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A question for religious people

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posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 08:28 AM
Well I guess this is a two part question.

1)Do you feel the need to mention your religion, or your god every chance you get?

2)If so, why?

Don't you realize this is really annoying to some people? Do you even care? I just deleted like 10 extended family members off of my page in a certain social network. Why? Because I am sick of their constant blathering on about jesus. I am sick of their constant boasting about attending christian conferences, and how it makes them so blessed. I am sick of their constant boasting about how much money they gave their church. I am sick of it! I only notice it with christians so far, so I am kind of interested if any other religions are like this. JW, I guess take it one step further bothering people on the weekends in their own homes, I don't know if they are always like that though. Do they bother the hell out of people fulltime, or is it only when they are going door to door?

Also I would like to point out, I am a spiritual person, not religious. I don't go around bothering other people with it. I don't boast constantly either.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

If you pretend at something hard enough, it becomes true! Duh

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 08:53 AM
link the social network. And wow you deleted you family, how wrong is that?. School boy error you never add family in the first place, because they post embarrassing pics of you.

I am not religious but I always force Jesus on people I don't know why. I think its mainly that I like to see people get so annoyed they remove there family from their friends list and have no other outlet so they have to go on-line and cry.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

Belief in the Ideals of christianity makes people christian, However as you say the attention seekers like to Impose their religion upon others, This infact makes them anything but "CHRISTIAN" their god Never told them to Judge others nor fight wars in his name, Christianity has become as fake as Katie Prices Breast's these days

However i must say i do know some good christians who believe in been good people, They are kind and freindly and should not be put in the same catagory as the idiots that use God to justify their less than satisfactory behavouir

edit on 19/3/11 by TedHodgson because: (no reason given)

edit on 19/3/11 by TedHodgson because: spelling

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by RANDOMguess

All I have is family on that profile actually, my friends are on a totally seperate profile :p
Nice try though. And no one is crying online, I am asking a question, that is all.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by TedHodgson

Yeah I do know a few christians that are good people, and don't feel the need to thank jesus every time the yankees score a run lmao.
I know some other type of religious people as well, but they don't annoy people by constantly mentioning their flavor of deity

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

I suppose good people can be found everywhere really, However they seem to be drowned out by the large proportion of idiots that seem to have got the wrong end of the stick entirely

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by TedHodgson

Yep, many people will call me a liar but I even know some very nice muslim peoples too! Imagine that!

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

Where we live is a great mix of people. NY is not far away. Over the years, working in quite a few places, I saw many young fellows just starting out in the work world that had religion tunnel vision. They were made this way by those who raised them. Those fellows were of the Judeo-Christian faiths.

I've found Jewish co-workers were more out-spoken about their faith. Not necessarily quoting something or telling you a story. It was as if they felt the need to point it out to people, repeatedly. Maybe that is part of a defense mechanism, to help avoid hearing bigot comments or certain jokes.

Fanaticism is a dangerous thing.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:56 AM
Hey there, let`s calm down, take a breather. I know it gets annoying... I believe in God and I`m religious. I don`t mention it every chance I get. I don`t bring up my particular religion because I don`t know what the name of it is. So, because of that, I hope you don`t mind if I "bring up" my religion... Basically it could be summed up by a quote I heard before, but to be more detailed, I think God=TheUniverse=Love=God and all are to be worshipped as the same.
God would be our word for "the personality" we need to talk to when we are alone. In a way it`s inside us.
You worship God by having those talks or "prayers" which are not a way to get a free Ferrari but a way to spur inner growth & development, and you better yourself.
The universe would be everything outside yourself is that is not living. You worship the universe by learning about it. Science. You learn ways to make life better for everyone by discovering medicines and inventing tools.
Love would be everything outside yourself that is living. You worship love by showing kindness to other living beings. Although it is ok to love a nonliving thing like a mountain or a river or a necklace if you wanted, that love is not really rewarded other than by your own mind`s reward system. When you show love to a plant by watering it and placing it in the sunlight, you are rewarded by watching it grow a little more each day. Little things like this should make you happy.
The life most live today reminds me of a crack addict chasing that first hit, trying to feel that high that you will never catch. If you`re not going to live in a mansion with 20 servants, that`s ok. Those people should not be serving you anyway, they should be spending time with their friends and family like you should be doing.
I grew up as a Christian, and I like to think my religion is closer at least to what Jesus intended, than what we have across the world today. I don`t normally mention my Christian upbringing, because narrow minded types always seem to make these assumptions like that I believe in a 6000 year old earth, or that noah gathered up 2 of every single animal species into a big wooden boat. It`s unfortunate that Christianity was hijacked by the elites as soon as Jesus died, but some of us still have an open mind and some of us realize that we as a species know very little and that those writings could be talking about anything half the time. Perhaps they were meant to be discovered at a later time? I don`t know. But the texts are not necessary so much in order to live a good peaceful enriching life. If you want to be in my religion, you don`t even have to ever study any historical events. So you don`t have to say the word Jesus if you don`t want. You still have to live by his teachings, but you don`t have to call them that or pray any certain way or take communion. Do we call gravity "newton`s teachings"? I don`t see any need to. It`s just a way of life Jesus brought our attention to. It`s just been twisted so much that its barely recognisable and now even the mention of Jesus turns you off. My religion also has elements of Buddhism, and probably a little of others ytoo.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 10:08 AM
But no I don`t mention my religion every chance I get. Too many people think they are an expert on everyone else`s religion and oftentimes they don`t know jack about their own. Which by the way, was talked about in the bible. How in the endtimes, even those who claim to be the lost devout believers will be the biggest sinners. Not to say that it proves anything, but I definitely see that today. People are spoon fed their beliefs. Only after I got kicked out of my family for not being christian enough (smokin weed,drinking etc when I was younger) and got away from churches did my mind open up to all the possibilities. Now, to even claim to know the full truth about anything seems ludicrous, yet people do it all the time. Well, I just wanted you to know that I share your pain. It annoys me ot see people so persistant about something they really know little about. I hope you didn`t mind my explanation of my beliefs. It`s the first time I`ve really explained them. And they are subject to change at any moment as I believe life is a learning experience. Peace and good luck.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by RANDOMguess

All I have is family on that profile actually, my friends are on a totally seperate profile :p
Nice try though. And no one is crying online, I am asking a question, that is all.

Lets be honest you don't have another you.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by RANDOMguess

Offtopic, but yes, I do. One under my full name, so people I used to know, or extended family can find me. Another under the name I go by now. Happy?

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by doctor j and inmate c5779

Don't mind at all, it would be silly to make a post in the religion section, and expect not to hear anything about religion lol. Sounds a bit like my system, I am more along my native north american roots. Most of my family is "christian" for some odd reason, except my grandmother. I don't know really how that happened lol. I suppose back in them days the man ruled the household, and their religion took dominance?

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

I think we should dip him in Holy water and throw him to the Christians

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by RANDOMguess

Offtopic, but yes, I do. One under my full name, so people I used to know, or extended family can find me. Another under the name I go by now. Happy?

Happy? yeah you have made me happy by complaining my comment was off topic, then replying straight after. You really need to find Jesus my friend.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by RANDOMguess

Already found him actually. He is my goto mechanic for my motorcycle when I come across a problem I can't fix myself.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
Well I guess this is a two part question.

1)Do you feel the need to mention your religion, or your god every chance you get?

No. If people ask me about it, or if I'm in an appropriate place (like ATS religious forums
,) then I will, but not generally.

Don't you realize this is really annoying to some people?

Don't you realize that, for some people, faith is a joy? That maybe they're not boasting because it makes them feel happy to boast, but because they are, truly happy?

If it annoys you, ignore it, because annoyance is as much about intolerance on one side as it might be about inconsideration on the other, and the only side that you control is your own.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by adjensen

Good point, maybe it is like that for some people. Never thought of it like that. I know that is not the case for the family members I mention though, they are miserable people. You would understand if you knew them, they are miserable, and try to bring as many people to their level of misery as possible.

One example... My cousin was happy, head over heals in love with a guy. Well, it turned the guy turned out to be black. I guess I must have missed the commandment "Thou shall not date a black dude" when I read the bible. Well there was a big fight about that, parents ordered her to stop dating the black guy, she refused, they disowned her. This isn't even in the south FFS, I don't know what is wrong with these people.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by adjensen

One example... My cousin was happy, head over heals in love with a guy. Well, it turned the guy turned out to be black. I guess I must have missed the commandment "Thou shall not date a black dude" when I read the bible. Well there was a big fight about that, parents ordered her to stop dating the black guy, she refused, they disowned her. This isn't even in the south FFS, I don't know what is wrong with these people.

That's not religion...that's racism.

Yes, I'm a Christian. No, I don't believe in "forcing" what I believe down anyone's throat

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