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Signs From Above - Another Look

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posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

You wrote:

["Sure, feel free to share of yourself."]

I'm sure, this isn't an answer to anything, I've asked you about. Can you be more precise?

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

This post is a response to your latest long bible-citing post, and has nothing to do with my offer of a dialogue (as this bible-post of yours obviously is preaching in monologue form).

Not surprisingly, I consider all of it bosh. Home in your congregation you would possibly have recieved some confirmative 'amens', 'hallelujahs and 'glory bes'.

On ATS your main support in keeping this thread alive is the alleged schizophrenia, you have diagnosed me with,

a alleged schizophrenia you actually should be grateful for, as it gives you an excuse to continue your crusade.

So is it back to verbal street-fighting level or shall we seriously take up a dialogue, you have asked for for, but never respond to when offered.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by bogomil

The statement that I made is how long ago I came to be a Christian, there's a lot more to my story than that with the experiences I had. But my position is, that I believe in Christ and I am a Christian and I am going to remain and keep my faith.
Yes, I realize many others are either atheist, or have other beliefs. One reason for starting this post is maybe there might be people out there that's trying to put a handle on what's been going on with all the chaos, natural and man made. I'm hoping that maybe some of their questions could be answered with this type of dialogue. But what I'm finding is there are more people that don't want to believe in a creator, a lot claim to be atheist, and many are into occult practices, mysticism, spiritualism or just don't believe in anything.
What I can see other don't, and so that is just the way it is I guess.
I don't mind having dialogue in a mature and calm manner, but I'm only human, and sometimes I get pissed off when ignorant remarks are made. Everyone that don't believe in God get so offended when anyone brings up God, but bring up anything in the alternate beliefs and it's okay. I see that as a spirit of deception controlling the masses of the many for it's own purposes.
Look at what's taking place in Japan, all that horrible deaths, and destruction, and so far there has been no looting. There seems to be a real calm over the people. I grew up with Japanese people, there Buddhist, and Shinto philosophy is of being a calm nature, they respect their elderly deeply, the older generations also take a deep respect for nature. They believe in making sacrifices for the next generation to become better than the last.
In better times they can be arrogant especially if you don't speak their language, but they are also warm hearted and will treat you kindly.
There good and bad everywhere, but sometimes more bad too.
I think the western world has a lot of spoiled people and I hate to see the out come in a hugh disaster. Many have become to materialistic in this society, they also have lost their roots, maybe it's the result of too many ethnic groups living in all one place, unlike in Japan where the majority is Japanese. I would imagine where ever there is a healthy philosophical way of living there would be more harmony. Christianity is very hard to follow, and that's because of our egos, but it's not impossible to live through prayer throughout the day.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by bogomil
reply to post by hawaii50th

This post is a response to your latest long bible-citing post, and has nothing to do with my offer of a dialogue (as this bible-post of yours obviously is preaching in monologue form).

Not surprisingly, I consider all of it bosh. Home in your congregation you would possibly have recieved some confirmative 'amens', 'hallelujahs and 'glory bes'.

On ATS your main support in keeping this thread alive is the alleged schizophrenia, you have diagnosed me with,

a alleged schizophrenia you actually should be grateful for, as it gives you an excuse to continue your crusade.

So is it back to verbal street-fighting level or shall we seriously take up a dialogue, you have asked for for, but never respond to when offered.

It was my way of trying to figure you out, and to maybe get a more toned down discussion from you, rather than an attack type. Nothing good can come from a arrogant attitude, and If I feel that I'm being dealt with in an arrogant fashion, I will treat those as they treat me, that may be one of my weaknesses, but at least I'll admit it.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by bogomil

As for my post titled:
The Sign Of The Times Are Upon Us, for those that sees and understand, take heed.

It is something that today in this era that I see we are in, the time is now and I felt it needed to be posted regardless if anyone reads it or cares.

Revelation 7:2-4 (Amplified Bible)
2 Then I saw a second angel coming up from the east (the rising of the sun) and carrying the seal of the living God. And with a loud voice he called out to the four angels who had been given authority and power to injure earth and sea,
3 Saying, Harm neither the earth nor the sea nor the trees, until we have sealed the bond servants of our God upon their foreheads.
4 And [then] I heard how many were sealed (marked) out of every tribe of the sons of Israel: there were 144,000.

Those that have the seal on their foreheads meaning the Word of God sealed in the minds and hearts.

As a Christian we don't have to convince anyone that they need to be saved, it is up to them whether they want to be or not. We share the word with them, and if they want to listen, if they want to hear what God has to say it's up to them.
After that we shake the dust off our feet from that place and move on.
Matthew 10:14 (Amplified Bible)
14 And whoever will not receive and accept and welcome you nor listen to your message, as you leave that house or town, shake the dust [of it] from your feet.

Mark 6:11 (Amplified Bible)
11 And if any community will not receive and accept and welcome you, and they refuse to listen to you, when you depart, shake off the dust that is on your feet, for a testimony against them. Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the judgment day than for that town.

Luke 9:5 (Amplified Bible)
5 And wherever they do not receive and accept and welcome you, when you leave that town shake off [even] the dust from your feet, as a testimony against them.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by hawaii50th

Thanks for your obliging* answer.

Before answering your recent post, I would like to turn attention back to your sentence: ["Sure, feel free to share of yourself."] and return to my questions from the post before that. Re-reading those questions of mine, you'll probably see, that I offered you background-information of your own specified choice. It wasn't, and isn't, my intention to present self-biographical or ideological observations on my conditions; rather it was/is an effort to make you part of a reciprocially accepted communication platform.

From your latest wrote:

["But my position is, that I believe in Christ and I am a Christian and I am going to remain and keep my faith."]

I, for one, strongly support your right to have your faith at an individual level or together with consenting adults. The only restriction being that it doesn't interfere with the mechanisms of liberal, egalitarian, liberal democracy outside the standard procedures of parliamentarism.

Quote: ["One reason for starting this post is maybe there might be people out there that's trying to put a handle on what's been going on with all the chaos, natural and man made."]

A decent, generous and respectable motivation. There ARE a lot of confused 'seekers' amongst mankind.

Quote: ["I'm hoping that maybe some of their questions could be answered with this type of dialogue."]

Keep this dialogue-aspiration alive, and you'll find it easer to communicate. One of the persons I respect most on this sub-forum is a kind of christian 'grand old man', who increasingly demonstrates both competence and knowledge through his ability to communicate balanced without black/white framing of the debate.

Quote: [" But what I'm finding is there are more people that don't want to believe in a creator, a lot claim to be atheist, and many are into occult practices, mysticism, spiritualism or just don't believe in anything."]

Think of it as everyone having their own unique 'mental maze' (less generously called 'tunnel-reality'). There doesn't exist one universal 'map' fitting for all these mazes. This doesn't mean, that existential absolutes are absolute impossibilities, but that 'free will' (to the extent it exists; free will doesn't negotiate gravity just like that) can give rise to endless complexity. Individually we really are making SOMEWHAT observer-created mini-universes (I only carry this idea to some limited extent).

Quote: [" What I can see other don't, and so that is just the way it is I guess."]

For good or bad, that's the way it is. Hopefully mankind grows up from its present state of being talking monkeys with intellects out-of-tune with the rest of the human totality. We know much, but too little, and many of our responses to existence are still very instinctive, so disharmony arises easily between over-dimensioned intellects clashing with 'primitive' needs and drives.

Quote: ["I don't mind having dialogue in a mature and calm manner, but I'm only human, and sometimes I get pissed off when ignorant remarks are made."]

Individuals with different mazes, mindsets, ideologies etc than yours will react similarly to what they consider YOUR ignorance, and the fireworks will start.

Quote: ["Everyone that don't believe in God get so offended when anyone brings up God,..."]

I guess, that you are a US citizen, and as such used to a very polarized situation. In northern Europe the average moderate christian isn't exposed to much such confrontation; though our extremists are, because they are considered a threat to our old traditions of liberal society.

Quote: ["but bring up anything in the alternate beliefs and it's okay."]

If it's any consolation, my own opinion of new-age religions aren't too high. Most of it being clichée karma, anti-dualism and hijacked quantum-mechanics.

Quote: [" I see that as a spirit of deception controlling the masses of the many for it's own purposes."]

This can be said about every single system of social engineering ever invented.

Quote: [" I think the western world has a lot of spoiled people and I hate to see the out come in a hugh disaster."]

The money-grabbers certainly do their best to encourage an unhealthy hedonism. My own answer is to demonstrate (non-invasively, as an optional example), that it's possible to be content in a somewhat simplistic life-style.

Quote: [" I would imagine where ever there is a healthy philosophical way of living there would be more harmony."]

Mankind isn't really a 'philosophical' species yet; more like monkeys let loose on the banana plantation because of a technology a millenium ahead of our general ability to handle it. Give people the opportunity to get some useless electronic toy, and most go all funny in their heads.

Quote: ["Christianity is very hard to follow, and that's because of our egos, but it's not impossible to live through prayer throughout the day."]

Christianity is far from being the only system considering the problems of 'ego'. Unfortunately theism in general has a tendency to create hierarchies ('god' at the top and then downwards to whatever is 'bad' at the bottom), and hierarchies are hothouses for the ego.

* Hope 'obliging' is a proper, positive word in this context.

edit on 15-3-2011 by bogomil because: spelling

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by hawaii50th

Quote: ["It was my way of trying to figure you out, and to maybe get a more toned down discussion from you, rather than an attack type. Nothing good can come from a arrogant* attitude, and If I feel that I'm being dealt with in an arrogant fashion, I will treat those as they treat me, that may be one of my weaknesses, but at least I'll admit it."]

I'll try to be polite about it, hope I'm successful.

It's one thing to be a head-on verbally glib bastard (I admit to doing that on occasion). It's quite another to start playing mindgames or making manipulative 'traps'.

First of all most of the 'experienced' opposition you'll meet here can see through this immediately, and we have our own ways of dealing with it. Secondly it's personally a dangerous activity, because the basic dishonesty in the method eventually reflects back with a resulting negative influence of personal integrity.

Some of your 'compatriot' christians get so caught up in this attitude, that they eventually are excommunicated from the forum, because they literally start to rant.

But don't trust my word on it. Look around.

PS Reading back you may notice, that I gave you an early offer of 'armistice', which you unfortunately didn't see or weren't interested in. Most of these christian/christian-critic threads are identical and it's possible to predict most of the initial maneuvers after some time and I try to put in an opening for real communication, when I find it possible. Remember that missionaries are considered invaders from my/our perspective.

* Hmmm.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by hawaii50th

Quote: ["As a Christian we don't have to convince anyone that they need to be saved,"]

So why are you trying?

Quote: ["We share the word with them,"]

Existing in a too self-cointaned group for a long time possibly make you guys unaware of the reactions from outsiders. What you call 'sharing', many of the rest of us call darned invasive missioning.

Quote: ["if they want to hear what God has to say it's up to them."]

Please, if you want to play wordgames, at least be funny, sophisticated or something.

You preach, free speech and all, I can ignore it or be saved. I 'counter'-preach, free speech and all, YOU can ignore it or be lost (from grace I mean).

For the rest of this post, you relapse into sending bible-citations to me....

...and Dude, that disappoints me. It's pointless, even as a possible mindgame gambit.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by bogomil

I, for one, strongly support your right to have your faith at an individual level or together with consenting adults. The only restriction being that it doesn't interfere with the mechanisms of liberal, egalitarian, liberal democracy outside the standard procedures of parliamentarism.

I don't hold to any of the political positions, I seem them as all flawed, but I do believe in freedom, a freedom from those ideologies and the freedom to worship. Those ideologies don't work never did and never will in my opinion.

Keep this dialogue-aspiration alive, and you'll find it easer to communicate. One of the persons I respect most on this sub-forum is a kind of christian 'grand old man', who increasingly demonstrates both competence and knowledge through his ability to communicate balanced without black/white framing of the debate.

Being a Christian does not mean that you become a slave, it's only to try and live a moral life style, it also means that in order to make wise decisions in ones life, prayer before making decisions and choices is always the best method to life. Consulting with ones faith in God always leads to good and healthy choices.

Think of it as everyone having their own unique 'mental maze' (less generously called 'tunnel-reality'). There doesn't exist one universal 'map' fitting for all these mazes. This doesn't mean, that existential absolutes are absolute impossibilities, but that 'free will' (to the extent it exists; free will doesn't negotiate gravity just like that) can give rise to endless complexity. Individually we really are making SOMEWHAT observer-created mini-universes (I only carry this idea to some limited extent).

Peoples choices are their own, everyone has that freedom to choose which way they want to go. It's not complex either if I choose to pray about it first trusting that God will lead me to making the right choices. I've done it many times and it always work for me. I've found life's ups and downs were much more easier to deal with if I just let faith play a big part.

For good or bad, that's the way it is. Hopefully mankind grows up from its present state of being talking monkeys with intellects out-of-tune with the rest of the human totality. We know much, but too little, and many of our responses to existence are still very instinctive, so disharmony arises easily between over-dimensioned intellects clashing with 'primitive' needs and drives.

How long will it take before mankind finds balance, it's been well more than ten thousand years, and man still hasn't found a perfect balanced type of society.

Individuals with different mazes, mindsets, ideologies etc than yours will react similarly to what they consider YOUR ignorance, and the fireworks will start.

And this is why there will never be a peaceful and perfect society, we can't get rid of spite, racism, and ego.

I guess, that you are a US citizen, and as such used to a very polarized situation. In northern Europe the average moderate christian isn't exposed to much such confrontation; though our extremists are, because they are considered a threat to our old traditions of liberal society.

The past has to be let go before any kind of progress can be made. But that is the problem most can not let go of the past, mankind's nature won't allow it. The nature of man is to always rebel, also being complacent, taking things and others for granted are severe faults and weakness.

If it's any consolation, my own opinion of new-age religions aren't too high. Most of it being clichée karma, anti-dualism and hijacked quantum-mechanics.

I guess it all depends on where you live. There's also the problem of the clashes of the cultures, "I'm better than you are types."

This can be said about every single system of social engineering ever invented.

That is why I don't believe in any political system, or hierarchy. They always become corrupt and deceptive to those that their suppose to serve.

The money-grabbers certainly do their best to encourage an unhealthy hedonism. My own answer is to demonstrate (non-invasively, as an optional example), that it's possible to be content in a somewhat simplistic life-style.

That still won't make the evil greedy ones go away though, there will always be the threat of someone wanting to over power you or dominate.

Mankind isn't really a 'philosophical' species yet; more like monkeys let loose on the banana plantation because of a technology a millenium ahead of our general ability to handle it. Give people the opportunity to get some useless electronic toy, and most go all funny in their heads.

I don't think it's the technology that makes matters worse, it's how the technology is used. It always goes back to mankind is just plain selfish, egotistical, jealous, prideful, and arrogant.

Christianity is far from being the only system considering the problems of 'ego'. Unfortunately theism in general has a tendency to create hierarchies ('god' at the top and then downwards to whatever is 'bad' at the bottom), and hierarchies are hothouses for the ego.

Life needs to have structure, so that it can work properly. It's the type of structure that has to be completely balanced with out self gratification, personal goal and gain, and hidden agenda. A total and completely honest mind set, and again without the idea of personal gain. Do for others from the heart and out of love for each other, always willing to help. It's like it suppose to be in a marriage, always trying to please each other never feeling short changed, always giving never expecting anything in return. And out of that mindset we will have total harmony.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by bogomil
reply to post by hawaii50th

Quote: ["It was my way of trying to figure you out, and to maybe get a more toned down discussion from you, rather than an attack type. Nothing good can come from a arrogant* attitude, and If I feel that I'm being dealt with in an arrogant fashion, I will treat those as they treat me, that may be one of my weaknesses, but at least I'll admit it."]

I'll try to be polite about it, hope I'm successful.

It's one thing to be a head-on verbally glib bastard (I admit to doing that on occasion). It's quite another to start playing mindgames or making manipulative 'traps'.

First of all most of the 'experienced' opposition you'll meet here can see through this immediately, and we have our own ways of dealing with it. Secondly it's personally a dangerous activity, because the basic dishonesty in the method eventually reflects back with a resulting negative influence of personal integrity.

Some of your 'compatriot' christians get so caught up in this attitude, that they eventually are excommunicated from the forum, because they literally start to rant.

But don't trust my word on it. Look around.

PS Reading back you may notice, that I gave you an early offer of 'armistice', which you unfortunately didn't see or weren't interested in. Most of these christian/christian-critic threads are identical and it's possible to predict most of the initial maneuvers after some time and I try to put in an opening for real communication, when I find it possible. Remember that missionaries are considered invaders from my/our perspective.

* Hmmm.

Missionaries were on a mission that they were commissioned by God to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. What happened though is they became too proud and thought they were better than everybody else, that's where they failed. Not 100 percent of them, but most of them, and that's how Christianity got a bad rep.

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by bogomil

Quote: ["As a Christian we don't have to convince anyone that they need to be saved,"] So why are you trying?

That is your conception, not mine. I'm purely put it out there, and those that want it can take it, and those that don't, don't have to. I'm not out there twisting anybodies arm, I do appreciate those that calmly deny it though. And not go into a huff about it, and get all ugly and start with their ignorant ranting and put downs.

Quote: ["We share the word with them,"]
Existing in a too self-cointaned group for a long time possibly make you guys unaware of the reactions from outsiders. What you call 'sharing', many of the rest of us call darned invasive missioning.

And what do you call all the other types of missioning? new age, atheist beliefs, ideas of mysticism, ideas that science is the answer to all of life's problems, etc. Are you saying that Christians shouldn't feel that, that's invasive missioning. Are we suppose to just bend over and take it up the ass? That's where the unfairness is, it's okay for the liberal minds to talk secular or pagan, but it's not okay for the Christian to talk Christian.
Where's the balance, this is the problem with all society, and that's why there will never be a peaceful solution to all of the problems of this world. We are at a time in history where it is very much one sided attitudes, and it will eventually be the doom of this whole planet.

Quote: ["if they want to hear what God has to say it's up to them."] Please, if you want to play wordgames, at least be funny, sophisticated or something. You preach, free speech and all, I can ignore it or be saved. I 'counter'-preach, free speech and all, YOU can ignore it or be lost (from grace I mean). For the rest of this post, you relapse into sending bible-citations to me.... ...and Dude, that disappoints me. It's pointless, even as a possible mindgame gambit.

I started this post, and I didn't start it for you personally, and your making it sound that way.
edit on 15-3-2011 by hawaii50th because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by hawaii50th

And what do you call all the other types of missioning? new age, atheist beliefs, ideas of mysticism, ideas that science is the answer to all of life's problems, etc. Are you saying that Christians shouldn't feel that, that's invasive missioning.

I can't recall the last time a new ager, atheist, scientist, or mystic knocked on my door and tried to convert me to their beliefs.

Are you saying that this happens to Christians, that these non-christians invade your privacy and try to convince you to join their "religion"?

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by hawaii50th

You wrote:

["And what do you call all the other types of missioning? new age, atheist beliefs, ideas of mysticism, ideas that science is the answer to all of life's problems, etc. Are you saying that Christians shouldn't feel that, that's invasive missioning. Are we suppose to just bend over and take it up the ass? That's where the unfairness is, it's okay for the liberal minds to talk secular or pagan, but it's not okay for the Christian to talk Christian."]

I will highlight this. "Are you saying that Christians shouldn't feel that, that's invasive missioning. Are we suppose to just bend over and take it up the ass?"

What you basically are saying is that if oppressors aren't allowed to oppress, then these oppressors are being oppressed themselves also.

This argument is meaningless and can be regressed endlessly.

You obviously take an elitist stand; try to sugarcoat it semantically; wriggle out of criticism by ignoring it, playing mindgames or by being indignant because you are being persecuted. All this because mankind increasingly deny your ideological fascism.

Anyone furthering messages of totalitarian principles and e.g. describing homosexuals as mentally ill, isn't in a position of whining about being victimized.

Quote: ["I started this post, and I didn't start it for you personally, and your making it sound that way."]

Apparantly I'm the only one (apart from mysticnoon) bothering to answer you regularly and at any length.

Is this an 'only for zombis' thread, and how would you make that stick?

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by hawaii50th

You wrote:

["Missionaries were on a mission that they were commissioned by God to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. What happened though is they became too proud and thought they were better than everybody else, that's where they failed. Not 100 percent of them, but most of them, and that's how Christianity got a bad rep."]

Got a 'mirror'? Introspection would do you a world of good.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:28 AM

reply to post by bogomil

"As a Christian we don't have to convince anyone that they need to be saved,

So why are you trying?

??? Because a person cannot "convince" someone else. A person can only convince themself.

edit on 16-3-2011 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by bogomil
reply to post by hawaii50th

You wrote:

["Missionaries were on a mission that they were commissioned by God to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. What happened though is they became too proud and thought they were better than everybody else, that's where they failed. Not 100 percent of them, but most of them, and that's how Christianity got a bad rep."]

Got a 'mirror'? Introspection would do you a world of good.

A typical reaction from a bleeding heart liberal that has no foundation that will stand the test of time.
It's okay, what you say, cause in the end you will find, that you've been mistaken, all this time.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by mysticnoon
reply to post by hawaii50th

And what do you call all the other types of missioning? new age, atheist beliefs, ideas of mysticism, ideas that science is the answer to all of life's problems, etc. Are you saying that Christians shouldn't feel that, that's invasive missioning.

I can't recall the last time a new ager, atheist, scientist, or mystic knocked on my door and tried to convert me to their beliefs.

Are you saying that this happens to Christians, that these non-christians invade your privacy and try to convince you to join their "religion"?

No they don't come a knockin at my literal door. They come knockin in music that kids and teenagers buy, they come knockin in magazines that kids and teenagers buy, they come knockin in video games that kids and teenagers buy, they come knockin on television that kids, teenagers, and adults, watch, they come knockin in movies that everyone watches, they come knockin on the internet. So you see, that these new agers, that includes all those mentioned before as alternative religions which might as well be called pagans, infiltrate the majority of every type of media that can be imagined.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by bogomil
reply to post by hawaii50th

What you basically are saying is that if oppressors aren't allowed to oppress, then these oppressors are being oppressed themselves also. This argument is meaningless and can be regressed endlessly.

I made a very valid point, and all you did was side step it because you don't have anything to back yourself up with.

You obviously take an elitist stand; try to sugarcoat it semantically; wriggle out of criticism by ignoring it, playing mindgames or by being indignant because you are being persecuted. All this because mankind increasingly deny your ideological fascism.

Your the type that if you were an interpreter for a dignitary, you would misinterpret the whole dialogue just to suit your own twisted agenda. You'd make a typical politician for the age of deception that we are in, I hope your not one, we have too many of those already.

Anyone furthering messages of totalitarian principles and e.g. describing homosexuals as mentally ill, isn't in a position of whining about being victimized.

Another useless misinterpretation, because you got nothing else better to come back with. See, your weak, and all that you believe in is senseless thoughts and ideas, with no substance. Your arguments are flaccid.

Apparantly I'm the only one (apart from mysticnoon) bothering to answer you regularly and at any length.

There you go again flattering yourself, hey, if that's what makes feel better about yourself, than go for it.

Is this an 'only for zombis' thread, and how would you make that stick?

The only zombie coming around here is you. So I guess that makes you lost.?

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

No they don't come a knockin at my literal door. They come knockin in music that kids and teenagers buy, they come knockin in magazines that kids and teenagers buy, they come knockin in video games that kids and teenagers buy, they come knockin on television that kids, teenagers, and adults, watch, they come knockin in movies that everyone watches, they come knockin on the internet. So you see, that these new agers, that includes all those mentioned before as alternative religions which might as well be called pagans, infiltrate the majority of every type of media that can be imagined

I understand what you are saying, but all of the above are media which you invite into your own home. There are always choices, both to avoid them as much as practical, and to see that they do not overwhelm your senses.

These things exist because they meet the demand of a large portion of the public. I am personally against many of these influences, but I live in a world where my preferences are in the minority, so I need to be more selective and take responsibility for guarding myself against any unwanted influences.

I cannot reasonably expect that the world conform to my own standards, I just have to adjust to the situation as best as I can. For example, I am a vegetarian, and I find it deeply disturbing that most of the population support the slaughter of animals to satisfy their palette, but I am not going to harrass every meat-eater that I know (which happens to be most of my family) and try and convert them to my way of thinking. I will state my case when I am asked, but I know that relentless preaching only causes people to become defensive and does not invite change.
edit on 16-3-2011 by mysticnoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-3-2011 by mysticnoon because: typos

edit on 16-3-2011 by mysticnoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by mysticnoon

I understand what you are saying, but all of the above are media which you invite into your own home. There are always choices, both to avoid them as much as practical, and to see that they do not overwhelm your senses. These things exist because they meet the demand of a large portion of the public. I am personally against many of these influences, but I live in a world where my preferences are in the minority, so I need to be more selective and take responsibility for guarding myself against any unwanted influences. I cannot reasonably expect that the world conform to my own standards, I just have to adjust to the situation as best as I can. For example, I am a vegetarian, and I find it deeply disturbing that most of the population support the slaughter of animals to satisfy their palette, but I am not going to harrass every meat-eater that I know (which happens to be most of my family) and try and convert them to my way of thinking. I will state my case when I am asked, but I know that relentless preaching only causes people to become defensive and does not invite change.

I'm speaking in general of how society is all caught up in some of the biggest lies. The entertainment, sports, and msm world has dumbed down a large portion of the earths population to believe in things that steal their souls from what really matters.
These things meet the demand of the public because it was slowly introduced. It's like the frog in the large pot of water, put the pot with the frog and water on the stove, turn the burner on very low, gradually raising the temperature until the frog is boiled to death. The poor frog didn't even know he was being cooked and therefore didn't even try to escape. The same goes for the general population.
I stopped watching television a very long time ago and I never buy magazines, or the newspaper. I pick and choose what I watch and read very carefully.
Today, the only things that harass people is other people that believe in God and want to alert others to what prophesy teaches. The other thing that harasses people are those that want to alert others to what the elite of this world has planed and acted out upon the masses.
For the last 15 years there are two terms that dictate to people, one is to be politically correct and to not be politically incorrect.

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