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FEMA will start charging trailer dwellers $800 a month in May

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posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 10:37 AM
There are people that just take advantage of the goodness of others.

Welfare and/or any type of government assistance to able bodied adults should be limited to 6 months or a year. After that the adults should have to work, even if it's for the government.

They workers could be used after a disaster to help clean up.

I can't relate to the mindset that some people seem to have that living off the government is a valid lifestyle.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Bout time these deadbeats are forced off of the public dime. More than enough time has passed for these parasites to do something with their lives.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 02:09 PM
So why do people feel that FEMA should make them whole?
It’s not FEMAs job to pay for your damages.
It’s not FEMAs job to clear the debris from your land.
It’s not FEMAs job to raze your flooded and rotted house.
It’s not FEMAs job to guarantee work done by YOUR contractors.

Their job is to make sure you don’t die in the near term after a disaster.

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