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I opened my third eye and I regret it

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:10 PM
You must be quite good at black ops with your third eye open. Haha : D
You seem more of a phony than those phony humans you mention.
I know some authors write just for sake of profits but i have no clue why you would post the things you did.
Anyway, enjoy your twisted discussion, spaceman.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Spotless
You must be quite good at black ops with your third eye open. Haha : D
You seem more of a phony than those phony humans you mention.
I know some authors write just for sake of profits but i have no clue why you would post the things you did.
Anyway, enjoy your twisted discussion, spaceman.

Registered: 5-5-2010

P 18 F 0 S 9
W 0.08 K 9

You have been on here for 10 months with 18 little post.
You have been on here for 10 months and the first thing you do is troll a thread with out even replying atleaset to the op. 'you need to open your third eye and get a life',lol ,maybe ask a stranger for a hug,i think you really need one.

edit on 25-3-2011 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:30 PM
I just realized that I neglected to address the subject on auras that was questioned earlier. This is good practice in using your third eye.

This is one of the simplest and most useful ability.

Here is the technique: Everything is made of energy in it's simplest form. all energy radiates out from a body. This is a rock, a plant, an animal, a person, etc. With that said here we go.

Find something or someone and have it/them about a meter from a white wall or surface. look past it/them about 5 to 10 cm from its/their edge and focus on the wall. Then shift your focus to halfway between the wall and it/them. You will see a haze around the body. This is its aura. with practice you will no longer need the wall and you can see the aura of anything. The more you use it the more color begins enter and you can read them. Download my book for more information on what the colors mean.

There you have it. Just practice and eventually you will see more energy than matter and you can confidently say you are "awake"

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by WillNiendick

I use the pulp from my wheat grass juice to get rid of flouride. google wheat grass..

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Agarta

Are you talking about the same Necromonicron as i've read. The ramblings of a mad Arab. How did you get a lowering of vibrational frequencies from that book?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by chelley

Originally posted by Destructor
reply to post by chelley

RatMen aren't Astral AFAIK. They are very weak, like lower level Licanthopes. Surely if they fed on fear it would be necessary for you to perceive them, but they use their breath to make themselves invisible to you. Are you as a Light-worker aware of the Elite in the same respect as i am? When they regard us as cattle it's a reference far greater than just an analogy to a herd. I've seen the translucent tracks of the cursed, and i feel your compassion will be your undoing. Sometimes wisdom, gleaned through experience teaches otherwise. Sometimes we have to FIGHT! do you know who i'm referring too?

I know who they are
and please do not under estimate my knowledge at 51 years of age I have come a long way, I know all about the DARK EARTH PSYCHIC TEAM also

edit on 25-3-2011 by chelley because: (no reason given)

Gladly, i have to laugh at their claim of being the Dark Earth Psychic Team. Yes they are Psychic but only at very low levels. There have been some witches and psychics who were conscripted into the fold, but i h ave to say largely their attempts at PsyOps are pathetic. Annoying, like flies. It seems to be that the One always knew what was in store, and we have been handed the ultimate weapon in the 11th hour. I almost feel like i should be more compassionate with them, they don't understand the magnitude of what their taking on. We are now the Masters, and i honesty, i truly think i should give them a little grace in order to save face. But so far only the top have given way, i think they're as disappointed with the mob as i am. It's become like a headless beast in it's final death throws. In the end they will be so ashamed that i'm sure they would rather be wiped from the face of existence, but it's blind faith in their own superiority that keeps them holding on. We will surpass them, leave them behind, and the biggest joke of all is they probably wont notice we're gone.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Destructor because: im drunk and my grammar sucks

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

"You have been on here for 10 months with 18 little post.
You have been on here for 10 months and the first thing you do is troll a thread with out even replying atleaset to the op. 'you need to open your third eye and get a life',lol ,maybe ask a stranger for a hug,i think you really need one." .....and you claim your third eye has been open since birth come on buddy why would you talk to people in that manner then. If your third eye was open since birth you wouldn't attack me and address me in the way you have been for disagreeing with you or talk to the others in the way you have.. please stop. Your ego seems to be pretty much all in tact..which doesn't indicate the things you have been claiming are true.

Like I said earlier have a good night buddy

edit on 25-3-2011 by AmerikanDekline because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Destructor

Okay I will attempt to explain,
The dark is the absence of light. The necronomicon is the pathway to the dark. It is in the realm of the lower vibrational frequencies. The higher the vibrational frequency the closer to light it becomes. The representation of the dark in the book is of the primal anamalistic understandings of the dark or the lower frequencies. It is the realm of the physical. It was designed to slow the advancement of the light. It is the eternal battle between fire(light) and Ice(dark). Opening the gates slow down the frequencies of the light in order to obtain the physical desires instead of raising the frequency of light to achieve the power or benefit of the light. We as Humans exist between the light and dark. We are in the middle, as we have both physical(dark) and creative(light) and can raise or fall it is our choice ie free will.

Does this answer your question?
edit on 25-3-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Agarta
I just realized that I neglected to address the subject on auras that was questioned earlier. This is good practice in using your third eye.

This is one of the simplest and most useful ability.

Here is the technique: Everything is made of energy in it's simplest form. all energy radiates out from a body. This is a rock, a plant, an animal, a person, etc. With that said here we go.

Find something or someone and have it/them about a meter from a white wall or surface. look past it/them about 5 to 10 cm from its/their edge and focus on the wall. Then shift your focus to halfway between the wall and it/them. You will see a haze around the body. This is its aura. with practice you will no longer need the wall and you can see the aura of anything. The more you use it the more color begins enter and you can read them. Download my book for more information on what the colors mean.

There you have it. Just practice and eventually you will see more energy than matter and you can confidently say you are "awake"

The other way to view an Aura is in bright sunshine with a hoze pipe. Spray the water around you in a mist and it'll pick up the edges. It's often confused as a rainbow, but it will move with your body if you play around with it.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Agarta

You obviously read far deeper into this book than i did. Seemed to me to be about some crazy guy who had stones thrown at his house when no one was outside, and sticks falling down his chimney. Perhaps were not talking about the same book.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Destructor

We are. It was loosely based on the Grand Grimuar which was supposedly split into three parts by St. Peter and each piece was taken and lost in different directions. The necronomicon was written from the middle section of the grimuar found in the early twenties in egypt which is now on display at the Smithsonian museum. 17 people died in its translation and publication.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

I've been here way longer than 10 months i just got myself an account at that time. I use ATS just to look for information on topics which interest me if i do, i read the comments and draw some kind of conclusion, or not.
So I followed this thread and you were the person who poped out of the page.

You were implying that you're not from earth and telling a guy that you'll visit him at night to give him some kind of mindblowing experience and isn't trolling a thread right ?
You confuse and mislead people. I read some of your stuff and your agenda is unclear, thats what slightly bothers me.

I respect the OP, but he already has 25 pages of suggestions and i'm not in a position to give him any advice.

You have been here for 7 months and you have 1428 posts. Thats around 7 posts per day (people aren't that consistant so i guess some days its even more. I don't want to go through all of them but if they are even remotely close to what i saw in this thread you are the one who should get a life.

I apologize for my little off topic post. No offence gemini, but theres just something about you i can't fully understand. You're either a third eye master ( unlikely ) or a phony just like i said before.

edit on 25/3/2011 by Spotless because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Agarta

I feel the Lesser Key Of Salomon is better. But thats not stuff you want to go messing with, interesting read tho, i love the pictures.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by AmerikanDekline
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

"You have been on here for 10 months with 18 little post.
You have been on here for 10 months and the first thing you do is troll a thread with out even replying atleaset to the op. 'you need to open your third eye and get a life',lol ,maybe ask a stranger for a hug,i think you really need one." .....and you claim your third eye has been open since birth come on buddy why would you talk to people in that manner then. If your third eye was open since birth you wouldn't attack me and address me in the way you have been for disagreeing with you or talk to the others in the way you have.. please stop. Your ego seems to be pretty much all in tact..which doesn't indicate the things you have been claiming are true.

Like I said earlier have a good night buddy

edit on 25-3-2011 by AmerikanDekline because: (no reason given)

Originally posted by Spotless
You must be quite good at black ops with your third eye open. Haha : D
You seem more of a phony than those phony humans you mention.
I know some authors write just for sake of profits but i have no clue why you would post the things you did.
Anyway, enjoy your twisted discussion, spaceman.

Registered: 5-5-2010

P 18 F 0 S 9
W 0.08 K 9

Im just going to say,i have no idea what your talking about,it had nothing to do with you.have a good night.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Destructor

tetragram, emanuell, kis, el, saboth, ha

I actually wear the key as a pendent. (replica of course)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:50 PM
So many names

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by pellian

asif this has even had over 500 comments. Sorry but it doesn't even make sense.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Destructor

I actually use them to clear inhabited houses, if you know what I mean.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Agarta

Yep, just point them in the right direction and most of the time their off. The ones that know what their doing and stick around are the scary ones.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Spotless
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

I've been here way longer than 10 months i just got myself an account at that time. I use ATS just to look for information on topics which interest me if i do, i read the comments and draw some kind of conclusion, or not.
So I followed this thread and you were the person who poped out of the page.

You were implying that you're not from earth and telling a guy that you'll visit him at night to give him some kind of mindblowing experience and isn't trolling a thread right ?
You confuse and mislead people. I read some of your stuff and your agenda is unclear, thats what slightly bothers me.

I respect the OP, but he already has 25 pages of suggestions and i'm not in a position to give him any advice.

You have been here for 7 months and you have 1428 posts. Thats around 7 posts per day (people aren't that consistant so i guess some days its even more. I don't want to go through all of them but if they are even remotely close to what i saw in this thread you are the one who should get a life.

I apologize for my little off topic post. No offence gemini, but theres just something about you i can't fully understand. You're either a third eye master ( unlikely ) or a phony just like i said before.

edit on 25/3/2011 by Spotless because: (no reason given)

Because I hate to lie, I just want to say you are correct, I am a phony, the only thing I know, is that I taped into something when I was young, what it was I have no Idea.
My religion is based on the Mother of life, and my father is father TIME.

'I BELIEVE IN THE MOTHER AND TIME‘, and some where down the line in my life, they believed in me, as I conjured there names back into text of life, and I will ultimately bring them into this realm, I even have plans on using my gift to bring the sun of all sons this time.

I am a Gemini, ‘Messenger of the Gods’ and this is why all the gods share knowledge with me with out hesitation.
I am king of all Gemini’s at this point in time…
‘Looking down shaking head left to right with a tear in the immortals eye’

We had some great messengers in our time
John f Kennedy
Merlyn Monroe
Nelson Mandela
Topac shukur
Biggie smalls
Lisa left eye Lopez
George bush sir
Gabrielle Gifford’s

It’s always been a bounty on our heads through out the *&^&%$…always.

So when I see humans jumping at me for no reason, its just more conclusive evidence that the &^%$%^ will do anything to shut a Gemini up.

So just let me be the phony and the troll, loll, and let me get back to more serious issues I have to deal with on your fragile planet.


I have criticism in the thread saying I was trying to scare you, and I don’t know what I was talking about, when it came to the third eye…the only thing I’m ‘PHONY’ about, is not keeping it real, I should not have beat around the bush with all my BS ,and yes, in some cases going off topic, sorry.

So let me rephrase what I said so it can be clear as day.

The third eye had nothing to do with what happened, the devil was trying to get you and take your soul from you, that wasn’t a rope you was about to grab, It was the devils tail, so next time you do it, you will get snatched and burn in hell or you will be the anti Christ and destroy the world.
So don’t do it again, the humans of this world lives depend on it…THE END.

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