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TA-ANALYSIS: 'Code' Found in Latest bin Laden Video Could be Hoax

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posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:02 PM
Interesting find muppet!?

So a google serach of the code points to just these 2 sites. And both of them seem to deal specifically with encrypted images?

The spooky part is the ability to use this site to transmit information to others secretly & anonymously.

I tried the search, I entered "bomb" and got an image of wires, wire cutters, and soldering gun.

I entered "explosion" and got an image of a plain white wall, with some metal square tube leaned against it.

I entered '"plan" and got an image of a wood pile with 2 electrical insulators attached to it.

Lot's of intersting odd combinations using terror related terms.

Perhaps if one were to enter the english subtitles that appear in the frames that include the code into this sites search engine, they would find encrypted images with operational instructions.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:05 PM
What you have to understand is that this is not NEINS find.

Last night i was sent this image by people from freep. They found it and subsequently passed it to NEIN who are branding it as their own.

Personally, i think its fake.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 12:11 PM
Subsequently, NEIN has removed the story from their site.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 05:17 PM
EDIT 30/7/04 possibly wrong conclusion, see later in thread)

Nerdling.. you're right. It was a definite fake.. I spotted it yesterday and u2u'ed one of the writers who was researching something... (trickmastertrick)

This might be relevant.. I'm not posting it publicly for now..

I've uploaded a zoomed version of the "code" allegedly hidden in the bin laden video footage.

I don't believe this was encoded with the video. The compression artifacts on the code match the "ring" drawn round them, NOT the video image. There also appears to be only one generation of degradation to the code.

It could only be real if NEIN had access to the original master tape, and that tape was a pro digital format. You just don't get clean lines like that, even with DV.

I'm keeping this private for now since it seems to be part of a false flag operation and it would be good to see where it goes..

take a close look for yourself. Sorry for the delay in pointing this out. I was waiting for NEIN to incriminate themselves a little more.

*EDIT : temporarily removed by muppet *

Andreas Wacker probably faked it to promote his art site. EDIT : I retract this.

[edit on 21-7-2004 by muppet]

[edit on 22-7-2004 by muppet]

[edit on 24-7-2004 by muppet]

[edit on 30-7-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 05:21 PM
I see exactly what you mean muppet, well done.

I found it on freerepublic then someone emailed it to me, it seems the guy from freep sent it to NEIN too probably hoping for a source.

You know, they'll probably run it as their own in their HQ Intel Alert anyway.

Great work muppet!

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 08:36 PM
Yes , Muppet, Excellent work!!! BY the time I read yer u2u this thread was already up. Something is going on over there.

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by muppet
Nerdling.. you're right. It was a definite fake.. I spotted it yesterday and u2u'ed one of the writers who was researching something... (trickmastertrick)

What time of day yesterday did you find it, muppet?

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 08:55 PM
I saw the thread here first, checked the screen shot and pretty much immediately u2u'ed Trick with my thoughts, and the link to the enlargement. the time according to my u2u was about 6 pm, but to be honest I've been hammering ATS so much recently I don't recall the time personally.

I did some fishing around much later last night UK time (about 5 am ish!) and followed up the some of the code searches people were doing. If it was a false flag, I wanted to see just how deep NEIN went in backing it up, so I posted what I'd figured out about the "art" site.

Once I read that NEIN took it down though, and Nerdling had mentioned the real source, I though it safe to post the truth about the screenshot.

EDIT : to clarify, I first saw it in this thread, pretty much as soon as it was first posted.

[edit on 21-7-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 12:02 AM
I posted the original ATSNN article as soon as I saw this last night, which would have been 0644 GMT. So you were right on it. I checked NEIN again in the morning and they were still running it. After it had received some discussion here, and nerdling's revelation that they did not originally discover it, it quickly disappeared.

Too bad. They have lost a lot of the credibility they carried in my mind.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by phreak_of_nature
I posted the original ATSNN article as soon as I saw this last night, which would have been 0644 GMT. So you were right on it. I checked NEIN again in the morning and they were still running it. After it had received some discussion here, and nerdling's revelation that they did not originally discover it, it quickly disappeared.
Too bad. They have lost a lot of the credibility they carried in my mind.

All in all a pretty good team effort I think. Hoaxers must really hate ATS/ATSNN !!
Good work everyone, and thanks to Simon and the rest of the admin for creating a place where this is possible. I have learned so much here!


posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 06:29 AM
Hey guys, what is NIEN? I have never heard of them/it before.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 06:34 AM
North East Intelligence Network

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
What you have to understand is that this is not NEINS find.
Last night i was sent this image by people from freep. They found it and subsequently passed it to NEIN who are branding it as their own.
Personally, i think its fake.

What YOU have to understand is that I found this Monday night, and I forwarded a copy to Laura Mansfield because I do not read nor understand Arabic. The original link is at Threat Matrix on Free Republic.

The code is NOT fake and is being analyzed by the JTTF by way of the NSA I believe.

I have never visited this forum before but am appaled at the mindset to discredit someone so quickly, as you have Laura Mansfield, who happens to be dedicated to trying to save all of your butts (critical of her or not) from being killed in a terrorist attack.

I am not impressed.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Jill St Claire
What YOU have to understand is that I found this Monday night, and I forwarded a copy to Laura Mansfield because I do not read nor understand Arabic. The original link is at Threat Matrix on Free Republic.

The code is NOT fake and is being analyzed by the JTTF by way of the NSA I believe.

I have never visited this forum before but am appaled at the mindset to discredit someone so quickly, as you have Laura Mansfield, who happens to be dedicated to trying to save all of your butts (critical of her or not) from being killed in a terrorist attack.

I am not impressed.

Ms. St. Claire,

I would urge you to settle down. First off, this is a very diverse and interesting forum. There is no one here that speaks the mind of the community. With that said, ALL of the community strives to seek the truth; as evidenced in our motto "Deny Ignorance".

Though certain statements may be made from time to time in a manner that could be taken as "too firm", there is no reason to believe that ATS or ATSNN has come to a final conclusion on this report.

If you cannot allow us to investigate the veracity of this report, then you are not serving the purpose you state motivates NEIN.

There is absolutely no one in the ranks of ATSNN reporting staff that does not wish the truth to be revealed behind threats to the global community...I assure you of that.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Jill St Claire
What YOU have to understand is that I found this Monday night, and I forwarded a copy to Laura Mansfield because I do not read nor understand Arabic. The original link is at Threat Matrix on Free Republic.

Hi Jill,

When you say you found it, do you mean you found the code on a copy of the video, or you found the screenshot on a website?

Also could you post a link to the Free Republic article you mention?

[edit on 22-7-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Jill St Claire
I have never visited this forum before but am appaled at the mindset to discredit someone so quickly, as you have Laura Mansfield, who happens to be dedicated to trying to save all of your butts (critical of her or not) from being killed in a terrorist attack.

I am not impressed.

Laura Mansfield's name was not brought up in this thread until you mentioned it. For all we know it could have been anyone at NEIN. I know for a fact that Members and Staff work their butts of to find truth in any article that is posted here, or they debunk it.

And in My Opinion, since NEIN went to a Pay for Information 'that could save my butt', as you put it, it makes it harder to validate their claims. There is nothing that I, and I am sure other people, want more is the "Truth", but it makes it harder to search it out when the info is not presented for everyone to see.

Again this is MY opinion, and does not reflect that of the members or staff at ATS or ATSNN.


posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 08:47 PM



I think what was posted at FreeRepublic is all the explanation that you need!


posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 08:59 PM

Sorry, there's a lot of stuff on those threads but I couldn't find any posts answering my questions.. Maybe you could summarize how you found the code. What tape was it on? where did you get the tape? Who originally found the code on the tape?

[edit on 22-7-2004 by muppet]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 09:28 PM
Ms. St Claire,

Though ATS always encourages discussion and debate, I have noticed that you have answered an ATS member's question with a non-answer. This is usually unacceptable here.

In addition, it has been brought to my attention that one of my reporting staff approached you about an interview concerning this issue and you flatly, with no compromise, rejected that offer.

If your intent is to be a malcontent, because there are issues raised against NEIN statements, and to not cooperate with this board's member efforts and reporting staff efforts to ascertain the truth concerning this issue, but instead to create drama and aggravation, maybe you should head back to free republic and NEIN within the confines and sanctuary that they provide you.

I have noticed that ATS membership typically expect more disclosure than you are willing to provide.

[edit on 7-22-2004 by Valhall]

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 09:29 PM
Incidentally, here's the "video frame" in question, as posted on NEIN, if anyone's interested. It appears that since NEIN took it down they too were quickly aware it was a hoax. Laura Mansfield's name never appeared with the article on NEIN. The article in fact was uncredited, being billed simply as breaking news.

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