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Mayor of town near Japanese nuclear plant: "WE HAVE BEEN BETRAYED"

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+22 more 
posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:31 PM
What a sad article from the Daily Mail. Katsunobu Sakurai, the mayor of Minamisoma, only 12 miles downwind from Fukushima, has now joined the chorus of voices worldwide calling out TEPCO and the Japanese government for their intentional lies, misleading statements, and self-service actions that may have sent thousands more to their death via radiation poisoning.

'On March 12, one day after the tsunami, we were assured that only those living within 10km [six miles] of the plant were at risk. They gave the impression it was nothing special. 'On March 14 this was extended to 20km [12 miles] – but as our city hall is 25km away, we thought we were safe. 'Now they have made it wider again, to 30km [18 miles], so that our city is inside the exclusion zone – but some experts believe that even this is not nearly enough.' He began to suspect officials were deceiving him when members of the Jieitat, the government-run civil defence force began to evacuate. Ministry officials said it was a routine measure. 'But people saw this and many started panicking,' he said. 'Who could blame them? They had endured a terrible tsunami, in which more than 1,000 have probably died here, and now they feared a nuclear disaster. Read more:

It's pretty obvious that the Japanese government and TEPCO have lost control of the situation. Dumping buckets of water from helicopters? That sounds like a solution an 8 year old would have for the situation. Governments are telling people to leave--and the Japanese have blocked radiation readings from the Fukushima area to many around the world. All in the guise of profits and keeping a corporation afloat for a few more days. Now the "lucky" that survived the Tsunami and quake can experience the joy of cancer or acute radiation poisoning. I hope the world doesn't forget that the PM of Japan and TEPCO have blood on their hands--even if ONE person dies from radiation poisoning.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by zcflint05

I can't understand why someone would do that to their own people.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:38 PM
At the same time, these people need to be fully aware of their own environment. You must give these citizens partial blame. While I do find these events horrible and disturbing for the population of Japan, the people living in these radiation zones more likely than not chose not to investigate further.

Kind of like if a criminal were to give you a car that was hot no strings attached, of course you would take it but would you investigate the circumstances? Probably not.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by BigBruddah
reply to post by zcflint05

I can't understand why someone would do that to their own people.

Not really sure--but if this goes full meltdown I think it would make it eligible for "crimes against humanity".

+7 more 
posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by BigBruddah

money money money power control greed!
All our leaders are the same....remember they we(they) are just citizens....they are expendable in the eyes of the elites.
We are ruled by psychopaths with no regard for human life

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by TruthTakesTime
At the same time, these people need to be fully aware of their own environment. You must give these citizens partial blame. While I do find these events horrible and disturbing for the population of Japan, the people living in these radiation zones more likely than not chose not to investigate further.

Kind of like if a criminal were to give you a car that was hot no strings attached, of course you would take it but would you investigate the circumstances? Probably not.

I get where you're coming from...but how could they really investigate further? Probably 75% of the homes have been destroyed--no access to computers or TV--and if anyone had a geiger counter I doubt they remembered to grab it before their town got swallowed up by a wave. I just don't think anyone there had the ability to do independent research--which makes the government's actions even more reprehensible.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:41 PM
WOW, I smell a nuclear holocaust...??
Just like we did in katrina but nuclear. Dang this worlds so messed up !

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by TruthTakesTime

Just how do you suggest they investigate further? They are in the midst of an earthquake and tsunami destroyed locale and most of them have lost family, don't have homes, little or no food, water and gas. Damn son, not like the internet is available, up there.
edit on 17-3-2011 by BnletB because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:42 PM
I found an article online earlier.

It is in this thread. MOX fuel has been involved in this disaster and please read the red writing in this reply to a thread. It is very worrying. It really does look like this may happen.


this part of the post:

"The plan to burn MOX fuel in light water reactors is called the pluthermal program in Japan. In the core of a pluthermal reactor, there are ten times more actinides such as plutonium, americium, and curium than the core of a uranium reactor. Actinides cause serious internal exposure in human bodies and thus pose a very serious threat to human health.

In short, exposure doses resulting from an accident at a pluthermal reactor would be twice those produced by an accident at a uranium reactor. A given exposure dose would be received by residents over twice the distance. The overall affected area would be four times larger. When fatalities by cancer from an accident at a pluthermal reactor is calculated with an assumption that Tokyo was downwind, the number of cancer fatalities would increase from 0.4 million in the case of an accident at a uranium reactor to 10.6 million. In view of such risks, MOX utilization is simply too dangerous. "

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:43 PM
Hey has anyone given thought about the logistics of this? It is a logistical nightmare to alarm so many people to evacuate from such a large area when they cannot even accommodate those who suffered the tsunami. The airport in Tokyo is already chaotic, so a large sudden rush exodus would be complete mayhem - unable to coordinate any orderly evacuation of a mass scale. Doesn't make any of this right, given outright lies, but the alternative is a complete loss of control across the country.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by TruthTakesTime

I'm thinking that between the time spent looking for loved ones, recovering from the shock of it all and foraging for food and shelter, they might not have had the time nor the tools to investigate.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by BnletB

Well your right about them not having the capacity to investigate further. But I think suspicions should have been raised when the radiation zone moved from 10km to 20km. THEN they made another increase from 20km to 30km. Once the government second guessed themselves the first time, people should have been skeptical. I wouldn't be surprised if they increased the zone further and the levels of radiation permeating throughout the air. The civilians living anywhere close in a 50km radius of the nuclear meltdowns SHOULD start packing and heading east.

The mayor of the town also showed awareness of this in the article above at all levels of the zone increase. As a leader of the community, in tough times like these you need to ensure the safety of your civilians.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 10:59 PM
I thought it was pretty sketchy when they evacuate all the workers, due to too much radiation, then say that radiation levels were dropping. What? Did the magic radiation fairy appear and remove some radiation?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by zcflint05
I get where you're coming from...but how could they really investigate further?
Investigate further before buying or building a home.

I have little sympathy for those who build a home on the side of a volcano and then act surprised when the volcano erupts. They qualify for the Darwin award so they earn the consequences.

This is different though, we don't really have an expectation that a meltdown should get so out of control, especially in an advanced culture like Japan's. So I DO have sympathy for the people affected by this tragedy.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by zcflint05
I get where you're coming from...but how could they really investigate further?
Investigate further before buying or building a home.

I have little sympathy for those who build a home on the side of a volcano and then act surprised when the volcano erupts. They qualify for the Darwin award so they earn the consequences.

This is different though, we don't really have an expectation that a meltdown should get so out of control, especially in an advanced culture like Japan's. So I DO have sympathy for the people affected by this tragedy.

I think that kind of thought may come naturally to people like us, at least in terms of a nuclear plant (the volcano thing I agree). The dangers of nuclear power had been largely forgotten up until this point after Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island and the perception especially in Japan is that nothing would go wrong (fed to the populace via government and corporate propaganda). Maybe we'll learn our lesson this time.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by zcflint05
The dangers of nuclear power had been largely forgotten up until this point after Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island and the perception especially in Japan is that nothing would go wrong (fed to the populace via government and corporate propaganda). Maybe we'll learn our lesson this time.
I think that's true.

When oil prices started escalating in the last few years, there was more and more talk of resuming the building of nuclear power plants which effectively stopped in the US after three mile island. I actually thought it might resume, but this is sure to have a chilling effect, so building new nuclear plants probably won't resume, at least not until this accident also becomes a distant memory.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by TruthTakesTime
At the same time, these people need to be fully aware of their own environment. You must give these citizens partial blame. While I do find these events horrible and disturbing for the population of Japan, the people living in these radiation zones more likely than not chose not to investigate further.

Kind of like if a criminal were to give you a car that was hot no strings attached, of course you would take it but would you investigate the circumstances? Probably not.

The Japanese culture is much more trusting of authority than those of us in the West generally are. They believe in 'honor" as the currency of "truth". This has been a terrible and rude awakening. I don't hold that these ordinary citizens are at fault. Their shortcoming was simply in believing that their government and officials were working with the peoples' interests in mind. Sadly, the Japanese corporates have proven themselves just as corrupt as Western ones.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:34 PM
why would they feel betrayed, the exclusion zones are given for their own safety, they shouldn't even still be there inside these areas. instead of complaining and only moving 10 miles at a time to avoid the hot zones, have some sense and move further away, surely even they can see things are getting worse and should clear off as far away as possible from these plants instead of staying put in reply to earlier now defunct reports made known.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:39 PM
And I don't trust the sites WE have about radiation...

One site said some of its data were "simulated" - but that mention dropped of in the last day or so:

And then there's the one that was NOT on the home page initially (they were selling geiger counters...) - that went down for a few hours and now it IS on the front page...

I'm betting we have no access to valid data, too.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:43 PM
I hate to say this, and maybe it is because I am from the west and as such have very little trust or faith in the overseers in charge to tell the truth or do the right thing...... but if I knew there was a nuclear reactor on fire and spewing radiation, five miles, ten miles, hell fifty miles near by.....I would have been long gone already.

If I had to travel by train, car, bus, boat, plane, pack mule ....or on the two feet God gave me....I would have been gone on day one.

I think of the horrific mutation and the cancer rates that will be through the roof in Japan for the next twenty years....and that's just among the ones who dont die right away.

Pure nightmare stuff here

edit on 3/17/11 by BlackOps719 because: (no reason given)

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