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World events - Is it a conspiracy? Experts what say you?

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:43 AM
(this is just an observation of world events and the probable outcomes.)

Subject is:
Is the peace, stability and security of the world dependent on the following conditions?

Will it be:

1) A peaceful and secure Middle East?

Currently the Middle East is in flames because of an unprecedented uprising of the masses. Seems to be that the current ruling class are under attack. But will it have domino effect and continue until the entire Middle East is transformed? But after the transformation then what? Will it bring true peace and security to the region or to the world? Also will the extreme regimes willing to forgo their power or will they go the opposite and use full force to go against the tide? If that happens what would become of the Middle East? Will oil production be greatly affected in a negative way? Will Israel and the West be blamed for it? How's the world be affected by these events?

2) Economic stability?

Will the current economic crises of the world usher in a new monetary system that will eventually stabilized the impending economic insolvency? More and more people are now realizing the value of the dollar is decreasing. Thus many of the well off are converting their paper assets into Gold and Silver. There's also a push towards one world currency against the dollar. But will such move insure world peace and security? Will it stabilize the economic uncertainty? Or will it destabilized further?

3) Dissolving and abolishment of religion?

As history shows many of the wars occurred from time immemorial has in one point or another in lesser or greater degree been due to religious reasons. Today, it's rearing it's ugly head again. The conflict between Christendom (Christian Nations) and Islam (Muslim Nations) is on the rise and many people are getting worried and concerned of these events. More and more people are promoting the idea of a secular lifestyles. And Europe is at the forefront of this change. They see religion - in what ever form as valueless. In fact many world leaders and scholars see it as an impediment to world peace and security. So the lost of religion is of no significance. But will it result to world peace and security? Will the world finally unite in the absence of religion? Will secularism be a strong force to unite everyone?

4) Strengthening of the United Nations?

Many believed that giving the U.N. world body council more power will be the way to go. They believe that as an international body with the power to make and implement international laws, the world will be a much secure place if not more peaceful. But is it the way to go? Whether it is the way or not - one thing is now clear - the U.N. will play a bigger role in the future. Little by little it's gaining more power and momentum due to world shaking events. Events that will force the world to come into an agreement that it might be the only to go to secure peace and security of the world. But if indeed it becomes a world power - will peace and security be a reality or will it be the Powerful against the poor? Will sovereign nations be willing to be governed by a foreign body? Will the U.S.A subject itself to the U.N? If not - how can the U.N. become a world power?

5) Advancement in education and technology?

Some say that education and technology will eventually solve mankind's problems as it will usher in a more enlightened world with new gadgetry and more fascinating electronic wonders. But does it really have that much transforming power? Evidence show otherwise. Unless you have something that I'm not aware of.

So what say you ATS, will it be all of the above or a combination or none?

a) Then there are those who say that all of these things that are taking place are nothing new, nothing to worry about for they say it's just how the way things are. It's a cycle of events. They say that eventually things will calm down and begin to normalized. In fact some say that things are actually getting better. But is it? Now that we have the capability to destroy life tenfold will it be possible to continue as it was/is? Will it eventually normalized in spite of the ever increasing lawlessness and the stockpiling of WMD's?

b) Then there those who truly believe that we are on brink of anarchy and are already preparing for it's eventuality. They call themselves survivalist. Trained all their life for it. They say that it's just a matter of time. Something will trigger an unexpected / uncontrollable event that will bring the collapse of the entire human society. Civil unrest will result once the law and enforcement stops functioning - they point to the LA riots. They say that if you don't belong to the group then you are doomed. But will it be a reality? Can it happen? Possible?

What say you ATS?

c) On the other hand there are those who say that these things are a prelude to the coming of a New World Order. That a group of very powerful people (The Elites) are plotting and conspiring to make these things to happen in order to legitimized their so called New World Order. Prepare the masses to eventually accept it as the alternative to the current world governments. But is there such a group? What do you think? Just a conspiracy?

d) And then, there are those who believed that the things that are happening on a worldwide scale today are a happening for a good reason - the fulfillment of Divine prophecy. That these are signs of the last days of the "system of things". They say that things will get worst until the world enters in what the Bible calls "The Great tribulation". Then followed by Armageddon (the great war of the Almighty), after that God's Kingdom will take over and start governing under the ruler ship of Jesus Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords. That ruler ship the scriptures say way bring back the earth into its original condition and will last forever. But is this also another conspiracy or is it the truth?

So what say you ATS?

Which event do you think will finally bring in true peace and security for the all? All of the above or a combination?

e) Or all of this is it just a pipe dream? That we are here as a result of an accident, an unguided process that resulted into our being. That all the things that homo-sapiens experienced before and after are part of his existence, nothing more nothing less. That this is life all there is and we make it as we go - no real purpose. Thus true peace and security for the all is just a frame of mind, just like conscience. But if so then why strive for the best, what strive to be good, why obey the law, why be moral if all of these is just for nothing?

So again what say you ATS, anything to add?

'Just wanting know your take.



posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:48 AM
Reply to post by edmc^2

Anyone who has ever read the bible or NWO conspiracy theories knows that it is all of the above. They will take over with ease.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by ag893
Reply to post by edmc^2

Anyone who has ever read the bible or NWO conspiracy theories knows that it is all of the above. They will take over with ease.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Can you please elaborate a bit ag893 - are u referring to the NWO? If so how? Is it the way I described?


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:49 AM
All of the things mentioned above are controlled and are let to happen. After you read some things and do a little more research than usual besides thinking you are crazy, you will find out so many things that the reality you know seems to be an illusion.

You will find out that before each major event in recent history (last 200 years) there was a meeting of some sort with all of the elitists and royalty where they decided weather or not a plan should be put into action.

And because they are so impredictable we will never know IF the things mentioned above will ever be ... Sad ...

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