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What's wrong with ATS

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posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:26 PM
I haven't been a member for a long time but I have been coming here to this site for a long time and you know what? It use to be a great site to come to, now, there are just a lot of stupid bogus threads going on that are more of a personal opinion rather then news or even a conspiracy theory. I'm tired of coming on here and top threads Titled "Abortions are Murder" or "Americans are Stupid" or "I wanna kill myself" talk about that crap on your social network facebook or myspace or whatever you use. Even posts about sun dogs being a real second sun!!! What happened to the people that use to post interesting facts or articles about news usually not shown on mainstream or a great thought out conspiracy or uncommon events that have occurred in someones life that is credible like an alien abduction, you know, the good reads? Not those, im an alien in your world and im posting on a conspiracy site to make my self known whoever does that STFU that is really dumb and annoying, go seek help, if you wanna kill yourself go seek professional help, if your vag hurts go see a doctor! I am just really tired of crap thats been put up here, I know some people that dont even like coming here anymore because of the articles thats been posted within the last year or so, I use to come here everyday now I come here maybe once a week because 90% of it is crap. There is way too many hate posts about which nation is better, yes people we know america is fat you guys have really killed that issue also. Anyways, Im done and I hope maybe someday there will be good articles posted regularly once again and not so much complaining and whining and opinions on abortions or what country is better then another country, grow up people. THIS IS A CONSPIRACY SITE CREATED FOR ALTERNATIVE NEWS, THEORIES, PERSONAL EXPERIENCES THAT ARE LIFE CHANGING, ETC... You get it I guess, some wont but I got my point out!

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by xBWOMPx

I agree with everything you just said. There are some really stupid threads that really don't contribute anything to this site. I'm amazed to see how many people even flag them. Star and flagging their threads is like adding fuel to the fire.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by xBWOMPx

I agree and it's a wonder that someone hasn't posted something like. I was a turd in a past life.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Vicarious10000

HaHaHa, that's too funny but so true!

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by xBWOMPx

Totally agreed. Also those empty rant threads can be annoying, just hot headed opinion as the basis for an OP and a refusal to put it in the rant forum.

Edit to add, just saw this recent example.....

edit on 5-3-2011 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

That is a prime example ty, It's one thing to give your opinion about 2012 and call everyone none sense and another to provide theories on that issue based off history or facts that exist such as the Mayan calender. I have my opinion on 2012 as well as everyone else but that was a rant. I like posts that provide information on the ups and downs and allow people to come to there own conclusion or conversate about the issue in the article to try and figure it out rather then only putting selective facts in to try and prove a point instead of placing all facts in to let others decide or discuss to come to an ultimate conclusion.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 09:05 PM
There have and will ALWAYS be stupid threads started here.

What's changed is the intelligent responses in reply to them that get drowned out by like minded rubbish supporting them from people who leave reality at the door and wallow in the spectacular, the superficial and plain nonsense.

I/you/we must rise above the dross and continue to cast a critical opinion and instill sensibility once more.

As the saying goes, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

We need facts, realistic opinions, information, contrast and sensibility.


posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:06 PM
I am so sick of comet elenin,double suns.
It is done,toast,well done,eating and sh%ted out!

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:18 AM
One of the Things that attracted me to ATS is that it purports to offer discussion on a wide variety topics.
Organized belief systems mold the minds of their adherents to such a degree that is difficult for them to open up to thought processes which take them beyond the belief system itself. I'm sure many here understand that this is also true for those of us who like to believe that we are beyond that hurdle.

Outside of these belief systems be they religions or university philosophy programs(these examples being of course generalizations) it is difficult to find people to truly discuss new ideas with which certainly is important in developing a balanced consciousness. A well rounded perspective.

Here at ATS the range of discussion is diverse. This diversity becomes a pool of complexity in which those who understand it's importance may swim.

Two major themes running through the posts are higher aspects of consciousness and end of days scenarios. I believe these go hand in hand.

Now I am new here. I found the site and joined within a day so I might begin to interact. I find some,well a number of things, distracting but asi es la vida. I can only imagine those halcyon days when all ran smoothly so I have no complaints.

If we are as a race truly awakening to higher consciousness, if we are truly facing the end of days, the big transformation, whatever we want to call it, just who was it that told any of us that only some would wake up, or that waking up would automatically bring the awakees into the broad spectrum of awareness that some of us seem to think we have attained. Us smarty pants.

I think that waking up is across the board. And ATS will continue to draw people from around the world as more and more people look for just this kind of place. I also hold that this change in the human condition may be far more than any of us can now conceive and way more than any of us can control.

So lift our cups and join the toast. Here is to the rest of our lives.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

Oh, and PS. I WAS a turd in a past life . Don't wanna do THAT again!!!!

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 01:31 AM
"there are just a lot of stupid bogus threads going" Yeah you seem to be helping the cause for bogus threads, well done.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 03:01 AM
While I agree that there is a lot of tripe posted, I come here as often as I can. I just ignore threads with titles that talk about things I think are silly. If I happen to select a thread that sounds interesting but turns out to be pointless, I close the thread. But in the mean time...

I run across those wonderful articles, information, though-provoking posts, and all the rest that makes ATS the best site on the web. So I have to add a filter or two. It's a small price to pay to see what is happening out there for real - as opposed to the MSM pablum.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by xBWOMPx

Have you seen how many forums are on ATS?

There are different things for different forums for different people.

If you see something you don't like, its really quite simple. DON'T READ IT.

Have you also seen how fast a thread disappears to the back of the line when its a piece of crap?

Your rant means nothing and is selfish.

All you want is a fire in the sky thread every 15 minutes!

Its like tv, you aren't going to like everything on there, so you actually have to use your brain a bit and be selective with what you are viewing.

ATS is the greatest forum on the internet and now has something for everyone.

Get with the program!

You don't like it? Tough, we aren't on here to please you.

Go join another forum.

People like you make me SICK!

The end.
edit on 6-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 08:06 AM
I'm a new member, myself. All I ever heard from others was how great ATS is and all of that. So, I searched for the site, found it, looked up a couple of threads and joined. Then, I noticed an apparent trend that appears in almost every thread: disrespect. Disrespect for other people's opinions, name calling, and labeling. Not to exclude the blatantly obvious (and I can tell this upsets the older members) repeated threads of the same topic= laziness by the poster(s) to see if it was already written earlier!

IMHO, I believe it is because ATS has opened the doors for everyone and I mean EVERYONE to come join the site. Whereas, I completely understand why ATS does this, for obvious reasons, I believe there needs to be some kind of 'test' for a would-be member to take in order to join. It's not against any laws as far as I know, but I could be wrong. *Mods, please correct me if I am wrong*

The consequences of allowing just anyone to join shouldn't be too surprising. I look at some people's names and can usually tell what kind of response is going to be generated from said person. I know it's judging, but let's be honest. I've seen ridiculous street language, thoughtless replies and hijacked threads from these individuals. I see more and more academics leaving and/or not participating anymore, and more fecal stains on humanity's drawers participating more and more. Consequently, they are driving ATS into a less desirable social network that was intended for conspiracy theorist-minded individuals to come together and discuss and share news that is considered 'outside of the box'

I may not be the smartest apple in the bunch, but I do know what I see. Something needs to be done, now

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by TheAnuraOne

The issue with any test is that it will be biased. And just because a poster posts a bad thread does not mean they cannot/will not offer good ones.

I like that anyone can join (without a test).

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

HaHaHa, Im glad I make you so sick! I was generally talking about hate posts you retard among other things. If you enjoy reading that crap then thats all you buddy and no,I do not read crap that says "Americans are FAT" I never said I read them I just said im tired of crap like that and hate posts, you might wanna go back and read what I wrote one last time and let it soak into your brain a little!

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Also in anyway how is my post selfish? Just curious where all your hostility is coming from, obviously you haven't been coming here as long as I have =S

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by xBWOMPx

Your rant was the most pathetic thing written that I have ever seen on this site!

Your replies to me was nothing more than back pedaling and trying to make out what you wrote was actually different to how it sounded.

My sign up date may have only been this year but believe me, I have been reading this site since the early days but never felt the need to post any replies.

You wonder where all the good news articles are that aren't on normal mainstream sites etc. This is absolute rubbish and so wrong that I'm on the brink of suicide (not really) thinking about how lame that sentence was.

Ummmm HEEELLLOO, anybody home? Have you actually viewed the forum called "Breaking alternative news" ?

Lets have a look at some of the headlines shall we?

Exclusive: NASA Scientist Claims Evidence of Alien Life on Meteorite
Giant Underground Chamber Found on Moon By India's Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft
VIDEO: UFO Buzzed By Helicopter 2011

Just to highlight what you wrote again.

What happened to the people that use to post interesting facts or articles about news usually not shown on mainstream or a great thought out conspiracy or uncommon events that have occurred in someones life that is credible like an alien abduction.

Ummm, General conspiracies, skunk works, Gray area, Aliens and UFOs forums?

Hahahah this is hilarious and I'm about to throw up again with my repulsion to the mentality of some of the people that unfortunately cross my path in life.

I use to come here everyday now I come here maybe once a week because 90% of it is crap

Can you just do yourself a favor then and sign out permanently?

Again I state, this is the greatest forum on the internet, so my question to you is - What do you expect from a 100% FREE SITE? A sponge bath by 3 naked ladies and $50 in cash every visit?

I hope maybe someday there will be good articles posted regularly once again and not so much complaining and whining and opinions on abortions or what country is better then another country, grow up people. THIS IS A CONSPIRACY SITE blah blah blah

This WAS a conspiracy site, now its a conspiracy site and a whole lot more! When the title of a forum reads "science and technology" you don't write a conspiracy there about how Einstein broke the atom with his pubic hair do you?

Anyways, I'm off to put my head in the toilet thinking about your rant.

edit on 7-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: Time out to throw up.

posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Wow, you seem pretty angry, you got daddy issues or something?
I NEVER said every article sucked, if you wanna go kill yourself over an article or even throw up over mine then yes, you have issues and you need to go seek psychological help. Your pretty much the only one that feels the way you do over my article (that's commented at least), obviously you haven't been reading articles here as long as I have or you would understand what I am talking about among the others who agree. I like some of the threads on here, never said I didn't but if you look at the crap:good article ratio it has gone down incredibly. Anyways, im sorry your dad left you and your mom when he found out about you, you need a hug or something. You commenting on my thread like im racist or I just wrote a really mean hate article or I don't know, you seem like the type that like to pick a fight or take something and twist it up to sound so much worse then what it really is. Get over yourself. Really, you wanna puke because I have been reading crap on here lately, a lot of crap? Well atleast I know im not the only who feels the same according to the comments left about my thread.

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