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Meditation & Breathing - The Lord's Prayer - Forgiveness

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posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 12:00 AM
Last night (March 11,2011), I. Had (what I called then) a Revelation!

That is exactly what I called; as I told my friend that I FIGURED Out The Lord's Prayer.

Let me explain to you my views on meditation, prayer, different methods and hindrances.

First, I believe that meditation and prayer are practically the same thing.
The ideal goal of both is to put you in a trance-like state so you can receive knowledge from a greater conciousness.

The easiest way to control meditation is to clear your mind, and control your breathing.

The method that works for me, I know it as Buddha breath.
It is this breathing method, that I think is displayed by many Buddha statues.
(This statue symbology is an original idea based in zero evidence)

This buddha breath is a slow inhale through your nose,
and a long exhale through your mouth.

Meditation is about either being able to clear your mind and think of nothing,
Or busying the mind on a mundane task so your subconcious can wander.

This ability to clear my mind was the most difficult thing for me.
Either I caught myself thinking about mundane things during the day,
or I catch myself thinking about my breathing.

BOTH interrupt my meditation
BOTH make me angry.

I become angry at the fact that I was unable to concentrate,
And that I screwed up, all counterproductive thoughts.
So, I stray further away frommy tranquil center at which I needed to be.

I needed a way that I could breath better and not have to concentrate on it.
As I attempted In through nose Out through mouth breath, I caught
Myself having to think about opening my mouth to exhale.

Bringing Concious Thought into the equation will halt my meditation,
So I taught myself a new way of breathing.

I had to teach myself how to inhale through my nose, while my mouth was still open

This was difficult at first, but only took a little muscle control,
And now I do it effortlessly.

To be able to do this, you need to close off your airway with. The back of your throat.
This allows you to breathe through your nose.

There are also two different types of breaths you can take.
I classify these by the area of lungs they fill.

Upper breaths fill the sternum area of the lungs just under your chest.
Lower breaths fill the gut section below the ribs.

The easiest way to practice these breath and meditation techniques is to
Practice the Edgar Cayce method.

Cayce was a devout Christian man whose meditative prowess led him to counsel
several past presidents. He believed that we all have the ability to do this.

Cayce lies on a flat surface, like a flat couch or bed or such,
He crosses this arms across his chest (it is this which I never got full description)
I didn't know if they meant crossed so far that his hands were tucked under opposite armpits.

Regardless, for me, I interlock my fingers across my chest.

This positioning felt uncomfortable, and it would interrupt my meditation
because my filling chest would move my hands and distract me.

So, I had to take long slow breaths that fill the bottom of my lungs.

If you perform the Buddha breath properly, your gut can get quite tremendous.
This is what I think the chunky Buddhas depict.
Yes, he was a. Big guy, but his belly was definitely oversized.

Another meditation technique is repeating something over and over.
Many call these mantras or prayers.

One mantra I learned was

Be Still,
Know God

The instructions were to say Be still on inhale and
Know God on exhale. But this mantra didn't work for me.

Not only was it short breaths
(So would I keep saying Be still on a long inhale over and over?)
But I would also get upse with myself saying "No God"
(Even though I knew it was "Know God")!

And again, concious thought ruined my meditation.

A book that my mom read suggested reciting the Lord's Prayer during meditation.
For those that know this by heart, this is a very simpe task

How does reciting something help me meditate?
You busy your active thinking brain on a mundane task, and then we listen.
We listen between our own words, for those that aren't our own,
And then we listen.

If I use Buddha breath and take a super long inhale, I can feel this energy surge up in my body.
This only happens on a very deep long breath, and only at very close to the extreme of my max breath.
I can fell it rush to the base of my skull near my pineal gland.
Hmmm, why does the pope's hat have an acorn on it

It is at the end of each long inhale AND the end of each long exhale that
I get most meditative flow or information.

This is where my Lord's Prayer Revelation came from.
I realized that it was there for me to recite during meditation On a Single breath!
When I thought this, my inner compass rang true, and I was covered in joy.

I was easily able to complete the full prayer during one breath.
And the spiritual happiness that I experienced was amazing.

So, please try and find peace like I have.
And remember that it is too easy to find something to be negative about
And so, its more difficult to find something to be happy about.

One large issue that I struggle with during Meditation is forgiveness.
As I would sit and try to still my mind, I would think of the things that
People did recently to cross me, how they had pissed me off.

It came to a point that I had to decide if I wanted to forgive Everyone or Not.
I mean, how can I forgive Hitler for what he did.
I had been to the concentration camps that still smelt of death.

But, I decided to forgive him.
Now, if I struggle with forgiving anyone, I can use my Nazi Lithmus.
If I can forgive Hitler, then I can surely forgive . . . .

I am sorry for the mass wall of text that I just produced,
It just felt important to me to share my recent experiences and thoughts

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 12:17 AM

I have had similar troubles in my experiences with meditation where my conscious thoughts would constantly interrupt me when im right on the verge of entering the lower theta state of trance. It is a problem that has been bugging me greatly but something that will only get better with practice. However I also believe that for true mastery of the skill one has to learn how to quiet the mind and enter the state of peace almost at will and also have the ability to exist within the world while within that state so I feel that relying too heavily on tools beyond simple breathing and even relying on the breathing itself is simply handicapping yourself

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:45 AM
I disagree, because without the proper breathing
you will not attain as high of a meditative state.

To me, my breath feels like an energizing wind,
When done correctly I can feel my mind race,
Which doesn't happen unless my breathing is right.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 10:04 AM
I wanted to clear up the recital of the Lord's Prayer:

I say this to myself (without using verbal speech)
I recite it with my inner voice.

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who tresspassed against us.
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom and power and glory
Forever and ever

Finishing the whole prayer requires a very long breath.
However, you should find it easy to finish, as long as you
Take slow steady inhales through your nose.

You should not find yourself short of breath,
Because you are steadilly supplying more oxygen to your lungs.

One meditative variation you can use is to ( on the exhales)
Produce a long deep Ooohhhmmm sound. This is a verbal sound,
And just like the buddha breath it should be a long slow exhale.

The point of this Ohhm is to find the frequency at which you vibrate.
If you Ohhm correctly, you will be able to feel it throughout your body,
And it should resonate deep in your mind.

Many religions view this ooohhm chanting as a way to open your kundilinni.
This will help ease future meditattive sessions.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 11:13 AM
Very fascinating, I will try this, Thank you! In my version of the Lord's Prayer I say "Give us this day our Daily Blessing" because I believe the bread is the nourishment just as a Blessing is nourishment. I am not sure why it changed for me I only know it feels right.

Years ago I was a nursing aid and I had to take vitals. It is interesting to note that when counting respiration rate women use their upper chest to breathe and men use their stomachs. I never did find out why that is, but it might help when understanding the breath and how different people breathe as we all use different muscles along with our diaphragm.

Thanks again, I will definitely try this and see if I can say the complete Prayer with one breath.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 11:29 AM
The true purpose of meditation, to me, anyway, is not to speak, even without verbal noise, but rather to listen, and communicate with supernatural and other-worldly beings, including ET beings. I use mediation to clear my mind of cobwebs, cause by a day of nervous worry for some part of humanity. Right now, today, my mind is on the Japanese People. May Kwan Yin reach down her loving hands and bring these people peace, and food and water in their time of need.

I have used meditation, the 7 breath method for me, for a good many years now. Used it to learn things I wanted to know, and things that I needed to know.
Sometimes other dimensions can be accessed, and yes, other worlds entirely. There are so many dimensions present here on this Earthly plane I cannot really tell how many there are. I have seen hundreds of them, each slightly different, but distinctly another part of this world, or vise versa. I think the dimensions are starting to cross each other. This could be the reason for all of the Earth changes, the inclement weather, and the wars raging all over the world. We are talking about energy frequencies here, frequencies of Planet Earth, and frequencies of each individual that lives on Her.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by autowrench

I agree with you that meditation is about listening and not speaking.

However, the speaking is a method in which you can still your mind if you are unable to do so naturally

I know that I suffer from a.d.d. and I realize that an ever increasing percentage of the population does also.

It is these people that would benefit from performing mundane actions for meditation.
I believe this is why monks practiced raking rock gardens, to distract their mind.

One study I read said that a half hour of meditation acted like. Three hours of deep sleep.

Amazing if you ask me.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:28 PM
meditating for me is all about calming down, stopping as many questions from entering my mind, so each question comes in one at a time. then i can think what is the best answer for every question. i dont hear voices other that my own conscious, i, and only myself can answer the question i need answered. and if i find out the answer was wrong... back to meditation.
edit on 13-3-2011 by vjr1113 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

This ability to clear my mind was the most difficult thing for me.
Either I caught myself thinking about mundane things during the day,
or I catch myself thinking about my breathing.

BOTH interrupt my meditation
BOTH make me angry.

I become angry at the fact that I was unable to concentrate,
And that I screwed up, all counterproductive thoughts.

Anger is a very negetive vibration my friend, try to keep postive about your experiences no matter what. Try to just notice your thoughts and let them pass without any anger or feelings towards them. Stay neutral towards them no matter how they would normally make you feel.

To reach higher states of conciousness you have to detach yourself from your thoughts of the physical...

Good thread though S&F

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 08:49 PM
What I generally do is say two words under my breath. "No Thing." After this has been said a few times to yourself, it will become one word. "Nothing."

"OM" is another good mantra, say it for a time it becomes "Home."

We all live in the Left Brain. The Right Brain is where peace is, freedom from stress and worry.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Akragon

Anger is a very negetive vibration my friend, try to keep postive about your experiences no matter what. Try to just notice your thoughts and let them pass without any anger or feelings towards them. Stay neutral towards them no matter how they would normally make you feel.

To reach higher states of conciousness you have to detach yourself from your thoughts of the physical...

Good thread though S&F

Yes, there is anger and I know it is only hurting progress, but it is more frustration than anger

Frustration because I know this process is very easy and I am making it more difficult.

But, if conquering your subconcious thought was so easy, meditation would be much more widespead in our communities

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:56 AM
I also think that I messed up by putting something religious in the title of this thread, many more people will be less likely to read the thread because of this.

It is a shame that so many people feel disenfranchised by religion.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

Is there a brake in the middle of the prayer where exhalation begins (if so where are you doing it) or do you recite the entire prayer on inhalation?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Akragon

I don't believe "trying" is correct. I think when emotions arise you simply watch, listen and allow. Even if they are angry, allow the emotion. watch. Be curious about it without labeling it. It is merely a feeling that is the byproduct of an old idea or agreement you made long ago. Look at it and you will soon real-ize it's illusory nature.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by LafingWithTears

I recite the entire volume.
I find that when I complete it entirely, I am near the end of my lung capacity.

I have no idea if an average person can completely finish this, or would need to take breaks in. The middle.

Once while practicing this, I had a vision of buddhist monks sitting and utilizing a form of this.

I saw and heard silence for a very lonh time, and then very long "ohmmmm" sounds.

It gave me the perception that the masters had the longest inhales and exxhales, and you could hear it by the length of their chant.


Has anyone tried this method, or could you comment on how long of inhales and exhales you can have?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

S&F Intresting thread.
To the op, why don't you exhale on your nose instead of your mouth, is there a need to exhale on your mouth in meditation, just asking ?
Also on breath control, why would you control it, just let if flow natural, only observation on the breath, no controling. If I try to control it I do it manual therefor thinking of it, most of the time when we breathe anyway we do it without controling it or noticing it, the only difference is that we do not put it under observation.

Tell me more on your results, I'm a newb at meditation and would like to hear what results you guys get and in what time line.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 06:29 PM
I honestly don't remeber where I read about inhaling through nose and out mouth,
But it is what works best for me. It somehow feels more natural, and I am more
At ease when I do it that way

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

Cool, rather than being a function of lung capacity it would probably have more to do with how a person can tolerate a very slow inhalation. I have heard of yogis that can hold a down feather right up to the nose and inhale so slowly that no part of it moves.
I have meditated on the beatitudes, interestingly they are similar in length to The Lords prayer.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by xkillbox5000x

I have had similar troubles in my experiences with meditation where my conscious thoughts would constantly interrupt me when im right on the verge of entering the lower theta state of trance. It is a problem that has been bugging me greatly but something that will only get better with practice. However I also believe that for true mastery of the skill one has to learn how to quiet the mind and enter the state of peace almost at will and also have the ability to exist within the world while within that state so I feel that relying too heavily on tools beyond simple breathing and even relying on the breathing itself is simply handicapping yourself

this is how i feel too.. but i'm new to all this so i'm not very experinced on different beathing techniques...

but calming the mind on demand and feeling that way all the time are what I strive for

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by legitbrah

this is how i feel too.. but i'm new to all this so i'm not very experinced on different beathing techniques...

but calming the mind on demand and feeling that way all the time are what I strive for

If you do not need to use breathing techinques to attain mental stillness,

But, with it being fact that an ever growing number of children (and adults),
being diagnosed as Attention Deficit and possibly having a
Hyperactivity Disorder in addition to it, the ability to maintain
mental stillness is becoming more and more difficult.

As people in this civilization, we are bombarded with more information than
any civilization in the past could believe. With the internet, we learn of
any breaking news seemingly instantaneous.

More news and more information leads to more choices and worries,
and ultimately more stillness-reducing thoughts.

It has been theorized that the addition of flouride in our water source
makes it harder to attain stillness of the mind. It is thought that
it calcifies over the pineal gland, causing problems.

I would like to contend that you are in the minority.
I think Most people have problems attaining mental stillness,
for any uninterrupted length of time.

How long can you meditate in a single setting?

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