? Would we have the same problems we do today?

again im not trying to attack your beliefs because you have every right to believe what you want

As do you, brother.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 05:45 AM
I think we need to be careful what we wish for.

A thirst for doom will give you just that.

Keep your thoughts positive and your thinking clear.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 02:17 PM
Like you say, the feeling in the air is already kind of proving that a change is happening, whether it's going to gradually continue or it's a build up to 2012 even (whether fatal or just a conscious event) there is nothing we can do about it. As of right now, I trust ancient cultures much more than I trust the governments around the world today. I still can't believe people tripped out over y2k, lol sheeple are so easily manipulated.... but personally no, my beliefs won't be shaken if an even doesn't happen. Just waitin on the economy to crash lol


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