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Nano-Bots, Insect Spies, Technological Singularity, E.T.s, Alternate Dimensions and You

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posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:08 AM
I recently came across information on MEMS, nano tech, extremely tiny gas powered turbine engines.

I will link the document HERE

On page 4 of the document, Fig 4. shows an micro, turbo engine, that has been halved for demonstrative purposes. The engine is TINY! It will literally sit on the tip of your finger. Some have proposed an engine like this be used in powering tiny aircraft, possibly attaching miniature cameras on them and letting them do their thing. It would theoretically be possible to build billions of these and have them watching nearly every sector of the population. Build fewer of them and deploy under certain circumstances where being discreet is an absolute must.

When is the last time you paid attention to a bug the size of a locust flying more than 25ft away from you? Did you get a close enough look to tell if it was a living insect or is it possible it may have been a micro machine, built for purposes unknown to your or myself?

In case that idea sounds a bit wacko to you, have a look at this


Miniature robots could be good spies, but researchers now are experimenting with insect cyborgs or "cybugs" that could work even better.

Scientists can already control the flight of real moths using implanted devices.

The military and spy world no doubt would love tiny, live camera-wielding versions of Predator drones that could fly undetected into places where no human could ever go to snoop on the enemy.

Developing such robots has proven a challenge so far, with one major hurdle being inventing an energy source for the droids that is both low weight and high power.

It is absolutely undeniable that we are getting smaller and smaller in our technological advancements.
Lasers are now being used to manipulate individual atoms in order to build a near perfect machine. Some believe the slight imperfections can indeed be worked out to create - for all intents - a perfect machine, by using cymatics as a way to 'massage' the imperfections away.

You may think that it would take a very, very long time to build a machine one atom at a time and you would be right. How long would it take if there were several thousand, or even several hundred thousand lasers working on one machine at once? A couple weeks? Maybe less?

What could the use of a machine built atom by atom be? I suppose the possibilities are limited only by our minds, as current understanding of physics and what is possible is constantly being altered. Building a machine atom by atom to create a 'perfect' machine could lead to many new advances, some of which have been speculated on by many in past years.

One possible outcome could be the onset of the Technological Singularity .

It is believed by some scientists that when we surpass the technology singularity by making massively hyper intelligent machines that the time period future following this event will exist beyond our imagination.

This means that computerized minds will operate at levels trillions and trillions of times more powerful than the regular Human mind. These unbelievably brilliant machine beings will be able to accomplish goals beyond the comprehension of Humanity. We literally can't understand what this mega super intelligence will be able to do.

Those scientists, who are attempting to perfect mind boggling advanced artificial intelligence beyond the imagination, are really on the quest for secret and hidden knowledge about reality and the world surrounding us. Basically, if we can reach the technological singularity, then Humans can unlock important and crucial secrets involving physics, science in general and the entire Universe.

It might even be a search for God or whatever supernatural spirit realm might exist beyond our perception including the meaning of life and other treasured secrets. Creating massively intelligent machines might give us facts about existence that we can't find on our own. Mega hyper advanced machines, which are profusely more ingenious when compared to simple Humans, probably can discover knowledge about the Universe we currently don't have and things we can't even comprehend.

As a result, if extraterrestrials aliens want to remain hidden forever in the shadows, then there's nothing we can do about it. We will always be technologically below any advanced alien extraterrestrial society. In the end, even if we create artificial intelligence trillions and trillions of times more powerful than ordinary Human brains, we will be unable to unlock the hidden secrets of knowledge like the meaning of life and the existence of supernatural immortals including the Alpha and the Omega.


Some even believe that crossing this threshold would eventually lead to the melding of flesh and blood intelligence with artificial intelligence, forever changing our current status in the universe. When and if we get to the point where we have created a machine with the intelligence to send us over the technological singularity would there even be a way to stop the events that would unfold? Would machines bend us to their intentions and merge us with them at any cost? It is definitely possible, especially considering we have no way of knowing what would occur after such a singularity.

You can find many people who believe that evolution has stopped working in the human life cycle and that any future evolutionary modifications would be unsubstantial and inconsequential. They could be wrong!

Since we have limited resources for our information we can not know all possible evolutionary paths. It could be the natural process of universal intelligence to evolve in just the path that we are taking. Once we have evolved biologically to a certain state, we may be unwittingly using the material world to evolve our intelligent selves.

The path we are currently on is undeniably rooted in technological advancement. New technology is driving nearly every aspect of our civilization and shows no signs of slowing. We are developing these tools to further explore, not only our world, but others as well.

This website contains the following:

But you’re also trying to be careful not to introduce any harmful bacteria to anything that might already be living on Mars?
Pete Worden: Exactly. Until we understand the full biospheres of both planets, we’ll want to be careful. So, sterile robots can begin to help us do that. We’re pretty sure that there’s no life on the surface of Mars, or at least nowhere we’ve looked, but there may be life sub-surface. We already know from the Phoenix Lander that right below the surface is a permafrost. One of the things we’re doing here at NASA Ames is developing autonomous robots and drills that can drill down into that permafrost. We learned from Apollo that it’s hard to drill on other planets. The rock characteristics are different… and different in a way you can’t predict.

We have already done a lot of work on autonomous robots, which is the first step. Many of the Mars robots we’ve sent there have JPL on the outside and NASA Ames on the inside, since a lot of the software has been developed right here.

Next, we’ll want to build self-replicating robots, and that’s why nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and other technologies being worked on at Singularity University are so interesting. When you start looking at self-replicating robots, a biologist would tell you “Well, we already know how to do that. Those are called living cells. Microbes,” in particular. So one of the obvious questions is: Can we begin to take existing microbes and engineer them to do things? And then, at some point, can you actually create synthetic life that can be engineered to extract the materials you need and construct environments?

We have a research group here at NASA Ames that is looking at “extremophiles,” life forms able to operate under highly extreme conditions, such as close to the boiling point of water, or in highly acidic conditions. These conditions may or may not represent exactly what you’d find on Mars, but we’ve been able to extract these self-replicating proteins and are beginning to figure out how you can replicate them to manipulate metals to construct substrates, and maybe even grow an electronic component.

The research is being done, if not already accomplished for the self replicating nano-bots. If a nano-bot from another planet showed up here it would be an extra-terrestrial. Would we ever see such a small machine to know we had been visited? Would artificial intelligence from a distant civilization be a good thing or would it be down right horrifying?

It is one thing to be contacted by possibly hostile, possibly gentile biological entities. At least we would feel they have emotions. What would the terror be like if we were visited by a race that had crossed a similar technological singularity and merged with their tech? What if they never merged and the tech simply erased them and took over? A machine with no emotions from a distant planet is quite an obstacle for the human mind to grapple with.

This type of technology is real here on our planet. Advancements are being made at astonishing rates. This type of small machine could revolutionize our exploration of space. Now knowing this information, why would an E.T. send massive ships or even a ship the size of a car to explore our star system? Certainly they have reached similar technological advancements in order for them to traverse inter-stellar space.

One answer could be that exploration is over and contact phase has begun. They may have used technology like this hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years ago and have decided to come meet the inhabitants of our planet. Would we do the same after studying a distant race for many many years? Possibly, depending on the motivation.

The advent of the technological singularity brings so many new possibilities into reality that even the most abstract speculation could be futile or fruitful.

We could cross the singularity, discover time travel, immortality, the spiritual world, or pretty much anything else you can imagine.

We could even find that the E.T.'s that may be visiting us are actually ourselves, post singularity - possibly coming here from a different dimension.

These things are definitely very interesting to me and I hope you guys can add your ideas here and maybe have a nice thread to get the mind working in new and unusual areas. Hope you don't give me too hard a time here, just having a bit of fun with the possibilities of some of these things.

edit on 10-3-2011 by esteay812 because: CLASSIFIED

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 04:00 AM
Such tiny wonderful crafts can be just in the operational perimeter
of the tiny hidden powers, interesting what can happen.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 04:18 AM
Another insect *sigh* We have enough in Australia as it is !

If I swat one of those damn things, I'm not going to get a million dollar bill or my door smashed in am I ?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by phantom150

haha, hard to tell. Maybe a new type of lottery or gambling will come from this. Like an Easter Egg hunt, hide and go seek. You find the miniature device and you win 1million dollars.... just enough to buy gasoline for your automobile for a year. Or, the last person to be located and identified by the device wins the prize.

Really curious to see if/when this technology is brought into practical applications, if it hasn't been already and I am just unaware.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 05:40 AM
Very interesting reading..

There's no doubt that TPTB would indeed love to have this on their side, the whole population monitored constantly, the possible ability to use these 'craft' to alter ourselves via 'bites' to control us, its all amazingly complex to think about.

The use of nano tech could be a wonderful plus for humanity in medical area's etc but as with anything with multiple uses the military and those that control them would be using it AGAINST us and not FOR us.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 08:23 AM
the Transhumanist idealism is coming from the very same patriarchal mindset that has been oppressing more and more people globally for thousands of years.
it hates nature and either wants to escape it, or completely take it over. It/andocentric brain wants to take over woman's role in birth, and become independent from the natural sacred cycles of nature, and thus dreams of the most ludicrous idea 'immortality'. Ie., the irony being that not realizing he already is immortal, he seeks to conesense version which is 'everlasting life'--ie., being CONSCIOUS as who he thinks he is everlastingly.

IF you think this is good news, think about Monsanto and its GM food. it has harmed animals it incacerates so as to test this stuff on them, and has caused harm, but these findings are hidden and scientists who warn about this are excommunicated, and they knowingly are using people as their guinaepigs.

They go on and on about 'trans'-human-ism, but do not know what being HUMAN is even all about, because their favoured belief system is mechanistic materialism.
So ANY alternatives even for people living in the centre of this 'post post modern world'--the superpower AMERICA where one might really explore what being human is all about with the help of entheogenic plants is completely OUTLAWED. And even well-respected indigenous healers are arrested at airports, if found with a SACRED PLANT in their luggage, thrown in jail, legs and feet in chains, kept in solitary confinement, and also in a cell where there is no light--and with the threat of 20 years in jail!

So in THIS barbaric context there is this 'brave new world' acomin of transhuman genetic this genetic that. In this world of wars for profit and all manner of corruption?

I am sorry to burst your dream buble, but like I say this culture has lost its SOUL and yet raves about 'immortality' and such. it is insanity! A road in hell to more of the same.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 12:09 PM
That is why in the future magnets will probably be the new currency.
They will make those tiny bots stuck

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by esteay812

We could cross the singularity, discover time travel, immortality, the spiritual world, or pretty much anything else you can imagine.

We could even find that the E.T.'s that may be visiting us are actually ourselves, post singularity - possibly coming here from a different dimension.

These things are definitely very interesting to me and I hope you guys can add your ideas here and maybe have a nice thread to get the mind working in new and unusual areas. Hope you don't give me too hard a time here, just having a bit of fun with the possibilities of some of these things.

edit on 10-3-2011 by esteay812 because: CLASSIFIED

Crossing singularity into time travel etc is possible, but should not be attempted b4 you know the physics and chemistry beyond the threshhold lest you perish upon or b4 reaching there

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by zimishey

I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I had no bubble to burst to begin with. Speculation on possible future events that are partially or wholly based in truth are nothing new when used for debatable conversation. Having beliefs in such ideas can lead to possible problems, but I have never held beliefs one way or the other,

I simply put forth the information that is out there and some ideas that go along with it for other members here to give their ideas and possible speculation on the validity of the information. The members may also want to give their alternative view points on wht the future may hold concering these ideas.

However, I do thank you for your response.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

I understand what your are saying and that is also addressed by the possible singularity. There is no way to know what will come after such an event. It is entirely possible that the resulting technolgy in a post singularity era would automatically feed us the information about the new physics.

Seems that it would be hard for us to process, but maybe that is what we are unknowingly working toward with all our technology.

Most people do not understand how air conditioning works, but they sure like having it in their cars, homes, and other places and don't seem to mind paying the bill for something they enjoy, but do not understand.

Hopefully we don't destroy our planet or even a larger part of the universe with technological endeavors. If we did, would it really matter, if there were no one alive to know what ever existed here anyway? That is surely the future, one way or the other, given enough time.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by esteay812

Excellent topic.

To all the naysayers who've commented negatively in the past about using imagination to develop real ideas that can be developed in the real world, read this:

HI-MEMS program director Amit Lal credits science fiction writer Thomas Easton with the idea. Lal read Easton's 1990 novel Sparrowhawk, in which animals enlarged by genetic engineering (called Roachsters) were outfitted with implanted control systems.

Dr. Easton, a professor of science at Thomas College, sees a number of applications for HI-MEMS insects.

Moths are extraordinarily sensitive to sex attractants, so instead of giving bank robbers money treated with dye, they could use sex attractants instead. Then, a moth-based HI-MEMS could find the robber by following the scent."
"[Also,] with genetic engineering Darpa could replace the sex attractant receptor on the moth antennae with receptors for other things, like explosives, drugs or toxins," said Easton.

Cheers Esteay!

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

Thanks for the reply FITO. I feel like this is an excellent topic too and hoping more members can add to some of the info here, just like you have with the great information on harnessing nature and combining it with technology on a tiny scale.

As far as aliens go in this topic, I believe they would most definitely arrive by way of some tiny device such as in the OP, possibly even smaller devices. They may already have some type of quantum entanglement, inter-stellar spy device that allows them to see, hear, and interact with anything they want instantaneously. I imagine that is possible for a post sungularity civilization as well.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by esteay812
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

Hopefully we don't destroy our planet or even a larger part of the universe with technological endeavors. If we did, would it really matter, if there were no one alive to know what ever existed here anyway? That is surely the future, one way or the other, given enough time.

Yes these possibilities exist is the reason why, beyond the singularity type of technology
should be treated with extreme caution or not attempted at all till all the bugs can be extrapolated
from present location and eliminated b4 approaching or crossing the threshhold.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

That is quite possibly why they are building the machines one atom at a time, getting the most precision they can get.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by esteay812
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

They may already have some type of quantum entanglement, inter-stellar spy device that allows them to see, hear, and interact with anything they want instantaneously. I imagine that is possible for a post sungularity civilization as well.

Could explain the implants in the nose/arms of abductees?

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by curious7

Yes, that never really crossed my mind.

It stands to reason that if we, the general public, are now hearing about this, it could have been developed many years ago.

Could use material grown in space, etc... Just a thought, could explain the strange composition of the implants.

Could also prove that the implants are not alien at all, but man made tracking, information gathering devices.

edit on 11-3-2011 by esteay812 because: !ATS ~ EYES ONLY! - Typo/Grammar correction

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 12:35 PM
Your theories sound alot like Raymond Kurzweil's.
Hes a genius who promotes the A.I technological singularity theory, infact he founded the is his.
Here is his website i advise a look at the forums, a good place to discuss science and technology.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by HeresHowItGoes

Thanks for the reply and the information in it.

I am sure I have heard of the guy, but have never read about him or his ideas directly. If I have, I did so indirectly.

If he is where the TS Theory originates, I like the way he thinks! I will definitely check out the site you reccomended and bring any information, I feel would fit nicely here, back and share with everyone.

If you know of any other info on him or the topics of this thread, please post them here and let us have a look at them!!

aplogies for any bad grammar, if there is any...

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