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Who made the decision to promote mass Muslim Immigration into Australia?

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+19 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:17 AM
Christmas Island Asylum detention centre was burned down recently, by Human Beings brassed off at not being allowed Automatic access to Australia, are they right , should we allow Burmese, Afghanistan ect Islamists, to be Australian Residents via Humanitarian Visas without control?
Should we allow them to come ahead of patiently waiting would be migrants or those in refugee centres?
Parts of Sydney are now almost exclusively populated by oversaes originated Muslims, who decided this ?
Did the people of Australia get to vote in a referendum?
Should they have?
We are at war in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Yet thousands from these countries come to live in a Christian country why?
Thousands of Aussies died in ww1 they were told they were fighting the Muslim Ottoman Turkish empire?
Now without any gun or mortar we have about a million Muslims who are brought up to see Christians as Infidels in our country ...this may be good or this may be bad , but I just want to know , who decided this?

+13 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by Dr Expired

Send em all back.....don't want them here, there's enough already.

The Govt has had enough of them too.

You look at the way many of the illegals act on Xmas Island thniking they have the same rights as any other Australian but if they did that in their own country they would be shot on the spot. And they know it!

What gets me is why are a majority of these illegals males......? We know they have women and children left behind unprotected so who is looking after them? The women can't leave their homes without a male member of the family over the age of 13 in Afghanistan.

A majority of them especially from Lebanon and Iraq, 20 years later after receiving residency, are still unemployed and so are their children born here.

Quite frankly, I have no problems with Coptic Egyptians and Maronites from Arab lands here. They are mostly educated and work incrediably hard.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:54 AM
If they all planned with each other, they could certainly create a problem if they all started arming themselves and created an uprising, easy to happen.

+14 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:55 AM
Who decided? The politically correct mind numbingly moronic few who label anyone who has an opinion about this issue as racist bigots deserving of nothing more than being ridiculed in public.

I was certainly not asked about it. However in the past I have made my opinion known to political members in my area and in the Eastern States, but am either ignored or sent an automated reply to the effect of fobbing me off.

Who decided? The left wing socialists who scream into the wind only because they love the sound of their own rhetoric, the ones who fill condoms with urine and throw them at the elderly as they attend politically opposing meetings, because they are so obviously racist for wanting to hear for themselves the words twisted by the main stream media to sell a paper.

Who was asked? No one. It's never been put to us as a nation because it would not go well for the social parasites who secret themselves away when the spotlight is put onto them, but yell from the darkness via web blogs and socialist papers, that anyone who speaks out against unchecked immigration or the free entry of asylum seekers verified or not, are bigots who want to return to the white Australia policy days - which is a complete load of ignorant crap.

What would really happen if we were asked? If there was a referendum on this topic?

We will never know...

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 03:58 AM

probably the same people that dispossessed the Aboriginal People of their land....

It is really funny to listen to 1st or 2nd generation 'Australian's' winge about immigration policies.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

i would just like to pick you up on a point. the government HAS NOT had enough of them. its a simple fact that all labor parties around the world encourage immigration. they believe that it pays off with votes. its only a few months ago that the labor party over in england admitted as much. they believed that if you "water down" the main stream population with overseas immigrants - there will be less resistance to the changes they want to make. john howard found a way to stop the boats......send them to a tiny island nation in the middle of the pacific for processing. the boats actually stopped. dont quote me but i think it was down to about 6 boats a year. now we have 6 boats a week. the main crux of john howards policy was that if they are on australian land, they can use our court system against us. this will allow them up to an extra 4 years here fighting deportation. where as if they are based not in our country - we decide they do not qualify - they have no access to our courts.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

probably the same people that dispossessed the Aboriginal People of their land....

It is really funny to listen to 1st or 2nd generation 'Australian's' winge about immigration policies.

Nah, there's none of them left. Oh by golly, did you mean white people?

Yeah, thought so... Utter ignorance...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

what are you saying?

Plenty of my Indigenous friends doing really well, thriving in fact.

white people??? um...not sure what your saying.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by badw0lf

what are you saying?

Plenty of my Indigenous friends doing really well, thriving in fact.

white people??? um...not sure what your saying.

Eh? If you don't know what I'm saying it most likely means I don't know what you're saying.

Did you not say that those who are letting in illegal immigrants are also "probably the same people that dispossessed the Aboriginal People of their land.... " - who would that be in reference to?

In almost every other thread regarding this topic, it refers to us whiteys who came here, raped the lands, dispossessed the Aborigines and sit back complaining about migrants.

If I'm wrong I apologise.

"It is really funny to listen to 1st or 2nd generation 'Australian's' winge about immigration policies."

I don't think I am however.

Yes indeed there are many Aborigines who have let go of the past in order to make their lives something to be proud of. My extended family are actually some of the most wonderful people I know, always welcoming me if I just rock up on a friday night.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:14 AM
as a direct decendent of a first fleeter i feel comfortable in saying if it wasnt would have been the dutch. and just look how good that worked out for south africa. i cant stand the people who when all arguments fail, go back to the old "you invaded this land".

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by punterdeb

well sit down then

Please, let me clarify the point I was trying to make:

What right has a person got to winge about immigration when they are in fact, an immigrant themselves?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:21 AM
The sad reality (oops cliche ) is that the question of who will never be answered.
Its not a few wanker Labour types or Liberals ect.
This decision was made so soon on the back of tens of millions of Western World deaths in WW2, Korea, vietnam ect.
No dots to join, capatilism is not dumb.
Conquer, destroy, reap at source and if you are very clever , all over the Universe.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by punterdeb

Our Govt has come down harder on them in the past year and will continue to do so.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by punterdeb

well sit down then

Please, let me clarify the point I was trying to make:

What right has a person got to winge about immigration when they are in fact, an immigrant themselves?

ok then....answer my question of where do we stop. because we can keep going back, back to when it was just the aborigines here. oh damn hang on a minute...didnt australia used to be joined to lets keep going back. when the answer is available to the question of "where do we really come from" is answered we will all know where we truly belong.

+6 more 
posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

probably the same people that dispossessed the Aboriginal People of their land....

It is really funny to listen to 1st or 2nd generation 'Australian's' winge about immigration policies.

Why is there always some wanker ready to wade into this issue with the "aboriginal guilt trip"? That was over 200yrs ago, this is now. Do the actions of our ancestors negate our right to determine the future of our country today? WTF kind of logic is that mate? Do what the Aboriginal people need to do & get over if.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:30 AM

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:31 AM

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by punterdeb

Our Govt has come down harder on them in the past year and will continue to do so.

you really have got to be kidding me. are you serious. that must be why the boats just keep coming and coming.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by CarpenterMatt

woah.... your getting all huffed and puffed over a comment?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 04:40 AM

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