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'The West is to be forgotten. We will not give them our oil' - Gaddafi

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posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:07 PM

'The West is to be forgotten. We will not give them our oil' - Gaddafi

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi dismissed his Western partners, saying he will give all the country’s oil contracts to Russia, China and India.

"Our oil contracts are going to Russian, Chinese and Indian firms,” Gaddafi told the German TV channel RTL. He condemned the Western powers, saying Germany was the only country with a chance of doing business with Libyan oil in the future. “We do not trust their firms – they took part in the conspiracy against us."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:07 PM
Well this is a dramatic turn of events. Qaddafi’s forces had already been progressing east, taking more towns and villages daily, and just yesterday offered the rebels a deal; If they lay down their arms they will be granted amnesty. Quite obviously the deal was not accepted and the fights rage on.

This places the West in an even more complicated situation, they are now guaranteed to get no more oil from one of the world’s largest oil producers and Qaddafi is set to retake the East from the rebel forces.

Speaking about France – the only country to recognize the rebel Libyan National Council as the country’s legitimate government and to call for targeted airstrikes – Gaddafi said “his good friend" French President Nicolas Sarkozy has "gone mad and is suffering from a mental disorder.”

Also Qaddafi had said that in his eyes the Arab League has ceased to exist after it encouraged a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya. Pretty much what he is saying is that the Arab League is now basically under the control of Western forces and they are no longer welcome in his nation.

I wonder how the Western powers which backed and supported the rebels to overthrow Qaddafi will be feeling about this. It appears as though they now have a serious hit to their plans.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:09 PM
I bet in a few months WMD's start showing up in that country.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by totalmetal
I bet in a few months WMD's start showing up in that country.

yea and the smoking gun! Shock and Awe part II

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:12 PM
Sounds like the U.S is alittle kid who ate Lybrias cookies. Afterall i understand that they are wise in making that desicion due to the fact the U.S is a very stategic country to deal with and will literally "bite the hand that feeds" as we have done in the middle eastern countries and continue to do so.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Gaddafi is just lucky the Earthquake in Japan screwed up the corporate media coup going on. Although, tell me I am not the only one who noticed, the media DID try desperately to redirect our attention back to it many times. Sadly for the elite, it didnt work, and they lost the momentum they hoped would carry their coup through.

While I have no great love for Gaddafi, I have to say that I am glad to see anyone win against the corporatists. Even someone who isnt the nicest guy on the planet himself.

But yeah, now he will be on the "axis of evil" too, and we will be propagandized to death about his nuclear ambitions or WMDs. Just like Iran.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Cry me a big one Gaddafi you murderous tinpot revolutionary faker,your really just a spoilt dictator..
China and russia will take you for a bigger rip off ride than the west have,so do what you want.
Anyways hopefully he'll be dead soon,and his people free,if anyone gets off their butt to help the rebels.
Down with gaddafi

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:19 PM
Russia would be made to rethink its friends in a hurry, looks like the lines been drawn in the sand, a foolish mistake to tempt the hand of fate...

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:19 PM
No sweat off of USA's back we never received their oil to begin with it went to Italy Germany and France so who cares if they send it to China and Russia. We have stayed out of it as we should.

Besides I wouldnt slap any stock into anything Qaddafi spits he's insane himself. The youth is drugged by the cafe's and all that. Yeah real good head on his shoulders.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by 5StarOracle

Russia and China are not as afraid of the US as we would like to think they are.

China is using the interest payments it receives from the US to build up their military as we speak. So hey, thanks to the greedy elite and their horrible mismanagement of Americas wealth and economy, we are paying for the military that will one day likely turn on us.

But Russia and China held loyal to Cuba in the face of the US's threats and posturing, and thats before corporations make us a laughingstock in the world. Why should they suddenly fear us more? We are broke, over extended militarily, we have internal strife and deep dissatisfaction by the people for our government, we just really arent that scary right now.

Especially since they are in tight with each other right now, with China being a major consumer of Russian oil, they could easily ally against us.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:34 PM
What can I say, your right Im wrong, the military is there to take pictures cause all the media are in Japan. I do believe this relationship was noted by Nostradamus in his 3rd Anti-christ prophecies...

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Misoir

Thanks for the info. However if the "West" as he puts it really wants his oil they will get it. They have much bigger combined military, superior weaponry and more cash. He is a dot compared to them. They could take him so easily for many different reasons including spite if they wanted too. If he is still standing it is only because "the west" as he puts it allows him too!. Harsh but the truth! Gaddafi is inferior in every way!

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:39 PM
I seen this coming weeks ago thats why france and uk want him out quick they have showed there card early on. Gaddafi mabe brutal but not stupid he will hit the west where it hurts as western economy's are stacked on a deck of cards when it comes to oil.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:48 PM
I wouldn't buy a pint of oil off that clown even if it he was the last man in the world to have oil and it was for my Harley. He's a murder of his own people. If the rebels laid down their arms they would all be executed. That is pretty obvious.

I find it comical the leader of Libya hates us because. We asked him to step down for murdering his own people and now the rebels hate us because we didn't want to attack Libya. A no fly zone would consist more of taking out ground targets threats such as surface to air missiles and radar installations than it would be shooting down his air force.

Why aren't the Arab states helping those people? We sold almost every member advanced fighters. Or France? They are for ALL for a no fly zone. But comically they want nothing to do with it. They have an aircraft carrier. Maybe they should use it.

PS I am for a no fly zone. Another example of a UN that is useless.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:10 PM
This is all because Obama sat on his hands and let the rebels get slaughtered, you know those poor innocent protestors everyone wants to string up Gaddafi for because they were dieing in the streets. Well those same people are dieing now, no different, because there was no leadership in the West to help them. Just like he did in the Senate as a Senator, voting present all the time instead of committing to a side.
BTW, he was out golfing last weekend while Japan started to meltdown.

I don't see any conspiracy here, just a total lack of leadership, and the bloodstains are now on more than just Gaddafi's hands. It's easy to predict this is going to cost the Messiah bigtime come next election.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:25 PM
Oh dear he thinks hes Mr Big of oil,what a fool.
He really is exposing his neurotic delusions of grandeur to the world IMO.

Proper"hitler in the bunker"mentality.

Look how much of a small player he really is in oil terms...Can he change prices in the west?Sure,in panic terms,short term.But long term he is an inconvienient blip in a much bigger pool of oil.

Keep your rotten bloody oil gaddafi,I don't mind paying a bit more until you are finally brought to justice,or dead.
We don't want your crap in the west,we have had enough of you just like your own folks have.
Someone accidently JDAM this goon please...

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:34 PM
He said he wouldnt resign from power, because he didnt hold any position of power. That he was just a simple man in his tent, who didnt watch TV. He liked to read and some times he gave advice to his people. Im only a figure head and hold no power. After my revolution I went back to my tent. Now hes threatening to give HIS oil away to India China and Russia? What a joke.
edit on 16-3-2011 by illuminnaughty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Interesting. Russia, China and India feature explosive economic and population growth, and so there is an increasingly and readily available supply of Capital in those countries. The West, with its decaying and declining population, has a weaker Capital supply than it did a hundred, two hundred years ago. For them to do business now requires them to use force and coercion, whereas the Eastern powers are in a position to make fair bargains. Their great distance from Libya means that they cannot impose themselves on that nation nearly as well as the NATO Axis can. However, it also means that the most expedient routes for Libyan oil to reach their new destinations will be the Bosporus Straits (Turkey) and the Suez Canal (Egypt). Libya may need to form stronger security relations with those two countries to protect its oil shipments from NATO saboteurs on the Mediterranean.

Saudi Arabia has been pressuring the Arab League to suppress revolutions in the M-E that threaten the Saudi-led status quo. Now that Libya has driven back the al-Qaeda mercenaries, it seems that the leadership will take the country in a more strongly Pan-African movement than ever before.

This victory over hostile NATO forces and the mercenaries armed by the West could well revitalize Gaddafi's reputation at home and abroad. Even though he is no longer the official ruler of the country, he will get a great deal of credit for his spiritual leadership during this crisis. This may well advance the interests of his son, who likewise held a position of great importance and helped lead the nation through the crisis. This whole debacle may secure a Gaddafi dynasty in Libya for years to come.

It's possible, even likely that Libya will revive its old WMD programs, because now it's not only on the West's enemy list, it's on Arabia's list too.

We're shaping up for a THIRD WORLD WAR, that is, a war in the third world. The First World War was fought in the first world; France, Belgium, Germany. The Second World War was fought in the Second World; Poland, Russia, Serbia. The Third World War is looming in the Third World; Turkey, Arabia, Iran, Israel and Libya.

Someone got over-eager and jumped the gun on Libya, and now the G7 have betrayed Gaddafi as he was finally becoming more Western-friendly. The detente in the colonial war is over, and Europe is going to be faced with renewed hostilities from a Pan-African leader and his associates.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 03:03 AM
It's a fact reported by the UN that Libya has 9.5 metric tons of mustard gas. So it wouldn't need to suddenly appear. The russians can be thanked for yet another crime against humanity. Although Iraq had none... UM how did they use WM D on the Kurd s If Iraq didn't have any.. gee that seems impossible? Cnn showed pics of WMD shipped to Syria in trucks.. Maybe Lybia would send it there.

Are people really that stupid? And If you follow the news it seems the UK and France the ones that care about the oil. Everyone has oil. It's all about what it sells for.


posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 03:10 AM
Just to follow up on Iraq. Are the Iraqi people better off now? Or do you think they miss Saddam the Insane and his Torture chambers.

A fact The US Military pays more for fuel in Iraq than they do in the United States. I do however agree I personally would have left Iraq alone. And bombed Iran back into the stone age.

Smiles Jerry

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