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Communicating with a 'Shadow Person'.

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posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Hello! I know there are A LOT of threads about this phenomena already, but I feel I'm on to something, and I'm closer to understanding. I'm still very confused by what these are, as everyone has different theories.

I've researched online, and no one has a solid explanation. Just want to say that I am perfectly sane, and only come into contact with it while I attempt to meditate. Experiences with these beings are very common and defined, so no "Maybe you should see a psychiatrist" comments, if you don't mind!

The reason I am wondering is that there seems to be one interfering with my meditation, but almost speeds up time it takes to get "vibes" (within 20 minutes) while thinking about this being, but the vibrations/waves seem to coming from him/her (not my own energy). I have tried to speak to it, but it doesn't seem to want to communicate verbally, but it definitely understands what I'm saying. When trying to communicate with it - which I really feel is a bad idea, but I can't seem to get rid of it - I feel waves of different temperatures and moods coming from it. But whenever I try to open my eyes to stare at it, it tries to move just out of site so I can barely see it, but I can sort of see a wispy black mass and sometimes it's very very dense and black, and other times somewhat translucent. I have asked to stare at it face to face ...I'm never doing that again (despite being skittish and shy, it seemed more than willing to do this).
Other than opening my eyes every now and then to check if it's the same entity, I don't get a negative feeling from it, but whenever I asked to see it face to face, I asked "What do you want?" and I immediately felt intense fear, evil and anxiety being almost injected into me. I screamed almost as if I had no choice as the shadow instantly took a vague form of a hooded being, with it's hands stretched toward me. The entity seemed to go inside of me, and made me feel extremely cold and hallow. It made a gutteral shreek as it did this. I struggled my way out of the sleep paralysis, and sat up. I felt defiled and void of any emotion. This was a very bad experience.

I cannot tell if I am actually communicating with the same one, or if there are different ones in my home. But almost any time I encounter with it, it gets into my personal space, and tries to get as close as possible. But for some reason, even after it scaring the living crap out of me, I generally feel comfortable around it, which is odd.

I've tried my best to be respectful toward it, but it seems to be trying to get my attention more in the past few days.

Overall, I've had mixed experiences while meditating and having OBEs. While going out of body, the lighting in the astral either dark and gloomy (I can sometimes see black stuff on my walls), or very bright and sunny. When trying to "see" with my third eye reminding myself to "see what is in my room", the room is dark, and slowly brightens as if I'm adjusting to the lighting?

Other times I see certain entities, and try to examine them, but they stare back at me and it feels as if my awareness is starting to thin...and I instantly go back to my body, as if they don't want me staring directly at them (a young and very depressed woman in particular who I've seen laying next to me. Her face turns black before I return to normal awareness).

In my attempt to get rid of it, I burned sage throughout my home, and for the first time, I tried to listen to binaural beats in attempt to lift my mood a bit. For the rest of the day, the energy in my house felt very positive. And later that night, while trying to sleep, I felt as if something was hugging me from behind, but in a loving manner. But in the morning, as I woke up, I saw a small black spot on my wall, and it seemed to start growing, I immediately got up and thought "Oh no..."

If anyone wants to communicate with theirs, set up signals. Such as "Poke my left leg for 'Yes', poke my right leg for 'No'. They'll cooperate. And remember, if try to open your eyes to stare at it you will feel drawn into it's negative energy, simply close your eyes and hold back from feeling any fear.

It's also worth mentioning, that a couple weeks ago, I've seen my 'doppleganger' consecutively in my dreams for a few nights, also while waking up from one of these dreams, I saw this shadow panicking and zipping around my room very quickly making guttural noises, as I looked around, I saw a white apparition staring at me from behind my window.

I'm on the fence with this shadow being's nature because of this. There may be a possibility that this "shadow person" phenomena symbolizes a personal spiritual issue with an individual that must be overcome.

I'd like to hear everyones experiences with these things.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:55 PM


posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 03:57 PM
No one on ATS is sane. That's why we are here.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:08 PM


posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

I usually stay in the alternative news/political news section xD. Personally, I think those are the only sections on ATS worth reading!

But I occasionally wonder into paranormal/metaphysical/ufo section

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Mertez

you should... cause it'll make you feel better!

And you can't just ask to see your spirit (that's what it is) you have to realize that you and your spirit are one (it is you and you are it). If you don't then you are vulnerable which explains that evil spirit which realized that you were fearful giving it power over you... don't do that again

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Mertez
reply to post by CanadianDream420

I usually stay in the alternative news/political news section xD. Personally, I think those are the only sections on ATS worth reading!

But I occasionally wonder into paranormal/metaphysical/ufo section

Clearly, we needed this reply. Stick to news/politics. Some things are above other people's heads.

Anyhow, great post OP. Keep in mind that we attribute evil and harmful feelings to such beings because of their dark color, or mysterious ways of evading us and communicating in the only way that MAY be possible for them.

Keep in mind, they may not be evil. They may not be there to harm you, but may only be communicating how they can best.

Blackness has always instilled a sense of evil in people, its natural. The best way we can explore the "other side" or wherever these beings come from, is to let go of all preconceived notions on what they are or what they represent.

Thats the only way we'll truly be able to understand them, in my opinion.
edit on 14-3-2011 by Ryanssuperman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:25 PM
Dude. I think you need an old priest and a young priest.

But seriously I would go have a talk to some psychics in your area.
If as soon as you walk in the room the psychic freaks out because they see something funky come in the room with ya. That's the one you want to deal with.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:26 PM
My advice would be to leave well alone.

Look, its this simple... These things operate on a different frequency/dimension/ethereal whatever you wish to call it, but what you may seem to be normal or appropriate in terms of communcation may not be what they would class as the forementioned.

Have you ever heard of the Djinn? Most Indian cultures (middle east) will never try and communicate with these things as they have too much respect. I believe personally that these Shadow People are the Djinn. Not to be trifled with.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Xcellante
My advice would be to leave well alone.

Look, its this simple... These things operate on a different frequency/dimension/ethereal whatever you wish to call it, but what you may seem to be normal or appropriate in terms of communcation may not be what they would class as the forementioned.

Have you ever heard of the Djinn? Most Indian cultures (middle east) will never try and communicate with these things as they have too much respect. I believe personally that these Shadow People are the Djinn. Not to be trifled with.

I disagree with your first statement of "leave well alone".

We are the pioneers into this other world, and people who keep saying "Run! Its scary and will hurt you!", are only working against our research into this phenomena.

Go. Explore. See what you can find out. Anything new is scary, thats basic human conditioning. The ones that make that extra step into a world of unknown are the pioneers we've come to admire.

Secondly, I know of the "Djinn" as you call them. You'll have more luck looking up "Jinn", with no D. D just means "the" in ancient Arabic.

I've posted several times on this forum regarding Jinn, my experiences with them, my research, and my overall thoughts on them. So if you want a read, I'm sure you can find my posts.

Keep in mind, Jinn is a term used in Islam that can be attributed to pretty much any and all paranormal things that every culture has a version of. In Islam, Jinn were created with Humans, as the only two creations of Allah with free will. Apparently we coexisted long ago, until then end of King Solomon, and the Jinn were forever lost to the eyes of humans.

The most important thing to understand about the Jinn is that they have free will. They have religion. There are Muslim Jinn, there are Catholic Jinn...Jewish Jinn...ect ect. There are Jinn who choose to do bad things, but there are also Jinn who choose to be good, just like we have terrible human beings that live on this world, and we have saints.

I have no explanation of how, or why, they communicate or interact with us as they do. I dont understand why they vaguely make themselves known. But what I do know, in my own personal belief from my own experiences my whole life, the research I've done and the investigations I've seen - they are real.

So dont be afraid. Embrace what you've been given. I see them all day almost every day as black forms in the corner of my eye, even now they randomly pop up and my make head turn. Its pretty amazing, however, I have no had the luck of openly communicating with them. One day maybe!

Take advantage of this opportunity! You are one of our pioneers

edit on 14-3-2011 by Ryanssuperman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Ryanssuperman

That's a great way of looking at it

It hasn't harmed me yet, nor has it tried to. It just seems to be waiting dormant until you notice it.

Instead of ghost hunting with cameras, EVP recordings, can understand these things much better if you just explore meditation and your unconscious mind and use it to sense what you cannot normally perceive.
edit on 14-3-2011 by Mertez because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:19 PM
Ive never done drugs but I can assure you I have a mental illness and am completely bat# crazy.
edit on 14-3-2011 by shamaniski because: herf

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by shamaniski

Unless being curious about these things makes you crazy, I have no mental illness. There are perfectly sane people on ATS, but there are some crazies as well, but conspiracy theories can cause anyone paraphrenia for sure.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Mertez

I've only had one short OBE ( I seem to have fluked it by chance).
I saw 2 of these black smokey shadow figures by my bed (as i was lying in it below) and 2 other beings.
I didn't feel and fear or panic, but they ain't the prettest of things.
Glad I am not the only one seeing them.
I am still learning, and hope to get back 'out' of my bod,
it's a slow process though. I get to the deep vibration stage,
but can't seem to make that final jump.

After some research into the Qur'an, it mentions the Jinn as being made by God from Fire, and humans made of earth. Mohummad Asad's 'The meaning of the Qur'an' has an appendix which explains the Jinn as used in the Quran: Extract Below:

On The Term And Concept Of Jinn (appendix III)
In the usage of the Qur'an, which is certainly different from the usage of primitive folklore, the
term jinn has several distinct meanings. The most commonly encountered is that of spiritual
forces or beings which, precisely because they have no corporeal existence, are beyond the
perception of our corporeal senses: a connotation which includes "satans" and "satanic forces"
as well as "angels" and "angelic forces", since all of them are "concealed from our senses".
In order to make it quite evident that these invisible manifestations are not of a corporeal nature,
the Qur'an states parabolically that the jinn were created out of "the fire of scorching winds"
The term jinn is also applied to a wide range of phenomena which, according to most of the
classical commentators, indicate certain sentient organisms of so fine a nature and of a
physiological composition so different from our own that they are not normally accessible to our
sense-perception. We know, of course, very little as to what can and what cannot play the role of
a living organism; moreover, our inability to discern and observe such phenomena is by no
means a sufficient justification for a denial of their existence. The Qur'an refers often to "the
realm which is beyond the reach of human perception" (al-ghayb), while God is frequently
spoken of as "the Sustainer of all the worlds" (rabb al-alamin): and the use of the plural clearly
indicates that side by side with the "world" open to our observation there are other "worlds" as
well - and, therefore, other forms of life, different from ours and presumably from one another,
and yet subtly interacting and perhaps even permeating one another in a manner beyond our ken.
And if we assume, as we must, that there are living organisms whose biological premises are
entirely different from our own, it is only logical to assume that our physical senses can
establish contact with them only under very exceptional circumstances: hence the description of
them as "invisible beings". Now that occasional, very rare crossing of paths between their life-
mode and ours may well give rise to strange - because unexplainable - manifestations, which
man's primitive fantasy has subsequently interpreted as ghosts, demons and other such
"supernatural" apparitions.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:15 PM
I have never heard people talk about these; but im not surprised because i just started on ATS not long ago. When i lived in my childhood house, at night in the basement between midnight and 4am when i would stay up late on the weekends, i saw a couple "shadow people" (shadowy blurs that looked like the light around them was distorted) and it always scared me. When i would look across the room at them they would fly behind the corner. I never dared go to the other side. Then some nights if i Began my night on that side of the basement (computer room side) I would between midnight and 4am hear these weird damn voices. Deep like when they mask a mans voice on the history channel. Thats what always got me. Some guy braodcasting an important ominous message that i could never hear because the other damn voices sounded like higher pitched radio chatter over top of him. Sorry for all of the text, and I have many more odd stories / phenomenea related to that house, but this was the only one relevant. Just thought it was odd someone else saw something SIMILAR. I bold that because yours didnt speak to you. Maybe mine didnt either, perhaps it was something else.

Although It could have just been delirium induced on a 12 year old girl who stayed up pwnin bitchez way too long. Something was definatly going on.
edit on 3/14/2011 by NerdGoddess because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:18 PM
I would advise against trying to communicate with a "shadow person". I have no experience with this phenomena, but from what I've read they're nasty buggers. Like the vampire, they have to be invited in, and once they're in... well...

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by NerdGoddess

They're usually seen when someone is in a hypnagogic state (described as being half awake, half asleep). This could mean they're just hallucinations, but I find it strange that so many people specifically see ghosts/shadows when that happens instead of something random, like a floating pizza xD. These 'shadow people' are described very similarly.

edit on 14-3-2011 by Mertez because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:01 PM
STOP MEDITATING YOU IDIOT!! You are being possessed by evil spirits. Stop inviting them in. Fool. You really think they want to help you? Stupid new age garbage.... I blame Mr. Crowley.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by mostlyspoons
STOP MEDITATING YOU IDIOT!! You are being possessed by evil spirits. Stop inviting them in. Fool. You really think they want to help you? Stupid new age garbage.... I blame Mr. Crowley.

Couldnt have said it any better.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by shamaniski

I didn't invite anything in, in fact, I want to be rid of it. And since when is meditation New Age?

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