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American power tested...

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posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 06:08 AM
I propose that if the high authority goes too far and maintains its current pace of cutting off our rights. Continues its march of media consumer brainwashing then that our very fine state of california seperate from the ultimate super power the USA. If im not mistaken California is one of the largest ecomonies in the world. Im no economist but it is absolutly certain that if California were to seperate from the giant warmongering beast that is our government then they would suffer major losses financially. Mabye this would straighten them out a little
It would be really cool if we could make our own rules here since life is really more complicated here then probably most places elsewhere. Washington doesnt know what goes on here they probably dont even appriciate us
Seriously California is the funnest place in the world there is so much potential here but our damn government makes things so hard!!! Everyone who hates the American Government but is accustom to American life could come here as a means of protest. We could all be rich and tell washington that we dont need them
.... please let me know wat you think.

please excuse this if it in the wrong topic i think the WOT can be seen from many different angles....

[edit on 20-7-2004 by kogigaiden]

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by kogigaiden
Everyone who hates the American Government but is accustom to American life could come here as a means of protest. We could all be rich and tell washington that we dont need them
.... please let me know wat you think.

I wouldn't feel a great loss if California left the Union, too many people out there don't have a sense that life in the rest of the country isn't quite as wacky as it is out there. Truth be told, in the event that California should leave the Union, you'd be immediately annexed by Mexico.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:19 AM
The days of leaving the "Union" are over. The US would not allow a state to succeed and states do not have the military power to force it. It would probably cost less to put down a state militia than to remove the 50th star off all the flags.

Also I wonder how much you've traveled if you think CA is so great. I lived in CA for a bit, got a chance to spend time in LA, San Diego, and San Fran. I've been all over the US. CA isn't exactly a Utopia, I even prefer it out east where i live now.

For starters without the engineering firms, contruction contractors, and raw materials of the rest of the US you can kiss your quake resistant building good-bye. Offices would be sprawling stucco blobs. And I hope you don't like electricity because even with the help of the US power grid rolling black outs and brown out are pretty common there. Say good by to satalite communications and TV as well. No military either, thats federal. And you'd have to figure out what to do with the angry Californians who just lost thier federal money be it welfare, medicade, or social security.

Sure you'd some money at first but without electricity, or the other imported resources (like federal aid and water) the state would quickly turn into a desert full of hungry people. Unless of course YOU have millions of dollars to buy things from other countries. But money doesn't matter much when 80% of LA riots across the state because everything went to hell. Not to mention the collapse of industry as it flees to the US where they can afford power and other resources.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:38 AM
I can see a lot of problems with a "state leaving the union" scenario... and the first one is trade. Look at what happened to the USSR when all the states ran off to be their own countries. They had to reestablish ties and instead of being part of the Big Dog system of Russia, they are now small and marginalized countries... and several are at war with their neighbors.

California doesn't have the resources that Texas does (though they do have Silicon Valley) and the state has been teetering on the edge of bankruptcy for at least a decade. Splitting doesn't seem like a good idea.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 09:02 AM

Maybe California could go hang with Hawaii and Alaska?

Watch this link and enjoy :p

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 11:40 AM
Do states even have the right to break of any more? and what about the people living in cali who have family in the remaining union what they will be denied access cuz its a different country and they need visas when they have an American passport it all sounds stupid why the hell would you want to be separated but back to my question do states have the right to separate and leave?

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 11:49 AM
California couldn't survive without federal funding, how do you think they get all their social programs. Damn, just a few natural disasters would put them under. And they have plenty of those.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:54 PM

Also I wonder how much you've traveled if you think CA is so great. I lived in CA for a bit, got a chance to spend time in LA, San Diego, and San Fran. I've been all over the US. CA isn't exactly a Utopia, I even prefer it out east where i live now.

its true i havnt been around that much, however i have traveled the silicon valley through and through and let me tell you there seems to be a lot of money here. i see so many nice cars and rich folk i wonder where it all came from. i honestly think we can maintain without the other 49, we could jack up prices on all of our technology we are making in the silicon valley and just think how much money comes out of hollywood. we do have our fair share of problems, but if we called our own shots our abundant technology would help us succeed. i am certain given some time we could make our own engineering firms and hell why not our own space ship!

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 05:32 PM
wait a minute... we did build our own space ship! the mojave desert i almost forgot. well looks like we dont need nasa after all.

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