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7.9 Billion Current World Population

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posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by HaveAnotherOne

Considering that just about every billionaire gets that way by extracting from those who have much less, pretty much makes your argument MOOT!
Who do you pay your bills to?
I live paycheck to paycheck, most of my money goes to people who make WAY more money than I make, the banks, the cable company, insurance, food, power.
A lot of the resources we use are exploited from 3rd world countries and a few get stinking rich while the people of those countries have nothing.
Yeah, the people behind all that are just scraping by

PS, I think some people should be neutered, some people are just ignorant and irresponsible, like that TV show 19,20? kids and counting, why do we give this airtime and glorify it, people like that should be shunned...and neutered.

edit on 10-3-2011 by Toadmund because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

Way to avoid the subject

Again, the wealthy help more people in a year than you ever will. So what should we do with you?

People like you are the problem with the United States and the biggest threat to individual liberty. You want to take from one and give to another. Perhaps Venezuela is more suited to your liking.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Toadmund

Whose fault is it you live paycheck to paycheck? Let me guess, some invisible boogeyman in the guise of an evil CEO or bankster right? Maybe those demons on Wall Street?

Face it, you live paycheck to paycheck because of your choices. Your situation is your fault and yours alone.

Incidentally, if you live paycheck to paycheck, maybe giving your money to the cable company isn't such a smart idea. Cable is a luxury, not a necessity.
edit on 10-3-2011 by HaveAnotherOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by HaveAnotherOne

Not true, more people than not live that way.
We live in an unfair world, I know that, you know that.

Is there enough on planet Earth, so that every 7 billion of us can be rich?
NO, no there is not.
We would need another couple of planet Earth's to give everyone a great lifestyle.

PS, some of us are just not equally suited towards success, we are not all the same, we are not all like you, that's why some of us collect bottles and cans and some of us collect mega money.

PS, if I take 90% of an apple pie, what does that leave for you and your 12 friends?
That's our world, it's baked and served that way.

PS, I am not destitute, I can afford cable TV, do you expect me to live without it? It should be cheaper, sure but C'mon!
We do pay our masters, sad but true.
I am WAY better of than MOST people in this world, that is a FACT!
edit on 10-3-2011 by Toadmund because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Toadmund

some of us are just not equally suited towards success

That quote right there says it all. Some people are perfectly happy to be your average barely educated blue collar schlub who would rather sit around watch football and drink beer with their friends. Others constantly strive to succeed.

Of course life isnt fair, and it certainly isnt any governments job to make it that way through the redistribution of wealth or property.

Why should I split your pie with my friends when I can go make my own whole pie?

do you expect me to live without it

Hell yes I expect you to live without cable! How much do you pay? probably somewhere between $50 and $100 right? Why not put that money away for your future?
edit on 10-3-2011 by HaveAnotherOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-3-2011 by HaveAnotherOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Toadmund

Suppose we distribute everything equally and thousands of years go by where some people are mega wealthy and others are not, would the future version of you give the pie analogy and say the world started that way?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:51 AM
I believe there was 4.5 billion when I finished high school in 1980 .. ugh look out next plague or something coming ..

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Interestingly most of these world clocks say the population around the time of Dec 21st 2012 will be 7.000.000 people. Now here,s a bit of speculation along the Nostrodamus prophecy lines, Century 10.74 he says, The year of the GREAT SEVENTH number accomplished, IT will appear at the time of the games of slaughter, well ok the 2012 Olympic games is in July i think but thats only five months from December, so who knows maybe the population will be that number in July.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by HaveAnotherOne
Way too many people.

A thinning of the herd, whether man made or natural needs to take place.

I am sorry, but can you show us undenyable proof that your assertion is accurate? Your'e one of "them" arent you?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by flashcube

Originally posted by HaveAnotherOne
Way too many people.

A thinning of the herd, whether man made or natural needs to take place.

I am sorry, but can you show us undenyable proof that your assertion is accurate? Your'e one of "them" arent you?

Would running down the list of overpopulated 3rd world countries suit your needs?

How many would you like?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Toadmund
reply to post by HaveAnotherOne

Considering that just about every billionaire gets that way by extracting from those who have much less, pretty much makes your argument MOOT!
Who do you pay your bills to?
I live paycheck to paycheck, most of my money goes to people who make WAY more money than I make, the banks, the cable company, insurance, food, power.
A lot of the resources we use are exploited from 3rd world countries and a few get stinking rich while the people of those countries have nothing.
Yeah, the people behind all that are just scraping by

PS, I think some people should be neutered, some people are just ignorant and irresponsible, like that TV show 19,20? kids and counting, why do we give this airtime and glorify it, people like that should be shunned...and neutered.

edit on 10-3-2011 by Toadmund because: (no reason given)

Bare in mind, its your choice to purchase cable, and other amenities that aren't necessity. So with that, isn't it a choice for those who wish to be entrepreneurs , to be successful, and make life easier for their families a choice as well? Simple fact remains, there are those who wish to live way beyond their means. And from the sound of it, sounds like you are one " those " who feel the need to do so. Whether it because of complacency or other. That's your choice, and that's fine. But to condemn others for being more successful than you would suggest that you oppose the free market. It also sounds you oppose the very fundamentals that this country was built upon.

I'd have to guess that the tree of liberty is not relevant to you?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Quickfix

You did a mistake with the number of world population. It is actually 7.09 instead of 7.9. Nothing personal but I tought I should share.


posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 10:25 AM
Those billions of poor people in third world are not caused by exploitation or any conspiracy of the elites, that is nonsense. Aid flowing from wealthier countries saving those that would otherwise die is the root cause. Until their high fertility is lowered, every dollar you send as charity will only serve to increase the problem. (eccept for education and PP charity) Sad but true.

edit on 10/3/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by HaveAnotherOne

Originally posted by flashcube

Originally posted by HaveAnotherOne
Way too many people.

A thinning of the herd, whether man made or natural needs to take place.

I am sorry, but can you show us undenyable proof that your assertion is accurate? Your'e one of "them" arent you?

Would running down the list of overpopulated 3rd world countries suit your needs?

How many would you like?

Yes sir...that would be nice of you to provide the source of this information clearly stating the words "third world" and "overpopulated". What is "YOUR" definition of "third world"? How precisely is it that "you" can tell that a country/state, is "overpopulated"? What exactly is the determining factors when you can presume a country/state is "not" overpopulated? Is there any third world countries, that are not "overpopulated"? For that matter... in your research, have you come across any non "third world" countries, that are "underpopulated"? Can we transfer some of these humans and just kill the rest?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 10:44 AM
7.9 Billion Current World Population

^That's a lie, over populations is a lie, a scam, and a means of control.

edit on 10-3-2011 by Rockdisjoint because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 11:24 AM
i agree, the planet is definitely far from over populated especially if you take into consideration the billions upon billions of animals we share this planet with and they all seem to be fine. the issue is that we waste and consume so much that if we don't change our habits, we're gonna need another planet soon or we're gonna destroy ourselves through 'overpopulation' and consumption of the planets resources.

a resource based economy, a goal to reach the stars and find new worlds, and removing the powers that be along with currency will fix all this.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 11:33 AM
The planet as a whole is not overpopulated. But various places and regions on the Earth indeed are overpopulated. You cannot judge the planet as a whole, when the differences between regions are often great.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by flashcube

Yes sir...that would be nice of you to provide the source of this information clearly stating the words "third world" and "overpopulated". What is "YOUR" definition of "third world"? How precisely is it that "you" can tell that a country/state, is "overpopulated"? What exactly is the determining factors when you can presume a country/state is "not" overpopulated? Is there any third world countries, that are not "overpopulated"? For that matter... in your research, have you come across any non "third world" countries, that are "underpopulated"? Can we transfer some of these humans and just kill the rest?

How about Bangladesh? Roughly the same size as the state of Illinois, and more than 12 times the population.

Now, if you want to argue Bangaldesh isnt a 3rd world nation, you are simply an ignoramus, and there is no point in discussing this matter any further.

India. Think the low living standards in India have nothing to do with their unchecked population growth?

Need more examples?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by HaveAnotherOne
Way too many people.

A thinning of the herd, whether man made or natural needs to take place.

I hope really you're anti-abortion.
Because that would just be ridiculous.

If something needs to happen, I hope we were able to choose before it does, because people should start getting sterilized/have more abortions, rather than some apocalyptic virus/plague or starvation to "thin the herd".

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by jessejamesxx

Pro abortion 100%.

Targeted sterilization is whats needed, but there would be constitutional issue in play that would make it impossible.

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