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Kimesia - The Burger King Bikini Brawler! (Video)

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:57 PM
First things first - the article: Video shows bikini brawl in PCB Burger King

The the video for context:

This is a not-so heartwarming story about a mother of two from Montgomery Alabama visiting a Burger King in Panama City Beach and not having it her way. Kimesia Smith, the mother of two identified by authorities, then decides to have a public break-down and tries to beat the Burger King workers with the charity jug of loose change. Kimesia, later upon arriving at the police station and joining the 65 other million Americans with criminal records, then remembers to be concerned about the whereabouts of her two children.

It is apparent that Kimesia is not going to receive the mother of the year award, citizen of the year award, or even the passable as a human award.

The authorities even after the incident, what set Kimesia off. It is difficult to decide which is worse, the way in which the mother behaved or the way in which everyone around her behaved. Have we no human decency left in this society? It is understandable to expect to see this behavior due to mental illness and perhaps Kimesia is mentally ill (I would argue its beyond doubt) but there are a number of men and women surrounding her that think what is happening is wonderful, exciting, and encourage her.

No one tries to restrain the situation, no one wants to get involved, and this could have gone down much worse for the employees at Burger King. At one point you hear someone yell out "we need to get out of here" because they know what they are doing is going to get them arrested but it only makes the casually stop the violence and meander about waiting for the police to arrive.

I'm interested to hear opinions on what is not only behind Kimesia's behavior but more disturbingly to me the people surrounding Kimesia. Am I the only one that would have expected someone to have intervened and if she had not calmed down then put her head first to the ground, wrapped her arms behind her back and waited for the police to arrive?

Please refrain from any racist remarks as they will undoubtedly conflict with the Terms and Conditions of this site. I fear this is less about race than it is about generational attitude.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:13 PM
these people are the lowest common denominator.
the jerry springer generation with no morals, ethics or morality.
a sense of absolute entitlement with no responsibilities or repercussions.
those who break into fits of rage when their aura of self styled superiority is challenged.
mob mentality at its basest.


posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:18 PM
Hmmm and people wonder why the US needs all those fema camps when things start going sour in the next year or so....

edit on 24-3-2011 by Reevster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by ararisq
what you have to condemn all of society and a generation based on a video of some idiots on spring break?

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by riktus

Well I cannot disagree with that. I think your use of entitlement is the direction I was headed. The "Entitlement Generation" seems to be a phrase that gets a lot of play nowadays.

I think it perhaps is playing out differently for different classes of people and background but it seems to be the predominant message. "I'm entitled" and "Don't mess with me". Apparently in this case Kimesia went off on the officers coming to arrest her and told them "You can't touch me." Yes Kimesia, they can. YOU CANNOT ASSAULT other people.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Reevster
Hmmm and people wonder why the US needs all those fema camps when things start going sour in the next year or so....

edit on 24-3-2011 by Reevster because: (no reason given)

Yeah, I might be converted to a FEMA camp supporter if this is the type of person they intend to throw in to it. Kidding.......maybe.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:21 PM
Entitlement issues. Seeing people act like that makes me realize that somewhere down the line, parents have stopped teaching their children morals, humility, and discipline, and unfortunately the outcome is stuff like this. I say this cause it seems commonplace these days. What's even worse is that it will get passed down to the next generation unless they're smart enough to know the difference between good and bad.

Shameless behaviour like this heats me up a bit.

edit on 24/3/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:28 PM
Wow!!!I Honestly can't see that happening at a Burger King in my town.Guess it could though.Seems like another case of a spoiled american with a false sense of entitlement and superiority.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:31 PM
hate to say it but id just yell the b word and yank her leg out from under. no way id let someone act like that in my work place.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:31 PM
she was probably on prozac..
like the school shooters usually are.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:34 PM
I've seen a few comments about the woman (mother of two - one of the only useful cases for CPS I've seen). What about the other milling about, laughing, encouraging the situation to escalate?

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:35 PM
When I was a kid (circa late '50's-to-early '60's) all the kids were terrified of adults. Obviously due to corporal punishment and no lawyers helping sue everyone. Of course if you were sensitive, it broke your spirit, even caused trauma. There must be some way for kids to fear doing evil, without psychie damage. And I have noooooo idea what that would be.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:38 PM
This is what happens when you take away a parents ability to give their kids a good ass whoopin.

When you aren't corrected for bad behavior when young you will not have any base to refer to when you're older.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:41 PM
Shocker, ghetto trash doing what they do best.

I have seen this kind of crap often here in Florida...This doesn't surprise me.

Don't even get me started. God for bit I speak my mind about it without being labeled a racist but this is pure GHETTO TRASH!

They give everyone else a bad name..go figure.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:48 PM
I would say the other factors to consider are : A society that caters to everyone's utter convenience, and the lock on service rolls to treat people on a "the customer is always right" basis. There is much less reinforcement for consumers to respect this, beside their own sense of decency. Plenty of youth are also disillusioned by the society they have emerged into, through the tying down of opportunities by a privileged class, the joining of the poor and middle classes, and the long-term effects of poverty borne of disillusionment and apathy towards a system that rewards base behaviour while punishing the hard worker with multiple gambits (requiring social conformity, loss of privacy, and excessive taxes). Many people are aware that the only real break from it is a huge break - such as a successful home business or lottery, or else the back to the grind, in face of all the growing world dilemma.

I'm not saying any of this has to be the case, I'm saying the combination and compiling of factors has a mighty effect on youth. Especially those at an age where they could be considered intelligent, but not necessarily wise or experienced enough to tackle all the life problems that need address and action.

The truth remains the truth, and humans intuition can be fooled, but we often also know when something is seriously amiss. For example, the shining summit of the west is to achieve that all-important university certificate. This tends to involve bank-breaking funding, automatic accumulation of debt to the system (imagine being tied down right now and accepting a ten or fifteen g loan, per year)?; it involves material which may involve indoctrination to a suspect system (candid examples are medical doctors, nuclear engineers, pharmaceutical chemists); incredible stress, which causes poor ph levels and is intended to "match" real-life conditions. All this, to appease the man and work for a corrupt corporation for the heavy cash rewards? For a chance to be sucked into the time-honored "portals to power" the ptb provide? I wasn't surprised to read :

Most of the college kids he knows have no career aspirations. Sure, they want to spend a semester studying abroad. They don't care what they study. Or have a plan for what to do once they get back.
(From the link a post or few above me - and thank you).

It's demotivating. Society is standardly viewed as demotivating, and leaves people lost, wishing for big changes before they want to apply heartfelt effort. This incident doesn't really indicate much to my mind, save the tip of the iceberg is showing.
edit on 24-3-2011 by Northwarden because: editing ...

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by ararisq
First things first - the article: Video shows bikini brawl in PCB Burger King

The the video for context:

Please refrain from any racist remarks as they will undoubtedly conflict with the Terms and Conditions of this site. I fear this is less about race than it is about generational attitude.

I hate to say it but you are wrong in this regard. I'm not going to go any further but really you are wrong. You really need to get out more. Spend some time in the hoods and just listen to what people have to say. What is the high point of their days.

Atlanta Houston Dallas visit any of the hoods in these places and you will find that not all but some people just live to start fights and things like that. Seriously. The general attitude amongst some of these types is "she/he ain't finna get over on me"... Also I'm young so I can say that some of these people are addicts...they just don't realize it. Marijuanna is seen as a harmless thing amongst youth...but if it is laced???

Please don't peg me as a racist I know the situation ahead of time. If someone in the family is insane people just say she a lil' wild or that chil' gone. This is like that question that people were too afraid to really talk about: Japan why no looting vrs Katrina Looting?

Look don't act like you don't know its a really is. This is the problem people like the ones I mentioned above don't even look at the internet like this. So why would many of the people in that video even care if someone was filming. They just don't care. No SELF respect.

This is the first time that i've touched on race in a while. But it is what it is. I chose not to really look at stuff like this b/c I know I KNOW it really can't be helped. So many of us are blind to what goes on in the ghettos around America. Bad parenting, poor role models, no real ambitions, values placed elsewhere. Yeah its not cool so I just chose to make sure I don't live in areas like that.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
Shocker, ghetto trash doing what they do best.

I have seen this kind of crap often here in Florida...This doesn't surprise me.

Don't even get me started. God for bit I speak my mind about it without being labeled a racist but this is pure GHETTO TRASH!

They give everyone else a bad name..go figure.

Well, in your defense, you are saying nothing about race... I have seen videos of people of ever race, religion and gender, behaving in such a way... All of which could equally be called ghetto trash.

But at the same time, in seeing these other videos, I realize that it is not just ghetto trash... It is all kinds of people. I have seen videos of rich elitists going crazy. I have seen videos of poor ghetto people doing crazy as well...

Honestly what bothers me the most about videos like this is how the people in the background just stand there and watch like something cool is going on... It is a person who is out of control and needs to be brought under control.

When I see people sitting there and laughing at the destruction of private property, by an out of control, violent person, it makes me wonder, just what is wrong with society anymore....

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by ararisq

This is nothing new. There is probably 2-3 of these a week. They're comical, but disturbing. A quick search and I found a couple:

Lets dispense with the excuses. There was a time, not too long ago where if you did this the person in the store would give you a serious beat down. Other folks in the place would join in and there would be some curb side justice. Today, the low-life will sue both the person and the business and win.

When the police arrived, they would take you away and also give you a beat down. Now the person will sue the police and win.

No consequences. That's what the problem is. When you tolerate this kind of behavior you invite this kind of behavior.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:07 PM
Thank you for posting this video. I think more people should see this. This is pure insanity. I'm very sad to see this, shameful. How do you explain action like that? From anyone, it's just crazy....

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:08 PM
I hate to be minimalistic...

But I blame the MTV.


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