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Saudis mobilise thousands of troops to quell growing revolt

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posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by tristar

It's not like they obtained all that weaponry and are able to deploy at this point. The deal was just made and I
believe they may have paid for it already. All the more reason to have them ousted!

With all this orchestrated instability across all aspects within the information highway, you really should be careful.

Do you honestly believe that in 2011 and after a drinking night all these separate nations suddenly decided to wake up and oust their leaders who they had after decades. Does that not strike you as odd ? , or does one within a conspiracy site need to point the obvious. Does it not strike you as odd that opposition political parties had insignia ready for distribution and arms on a logistical level all ready and its implementation pre defined. Perhaps these small insignificant points are of no concern to you, but, trust me, your viewing the forest and missing the tree.

I do realize what has happened and within this site, but the fact remains and is archived, what is transpiring has been posted within 2010 with precise azimuth and time frame within 2011 as to what you and millions are viewing as breaking news. There are people who actually and regardless of how and who one speaks to, that are putting up flags for individuals to take note. Obviously not all flags are viewed or decrypted.

There is a new energy state being created, make no mistake or assume otherwise, the rest is simply the headlines and the fine print is as always overlooked.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by tristar

Does that not strike you as odd ? , or does one within a conspiracy site need to point the obvious. Does it not strike you as odd that opposition political parties had insignia ready for distribution and arms on a logistical level all ready and its implementation pre defined. Perhaps these small insignificant points are of no concern to you, but, trust me, your viewing the forest and missing the tree.

Understood. The whole thing strikes me as odd. That is the reason I posted what I posted before. To me there is the slight inclination that someone else is pulling the strings. As far as the flags and taking note, what can I do except what I've been doing? Did you wear a black arm band when they shot the man who said, "Peace can last forever." ?

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Looks like the Saudi King's "hand-out" program to quell dissent, as I reported on a couple of weeks ago...
...may not have been enough to quell the masses, who appear to be waking up,

they're NOT waking up,
they're being stirred up
thanks to the CIA, US State Dept.
and Soros and they are using
social media and propaganda news
reports to do it.

The US State Dept. and Soros have not
invested Millions of dollars in radio, TV
and the internet in these countries for
no reason.

And as you can see Hilary Clinton just
asked Congress for more money cuz
they're losing the media battle.

Why would they do that, you ask?

Muslim countries and China hold an
outstanding amount of US T-Bills.
If the regimes are ousted, the debt can
be eliminated by default. America saves
itself from bankruptcy. America is fighting
for it's financial survival. But America can't
possibly attack all of these nations at once
with boots on the ground.
So other means of ousting the regimes have
been explored and implemented.

As soon as the Saudi Royals figure this out,
it'll be lights out for America. As you will
see OPEC change from the US Petro

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by tristar

Does that not strike you as odd ? , or does one within a conspiracy site need to point the obvious. Does it not strike you as odd that opposition political parties had insignia ready for distribution and arms on a logistical level all ready and its implementation pre defined. Perhaps these small insignificant points are of no concern to you, but, trust me, your viewing the forest and missing the tree.

Understood. The whole thing strikes me as odd. That is the reason I posted what I posted before. To me there is the slight inclination that someone else is pulling the strings. As far as the flags and taking note, what can I do except what I've been doing? Did you wear a black arm band when they shot the man who said, "Peace can last forever." ?

May i return the question,
At what cost and how high is the human race willing to pay for its evolution ?

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by tristar

At what cost and how high is the human race willing to pay for its evolution ?

I believe this is what is yet to be seen. How far and at what cost will opposing forces push each other until one is extinguished or both come to the same conclusion? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The thing is, when individuals are but a variable in a mathematical equation that has been proven long ago, is there any chance or is it even fair to begin with?

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

This is much bigger than the US.

They are not the only player sitting at the table.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by tristar

At what cost and how high is the human race willing to pay for its evolution ?

I believe this is what is yet to be seen. How far and at what cost will opposing forces push each other until one is extinguished or both come to the same conclusion? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The thing is, when individuals are but a variable in a mathematical equation that has been proven long ago, is there any chance or is it even fair to begin with?

See this is what i posted earlier, there are no opposing forces, it is only a fraction of what has been pre agreed upon well over three decades. What you are viewing is the end process of individuals who thought that public perception actually has a role or a position within human evolution. The human race cannot exist with the notion that by being planetary friendly or if i may use the term, environmental friendly. We as humans, always excel and require space and resources. Make no mistake, for if we had no access to resources then you and myself would not be having this conversation. If you doubt what i am typing, then simply look at your surrounding and count how many items utilize petrochemical manufacturing.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by tristar

We as humans, always excel and require space and resources. Make no mistake, for if we had no access to resources then you and myself would not be having this conversation.

Where can I walk before I'm trespassing? What can I harvest and not be accused of stealing? Who is in absolute control of the land and its resources and who can dictate who gets what? How do I navigate this terrain that requires me to obtain promissory notes to survive its harsh restrictions?

We've been coerced and persuaded to excel in all the fields of study to advance someone else's agenda. Those fields if we look carefully should never have been entertained. Bikini atoll and our ever loving atmosphere come to mind. What beneficial discovery has not been hidden and twisted into a killing device before we see a glimmer of its possibilities and what are we forbidden to see now? Who the hell is pushing the buttons?

Our cultural memory is constructed in a symbolic order by inventing our ideology and traditions that train us for social engineering. Symbols and scenarios create political narratives and conclusions. Everywhere, everyone knows it but they cannot define it. So they play along and wear the mask that's been given them because there are no other options. Learn this. Learn that. Training and obedience to an agenda.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 06:25 PM
Why are we seeing these uprising across the Muslim world? The reasons are obvious, and were predicted long ago.

President Saleh has managed to spend the past three decades in power by appeasing belligerent tribal leaders with oil money. With depleting oil reserves, the President is now incapable of placating all the tribal sheiks, and the cracks are starting to show. "The government does nothing in my province," a northern sheik who asked to remain anonymous told TIME. "We have our own army. We even organize our own legal system. We ask, but the President gives us nothing."

Read more:

The Middle East is running out of oil. The people in these nations have increased their populations well above what those areas are capable of sustaining, without increasing their capacity for production. Rather then develop technology, or production capabilities, they have simply squandered the wealth that came out of the ground. Now they are facing desperate times ahead.

There are no secret government provocateurs creating these uprisings. There are a lot of people facing serious economic hardship.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 09:05 PM
Sounds a lot like the stuff a Saudi prince said was going to happen in approx June last year. Something about the House of Saud packing up and leaving as they are going to be lynched in the streets or something to that effect.... Hmmmm

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

Looks like the Saudi King's "hand-out" program to quell dissent, as I reported on a couple of weeks ago...

...may not have been enough to quell the masses, who appear to be waking up, like others in the region, and tiring of living off crumbs and scraps, while dictators and "royals" use 14k gold crappers in their billion dollar palaces. lol

So first they dangle the tiny carrot, hoping for another distraction. Doesn't work---Now we bring out the stick.

Gotta keep that power over all the "little people" at all costs.

Seems like de ja vu is becoming a daily occurance in these recent times... k
(visit the link for the full news article)

Your 1 great poster...Everything I want to say you say it for me, but better...keep up the great postings...You are real level headed and know the truth......Peace and Love.....

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:17 PM
the usa needs energy independence.

palin is the only one pushing this.

let them sit on their brls of oil.

let us frigg them all. we can do it.

free energy or whatever! we still have enough oil to make plastics and other crap. till we get something else.

i would say drop the saudi's like a hot potato.

we PROTECT THEM! screw em'.

they gave 36bil as a solution, lol, freedom has a price and it ain't at the end of the week.
game over man!
edit on 5-3-2011 by fooks because: i don't know.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 09:10 AM
lets just hope the protests won't spread to Saudi Arabia ...

Libya like protests in Saudi Arabia would drive oil prices well above 200$ a barrel. The food prices, which have allready broken all time highs, would rise even higher and the world would face hyperinflation and bigger recession than the Great Depression. Dollar and euro would collapse in the period of few months. Control in ME would go to another psycho that hates the Western nations. Because of rising oil prices and fear of inflation the UN would have to send troops in the MENA region which could start a war between ME nations and the West. And no, China wont benefit of it cause they are dependable on oil imports. Nobody will.

So the result of protest would be:

  1. world recession
  2. rising food prices
  3. violent protests all over the world that would make the situation a lot worse
  4. rising of tensions between ME and the West because of intervention in the region
  5. collapse of dollar and euro

.. so i just hope the Saudis can stop the protesters.
edit on 6-3-2011 by baburak because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 02:05 PM
What a great thread this is... really enjoy reading the posts. What I wonder is what the end result of all this allegedly 'artificially created chaos' -as it seems implied- will the result be certain levels of lawlessness requiring stronger intervention by whatever state is in control?

I agree the whole thing seems odd and understood about economic and other hardships, but this is nothing new, nor is the effort and attempts to manipulate peoples' wills and thoughts, it just happens in near real-time with todays technology. Just my .02 here, thanks.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by tristar

We as humans, always excel and require space and resources. Make no mistake, for if we had no access to resources then you and myself would not be having this conversation.

Where can I walk before I'm trespassing? What can I harvest and not be accused of stealing? Who is in absolute control of the land and its resources and who can dictate who gets what? How do I navigate this terrain that requires me to obtain promissory notes to survive its harsh restrictions?

We've been coerced and persuaded to excel in all the fields of study to advance someone else's agenda. Those fields if we look carefully should never have been entertained. Bikini atoll and our ever loving atmosphere come to mind. What beneficial discovery has not been hidden and twisted into a killing device before we see a glimmer of its possibilities and what are we forbidden to see now? Who the hell is pushing the buttons?

Our cultural memory is constructed in a symbolic order by inventing our ideology and traditions that train us for social engineering. Symbols and scenarios create political narratives and conclusions. Everywhere, everyone knows it but they cannot define it. So they play along and wear the mask that's been given them because there are no other options. Learn this. Learn that. Training and obedience to an agenda.

To begin with it is replies like these that do reinforce my initial thoughts years ago that i would like to be a part of such a community and its members.

I understand your mode of thought, but from what i have understood is that this not about an individual person or nation, this is a combined effort to merge all existing nations to move beyond the so called borders of nations and religions into a unified and accepted pattern for the human race. I do and accept all forms of culture and religion and ideology but there comes a time and since our human race has evolved to a point that it has impacted the rock we call earth then measures need to be taken and sadly some may feel that they will loose their identity or that their weight as a culture/religion/nation will be outlined and predefined but this is something that each nation and its culture must take and accept as it we cannot return to nostalgic times.

We are moving at a light speed as a species and sadly many religions or nations fail to make it clear to their citizens that times are not and will not return to how they were 100 years ago. Humans always seem to grasp onto a nostalgic era of how things were and openly oppose evolutionary concepts. You may have seen countless threads regarding weird crafts in the sky and sightings, make no mistake, these sightings are of a duel origin and by reading your post it points to a small fraction of how willing the human race is capable of comprehension and at what level and at what cost.

We see religions openly defying other religions and ideologies when those who are engaged in evolution will point out that, without bold moves into areas that require sacrifices our human race would still be living under a notion that when it rains it is due to the gods being angry. The human race is undergoing a multidimensional change and it has created an insecure aspect of its existence. This is were those who are able to comprehend and handle the weight of human society bare the full brunt of criticism as blasphemy or similar comparisons.
edit on 6-3-2011 by tristar because: (no reason given)

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