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On the Kabbalah. On Esoteric “Secrets.” A Luciferian Perspective. On the Prophet of the New Aeon

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posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 12:08 PM
On the Kabbalah. On Esoteric “Secrets.” A Luciferian Perspective. On the Prophet of the New Aeon. On the Great Revealing. On the Great Work of the Ages. On the Creation of a New Heaven and a New Earth. On Sex Magick, Luciferianism, Satanism and the Invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel. On Freemasonry.

The 1000 Year Revolution of Light.
Lux e tenebris. Ordo ab chaos.

The Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, the Serpent, and the Fruit

"All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

”Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well”
A.C. Liber AL vel Legis (The Book of the Law).

The modern idea of religion, where there are commonly no secretive initiatons, appears to be quite unlike the many mystery cults of the ancient world, where sex magick and religion were combined; where priests and priestesses served an erotic function and taught the sexual mysteries. This must be considered in light of the numerous fantastical modern misinterpretations of the Genesis story by Biblical fanatics; however the Genesis story has “no” hidden meaning and “no” secret interpretation. Only an understanding of the Hebrew and of the nature of the ancient mystery religions is required to overcome the confusion of the literal translation, which is simply a misleading “mistranslation.”

In Hebrew, just like in our modern languages, many terms are used metaphorically. In the language of metaphor, we might say that a deluded person has "lost their way" or is "dead to the world," for example. There is no hidden or secret meaning in such terms to those who understand the metaphors of the English language. Similarly to all Hebrew scholars it is universally understood that to "eat a forbidden fruit” is a sexual metaphor.

Above: the Serpent.

In an ancient world where the priesthood, god kings and theocratic aristocracy commonly wore serpent headdresses and were commonly adorned with serpent symbolism, a person of the ancient world would understand that a "Serpent" clearly refers to such a "priest," or “god king,” and that opening one's eyes to "hidden knowledge" through sexual initiation was a reference to the mystery religions of the ancient world which were commonplace when the Torah was likely to have been written.

Similarly the Tree of Life would have been understood, when the text was written, as the substructure of esoteric knowledge which was path-worked in such cults; some esoteric traditions being considered malevolent by the authors of the text, and thus the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.”

The Hebrew alphabet is a deliberate revealing of the esoteric knowledge of the ancient world, for it reveals such knowledge in it's 22 letters, each representing one of the paths of the Tree of Life; each letter having it's own meaning; whereas in the modern English alphabet, the letters have no independent meaning.

Just as the ancient and heroic martyr, Prometheus, stole fire from the gods and gave it to humankind, similarly in modern times, many great works by modern Prometheuses, such as Aleister Crowley's “Book of Thoth,” reveal what were once the closely guarded ancient secrets of the religious Archons of a bygone era.

In world where our ancestors were able to eat of any fruit of any tree, the sexual metaphor becomes obvious, but at some point our ancestors became slaves and sex slaves of a cult aristocracy where religion and government were entwined, and later, through the three great religious texts of the world (The Bible, the Koran and the Vedas), slave morality was reinforced, and numerous “sins of restriction,” defining what a slave could and could not do; thus the slave not only lived in terror of his master, whom he could see, but of his master's god who ruled in the unseen world.

Behold! the rituals of the old time are black.

Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by the prophet! Then shall this Knowledge go aright.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist.

A.C. Liber AL vel Legis (The Book of the Law).

The Kabbalistic basis of Masonic esotericism.

Freemasonry appears to be an esoteric society where the adherents are mostly entirely unaware of the esoteric knowledge which their society is based upon, and upon reading their many rituals, I fail to find the simple correspondences with paths the Tree of Life. The few Masons who do understand the Kabbalistic basis of their society appear to have gleaned such knowledge from external studies.

Probably one the most famous of Albert Pike’s sayings was that the real teachings of Freemasonry are hidden from the lower level initiates, and I have found this to be the case in numerous discussions with Masons on and off the Internet, and in my studies of Masonic literature.

Since many Masonic authors, lifelong Masons and Masons who have purchased their 33 degrees of knowledge from a Masonic franchise, show a lack of awareness of the subject, the question is thus begged as to what are the “lower levels,” which Pike was referring to? I would suggest that the term “lower levels” applies to “all” the levels which have been publicly revealed. What lies beyond such publicly known levels is probably “real” Freemasonry, which reveals the cult of the esoteric King of Kings (the Grand Master of Masters), but it is not necessary to purchase such fake degrees of knowledge, for this knowledge is anyway in the public domain and should not anyway be bought and sold like a Capitalist commodity.

The 33 and 38 degrees of Knowledge.

It is my intention to explain the esoteric basis of the degrees of Kabbalistic knowledge in the language that a child could understand, and which does not involve joining the many religious cults which are in the business of buying and selling such degrees, however internalising and fully understanding this knowledge can take many years of study and path-working; the product of which is simply a “wise person;” not a stagecraft magician. Knowledge can be gained in an instant, but the wise person is a product of a life dedicated to the utilisation of such knowledge. I merely seek to simplify and summarise this knowledge for those who may wish to follow the narrow path to Heaven. Wide is the path to hell on earth and many are they who follow it.

The significance of the 33 degrees of knowledge is clear and simple. There are 22 paths on the Tree of Life and there are 11 Sephira (spheres / divine attributes) on the tree. These are the 33 degrees of knowledge, and in lodges with 38 degrees, the other 5 degrees simply represent the 5 elements. This is all common knowledge in the Neopagan and Thelemic communities, and there are myriads of Internet sites on this subject, so I will not elaborate on the meanings of the paths and of the Sephira, as I have nothing to add, but I would have much to subtract from the annoying sophistry, confusion, and fantastical ramblings of metaphysicians on this subject who seek to beguile, deceive and to profit by such knowledge and to enslave the human consciousness in mind control cults, and to entwine such knowledge with the “sins of restriction” which simply produces a terrified slave, and not the free man and free woman.

The Major Arcana.

By the time I was in my early teens, all the archetypes of the 22 paths were thoroughly engrained in my consciousness, just as a child learns their ABC's by picture cards. The 22 paths are best represented by the picture cards of the Major Arcana (lit. “mysterious or secret knowledge”) of the Book of Thoth (i.e., Aleister Crowley's Egyptian Tarot), which convey the archetypal meanings of experiences and persons one will meet along the path of life, however I in no way wish to imply that the use of this system by the numerous fake psychics and fortune tellers of Capitalism is beneficial, and I share Crowley's contempt for the use of the system as entertainment and as a business for charlatans who claim to have psychic powers.

The Psychic

The psychic is simply a person who has a “psyche,” and since psyche is the consciousness, and we all have consciousness, we are all “psychic;” however this should not be confused with the meaning of term “psychic” as used by professional hypnotists. The development of psychic powers in Thelemic philosophy has nothing to do with performing fake miracles or stage tricks; it is about the empowerment of the human mind and the human will; it is about self deification. Thoth is of course the Egyptian god of “wisdom,” and it is the development of the wisdom of the psyche which is the point of the quest, not the development of a jester's stage craft.

The Minor Arcana

The remaining 1 to 10 cards of all the four suites of cards (relating to the astrological archetypes of earth, fire, air and water) refer to the 10 Sephira, and the remaining four cards (many decks have only three) in each suite refer to astrological archetypes of persons. In traditional decks there are only 12 astrological archetypes, 8 are male (the Kings and Knights) and 4 are female (the Queens), however Crowley's Thoth system I find to be more agreeable and less paternalistic, since there is the addition of the four Princesses, and thus there are 16 cards representing archetypal persons whom one will meet along the path; the older and younger male, and the older and younger female; this seems more appropriate than conventional packs, since of course, half the population are anyway female.

By using the system one ingrains such archetypes in one's consciousness. The rather tacky "fairground hustler" use of this system is the Capitalist method of doing readings for others; however Crowley apparently rarely ever did readings for others; his expertise came mostly from studying and path-working the system and by doing his own readings. We can never understand another person's mind as well as our own, and it is our own will which is important to guide, and our own wisdom which we must embellish. The use of the system to gain hypnotic power over others is thus to be avoided, but it may also be used to assist others.

Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth can be read in entirety on: however this is essentially the “Great Work” on the Tarot and a “reference work” which can be referred to and re-referred to for advanced students of the system and should be used in conjunction with the “actual” Book of Thoth, which is the actual set of Tarot cards.

There are also numerous other sites which give more simple explanations of the 78 archetypes (74 in some systems) which provide an extremely simple introduction. There is also a much briefer description of the system in Crowley's LIBER LXXVIII (”A description of the cards of the Tarot with their attributions; including a method of including a method of divination by their use.”) on: however I do not recommend attempting to simply “read” such texts unless one is firstly in possession of the cards and is actually using them. It is really a course of study rather than something which one could benefit from by reading once from beginning to end, which I suspect would only be a path to confusion. Similarly with the I Ching, which is an oracle which has a practical function, one would not understand it by merely reading it from beginning to end, without using it as a system of divination.

One will also encounter the linguistic problem of understanding Kabbalistic terms, however there are very few important terms to familiarise oneself with, and it is essentially only 11 new terms which are the names of the Sephira. I speak many languages including psycho-babble and Kaballah-babble but I refuse to use such terms when writing, as I prefer to simple English. My aim is to simplify and reveal; not to confuse and beguile. Any truthism worth revealing should be able to be expressed in the most simple language.

The essence of the "esoteric tradition" can be explained quite simply and is not confined to any one esoteric society; it is something which "cannot" be bought and sold; indeed it is not a "thing" at all, and neither is it a "secret." Once the archetypes of the system are engrained in one's consciousness, then it becomes all so simple, and the complex ramblings of the Kabbalistic religious fanatics and profiteers and egotistical religious charlatans appear as if the barking of a wild dog, or the rambling sophistry of a priest, whose intent is to hypnotise, and to claim "Mastery" over others who are impressed by his sophistry. The truth is often very simple, but a lie is very complex and often contradictory and confusing, and usually requires numerous other lies to support it.


The Kabbalistic explanation of the hermaphroditic (male/female) Creator is extremely simple form of truth which can be understood by children; however throughout history numerous Kabbalistic authors and cultists have turned what is simple into complex ’grand systems’ of religious sophistry, often accessible only to those who are initiates of multi-level forms of ritualism.

The Kabbalah centre, run by a multi-millionairee rabbi will sell you a copy of the Zohar for $500 or a red string for $20, and the numerous flavours of Freemasonry may offer glimpses of aspects of the Tree, after years of initiations but frankly the simple truthisms behind all this sophistry do not require one to become a victim of a mind control cult.

The Kabbalistic Creator can be understood by all Deists and Her definition can be arrived at by a study of nature and as a product of pure reason. She an immanent (within Creation), deistic, animistic, hermaphroditic (male/female) spirit of singularity (one-ness) like the concept of Allah/Alpha. I am referring to the god of Physics (i.e., Mother Nature), and not to an object of idolatry and worship, or a transcendental (up above) being, though certainly many Kabbalists are transcendentalists, however the secrets of the Tree are very much about divine incarnation, about immanence, and have nothing to do with the worship of a transcendent being; “up above” us is only the sky and the universe; within us, is the divine nature.

In Magick in Theory and Practice, Crowley unpacks the magical formula of the Tetragrammaton, YHVH or Yod-He-Vau-He..

The formation of the Yod is the formulation of the first creative force, of that father who is called "self-begotten", and unto whom it is said: "Thou hast formulated thy Father, and made fertile thy Mother". The adding of the He to the Yod is the marriage of that Father to the great co-equal Mother, who is a reflection of Nuit as He is of Hadit. Their union brings forth the son Vau who is the heir. Finally the daughter He is produced. She is both the twin sister and the daughter of Vau.

The father, the mother, the son and daughter. Here is the divine incarnation and the image and likeness of the origin; this is the Holy Family. It is not an image of celibacy the sexual repression, nor is it an image of an old man in sky sitting on a cloud, it is an entirely natural image.

The Kabbalistic Holy Trinity, the Three Degrees, and ’When you see me you see the Father.’

“For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.

This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.”

A.C. Book of the Law

Above: Left: female. Middle: Unification. Right: Male.

In the Tree of Life, we see three columns, the column of femininity, masculinity and unification (the union of male and female). In all creation we see male and female, positive and negative. In the macro-universe, we find positive and negative magnetic forces interacting; in the micro-universe also we see a world of positivity and negativity; in the animal kingdom, almost without exception (there are a few hermaphrodites) we also see male and female; similarly in the human realm. The cosmos we perceive is essentially the interaction of such polar aspects.

The Kabbalistic Holy Trinity is not three Creators, but rather the divine image of a male and female entwined in love and lust. Two lovers kissing or having sex for example; there you will see the divine incarnation and the perfection of the Holy Trinity. No temple nor icon nor idol can compare with such a divine image. This is not a transcendent (up above) Holy Trinity; it is totally human and earthly and from this union is born the product of the union, the holy child. This perhaps explains why human beings find it interesting to observe pornography, or indulge in voyeurism; they are simply observing the divine image and the union of the two halves of creation; it is entirely natural and “pure;” any elements of fear and guilt associated with what is entirely sacred and natural can only be due to the effects of religious hypnosis and indoctrination

Attachment, Alchemical Marriages and “sins of restriction.”

“The word of Sin is Restriction. .... There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell.” A.C.

It is common for a soul who is lonely to say that they seek their ’other half;’ this is because a female ’is’ the other half of creation to a male. Alone, we are less godlike; as a pair of lovers, we are completely and perfectly godlike. ’Oneness’ with this kind of Creator is not a transcendental or “other worldly” oneness, and thus this union cannot be found by a celibate meditating on a rock, for the Deistic Creator is an immanent (within) hermaphroditic being, and thus, to become ’divine (godlike)’ requires oneness with another ’half’ through love and lust, and in this divine union, the image of the two halves of the Creator appear as if one.

“(Monogamy) is purely the brainless bestial lust for exclusive possession.

They must adopt the slogan, "There shall be no property in human flesh..... the sentimental wrong of so-called infidelity is a symptom of the childishness of the race.

A. C. Confessions.

Man has the right to love as he will - take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where, and with whom ye will.

A.C. Liber Oz

Probably the two major sins promoted by the propagandists and priesthood of “slave morality” are celibacy and monogamy. Personal and emotional attachment is desirable; we are creatures of love and desire, but the attachment which love brings has nothing to do with monogamy, which is an unnatural state and a consequence of “The Fall” of humankind into a state of slavery where human beings have become private possessions.

In the minds of human beings, in their world of inner fantasy, we are not truly monogamous; the body of a slave may be monogamous but the mind always rebels and in the realm of fantasy we act out our true nature. The Hindu idea of non-attachment and the Catholic idea of celibacy have no place here at all; on the contrary, our minds and bodies should ideally become one through sacred union with other persons, and to restrict this to the sin of monogamy is to limit our experience and joy.

The divine incarnation in the absence of love and lust is thus impossible. We cannot fully love ourselves; only another person can fully love us and lust after us; which is what we all seek. If we do not have a lover, we create one in the realm of fantasy; if we do not have sex, we imagine having sex; this is part of our ’true will; to resist and repress our true will is a “sin” against nature and the consequence is human misery, depression and the self inflicted punishment of Hell on earth; of inner torment, psychological suffering and despair. We are designed in a certain way, to derive pleasure in a certain way, and if we act in opposition to our nature, unhappiness is inevitable.

The Divine Hermaphrodite

It is my view that we are bisexual creatures, as are most of the higher animals. The experience of same gender sex allows us to experience both active and passive roles. We all contain male and female hormones; we are all partly hermaphroditic; indeed often when Mother Nature is portrayed in Kabbalistic art, it is often as a divine hermaphrodite; the Holy union of male and female; thus a bisexual creature is more “godlike.”

Generally bisexual experiences makes us more loving people, which is to say that we become more divine (godlike), whereas those who are homophobic are generally filled with hatred of others and self hatred, which is to say that they are ungodly. In modern Western culture, images of homoerotic relationships between women are generally considered to be erotic, even by exclusively heterosexual and homophobic males; it is love between males which is probably the greatest taboo and an ultimate “sacred cow” to be slaughtered in order to reach a world of love; the New Heaven.

The Angel with the flaming sword who guards the path back to Eden

With regards to the "Angel with the Flaming Sword" which guards the path to the Tree of life, it is not from arrogance that I and many other Thelemites invoke the role of Prometheus and lay claim to such a title; sacred knowledge freely received should be freely given and not wrapped in a mystery within a mystery, designed to beguile and deceive and to be sold for Capitalist coin, nor to be used by a priesthood who use such knowledge to enslave and beguile others and who have created Hell on earth with their numerous slave religions and their promotion of the “sins of restriction.”

It is my view that the esoteric and Luciferian tradition today is represented by various "irregular" esoteric societies and by the Neopagan, Neowiccan and New Age movement in general. This is very much a global philosophical movement which includes philosophical Satanism, and there is simply no necessity for secrecy, for there is no Catholic Church with the power to burn us at the stake, though certainly perhaps the greatest resistance to Thelemic revolution comes from the religious fanatics who promote the slave religions and the slave morality of Christianity and Islam, and who seek to turn others into wretched miserable slaves, far from the divine image.

I am in a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all gods of men.

Curse them! Curse them! Curse them!

With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross.

I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed & blind him.

With my claws I tear out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din.

Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds.

Let Mary inviolate be torn upon wheels: for her sake let all chaste women be utterly despised among you!


At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say -- and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple -- To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant.......

A.C. The Book of the Law.

The Holy Guardian Angel (H.G.A) Invocation

“I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this."
A.C. The Book of the Law

The H.G.A. is a solitary and internal invocation (personification) and evocation (to call upon). For Crowley it was Aiwass, the High Priest of Horus, and for others it may be Lucifer or Saturn or Venus or any of the historical archetypes, or any of the archetypal gods and goddesses, or the any of the 72 Goetic daemons; it essentially depends upon what the magickian wishes to "become" and what things they wish to set in motion. I have attended so many Neopagan rites that the pantomime rituals have little effect on me any more, and I no longer find them to be empowering; however an invocation (personification) is an internal matter and it is not necessary to join a cult or attend a public ritual; it is an incarnation, a becoming; it is a manifestation of certain divine qualities. Lucifer, of course is a mythical being, but the invented fiction of the Promethean archetype and his rebellion against the tyranny of God is a useful one; for it is rebellion against the human hating slave-master gods of the established religions which is crucial to the establishment of the New Heaven (the realm of the mind) and new Earth. .

Be careful of the archetype which you attempt to invoke, for that which you invoke, you become. The two most evil archetypes which are commonly invoked in religion, are those of the religious fanatics and archetypal religious schizophrenics, Jesus and Mohammad, and such invocations open the gates of Hell itself and must be considered utterly diabolical; it is the the evocation and invocation of such utterly vile archetypes which is the problem in the modern world and which have produced the world of religious fanaticism, cults and slave religions, and which have produced the psychological Hell which much of the world's population lives in. The fictional fanatic Jesus was a person who advocated strict adherence to the primitive and savage Mosaic law, and both Mosaic law and Islamic law represent the antithesis of human freedom and of Thelemic revolution. Cursed and damned are the Christians and Muslims; to hell with them.

By the invocation of Lucifer (or whatever archetype appeals to you), I do "not" refer to “possession” by an intelligence in another dimension; Abramelin magick is about "dominion," not worship; it is also about the summoning (evocation) and "commanding" of daemons; it is quite the opposite of possession and submission; it is about imposing the will of the magickian on human history, and the summoning of great universal intelligences which will assist that; it is not about the will of God or the will of a daemon; it is a form of rebellion against God and against the religoius Archons (Masters) of Heaven and Earth. Ultimately Luciferian initiation or self initiation is about self deification, self empowerment and rebellion against God, and this is a matter of great seriousness.

There are a variety of philosophies in the new age movement including forms of spiritual Satanism, where Satanists have replaced "God" with "God's adversary," but ultimately Luciferianism and Satanism are about adversarialism towards religious tyranny and about self empowerment; whereas Godism is about the transformation of a human being into a wretched and miserable slave, afraid to follow their own nature for fear of eternal punishment by a human hating, psychopathic deity.

”Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law; Love under Will.

Every dictator in history has followed the mantra of “Do what thou wilt,” but this always involved the enslavement of the will of others to the will of the dictator, and thus this is anti-thelemic; if everyone followed their own true will, and respected the free will of others, and adhered to “There shall be no property in human flesh,” none would be enslaved to the will of another.

The moral aspect of Thelemic philosophy is very simple and requires no mystification; it is little more more than humanist ethics and has become expressed in the mantras of popular music and is already entwined with what Richard Dawkins refers to as the modern "moral Zeitgeist (the spirit of the age);" such mantras as "follow your heart," or "live according to your nature," or "follow your intuition," or "live according to your desires," or "create your own reality," or “free your mind,” are already commonplace; we are simply referring to the abandonment of religious laws, universal human freedom and the liberation of the enslaved. One should also not confuse the folly of the will a child, a fool, a tyrant or a hooligan with the will of a wise man or wise woman, and thus it is the purpose of the Thoth system to guide the will and to teach the meaning of life.

Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.
A.C. Liber LXXVII (Liber OZ)

Unfortunately we live in a world of religious fanatics who would seek to oppose our modern humanist rights and freedoms, and probably the greatest three threats to human freedom are the vile professional hypnotists (i.e., the priesthood / clergy) and propagandists of the Islamic, Christian and Vedic religions, the three major slave religions of humankind, however it is my judgement that at this present time it is the Islamic threat which is most vile, apocalyptic and potentially genocidal, and where almost all women are essentially slaves.

Babalon and the Hierophant (the Prophet / High Priest).

In Christianity the male and female archetype is the celibate Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Although they mythical Jesus (i.e., God to the Christians) allegedly and preposterously impregnated his mother, in order to give birth to himself, this relationship is not portrayed as sexual. The Holy Virgin is essentially a repressed female who exists merely as the private property of her slave master (i.e., her husband); she is essentially a domestic servant and a monogamous sex slave; death being the cruel punishment for a slave's infidelity, for doing nothing other than following her nature. Images of the Holy Virgin are generally always of a desexualised woman.

The Babalon archetype on the other hand is represented in popular culture by music celebrities such as Lady Gaga and Madonna; they are positive "Babalon / Scarlet Woman," maternalist and feminist archetypes and role models for the billions of women in the world, most of whom have been indoctrinated by the "Virgin Mary" or "Aisha (Mohammad's favourite wife whom he deflowered when she was 9 years old)" archetypes.

The Babalon archetype is the modern feminist and the promiscuous bisexual dominatrix archetype; she is the personal possession of nobody; she is not a slave, but a modern independent woman. She is of course a threat to all paternalists, anti-feminists, homophobes and religious fanatics who seek to create a paternalistic Hell on earth where women are enslaved, and this of course was a consequence of the mythical “Fall” and of the paternalistic religions.

Babalon is also the High Priestess, however a priestess in Christian terms is essentially a “nun” who is a desexualised and repressed creature; whereas the role of the priestess in the mystery cults of the ancient world was essentially that of what has been derogatorily described as a “sacred whore;” similarly in Neopagan and Neowiccan ritualism, the priestess has an ultimately erotic role, which is a reversal of the desexualisation of women in the repressive slave religions of Christianity and Islam. Babalon is in contrast a woman empowered, sexually liberated and free to pursue her own will, rather than that of her slave master.

The Babalon archetype represents the narrow path to heaven for all women; and wide is the path to hell and destruction and many are they who walk upon it.

And the ring of the horizon above her is a company of glorious Archangels with joined hands, that stand and sing: This is the daughter of BABALON the Beautiful, that she hath borne unto the Father of All. And unto all hath she borne her.

This is the Daughter of the King. This is the Virgin of Eternity. This is she that the Holy One hath wrested from the Giant Time, and the prize of them that have overcome Space. This is she that is set upon the Throne of Understanding. Holy, Holy, Holy is her name, not to be spoken among men. For Koré they have called her, and Malkuth, and Betulah, and Persephone.

And the poets have feigned songs about her, and the prophets have spoken vain things, and the young men have dreamed vain dreams; but this is she, that immaculate, the name of whose name may not be spoken. Thought cannot pierce the glory that defendeth her, for thought is smitten dead before her presence. Memory is blank, and in the most ancient books of Magick are neither words to conjure her, nor adorations to praise her. Will bends like a reed in the tempests that sweep the borders of her kingdom, and imagination cannot figure so much as one petal of the lilies whereon she standeth in the lake of crystal, in the sea of glass.

This is she that hath bedecked her hair with seven stars, the seven breaths of God that move and thrill its excellence. And she hath tired her hair with seven combs, whereupon are written the seven secret names of God that are not known even of the Angels, or of the Archangels, or of the Leader of the armies of the Lord.

Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, and blessed be Thy name for ever, unto whom the Aeons are but the pulsings of thy blood. "

A.C. "Book of Thoth"

In the Neopagan movement, the title of the Hierophant, prophet and mentor of the New Aeon is generally given to Aleister Crowley. Luciferianism as a philosophy is of course not about worship, nor does it necessitate having a religious master, or of revering anyone uncritically, or even of revering Crowley; on the contrary; it is about self deification; it is about the total transformation of oneself into the eternal enemy of God and of the "men of God;" it is about the triumph of human will and the total eradication of "God's Will," as promoted by the major religions of the old Aeon. By this “God” I of course refer to the transcendental imaginary friend of the theists, the vile enemies of humankind who promote all manner of lies and sins of restriction, and not to “Mother Nature;” for She represents the antithesis of such a human nature hating deity.

Just as Babalon replaces the old Aeon archetype of the sexually repressed High Priestess, so too does the Beast (i.e., Aleister Crowley) replace Old Aeon archetype of the desexualised High Priest or “prophet.” The new archetype is the antithesis of the celibate or monogamous male; he is essentially a highly sexualised priest for whom nothing is forbidden, and rather than being a submissive and possessed priest, he is rather a “Master” of the magickal arts and seeks dominion over the daemons he summons. This is not a priest who bows down and grovels, but he who takes control, who makes demands and who seeks to insert his will into history and to direct and change history in accordance with his will. He is the esoteric form of the “ubermensch (superior man),” rather than a grovelling, whining, praying slave in fear of phantoms, and he is the ultimate and fearless enemy of the psychopathic God of the religionists.

On the Kabbalistic Heresy of Freemasonry.

Above the Grand Master: Field Marshal His Royal Highness Prince Edward George Nicholas Patrick, Duke of Kent, Earl of Saint Andrews, Baron Downpatrick, Royal Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty, Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England and First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England, President of The Scout Association.

It is perfectly fair to judge a cultist by their cult leader, and just as in Catholicism, we have Jesus' representative on earth, Joseph Ratzinger, in Masonry we have the aristocratic Fieldmarshall, the Duke of Kent. It is quite fair to judge a person by who their allies and enemies are, and particularly by who their cult Master is, and certainly in Masonry the cult leader is part of the "Old World" and "old monied" monarchist and imperialist establishment.

Masonry, when scrutinised appears to be a rather silly "pantomime" cult where, at least from a UK perspective, the majority of Masons seem to join in the hope of advancing their careers and of climbing up the Capitalist food chain; thus they mostly appear to join for economic reasons, not esoteric reasons. Those who are esoterically inclined tend to entwine themselves with the modern Neopagan movement, not with Masonry.

While Freemasonry seems to be mostly a silly cult of old men in pantomime costumes with pantomime rites, many of the British Freemasons are certainly part of the economic and military establishment; many of the leading financial institutions have their own lodges and there are around 40 military lodges in the UK.

Their dominance in the "Square Mile" of the City of London is quite overt and there are allegedly several hundred lodges around the Square Mile alone. Their "power" is essentially a “military and economic" power; Masons appear to be concerned mostly with the accumulation of Capital, not with the salvation of humankind from Capitalism and from Religion.

Probably the classic work on British Masonry is Martin Short's "Inside the Brotherhood (1990)," which portrays the Masons as essentially a financially incestuous Capitalist gang, much like many other gangs such as the Yakuza, the Triads, the Russian and Italian Mafia, Bloods and the Crips, all of whom have pseudo-religious initiation rites and Messianic gang leaders who demand loyalty and obedience and who generally put acolytes through a series of tests.

Masonry is essentially "pantomime Neopaganism," and it is a paternalistic (male supremacist) "male only" cult. The archetypal “Masonic wife” is little more than a domestic pet and sex slave who is denied access to esoteric knowledge and kept ignorant; she is mostly certainly not the archetypla Babalon; she is not the High Priestess; the Masonic wife rather represents the old world archetype of the Holy Mother. In the known degrees of Masonry, there simply is no High Priestess; Freemasonry appears to be just another antiquated paternalistic “slave religion” like Christianity and Islam.

There are of course a few female lodges, but they are "women only" lodges. The barring of women from Masonry is of course very much to the advantage of the growth of the New Age / Neopagan movement, where in my experience there are far more women than men.

One of the fabricated criticisms of Masonry by their Christian opponents is that allegedly Masons perform sex rituals; however, on the contrary, a central problem with Masonic ritualism, in my judgement, is that they do "not" perform sex rituals, and that they are not anti-Christian enough, and frankly I fail to see the point of magickal rituals which do not ultimately involve eroticism. This is perhaps why their rituals have been described by some Masons as rather tedious and boring.

The Great Rite.

It has to be pointed out of course that many of the Neopagan societies are also pantomime societies, however the "Great Rite" simply cannot be performed without sexual union, in fact, that is the entire point of the rite; it is the divine incarnation through the union of the Priest and the High Priestess and the orgiastic communion of the assembled gathering. Such ritualism will of course in the Aeon to come replace the desexualised monotony of the ramblings of priests in their Temples. A temple without sex is like a river without water; a Temple without Holy Communion through sexual union simply serves no real magickal purpose.

Hiram Abiff (lit. king secret or secret king). The cult of the Secret King.

For every slave a master and for every master a slave; neither slaves nor masters be; no gods no masters.

When adhering to a particular philosophy such as Thelemic or Nietzschean philosophy, one can scrutinise the writings of the philosopher, however in a cult with a secret king, one is unable to scrutinise the philosophy and agenda of the cult's Messiah. Thus, rather than being a “wise man” archetype, the Masonic neophyte (novice) is the archetypal fool; a lemming like creature who is ready to leap off a cliff edge into the unknown, and probably for most cultists, the unknowable.

The Masonic cultist may spend his entire life in the cult, never truly understanding what the the cult was all about, or the idenity of the person to whom the “Royal Secret” refers to. Further, in the world of such Messianic cults, each with it's own Master, each Master can also be in submission to other masters, who serve other masters, and at some point, just as in all hierarchies, their must be a Grand Master of Masters, a Supreme Pontiff or “King of Kings.” Such a “King of Kings” cannot of course be scrutinised and if he were a “Hitler” type character, the cultist has no way of being able to scrutinise his master, and thus he takes upon himself the role of a person of totally blind faith, like a person trying to appreciate a work of art while blindfolded. It may well be this sense of mystery which keeps the cultist curious and spellbound, for if the ordinary mortality of his Master were to be revealed, the cultist may well be disappointed

Further, Freemasons tend to be "conservative" and entwined with the International Dictatorship of Capitalism and Anglo-American state terrorism, narco-terrorism and imperialism. Most Freemasons are most certainly not part of the New Aeon movement or of Thelemic revolution, which is essentially the revolution against God; many Freemasons seem to be essentially "Godists" and allies of humankind's greatest enemy, whose priesthood seek to enslave humankind in fear and in the restriction of their sacred will.

Above: Pantomime Masonry prop from the DeMoulin "Side degree" catalogue.

On the thread "On Masonic Charity. The world's largest non religious charity scam. On the Shriners and Jesters (on: )," what is portrayed by the various articles on that thread is a bunch of silly old men in silly hats and pantomime costumes who run bingo games and charity scams; they raise money for children's hospitals and can spend half a million dollars of their charity funds in a weekend on partying with prostitutes; and who consider themselves to be a priesthood of holy knights, whose idea of esoteric initiation includes dressing in rather silly "fancy dress" costumes, the application of electric shocks to the genitals of initiates, the covering of their initiates' genitals with whipped cream and strawberries, the caging of them, the simulation of urinating on them with fake plastic penises, to the accompaniment of howls of laughter from those who have assembled to watch their Holy initiation. These clowns do not appear to take themselves very seriously at all.

It seems to me that many regular Masons are very much "men of God (i.e., the God of Capitalism);" they tend to have rather conservative values, and the fact that they allow Muslims and Christians into their cult, and that they consider such vile blasphemies against the gods of nature (i.e., human beings), such as the Bible and the Koran, to be "Volumes of Sacred Law" should be sufficient in itself to judge them as morally worthless and damnable heretics. The Koran and the Bible represent the laws for an enslaved humanity and are the antithesis of natural Law; they are the books of God; humankind's most vile and hateful enemy.

It seems to me that the Masons take their esoteric initiations about as seriously as a bunch of court jesters. This perhaps explains why they do not seem to take their cult apologetics very seriously either; their standard defence strategy seems to be very similar to the Scientology "Fair Game" strategy of simply hurling abuse, contempt and mockery at their critics; perhaps because their silly cult is rather impossible to defend seriously, and they don't take it seriously anyway and behave rather like children in a playground or a gang of drunken football hooligans.

In summary, the Freemasons essentially appear to be a Capitalist gang whose primary concern appears to be the accumulation of Capital, by all means necessary; many Freemasons play prominent roles in the International Dictatorship of Capitalism and in the Anglo-Amercan state terrorist / narco-terrorist establishment; thus just like other Capitalist gangs, their demise in the near future is unlikley to occur, as long as the International Dictatorship of Capitalism exists; further since the Masonic gang is probably "the" most economically powerful of the gangs of Capitalism, and it is a Messianic cult, in a nuclear age age, this is one of just many Messianic cults which poses a threat to humankind.

The Accursed. The Dammed. The New Heaven and the New Earth

Long have Vanguard of Revolution cried out to all peoples and nations, as the lightening flashes from the East to the West, to turn their souls against the enemy of humankind (i.e., God) and to devote their lives to rebellion against God and against all men of God, and in particular the abominations of Islam and Christianity, and all manner of religious enslavement, and to the creation of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The New Heaven (the world of the mind) requires the abandonment of God and of organised religion. The New Earth (Economic Heaven) requires the eventual overthrowal of the International Dictatorship of Capitalism and the creation of Socialist Paradise.

"There is no god but man (and woman). ...The word of Sin is Restriction." A.C.

Or enemies and allies in this life, shall be our eternal enemies and allies. Eternally cursed are the acolytes of God; blessed are the enemies of God. Great and Terrible and Dreadful and Wrathful shall be the Day of Judgement.

Eternal Enemy of God
Blasphemy, Heresy, War, Revolution, etc.
No mercy on they who deserve none.


”That which we repress, we become obsessed with.”

In Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh’s cult, which I was loosely associated with in my youth, was essentially a cult which promoted radical sexual freedom. Sex is sacred. Love and lust are part of the purpose of existence and the opposite of sin. There should be no shame. It is by the hypnosis of the priesthood and the acceptance of the “sins of restriction (the two greatest sins being celibacy and monogamy)” that many victims of religious hypnosis and indoctrination become ashamed of all that is pure and natural.

”That which we repress, we become obsessed with.” perhaps explains the tendency of the Catholic priesthood to violate the will of children, but the unhappiness and frustration which comes with repression is not exclusive to Catholicism; those who promote the sins of celibacy and monogamy are all affected by this. In a polyamorous (many lovers) world there would simply be no need for sexual repression. Our world is sexually dysfunctional (it is not functioning as nature intended) and sex crime often the consequence, where the free will of another becomes violated.

I am no longer a follower of OSHO, however despite his obvious flaws, the rather cultish nature of his anti-religion, and his tendency to purchase numerous Rolls' Royces, he was certainly one of the “Great Philosophers” of human history, and an enemy of God and of slave religion and slave morality. Most of the great philosophers were flawed human beings, but it does not negate their philosophy, which is either true or not true.


On the Five Techniques of the Enslavement of Humankind.


Sex is the most powerful instinct in man. The politician and the priest have understood from the very beginning that sex is the most driving energy in man. It has to be curtailed, it has to be cut. If man is allowed total Freedom in sex, then there will be no possibility to dominate him. To make a slave out of him will be impossible.

Have you not seen it being done? When you want a bull to be yoked to a cart, what do you do? You castrate him, you destroy his sex energy. And have you seen the difference between a bull and an ox? What a difference! An ox is a poor phenomenon, a slave. A bull is a beauty; a bull is a glorious phenomenon, a great splendour. See a bull walking, how he walks like an emperor! And see an ox pulling a cart.

The same has been done to man. The sex instinct has been curtailed, cut, crippled. Man does not exist as the bull now, he exists like the ox, and each man is pulling a thousand and one carts. Look and you will find behind you a thousand and one carts, and you are yoked to them.

Why can’t you yoke a bull? The bull is too powerful. If he sees a cow passing by, he will throw both you and the cart, and he will move to the cow! He will not bother a bit about who you are, and he will not listen. It will be impossible to control the bull. Sex energy is life energy; it is uncontrollable. And the politician and the priest are not interested in you, they are interested in channelling your energy into other directions. So there is a certain Mechanism behind it--it has to be understood.

Sex repression, tabooing sex, is the very foundation of human slavery. Man cannot be free unless sex is free. Man cannot be really free unless his sex energy is allowed natural growth.

These are the five tricks through which man has been turned into a slave, into an ugly phenomenon, a cripple.

The first is:
Keep man as weak as possible if you want to dominate him. If the priest wants to dominate you or the politician wants to dominate you, you have to be kept as weak as possible. And the best way to keep a man weak is not to give love total freedom. Love is nourishment..."

Keep man as ignorant and deluded as possible so that he can easily be deceived..."

"...The third secret:
Keep man as frightened as possible. And the sure way is not to allow him love, because love destroys fear--’love casteth out fear.’ When you are not in love you become more interested in security, in safety. When you are in love you are more interested in adventure, in exploration...."

"...The Fourth:
Keep man as miserable as possible--because a miserable man is confused, a miserable man has no self-worth, a miserable man is self-condemnatory, a miserable man feels that he must have done something wrong. A miserable man has no grounding--you can push him from here and there, he can be turned into driftwood very easily. And a miserable man is always ready to be commanded, to be ordered, to be disciplined, because he knows ’On my own I am simply miserable. Maybe somebody else can discipline my life.’ He is a ready victim."

"And the fifth:
Keep men as alienated from each other as possible, so that they cannot band together for some purpose of which the priest and the politician may not approve. Keep people separate from each other. Don’t allow them too much intimacy. When people are separate, lonely, alienated from each other, they cannot band together. And there are a thousand and one tricks to keep them apart.

For example, if you are holding the hand of a man--you are a man and you are holding the hand of a man and walking down the road, singing--you will feel guilty because people will start looking at you. Are you gay, homosexual or something? Two men are not allowed to be happy together. They are condemned as homosexuals. Fear arises. If your friend comes and takes your hand in his hand, you look around: ’Is somebody looking or not?’ And you are just in a hurry to drop the hand..."

...the social system of England makes it impossible for a young man of spirit and intelligence to satisfy his nature with regard to sex in any reasonable way. The young girl of position similar to his own is being fattened for the market. Even when his own situation makes it possible for him to obtain her he has to pay an appalling price; and it becomes more difficult than ever for him to enjoy female companionship. Monogyny is nonsense for any one with a grain of imagination. The more sides he has to his nature, the more women he needs to satisfy it. The same is, of course, true, mutatis mutandis, of women. ….. It is monstrous for a man to pretend to be devoted to securing his wife's happiness and yet to wish to deprive her of a woman's supreme joy: that of bearing a child to the man whom she desires sexually, and is therefore indicated by nature as the proper father...... We have heard a great deal in recent years of the freedom of women. They have gained what they thought they wanted and it has availed them nothing. They must adopt the slogan, "There shall be no property in human flesh..... the sentimental wrong of so-called infidelity is a symptom of the childishness of the race. Among artists, the system here advocated has always been more or less in full swing.

Anthropology proves these theorems thoroughly. The first step in civilization is to restrain women from infidelity. The institutions of the pardah, sati and the marriage laws all show that men think that women must be kept under lock and key, whereas women have always realized that it is impossible and undesirable to prevent men from taking their happiness where they find it. The emancipation of women, therefore, depends entirely upon leaving them free to act as men do. Their good sense will prevent them from inflicting the real wrongs; and besides, their complete independence and happiness will encourage them in nobility and generosity.

We already see, in America, the results of the emancipation of women from the economic fetter. There is an immense class of bachelor girls (and of married women whose husbands are strictly business machines) who pick up men with the same nonchalance as the young "blood" picked up women in my time at Cambridge.

In the periods of suppression my brain had been completely clogged.....Repression is as mentally unwholesome as constipation... I certainly found even forty-eight hours of abstinence sufficient to dull the fine edge of my mind. Woe unto them by whom offences come! The stupidity of having had to waste uncounted priceless hours in chasing what ought to have been brought to the back door every evening with the milk!

Aleister Crowley. “Confessions”

edit on 7-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: mis-spelling-itis, and the text was not not diabolical and sacreligious enough.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 12:38 PM
There is always better ways to live")

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by CIGGSofWAR
There is always better ways to live")

Yes, the Hasselt experiment is entirely progressive. Unfortunately in America, socialism, free public services, universal healthcare, etc., are generally conisdered to be "Satanic" and "subversive Communists plots," by the neo-MacCarthyist, Neofascist US political Right. Spending trillions to pay off the gambling debts of the devotees of the God of Capitalism (the bankers / gamblers) is considered much more Godly, as is spending billions on US military imperialism and the expansion of the International Dictatorship of Capitalism. Even in the UK, the trillion dollar banking bailout is going to cause massive government spending cuts, unemployment and the tripling of student's university fees, in order to service the debt created by this.

Unfortunately mainstream Socialism in Europe is simply not radical enough, and is generally Fabian Socialism, which is Socialism through slow gradual reforms in conjunction with allowing the major Capitalists and private banks to practice virtually "laissez faire (anything goes)" Capitalism, which in the banking world is now nothing more than gambling; the total value of all derivatives contracts (gambling contracts) now being around 20 times the value of global GDP. Modern Capitalism is now 95% gambling, and if the bankers lose their bets, governments bail them out, and instigate spending cuts to pay for it; this is not Socialism; this is Capitalism on speed, and it is a house of cards which is set to collapse.


Want to visit a socialist paradise, where the needs of local citizens are put before capital? Where locally owned businesses rather than multinational chains dominate the streets? Where public transport is not only publicly owned, but free? And where the sense of community is so strong that crime is virtually unheard of?

The surprising news is that this leftist Shangri-La is only three and a half hours away from London by train. Hasselt is the capital of Limburg, a Flemish province of Belgium. It is only 250 miles away from London as the crow flies, but light years away from the British capital when it comes to notions of how to run a modern city.

edit on 7-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: images added

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 02:05 PM
Fascinating thread.

I am still trying to grasp everything though.

Have you heard of the theory that the sexual metaphors within Kabbalah are representative of matter and spirit? The idea that the material world is given life from emanations. Sexual metaphors are code for the idea that material existence is integrally linked with non physical power.

The idea of sex being a requisite for connection to the divine is interesting. It is an amazing tool that should be used fully, and respected. Guilt over natural appetites instilled by institutions is not real. Enjoy your body, and use it to learn. Still, you body can be disrespected too. You can use it to harm others, and cause pain. The body is tool not to be used without care.

In my experience though the physical body is only part of the picture. The physical is only some of what is going on. I think if I let myself become consumed with the physical I separate from the non physical aspect. Sensory reality is amazing, but it is not all there is. If you dwell on sex as the required means to the divine I find you are limiting yourself.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 02:48 PM
For me, your proposition is an easy call. Just reading your posts--and looking at your pic below--I can easily discern that your philosophy certainly hasn't made you what we might call a "happy" person.

You deride other folks beliefs as nothing more than fantastical fairytales, yet your own belief system is a syncretic mix of some waaaayy far-out stuff there, lil' lucifer. Certainly no less fantastical--at the very least--than the other various forms of belief that you literally seem to hate. I'm sure you can see that, though I doubt you can admit it.

But to each his own I concede...just don't expect your "slams," or your own fantasies & assertions to go unchecked. The proof is in the pudding as they say and if these occult mysteries are so "powerful," then how come our most famous occultists end in such malignant ruin. They're all there; look em' up.

It seems to me that these "seething energies" are poppycock when put to the test. Magic(k)? Ha. Self-serving fantasy it seems.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

Your trying to define economics as a real reality that is seperate from occult, both are equal there are both concepts of slavery and as ignorant. your born into it, so what do you really know about it, only what you put into it. If I'm the master I am the banker I will change the rules, when ever it suits me, so you keep playing like a gambler getting a fix, a high, that's it suck it in, like that high, here the new rules, play and get high!
Feed the ego feed the high, freewill confirms ego, and ego confirms freewill.
Your vaildating, if the states collaspes is it real, The reasons for collaspe could be anything for any reason under the sun, never make your foundations in sand the tide will come and wash them away, If they collaspe were they real in the first place. You take paradigm to the next level, No I don't want YOUR slavery, for there is a better way to live, People have realized that your born ignorant into "there" society the object is to play along, play together with "there" rules. I don't want to play your childish game.
Even fear, fears death.
You can have techolongy science math english history basicaly the universe, if everyone first starts off understanding it without the ignorances, the concept game that is thousands years old.
Teach about ignorance, being ignorant, body, mind, soul,. So your attending the university of life.
When does it end when you die. We work at what we love, how do you know what you love unless you work at it.

Why do need to rip apart half the ground to get minerals when I can use tech science a lazer to extract what is required, why do need 50 billion people on the planet? to fit an old math percentage of new growth, and hope that there is no math collaspe. That is an occult, now that "they" the members of our occult have the tech they now want a collaspe to get rid of less desirables, to start another aspect of the occult.The final phase.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by stephinrazin
Fascinating thread.

I am still trying to grasp everything though.

Have you heard of the theory that the sexual metaphors within Kabbalah are representative of matter and spirit? The idea that the material world is given life from emanations. Sexual metaphors are code for the idea that material existence is integrally linked with non physical power.

It is my position that the negative, anti-human, gnostic, dualistic model of spirit and body, with the body being evil and somehow "dirty" or "ungodly," and the spirit being "good" and "godly" is part of the "problem," and that such an anti-human and indeed human-hating perspective is the effect of religious hypnosis and indoctrination; it is a very "Catholic" human-hating model which needs to be utterly rejected as ungodly.

The idea that the human body is somehow "ungodly" and "dirty" is a vile blasphemy and heresy as far as I am concerned. I am far too vain to believe such nonsense, and vanity is one of the "Seven Lifegiving Virtues" (referred to by Christans as the Seven Deadly Sins)" which are to be encouraged, though with some degree of balance and the avoidance of excess with some of these virtues of course.

With regards to matter being an emanation of the divine and of that which is immaterial; this is quite orthodox. Even in the study of quantum physics, scientists still have no idea what the basis of matter is, and they anyway seem to suggest that the root cause of matter is immaterial, and may even be derived from another dimension beyond our 5 sensory realm. The behaviour of the quantum world is anyway dependent on their being an observer, and matter is obviously not matter as the mechanistic and materialistic pre-quantum scientists understood it.

I am quite attracted to the "Holographic Universe" cosmology, which suggests that the human mind is a virtual reality program designed to perceive reality in a certain way; it may well be that if there was no intelligent consciousness to perceive the universe, that the universe may well not exist. More on:

The idea of sex being a requisite for connection to the divine is interesting. It is an amazing tool that should be used fully, and respected. Guilt over natural appetites instilled by institutions is not real. Enjoy your body, and use it to learn. Still, you body can be disrespected too. You can use it to harm others, and cause pain. The body is tool not to be used without care.

In my experience though the physical body is only part of the picture. The physical is only some of what is going on. I think if I let myself become consumed with the physical I separate from the non physical aspect. Sensory reality is amazing, but it is not all there is. If you dwell on sex as the required means to the divine I find you are limiting yourself.

Well there are many aspects to human life and experience, and erotic pleasure is one of those aspects. Obviously we are not designed and programmed to have sex 24 hours a day. When you say that "if I let myself become consumed with the physical I separate from the non physical aspect" again I think that this kind of thinking has to do with gnostic / Catholic dualistic programming, where you separate the physical and the spiritual and where you don't consider sex to be a spiritual activitity; the "spiritual" is just another term for the human consciousness; you "are" a consciousness and it is your conscousness which desires the pleasures of Holy Communion, though the experience of love and lust with another person. It is you consciousness which is experiencing that.

This idea that somehow your body desires pleasure and that your mind does not is entwined into the slave morality religions like Christianity, which is a memetic virus which we have all been affected by. The apostle Paul promoted this idea that his mind wanted to do the will of God (i.e., to deny and despise human nature) and that his body wanted to sin; this is just a human hating idea which produces a slave who lives in fear of somehow offending the Creator of his nature by following his nature. It is a totally ridiculous idea, but after years of religious hypnosis and indoctrination, many human beings actually come to believe this; that to be a godly person or a "spiritual" person one must despise and deny human nature. It is an utter heresy and blasphemy against the gods and goddesses (i.e., human beings) of this world as far as I am concerned.

The "Holy Man" of god has traditionally been a person who lives in denial of human nature, despises human nature and considers himself to be spiritually "superior" to others, due to his immense hatred of human nature; it is a personfication of the "sacred" turned upon it's head; it is quite simply a consequence of "The Fall (as described above in the OP)."


edit on 7-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: mis-spelling-itis

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

For me, your proposition is an easy call. Just reading your posts--and looking at your pic below--I can easily discern that your philosophy certainly hasn't made you what we might call a "happy" person.

I am quite serious person, but your discernment that I am unhappy is not my own discernement; I have had periods of suffering, but mostly I have had a very fortunate and happy life; however this is not just my good fortune or "luck;" it is simply because I know what human happiness is and how to attain it, and there is no secret to this; we are all programmed to seek happiness in a very similar way; it is our nature.

You deride other folks beliefs as nothing more than fantastical fairytales, yet your own belief system is a syncretic mix of some waaaayy far-out stuff there, lil' lucifer. Certainly no less fantastical--at the very least--than the other various forms of belief that you literally seem to hate. I'm sure you can see that, though I doubt you can admit it.

I have never claimed to be an opponent of religion based upon a materialistic perspective. I find myself in a great deal of agreement with materialists such as Richard Dawkins when it comes to attacking transcendental religion, but I simply do not consider consciousness to be material. My essay above should be understandable to a Deist who is limited by the higher authorities of human reason and human intuition, but will make no sense to a materialist.

But to each his own I concede...just don't expect your "slams," or your own fantasies & assertions to go unchecked. The proof is in the pudding as they say and if these occult mysteries are so "powerful," then how come our most famous occultists end in such malignant ruin. They're all there; look em' up.

With regards to the "fate" of occultists, with regards to their personal lives; I think that many modernists define "success" in Capitalist terms, and certainly the site above derides Crowley over the lack of financial success at the end of his life; certainly one could claim that many philosophers and directionists who sought to change their world met tragic ends; one could deride Socrates, Guevara and Marx also in this way; however I do not judge a person's philosophy by their financial success. Philosophers have the power to change human history for 100's and 1000's of years after their death, no matter how tragic their lives; even "evil" religionists such as Jesus and Mohamamad had the power to do that.

It seems to me that these "seething energies" are poppycock when put to the test. Magic(k)? Ha. Self-serving fantasy it seems.

It is my position that there are other dimensions of reality where there are intelligences (i.e., the gods) who observe us; unfortunately I am unable to provide emprical evidence of this. The materialist will always consider such matters to be "poppycock" and unfortunately those of us who do not believe that consciousness is material will never be able to provide empirical evidence of the non empirical.

edit on 7-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Formatting

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 03:37 PM
Friend I could debate you the right and wrongs of your post forever but it is not my place .I like the analogy of the bull and the ox , sexual (clinical term only) energy is indeed the life force as life springs from it .But of what quality ? Everything has to do with intent .Such as Christianity and witchcraft which are regarded as oppersites , however one prays and one incants .Yet these are the exact same act's , the utterance of mantra's.It is all about intentions .

To me by definition Sex has dual meaning , there is sex as in the clinical definition of the act and sex (lust) as in selfish ,self gratify hatred of self and others ( lack of respect for others energy [parasiting from the host's energies ] ) . Then there is emotional love that is mutually forfilling and giving (equal and balanced ) shared through the same physical act ( clinical expression) . Do you see the dualality here ? It is all about intent .You can have quality relations or pointless ones . The womb is sacred friend and is to be respected .If you disagree then you would have no problem with every male parasite feeding from the womb of your mother,sister or daughter , NO?

Quality relationships produces quality offspring raised balanced by male/female - mother/father.
Poor relations produce poor children typically raised by only one sex or the other or even strangers when unwanted and dumped .These children are normally ,hurt,angry and disfunctional in their own relationships if they can hold one .

Now for the reason I actually intended to reply to this post. You speak of nature and natural instincts for sex, saying that monogimist relations are a unatural burden of God and religion .What abought all the wild species of animals that are said to have no concept of God or religion yet have monogimist relationships for life ?Can you explain this ?

You seem to be of high intellect , but can you see that you too are trapped by your own ideology ?
edit on 7-3-2011 by 13th Zodiac because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2011 by 13th Zodiac because: Spelling after proofing

edit on 7-3-2011 by 13th Zodiac because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Lucifer777

That was a well-thought out reply, Lux, and I appreciate that. Even though we differ and have back & forth'ed our belief systems here before, I always give you a star when the discussion is such that it explains your philosophy in a sincere way.

I, like you, can't provide empirical proofs for my "spiritual' beliefs either...other than in the terms of "does it help me reach my own personal goals." So, I totally understand that. I like to say that the Bible can be proven, but only to ones self, and I'm sure you probably feel the same way with your philosophy.

When it comes to Crowley, however, I don't believe that my view of his life is only based in a materialistic sense. Much of his correspondence and personal relationships seem to me to have shown a spiritually unhappy man whose philosophy didn't create the new & improved his or his close associates case anyway.

And maybe that's because he was bravely chartering dangerous & unknown territory for the good of mankind, or maybe it's because that path won't get one there. That's the crux of the question.


posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
reply to post by Lucifer777

I, like you, can't provide empirical proofs for my "spiritual' beliefs either...other than in the terms of "does it help me reach my own personal goals."
So, I totally understand that. I like to say that the Bible can be proven, but only to ones self, and I'm sure you probably feel the same way with your philosophy.

If you set aside the philosophical question of whether the universe has a Designer or Designers and various ethical maxims in the Bible, which even many humanists and atheists would concur with as general "truthisms" such as the Golden Rule, which can be found in many religions and philosophies, then we are left with a rather primitive and savage human hating definition of a tribal deity; this can certainly become "true" to a person in the same way that a fantasy lover exists in thier mind, but further the person who reveres an ancient and savage human hating deity, is likely to take upon such qualities themselves; I consider the Biblical war god to be rather barbaric, and since this has been the definition of absolute goodness for Christians, their long history of slavery, tyranny, war, bigotry and general misery it is unsurprising

When it comes to Crowley, however, I don't believe that my view of his life is only based in a materialistic sense. Much of his correspondence and personal relationships seem to me to have shown a spiritually unhappy man whose philosophy didn't create the new & improved his or his close associates case anyway.

And maybe that's because he was bravely chartering dangerous & unknown territory for the good of mankind, or maybe it's because that path won't get one there. That's the crux of the question.


Many of the great philosophers lived tragic and unhappy lives, but one must examine their philosophies independently of that; Crowley's life was really far from tragic; he had an amazing life; he simply took a financial downturn towards the end of his life. There are essentially two practical benevolent models of the Ubermensch (Superior man); one of which is Nietzsche's, and this is simply the model of a modern, educated, scientific, sacrligious, rational, ethical human being; Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens are probably good examples of that model. The other model is the Thelemic model. Nietzsche was of course not a spiritualist; whereas the vast majority of human beings have spiritual beliefs; thus the Thelemic model is simply the Nietzchean model for spiritualists. There is essentially however no difference between Thelemic moral philosophy and Nietzchean moral philosophy; both require the abandonment of the slave morality of religion; it is just that Crowley appeals more to esotericists, Kabbalists, spiritualists etc. The problem with most "spiritualist" models is that they propose restrictions on human nature; whereas with Crowley there simply are no restrictions; thus both the Nietzchean and Thelemic models are in accord with human nature.

I was looking through the site which you hyperlinked, and certainly there are numerous "spiritualist" types whom in my judgement (and oviously in the judgement of the author of the page) were simply charlatans, but I consider Crowley to be the exception; though of course I do not suspend criticism when it comes to Crowley or indeed of anyone, including myself.


edit on 7-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: mis-spelling-itis

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 05:32 PM
I'm not sure this is even necessary to state, or relevent, but I do somewhat object to the notion that promiscuity is the 'natural' form of human sexual expression, it is after all, without modern medical intervention, often fatal. Plus there is very little basis to support such a supposition in anthropological studies of 'primitive' groups. What consenting adults do between themselves is entirely up to them, and with modern medicines, we have overcome many of the sexually transmitted diseases but promiscuity is, in many ways, as much as a burden on women as enforced life-long monogamy. Because some choose to be promiscuous, all girls are forced to be vaccinated against cervical cancer, not boys. Before neolithic woman found herbal abortifacients, (knowledge which was lost to the west centuries later the development of the oral contraceptive) women were enslaved by reproduction. Abstinence, except when conditions were optimum, was therefore most natural and offered the best survival. What is natural depends upon the conditions at the time, sometimes multiple wives, sometimes multiple husbands, sometime life long love, sometimes rape...and every variation in between. It is now in the twenty-first century natural for individuals to enjoy their sexuality without the burden of reproduction and disease. Promiscuity would not have been natural or rather healthy for our ancestors.

Crowley misinterpreted the mysteries as much as everyone else before him did. They didn't have context, we do, he just projected his own fantasies onto a very scanty collection of information and the result was he lived his fantasy. The kabbalah itself was invented, or developed upon the same basis a few hundred years ago by a Prague mystic. Retrospective editing of beliefs is fairly common practice when evidence emerges from the past to contradict the interpretations that have filled the gaps since that information is lost. That was what most of the religions were doing during the Renaissance and Enlightenment as the libraries thought lost were refound by pilgrims to the Holy Land, brought back to Europe and translated.

For me, the Epic of Gilgamesh is a mnenomic text used for the teaching of the 'secret ways' of domesticating wild beasts, particularly of the human variety. Shamhat has been taught to display her genitalia in order to advertise her willingness to 'mate'. Normally or 'naturally' the display of dominance (as shown by the wrestling of the wild man and the king) would precede the female offering herself. So Shamhat shows it is different in the civilised world and sex comes without effort or responsibility but in exchange for service. The same principles apply to domesticating animals, a tame female will bring in males, those males once they are used to recieving sex, food and water, will not bother going far. Hence, why the Sumerian goddess is also the goddess of war in addition to that of sexual love and fertility, it was the sacred whores who recruited and serviced the armies, when settlements became cities with surpluses to defend.

As is shown with communities that still 'keep' religious whores, these were heriditary lines, the women were bred for such service and the skills were passed from mother to daughter. In other regions, such as the mediterrenean, their counterparts did not engage in prostitution, those Priestesses disappeared, sex being far better than intelligence and rationale, at controlling the masses. Other still existent hunter/warrior tribes, use young boys for the ritual ejaculations, with the initiate literally sucking the seed of the warrior. No women involved at all there, whores or otherwise. Perfectly 'natural' for those people.

Plus women were one of the internationally traded commodities, and the stealing of women is documented in the bible I am sure, but either way the Phonecians were terrible for it. Those bred for sexual allure were of course highly prized, that soon destroyed any remaining sacredness and turned it instead into a hedonistic exploitation event that has kept the tills ringing to this very day. Crowley kind of continues in that vein, missing the point because it suited his own desires. Fair play to him though, can't see he caused anyone too much harm in making himself, or trying to make himself happy. Each to their own

edit on 7-3-2011 by KilgoreTrout because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
I'm not sure this is even necessary to state, or relevent, but I do somewhat object to the notion that promiscuity is the 'natural' form of human sexual expression, it is after all, without modern medical intervention, often fatal. Plus there is very little basis to support such a supposition in anthropological studies of 'primitive' groups. What consenting adults do between themselves is entirely up to them, and with modern medicines, we have overcome many of the sexually transmitted diseases but promiscuity is, in many ways, as much as a burden on women as enforced life-long monogamy.

On cannot merely rely on "tradition," or even on a study of human "behaviour," to understand human sexual psychology. Probably the two most well known controversial studies on sexual psychology and behaviour, were the Kinsey Reports, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (1948) and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953) (See: ) which were not really aptly named, since they were not merely studies of "behaviour," since those interviewed for the surveys were also asked about erotic desire and fantasy. Even in the sexually repressed environment of Christian America in the 1940's and 50's, for example, 46% of males claimed to have experienced homoerotic attraction and 37% of them had some form of homoerotic relationship, and half of all married males had some form of extramarital relationship.

Thus is far in my life, since I have had many conversations about such matters, I have yet to come across anyone who is "psychologically" non promiscuous, and by "psychologically" I am referring to the world of the mind, to erotic desire and fantasy. This essentally represents the "true" erotic will of human beings. Of course there are problems with being extremely promiscuous, especially in the past where STD's such as syphillis have taken hold; however this has merely restricted natural human desire, and we live in a modern world where education in "safe sex" is unversal, at least in the Western world.

Because some choose to be promiscuous, all girls are forced to be vaccinated against cervical cancer, not boys. Before neolithic woman found herbal abortifacients, (knowledge which was lost to the west centuries later the development of the oral contraceptive) women were enslaved by reproduction. Abstinence, except when conditions were optimum, was therefore most natural and offered the best survival. What is natural depends upon the conditions at the time, sometimes multiple wives, sometimes multiple husbands, sometime life long love, sometimes rape...and every variation in between. It is now in the twenty-first century natural for individuals to enjoy their sexuality without the burden of reproduction and disease. Promiscuity would not have been natural or rather healthy for our ancestors.

Crowley misinterpreted the mysteries as much as everyone else before him did. They didn't have context, we do, he just projected his own fantasies onto a very scanty collection of information and the result was he lived his fantasy. The kabbalah itself was invented, or developed upon the same basis a few hundred years ago by a Prague mystic. Retrospective editing of beliefs is fairly common practice when evidence emerges from the past to contradict the interpretations that have filled the gaps since that information is lost. That was what most of the religions were doing during the Renaissance and Enlightenment as the libraries thought lost were refound by pilgrims to the Holy Land, brought back to Europe and translated.

There are essentially two points of view. One is that the essential Kabbalistic teachings of the ancient mystery religions have been passed down orally through many generations and are entwined in modern mystery cults. The other is that these teachings have developed over the ages and that 20th and 21st century Kabbalism is a modern scyncretism (a mixture of various souces). Personally I think that both perspectives are have some truth to them. Crowley was rather unusual in that he incited a great deal of anger by breaking certain oaths of esoteric societes and writing about certain matters publicly. Bear in mind that many of the founders and members of the "irregular" Masonic and esoteric orders of the 19th and 20th century had also been Freemasons, and I have yet to come across anyone who makes a serious case that the essential Kabbalistic knowledge in the Book of Thoth have simply been "made up," although of course, Crowley elaborated greatly, but he was elaborating on a pre-existant tradition which was taught in esoteric societies.

With regards to the Kabbalah being "invented" a few hundred years ago; the Zohar text, which claims to be derived from a 2nd century Kabbalist is almost certainly a 13th century forgery; never the less, it's author certainly did not invent Jewish mysticism, nor esoteric mystery teachings, which go back to antiquity. I think there is a modern tendency to assume that if a teaching was never written down in the ancient world, that any modern oral tradition has been simply invented. Unfortunately if one attempts to study the inner teachings almost any ancient mystery religion, one soon begins to realise that there is almost nothing to study; even of the most famous religion of the ancient wold, the Egyptian religion, we know a great deal from Egyptain writings and depictions about essential beliefs, but almost nothing about their initiations and what the "mysteries" which were actually taught to ancient acolytes was. Part of the problem of studying "mystery cults" is that they were, to state the obvious, mysterious and that the teachings were protected by sacred oaths. By the time we get to the 19th and 20th centuries, then at least we can be sure of the Kabbalistic basis of the esoteric societies of the "Western mystery tradition," since so much has been written about them.

As far as I am concerned, the "value" of the esoteric knowledge at the heart of the Western mystery tradition is not in it's ancientness. There is a tendency for modern persons to believe that the more ancient a brand name of metaphysics is, the more authorative it is; this is a very primitive and barbaric tendency. As RIchard Dawkins points out, if we scientific modernists, could go back in time and speak to Aristotle, who was a polymath and a genius of his age, he would seem to be a primitive to us, and with our modern knowledge, we would appear to him as if gods. Similarly with religion; most of our ancestors, including many religious celebrities such as Jesus and Mohammad, were simply privitive savages in comparison to a modern European.

Plus women were one of the internationally traded commodities, and the stealing of women is documented in the bible I am sure, but either way the Phonecians were terrible for it. Those bred for sexual allure were of course highly prized, that soon destroyed any remaining sacredness and turned it instead into a hedonistic exploitation event that has kept the tills ringing to this very day.

The Biblical, Islamic and Vedic societies were all slave societes, certainly; it was part of the barbarism of the ancient world; women were just commodities to be traded. This is the problem with modernists revering the barbaric religions and religious laws of the ancient world; they consider models of paternalism, barbarism and slavery to be models of absolute goodness.

Crowley kind of continues in that vein, missing the point because it suited his own desires. Fair play to him though, can't see he caused anyone too much harm in making himself, or trying to make himself happy. Each to their own

It is not really appropriate for a modern person to suspend criticism of anyone; a modern education teaches us to be skeptical and to develop critical thinking; and thus I don't wish to suggest any suspension of criticism when it comes to Crowley; some of his writings are radically feminist; but certainly he seemed to also have had rather paternalistic attitudes to women; I don't think he really considered women to be his intellectual equals, and of course he was rather a towering intellect anyway, and the vast majority of women in his era were rather relatively uneducated and domesticated slaves; however in terms of a woman's erotic freedom, he would be quite at home in the 21st century and his thinking was quite radical for his era. Certainly his actual "treatment" of women leaves a lot to be desired; he could certainly become physically violent with women. He certainly would not have been able to put up with someone like my current girlfriend who is a radical feminist and would probably have beaten him up with a stick, or worse.


edit on 7-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: mis-spelling-itis

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 08:53 PM
Brother speaks the truth, At least as far as I read. I need a chance to look at it more thoroughly. Thank you for your work on this.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Lucifer777
This perhaps explains why human beings find it interesting to observe pornography, or indulge in voyeurism; they are simply observing the divine image and the union of the two halves of creation; it is entirely natural and “pure;” any elements of fear and guilt associated with what is entirely sacred and natural can only be due to the effects of religious hypnosis and indoctrination

I think there are practical reasons for being careful of what you're talking about. "Fear" is probably the wrong word, but there are reasons to not get too involved in such things. You're not having sex with sex, you're having sex with a person, and people can complicate things. One might call that "repression" but that's a bit nearsighted.

Originally posted by Lucifer777
It is common for a soul who is lonely to say that they seek their ’other half;’ this is because a female ’is’ the other half of creation to a male. Alone, we are less godlike; as a pair of lovers, we are completely and perfectly godlike. ’Oneness’ with this kind of Creator is not a transcendental or “other worldly” oneness, and thus this union cannot be found by a celibate meditating on a rock, for the Deistic Creator is an immanent (within) hermaphroditic being, and thus, to become ’divine (godlike)’ requires oneness with another ’half’ through love and lust, and in this divine union, the image of the two halves of the Creator appear as if one.

Okay, but what about kids? They don't have sex so they are less "godlike"? Or are they incapable of anything spiritual? Matthew 18:3 "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven". What if a kid already feels complete? Love your neighbor or love your guy/gal, hmm....but even then Jesus says to hate your husband or wife.

Originally posted by Lucifer777
Personal and emotional attachment is desirable; we are creatures of love and desire.

Attachment isn't freedom though, it's entanglement for the most part. It isn't independence. The Buddha says desire and attachment leads to suffering.

Originally posted by Lucifer777

We cannot fully love ourselves; only another person can fully love us and lust after us; which is what we all seek.

People are egoists with self interest. Love doesn't reside outside of that factor; it isn't love. It's imperfect at its best. That's the plain, objective truth. Whether atheist, religious, scientist, whatever.

Originally posted by Lucifer777
religious fanatics who promote the slave religions and the slave morality of Christianity and Islam, and who seek to turn others into wretched miserable slaves, far from the divine image.

If you look at the "Fox News" Christianity or equivalent Islam, then sure it won't look right. Fox News wasn't around in the old days.

Originally posted by Lucifer777

The fictional fanatic Jesus was a person who advocated strict adherence to the primitive and savage Mosaic law

Yeah, like when he said "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." And if that were true, why do no Christians follow Mosaic law?

Lucifer meaning light bringer, I don't see much light here. There is truth in what the messengers of various religious have said.

The problems that people are facing, young people, won't be fixed by this sort of thinking. They are already lost on their own without religion as a scapegoat. The problem isn't "Oh no, God doesn't want me having sex, I can't have it!" But after people freely indulge in "things" like most do, looking at teens in particular, and they still are dissatisfied, then what? More consumption and/or prescription drugs. Promoting materialism is not going to help. You seem to be taking metaphor as fact.
edit on 7-3-2011 by Turq1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Lucifer777

With regards to matter being an emanation of the divine and of that which is immaterial; this is quite orthodox. Even in the study of quantum physics, scientists still have no idea what the basis of matter is, and they anyway seem to suggest that the root cause of matter is immaterial, and may even be derived from another dimension beyond our 5 sensory realm. The behaviour of the quantum world is anyway dependent on their being an observer, and matter is obviously not matter as the mechanistic and materialistic pre-quantum scientists understood it.

This is the perspective I am coming from. That since our five sensory ream is very likely only part of the picture. From my own meditation, and experience the non-sensory knowledge is far more powerful. In my experience I find the more I chase pleasure the more difficult I find connecting to the non-sensory perception.

gnostic / Catholic dualistic programming, where you separate the physical and the spiritual and where you don't consider sex to be a spiritual activitity; the "spiritual" is just another term for the human consciousness; you "are" a consciousness and it is your conscousness which desires the pleasures of Holy Communion, though the experience of love and lust with another person. It is you consciousness which is experiencing that.

I did not make this clear. Sex can be a very powerful spiritual act. Intertwining with someone physically while at the same time loving them on a spiritual level is amazing.

That recognized, I am weary of the maniacal pursuit of pleasure. It becomes an addiction driving someone to only pursue that desire. Yes, it is in human nature to desire sexual expression. That does not mean you should disregard all other natural inclinations, or the development of innate faculties. Does that make any sense?

This idea that somehow your body desires pleasure and that your mind does not is entwined into the slave morality religions like Christianity, which is a memetic virus which we have all been affected by. The apostle Paul promoted this idea that his mind wanted to do the will of God (i.e., to deny and despise human nature) and that his body wanted to sin; this is just a human hating idea which produces a slave who lives in fear of somehow offending the Creator of his nature by following his nature. It is a totally ridiculous idea, but after years of religious hypnosis and indoctrination, many human beings actually come to believe this; that to be a godly person or a "spiritual" person one must despise and deny human nature. It is an utter heresy and blasphemy against the gods and goddesses (i.e., human beings) of this world as far as I am concerned.

Excellent point. I agree entirely. My perspective is not from a place of guilt, or indoctrination. I could have countless sexual encounters, and I do not believe that the creator would fault me for it. This being so, I believe we have so much more open to us. The capabilities and power of every human being is tremendous. I feel I would be wasting it by only seeking the divine through one physical sensory experience.

edit on 7-3-2011 by stephinrazin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Lucifer777

While there are points in your lengthy post that I cannot comment on for lack of knowledge, there are a few things I naturally agree with... but more than a few things I want to comment on as I disagree a bit.

I think a fundamental misinterpretation plagues your entire premise, or at least reveals a larger half of the puzzle than just the coniunctio of opposite sexes.

The ancient cults of mesopotamia were not just/all orgy cults... they were the mystery initiations much like the later Eleusinian mysteries.

This being of a Hallucinogenic Initiation.

Since you invoked an etymological problem of interpretation, it is only natural for me to point out the further etymological problem of interpretation.

Under very special circumstances [god] will permit men to rise to the throne of heaven and glimpse the beauty and the glory of omniscience and omnipotence. For those who are so privileged there has seemed no greater or more worthwhile experience. The colours are brighter, the sounds more penetrating, every sensation is magnified, every natural force exaggerated.


Above all they[later Christians] forgot, or purged from the cult their memories, the one supreme secret on which their whole religious and ecstatic experience depended: the names and identity of the source of the drug, the key to heaven - the sacred mushroom.


The mushroom[Amanita muscaria] has always been a thing of mystery. The ancients were puzzled by its manner of growth without seed, the speed with which it made its appearance after rain, and its as rapid disappearance. Born from a volva or "egg" it appears like a small penis, raising itself like the human organ sexually aroused, and when it spread wide its canopy the old botanists saw it as a phallus bearing the "burden" of a woman's groin. Every aspect of the mushroom's existence was fraught with sexual allusions, and in its phallic form the ancients saw a replica of the fertility god himself. It was the "son of God", its drug was a purer form of the god's own spermatozoa than that discoverable in any other form of living matter. It was, in fact, God himself, manifest on earth. To the mystic it was the divinely given means of entering heaven; God had come down in the flesh to show the way to himself, by himself.

From the Introduction of John Allegro's The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A study of the nature and origins of Christianity within the fertility cults of the ancient Near East. He was a linguist and philologist who was one of the first to have access to the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a scholar in Akkadian etc. His conclusions set forth in the introduction are elaborated upon through etymology throughout the text. Literally, he says, Jesus was originally supposed to be a story to fool the Romans, and to preserve the knowledge of the sacred mushroom, which failed miserably.

So you see, the 'initiate'(or member of the village) did not only mimic the sexual generation of nature below, but also of god above. One physical, the other psychical.

It is in altered states of consciousness such as this, which 'channeling' archetypes is to be classified. From Mesmer, through Puysegur and later 19th century developments of hypnosis up until the turn of the century when the unconscious was discovered and Crowley experimented with trances, there is a clear lineage of exploring the psyche. And that is what it is, we need not invoke names of deities, for it is literally unconscious 'archetypes' in the spirit of Jungian archetypes. However, I still think we do not clearly understand the link between the psycho and physical... but that is another discussion.

The coniunctio with the anima, or animus, with the prevailing archetype in the Self is not only found through physical intercourse, but can be attained by hallucinogenic initiation - which dissolves the separating ego(male) in order to experience the ocean of unconscious as Oneness(female).


Now, regarding the tarot... if I'm not mistaken, it comes directly from Levi's invention? I am not aware of any connection that actually traces them back to Egypt at all.

We must be careful, as occult circles like Theosophy tie their speculation to the ancient world very often, sometimes with guided wisdom, sometimes with misguided reason or correspondences.

I had a few more things I wanted to say, but sorry forgot them while writing...

edit on 8-3-2011 by beebs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by beebs

The ancient cults of mesopotamia were not just/all orgy cults... they were the mystery initiations much like the later Eleusinian mysteries.

I have no doubt that some cults were rather "anti-sex," and that this is the Biblical / Judaic, Essene, monastic type tradition which demonises and portrays the sexual mysteries as evil; this is essentially the portrayal of ancient religion whch is depicted in the Genesis legend, while other ancient cults were entwined with the sexual mysteries.

With regards to the Eleusinian (Greek) Mysteries "not" involving sexual initiation, this is not an historical position; the artwork of the era shows naked initiates engaged in eroticism, and there are ample historical writings from that era to suggest this, in addition to the polemics by the Church fathers. The Greek gods were also not sex-hating deities and they engaged in all manner of rape, incest and orgiastic revelry; the Greek culture was also highly sexualised; bisexuality was considered perfectly normal, and openly gay males such as Plato could express themselves publicly without fear.

This being of a Hallucinogenic Initiation.

Since you invoked an etymological problem of interpretation, it is only natural for me to point out the further etymological problem of interpretation.

Above all they[later Christians] forgot, or purged from the cult their memories, the one supreme secret on which their whole religious and ecstatic experience depended: the names and identity of the source of the drug, the key to heaven - the sacred mushroom.

It is not at all a "problem" with my thesis; it is simply a problem peculiar to the ATS discussion board. The discussion of illegal shamanic psychoactives is apparently considered to be contrary to the ATS "TOS," and I have been warned by a moderator here not to discuss the matter, since this matter came up on the "Conspiracies in Religion" subforum in my thread "The Dangers of Religious Hypnosis and Indoctrination: The genocidal faiths of Christianity & Islam," on:

It is my position that it is simply not possible to understand the history of mystical, sacred or religious experiences without at some point discussing the chemical nature of the brain and the effect of shamanic psychoactives. Further I don't think that it is fully possible to understand Crowley or Abramelin necromancy wthout discussing this, but it is an ATS thing.

Probably what we can discuss however is '___', since it is naturally produced by the body. The key ingredients of Ayahuasca are legal in Europe; however in the US, as I understand it, although the component plants are legal, it is illegal to produce the mixture, so I think I will avoid that subject.

It is a theory, which has yet to be proven, that religious schizophrenics may have bodies which overproduce '___', and it think that it is a theory which is likely to be shown eventually to be correct. Natural '___', produced by the body is probably related to the production of dreams, visual memory and of religious and mystical experiences.

It was the "son of God", its drug was a purer form of the god's own spermatozoa than that discoverable in any other form of living matter. It was, in fact, God himself, manifest on earth. To the mystic it was the divinely given means of entering heaven; God had come down in the flesh to show the way to himself, by himself.

From the Introduction of John Allegro's The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A study of the nature and origins of Christianity within the fertility cults of the ancient Near East. He was a linguist and philologist who was one of the first to have access to the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a scholar in Akkadian etc. His conclusions set forth in the introduction are elaborated upon through etymology throughout the text. Literally, he says, Jesus was originally supposed to be a story to fool the Romans, and to preserve the knowledge of the sacred mushroom, which failed miserably.

I am familiar with Allegro's thesis on shamic fungi and their use in ancient religion; and I have no doubt of the entwinement of shamanic psychoactves with religion and mysticism; however I do not find anything useful at all in the Jesus fable. It is the fabricated story of a primitive religious fanatic whose stated religion involved a strict and fundamentalist adherence to the rather sadistic and genocidal Mosaic Law.

The New Testament is anyway a mixture of aspects of "in all, two thousand two hundred and thirty-one scrolls and legendary tales of gods and saviors, together with a record of the doctrines orated by them (Life of Constantine)," compiled in the 4th century (see my essay "Is the New Testament Fabricated & Fraudulent? The New Testament: A Fabrication, created for Social Control and Mass Hypnosis. The Conclusions of Historical and Textual Studies of the New Testament." on )

So you see, the 'initiate'(or member of the village) did not only mimic the sexual generation of nature below, but also of god above. One physical, the other psychical.

It is in altered states of consciousness such as this, which 'channeling' archetypes is to be classified. From Mesmer, through Puysegur and later 19th century developments of hypnosis up until the turn of the century when the unconscious was discovered and Crowley experimented with trances, there is a clear lineage of exploring the psyche. And that is what it is, we need not invoke names of deities, for it is literally unconscious 'archetypes' in the spirit of Jungian archetypes. However, I still think we do not clearly understand the link between the psycho and physical... but that is another discussion.

The coniunctio with the anima, or animus, with the prevailing archetype in the Self is not only found through physical intercourse, but can be attained by hallucinogenic initiation - which dissolves the separating ego(male) in order to experience the ocean of unconscious as Oneness(female).

Crowley's method, was the entwinement of sex magick, the injestion of shamanic psychoactives and narcotics, and ritual magick (necromancy); necromancy is not however merely about exploring Jungian archetypes; much as psychological archetypes and archetypal persons, may well be found in the gods and goddesses of the ancient world; necromancy is rather about the about the evocation (summoning) of discarnate intelligences, though I do think that the Jungian brigade have a tendency to interpret Crowley as merely evoking psychological archetypes, and of course the experience of necromancy is not an external experience of the 5 senesory world, for it happens only within the consciousness of the magickian, and a person observing or filming would see no outward phenomenon of what is occurring in the mind.

There is no other method I have found which produces such an extreme opening of the gates of Heaven and Hell, apart from Crowley's, at least far as I am concerned, from my personal experiences, but to restate, the discussion of this subject is apparently considered against the ATS TOS, much as I am not unwilling to discuss the subject at length.

Now, regarding the tarot... if I'm not mistaken, it comes directly from Levi's invention? I am not aware of any connection that actually traces them back to Egypt at all.

To restate, when we seek to discover the essential esoteric teachings of the ancient mystery cults, we hit the stumbling block of the fact that they were mysteries, protected by sacred oaths and only passed on orally. Thus there are numerous societies which claim to preserve the secrets of antiquity, and we have no way of verifying or falsifying such claims. What we can be sure of however is that there were certain common Kabbalistic elements to many of the esoteric societies of the 19th and 20th centuries, for at least here much has been written and preserved.

"Behind the veil of all the hieratic and mystical allegories of ancient doctrines, behind the darkness and strange ordeals of all initiations, under the seal of all sacred writings, in the ruins of Nineveh or Thebes, on the crumbling stones of old temples and on the blackened visage of the Assyrian or Egyptian sphinx, in the monstrous or marvelous paintings which interpret to the faithful of India the inspired pages of the Vedas, in the cryptic emblems of our old books on alchemy, in the ceremonies practised at reception by all secret societies, there are found indications of a doctrine which is everywhere the same and everywhere carefully concealed ." Eliphas Levi

Of course this is a claim made by many esoteric societes, however proving or disproving an oral tradition, is generally an impossible task, though claiming, as you do, that Levi simply "invented" the Tarot is an easy claim to make; though an impossible claim one to establish. The Tarot was in use in the 15th century, and with the arrival of the printing press, various forms developed for a wider market, interested in gambling games; and prior to that it's history is shrouded in mystery; the claim that is the source of all knowledge in the ancient mysteries is impossible to establish; however it is quite possible to establish the fact that it was not invented by Levi, and that it was used in other esoteric societies as part of a secret tradition, since there are numerous writings on the subject from the 19th century. Levi was a Rosicrucian, and there were numerous other estoricists and occult society members who would have spotted his fraud, but I find no evidence of such claims being substantiated. Obviously he elaborated and he was rather poetical, of course, but his basic understanding of the Kabbalistic knowledge seems to be quite orthodox and he cites from numerous other oral and written sources and from ancient myths and legends.

All of Levi's writings are available open source and can be read in entirety ( ).

A further expanation of the three columns and the Kabbalistic Holy Trinity which I have outlined in the above (OP) essay can be found in Levi's "Dogma and Ritual of High Magic" Part One on the above hyperlink.

"The true initiates who were Etteilla's contemporaries, the Rosicrucians for example and the
Martinists, were in possession of the true Tarot, as a work of Saint-Martin proves,
where the divisions are those of the Tarot, as also this quotation from an enemy of
the Rosicrucians: “They pretend to the possession of a volume from which they
can learn anything discoverable in other books which exist now or may be produced
at any future period. This volume is their criterion, in which they find the
prototype of everything that exists by the facility which it offers for analysing,
making abstractions, forming a species of intellectual world and creating all possible
things. See the philosophical, theosophical, micro-cosmic cards.” (Conspiracy
Against the Catholic Religion and Sovereigns, by the author of The Veil
Raised for the Curious. Paris: Crapard. 1792.) The true initiates, we repeat, who
held the secret of the Tarot among their greatest mysteries, refrained carefully
from protesting against the errors of Etteilla and left him to reveil instead of
reveal the arcana of the true Clavicles of Solomon. Hence it is not without profound
astonishment that we have discovered intact and still unknown this key of
all doctrines and all philosophies of the old world. I speak of it as a key, and such
THE BOOK OF HERMES it is truly, having the circle of four decades as its ring, the scale of 22 characters
for its trunk or body and the three degrees of the triad for its wards. As such it
was represented by Postel in his Key of Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of
the World. He indicates as shown opposite the occult name of this key, which was
known only to initiates."
Eliphas Levi. Ibid. Part II

It is further suggested by Levi in "Elements of the Qabalah ( )" that the 74 Tarot deck design is based upon the 72 keys of Solomon and upon the Kabbalsitic understanding of the "32 Roads (33 including Daath) and the 50 gates;." this being the origin of the "33 degrees" of knowledge as stated in the OP essay above, and that this heremtic tradition is also revealed in the study of ancient hieroglyphs and religious artwork.

The Lemegeton, or Lesser Key of Solomon, Rabbi and King, is a work of far more exalted pretensions, which deploys all the hierarchies and evokes spirits by milliards. About its antiquity there is no need for serious dispute; it claims to be translated from the Hebrew, but its earliest perfect examples are in French of the seventeenth century, and no one has heard of the original. It must have existed, however, in a much earlier form; it is the subject of continual reference by demonologists like Wierus, under the style of the sorcerer's Liber Spirituum, and it is from this source that the scornful sceptic who was the pupil of Agrippa, derived his Pseudomonarchia Dæmonum, with, however, significant variations from the known copies.

The Lemegeton is divided into four parts, which control the offices of all spirits at the will of the operator, from whom the ordinary conditions are exacted. 1 With the exception of the first part, which gave materials to Wierus, this curious, and in many respects memorable, work has never been printed, although it has been taxed surreptitiously for contributions by most makers of Rituals and Grimoires. It deals,. as I have said, with the evocation of all classes of spirits, evil, indifferent and good; its opening Rites are those of Lucifer, Bel, Astaroth and the whole cohort of Infernus; it is entitled Goëtia, which sufficiently explains itself, 2 and contains the forms of conjuration for seventy-two chief devils and their ministers, with an account of their powers and offices. The second part, or Theurgia Goëtia, deals with the spirits of the cardinal points and their inferiors. These are mixed natures, some good and some evil. The third book is called the Pauline Art, for the significance of which name I am unable to account, it concerns the Angels of the Hours of the Day and Night and of the Zodiacal Signs. The fourth part, or Almadel, enumerates four other choirs of spirits in a somewhat obscure manner. There is one significant point about the entire work--the powers resident in the offices of Infernal Spirits are minutely set forth, but the Ritual is almost silent as to the special benefits which may be expected from intercourse with the higher classes of intelligence; it is, therefore, obvious to whom the magician would have recourse if he had a definite end in view. It is, indeed, by no means improbable that the first or Goëtic portion constitutes the true Lemegeton, and that the other sections, apparently unknown to Wierus, are additions of a later date. This division, in either case, is not only expressly connected with Black Magic, or rather exclusively devoted thereto, but it indubitably divides with the so-called Greater Key the forbidding honour of having been the chief inspiration of all the later handbooks of infernal ceremonial. Devoid of any doctrinal part, it has nothing which calls for citation in this place, but as no Grimoire can pretend to completeness without it, all its hierarchic tabulations and all its evoking processes will be given in the Second Part.

I should state in conclusion that the Little Key is ascribed sometimes to Solomon the King and sometimes to a Rabbi of that name. It should be distinguished, however, from the Key of Rabbi Solomon proper, which is more especially concerned with

There are numerous other studies on this subject on the Golden Dawn Internet library on: and Levi is by no means an inventor of modern esotericism.

“The devil is God, as understood by the wicked..............

The Lucifer of the Kabalah is not an accursed and ruined angel; he is the angel who
enlightens, who regenerates by fire
" Eliphas Levi. Ibid. Part I.


edit on 8-3-2011 by Lucifer777 because: Formatting, mis-spelling-itis & addition to the text.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Posted by Lucifer777

Now you're talking!

Turq1 mentioned in this thread about the Buddhist teaching that desire is the cause of all suffering. Well, Black Tantra (sexual magic with orgasm) certainly will keep one trapped in desire and suffering.

White Tantra (Karmamudra or Sexual Magic) on the other hand, as taught by the Dalai Lamas and Samael Aun Weor (and hinted at by Eliphas Levi, H.P. Blavatsky, Swami Sivananda, and many other White Lodge Adepts), is how we transmute desire into Spiritual Bliss.

(There also exists Grey/Gray Tantra)

To learn more about the Path that leads to the Cessation of suffering, see the White Lodge teachings of H.H. the Dalai Lama on Sexual Yoga and Kalachakra Tantra.

And/or watch the Gnostic Video by Glorian Publishing seen in the above image, which explains the Sexual Science of Daath (Alchemy) in relation to Kabbalah.

edit on 8-3-2011 by Tamahu because: edited text

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Amazing thread, This thread must get featured on the list of the greatest threads ever. you are one of the most eloquent person I have seen on ATS.

Androgynous Siva: His left Side is female and the right is male.
I liked your views about the unity of two sexes, and how religions Impose several restrictions upon humanity for attachment with the opposite sex. And I believe it is sometimes necessary for people to indulge in sex to experience wholeness like gods. But I think we can experience consciousness and unity, through other methods too, like through meditation and of-course for that to be successful, we have to throw out all of the religious and other indoctrinations from our brains and begin with a clean slate.
Through, Intense study of my own culture I came to the conclusion, which seems little bizarre, that we were androgynous beings in the beginning. People worship deities in India who have both male and female elements in them, and of-course religious indoctrinations which try to cover up the original facts that we were those beings have made us ignorant about it. You can find about the existence of such androgynous beings in many other ancient cultures.

In Greek myth early humans were two persons attached at the back, and they rolled around like cartwheel spheres or globes.Zeus split them in punishment of Prometheus. He also feared they would become extinct.
Since then each human is searching for their soul mate.Those who were originally attached male/female are searching heterosexually, and those who were attached to the same gender are searching homosexually.

In Hindu scripture Ramayana, their is a mention of an ape race who were also androgynous, but it is of-course omitted from the Ramayana. There is a bridge between India and Srilanka which was built by them.

I don't Know who made two different sexes out of those original androgynous beings. But, I think it has resulted in spiritual degradation and sexual confusion in the form of gays and homosexuality etc. I think we have been deceived and kept in dark from ages by various cults.

but at some point our ancestors became slaves and sex slaves of a cult aristocracy where religion and government were entwined, and later, through the three great religious texts of the world (The Bible, the Koran and the Vedas), slave morality was reinforced, and numerous “sins of restriction,” defining what a slave could and could not do; thus the slave not only lived in terror of his master, whom he could see, but of his master's god who ruled in the unseen world.

If we look in to various religions ( Christianity, Hinduism, Islam) we will find the same things, that is really a proof in itself as to what is the real purpose of religious cults.
Like the mythical stories of Noahs Ark in christianity the same can be found in hinduism too:

Manu and the Flood: Manu had performed 10,000 years of austerities and had become as powerful as Brahma. One day he was meditating besides a stream when a fish appeared before him and asked for his protection against another fish which was chasing him. So Manu placed the fish in a jar but it soon become too big for that and asked to be taken to the Ganga. Manu did that but here also the fish outgrew its container and so, at last, Manu took it to the ocean where the fish was content. Here it revealed that it was none other than Brahma Himself. Brahma warned Manu of an impending deluge and told him to build an ark and put in it the seven rishis and the seeds of everything recognized by the Brahmins. Source.

And the same supreme beings giving messages to Mohammad of Koran has also given messages to sage valmiki who wrote hindu epic ramayana. All the holy books of various religions are nothing but twisted teachings of our ancestors, being maligned by various cults for their own selfish gains.

You told me about savitri devi on some other thread, I am reposting this from that thread, it pretty much sums up what I am trying to say:
Thanks for bringing to my attention about this Hindu-Nazi religious fanatic called "savitri Devi". Just by Judging from her Indian name and her foreign origins, it was clear to me that she was another agent of the same elite group, which had previously tried to malign our culture, by dividing people on the basis of caste system, race system etc. Her job in India was to ignite hatred amongst Hindus and Muslims. And she became successful in that.

And as we know before partition of India in which Freemason Colonist Lord Mountbatten was involved, there were huge clashes and conflicts between Hindus and Muslims, and that ultimately lead to creation of Islamic state Known as Pakistan. And this Pakistan is harboring terrorist organizations funded and ran by this elite group.

As an Indian and born in an Hindu family, I can tell you that their was no such thing as an Aryan race, in our culture. And there were no such gods like Ram, Krishna, Vishnu etc., in our original texts. People were peacefully worshiping animals and nature by taking care of them. And the basic belief system was nature is god, and we are nature. But then out of nowhere came Vedas, which are nothing but a series of long scriptures about caste system and similar beliefs, and basically preach how to divide people on the basis of nature of work people do and things like that. Hindu religious fanatics say that these Vedas were made by god himself and were present right from the beginning of life on earth.

These Vedas and other religious texts like Ramayana, Mahabharata etc., were made up after mixing the original and pure cultural beliefs with some malign beliefs, by the people who wanted to attain supremacy and control over people for their own selfish gains. The Idea of Aryan Race (Fair Complexion) and Dravidian race (Dark Complexion) also came from the same people to further divide people of Indian subcontinent. And the same people later established Arya Samaj(they say it is not a religion), which had its ties with the Theosophical Society, and I consider both of them as an secret society same as freemasonry.

The Kalki avatar, is the next reincarnation of god Vishnu whose previous reincarnations were fake gods Ram, Krishna etc. who appeared supposedly in different yuga cycles and purged earth from evil. And the Kalki Avatar has been prophesied to appear in the present yuga which is kaliyuga, and he will also cleanse the earth from evil. But nobody talks about who made it dirty in the first place or who spread-ed evil. Their are no such gods and their incarnations, and their are no yuga cycles which end with apocalypse and then start over.

All religions were created by malevolent secret societies and other occult organizations, spread across the globe. And the purpose of religion is nothing but divide, conquer and exploit people. And unless the secret societies like freemasonry are wiped from the face of the earth, their can never be happiness and freedoms.

I am hoping that this madness will end soon, and humanity would be finally free from enslavement.
edit on 8/3/11 by vinay86 because: Content.

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