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Main Stream News Media For The Masses

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posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 11:16 AM
Is this a form of mind control by mass media? What do you think is mind control? Is anyone waking up to the reality that maybe all this time what we thought was real was actually the thoughts of the controllers, what and how they wanted the population to believe and think. For all these years we were taught to work, spend, and consume.

Sen in the Clowns! The Absurdity of our News Media… Posted by lamarzulli on March 8, 2011

Commentary & Analysis by L. A. Marzulli Libya is in a state of upheaval as is Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, and Egypt, as the people in those countries are demonstrating and bucking the status quo. The result of this is a spike in oil, as it is now over $100 a barrel and who knows where it will top out at. Several weeks ago millions of Egyptians met in Tarrir square and chanted in unison, to Jerusalem we go, martyrs in the millions – this was Vetted by author Walid Shoebat as he spoke in Albuquerque the week before the conference that I attended. The lame stream media ignored this and didn’t utter a peep about it. When the female reporter was gang raped by Egyptian Moslem men, they shouted Jew, Jew, Jew, as they raped her and the men and women of our press made sure you didn’t hear about it, with the exception of Glen Beck. The UN has issued food shortages warnings, but I guess we don’t need to know about them as we are in the land of plenty – heck we have COSCO where the shelves are always full to the ceiling, and the trucks roll endlessly on asphalt highways, bringing us our every desire. Don’t worry – it can’t happen here! The dollar is on the verge of collapsing and possibly being replaced by another currency, but don’t worry about that folks, as our Federal Reserve – which hijacked our monetary system in 1917 – will just print more funny money and charge us interest on it. With all of the above mentioned what do the lame stream media news outlets lead with today …. You guessed it Charlie Sheen! Yes, let them eat cake and let the circus begin! Keep us dumbed down and distracted! Don’t pay any attention to that man behind the curtain. Don’t think for a minute to get prepared for what is coming… for what some say is already here! No sir, send in the clowns with the likes of Sheen, Lindsay, Gaga, O.J., Brittany, oh and I almost forgot, Amber Frye is back on the talk show circuit! Let’s watch them dance and sing and take our Prosaic. Enough of the absurdity, I say! One thing I took away from the conference in Albuquerque was that most of the 300+ people in attendance were not asleep. They know what is coming, they can read the signs and they are stockpiling food and water. They are aware that when the catastrophe happens it’s to late, as was so keenly demonstrated when Katrina hit, or the Gulf Oil spill happened. In closing todays post: I believe that the media is controlled, as objective journalism is for all purposes dead. Just ask yourself this, with all that is going on in the world why is that the major networks lead with the exactly the same news story every night? Americans, for the most part are asleep… as we know more about the antics of Sheen, Lyndsay and all the rest of the clowns instead of the haunting chant of 2 million people who say: To Jerusalem we go, martyrs in the millions….

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 11:39 AM
Yes it is nind control for the support system that they need in order to carry out the plans they had concieved before the actual events took place. What your seeing is a version of one side of the history no different than the history books in school, told one point of view one way. Ignorance is not bliss is it. When you hear both sides you end up disgusted it even took place, This why responsible governance is held responsible the truth will eventual come out, and the ignorance of actions of those are held accountable!!

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 11:49 AM
Blame this guy.

Its all part of the master plan. Propaganda "organs" is a good way to describe MSM.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 01:59 PM
I stay away from watching television completely, the news, sitcoms, and one hour series I find are just crap, I must say though there is one that I like to watch which is "V" way too many commercials though. So except for V I don't watch any other T.V. programs.
Commercials, that's another thing I don't like about television, a lot of them make people look like their real stupid, and like we need everything that they advertise.

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