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Michio Kaku with Dire Message about Japan

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:05 PM
He was just on network Tv and had some very dire information to pass on his thoughts about what is happening.
I cannot quote at this time but what he said was that the current direction is like using a squirt gun on the reactors.

I have never seen him so angry and desperate for action on the part of any issue. he called for the Japanese Military to fly jets in NOW and to seal the leaking reactors with cement and other chemicals to stop the worst case scenario from happening which he said would kill many people and make Japan uninhabitable.

I am going to try and find this interview it is a must see!

edit on 21/3/11 by masqua because: Inserted vid as requested on pg. 2

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:08 PM
Very nice, can't wait. I enjoy listening to Michio.
edit on 16-3-2011 by Ear-Responsible because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:11 PM
l'm also a big fan of his. I actually looked up his address and emailed him today, thanked him for his efforts to help and let him know that there are many of us that appreciate his level-headed scientific views and advice in this increasingly catastrophic situation. Going to go try and find the interview you referenced, thanks OP.

S&F for you!

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:12 PM
Here is a link to the interview (I think) could I get someone to embed this please?

*Incorrect link, sorry about this*

America's top nuclear official told Congress today that the pool cooling spent fuel rods at the crippled Japanese nuclear complex had lost most of its water or all of its water, a potentially catastrophic situation.

Michio Kaku:

"We're very close now to the point of no return," Dr. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, said. "It's gotten worse. We're talking about workers coming into the reactor perhaps as a suicide mission and we may have to abandon ship."

"We have cracks now, cracks in the containment vessels...and if those cracks grow or if there's an explosion, we're talking a full blown Chernobyl, something beyond Chernobyl," Kaku said.

edit on 16-3-2011 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:13 PM
Michio Kaku's due to be on Coast to Coast tomorrow night (March 17), perhaps he'll have more to say about developments in Japan by that time.

Any idea on what station the interview was broadcast - CNN, Fox, etc?

***edit to add*** Oh, ABC, there you have it...
edit on 16/3/11 by Evasius because: more info

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:15 PM
Here's his blog, list of posts is on the right side......

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:18 PM
The reason he is angry and desperate is because he went on the record all week spouting lies and nonsense for each stage of this crisis, go look that up , look at his interviews and comments all week
completely wrong

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:20 PM

At least 140,000 people in the 12 mile radius around the plant have been evacuated. Those in a 12 to 19 mile radius of the plant have been ordered to stay indoors.

The mayor of Minami Soma, a town within that radius, said that residents are being stigmatized, Japanese broadcaster NHK reported.

"We are being labeled as contaminated lepers," he said.

If 140,000 people lived within the 12 mile radius, how many people live between 12-19!!! This is criminal! To tell them to stay indoors and simply succumb to the radiation is murder! Think about how many innocnet men women and children live in that radius! people that for what ever reason trust their authorities and are becoming sick, watching as their loved ones and pets become sick.

This is beyond words right now, and I will very much appreciate the interview if anyone can find it, as I said I have watched , read and listened to Dr Michio Kaku for years and have never seen him so upset and what was worse, after he literally ran with the ball talking faster than he has ever spoken, they CUT him off!!!
edit on 16-3-2011 by antar because: for link

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:20 PM
Now theres someone actually using his head! If his plan follows through he will be remebered as the man who save japan.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:21 PM
I thought Michio was saying everything would be ok earlier?

Maybe he was trying to be optimistic, but now no one can ignore
the warning signs..

It doesn't look like there is any containing going on and if the government
is keeping a lid on it and more people die unnecessarily due to the radiation
they need to be ashamed of themselves and commit (*harry carry*).

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by antar

Here is a link to the interview (I think) could I get someone to embed this please?

America's top nuclear official told Congress today that the pool cooling spent fuel rods at the crippled Japanese nuclear complex had lost most of its water or all of its water, a potentially catastrophic situation.

Michio Kaku:

"We're very close now to the point of no return," Dr. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, said. "It's gotten worse. We're talking about workers coming into the reactor perhaps as a suicide mission and we may have to abandon ship."

"We have cracks now, cracks in the containment vessels...and if those cracks grow or if there's an explosion, we're talking a full blown Chernobyl, something beyond Chernobyl," Kaku said.

Kaku wasn't even in that video. Thanks for wasting my time!

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Evasius

Thank you! I will be listening, it will not be too soon either I wish he would go on tonight instead.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:25 PM
hope george noory grills him for all the bullsh## he's been saying all week
but that wont happen ,he will get his ass kissed and it dosent matter about his shady covering up of japan's government nuclear safety record.
but he's on documentrys we love him

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Embedding is disabled on Youtube, so here is the direct link to the interview:

Michio Kaku: "We're Very Close To the Point of No Return"
edit on 16/3/11 by Evasius because: embedding disabled on previous attempt

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by RestingInPieces

Sorry about my bad. Hopefully we can get the interview, I will brb, going to look again for it, hang in there we are uptight and if what other members have said is true and I believe them, he has changed his tune and is very very upset with the truth which he has discovered.
Again I apologize and hopefully we can get this right.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Evasius

Excellent!! Thank you so much it really sounded like part one of the interview I just heard on Network TV where he is literally cut off.

IMO he has received dire news which has changed everything he thought he know based on the information he was receiving but something has changed and now he will become the voice of reason in the insane situation which time will not be forgiving towards if right action is not taken immediately.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by buskey

From your link:

If I Had the Ear of the Prime Minister, I Would Recommend the "Chernobyl Option"
Michio Kaku on March 15, 2011, 12:17 PM

The situation in Japan, as of Tuesday morning, keeps getting worse. We are getting close to the point of no return (the point where we have uncontrolled releases of radiation due to breach of containment).

News & Developments

* 3 reactors have suffered partial meltdowns.
* These three reactors also suffered hydrogen gas explosions
* A fourth unit has a nuclear waste storage site on fire (which can in principle release more radiation than in a standard reactor core).
* Almost all workers, except for 50, have been evacuated. Once all the workers are evacuated, full scale melting is inevitable.
* Unit 2 actually had 100% of its core fully exposed, for about 2 hours. Worse, cracks seem to have formed in the containment vessel, which may be the source of the very high radiation levels.
* Unit 3 uses MOX fuel, which contains some deadly plutonium, one of the most dangerous substances on earth.The utility keeps saying that things are stable, only to see things worsen. This "stability" is the stability of hanging by your fingernails.

If I had the ear of the Prime Minister, I would recommend the "Chernobyl Option."

* Put the Japanese Air Force on alert
* Assemble a huge fleet of helicopters. Put shielding underneath them.
* Accumulate enough sand, boric acid, and concrete to smother these reactors, to entomb them forever.

This is what the Soviets did in 1986, calling out the Red Air Force and sandbagging the reactor with over 5,000 tons of concrete and sand.

We have not yet hit the point of no return. But when we do, I think the only option left is this one.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:02 AM
Here it is....

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by AdonisDNA

I think he's just another tool of the NWO.

Yet more doomsday, fearmongering, ballyhooey to add to the huge, steaming pile of # that's already growing with each passing day.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 01:21 AM
Say what you will, e thought that the chernobyl option was the onely answer for a few days now, and was wondering why they did not start the process....
What is there to be gained by waiting longer?
Just more radiation leaks.
You tell em Michio!

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