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Jailing Illegals

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posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 05:53 PM
I was reading in the Sunday paper today. There was an article about how the state of California (where I live) is stuck with the cost of jailing illegal immigrants who commit crimes. This is apparently costing this state alone 711.2 million dollars a year. What makes this so outrageous is that this isn't supposed to be handled & funded by the state. When we catch an illegal committing a crime it's the states problem apparently when it's suppose to the boarder patrol.

I find it odd that with this "war on terrorism" that the federal government has seemingly done little to improve our security at our boarders. But will pass a Patriot Act & spy more on American citizens then secure our boarders.

I think it's time we start making our government accountable for there actions.

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 06:06 PM
i agree. Instead of wasting money on the patriot act and such, they should be speninding more time watching the borders.

But that shows you they aint too worried about terrorism, and what this war is REALLY about.

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 06:56 PM
ACTUALLY Elf, you're making a pretty big assumption. i do wish the gov't would "secure" the border more but that's about all i agree with you on. and they're not wasting money on the patriot act. for all you know what the feds are finding out by surveillance IS preventing another 9/11. and i don't see how the gov't failure to watch the border more shows what the war on terror is REALLY about, again that's just an assumption of yours. more likely, not guaranteed, just more likely, it means that few politicans are willing to piss off the immigrant voters.

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 07:41 PM
Here is an interesting report on illegals coming into this country.

"This study will prove beyond any reasonable doubt that millions of illegal aliens enter the U.S. each year by walking, hiking, and driving between the official U.S. Ports Of Entry (P.O.E.s) through the border backcountry of private ranches and government lands, and then make residency in the U.S.
Not the laughable figure of 275,000 per year average listed on the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (I.&N.S.) website table (see: "Illegal Immigration: Ten Fastest Growing Countries - Average Annual Growth, 1992-96,").

The number of illegal aliens coming across the Mexico border may be 1 to 3 million arrivals per year (not necessarily new arrivals, and not necessarily Mexican, but mostly). "

Read the entire report here >>

We could have all the intelligence in the world but if we don't have the means to something about it what good is the intel? I think that was the original problem that lead to 9-11, wasn't it?

[edit on 18-7-2004 by oconnection]

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by oconnection
the state of California (where I live) is stuck with the cost of jailing illegal immigrants who commit crimes. This is apparently costing this state alone 711.2 million dollars a year.

That's really unfortunate. I believe last year I read an article that estimated the number of aliens in California jails and prisons was between 20-25%. If this is true, it is still an undercount, for it does not include the great numbers of aliens who have evaded capture and prosecution by fleeing to Mexico or other countries.

Also factor in the exorbitant costs of providing health care (hospitals are apparently not allowed to reject illegal aliens who have no means of paying medical costs), additional police protection for the increased crime rates, fire protection for the unsafe cconditions they live in, building and maintaining schools (apprently they can't be denied enrollment in schools), increasing environmental degradation from creating new housing and from the litter-happy habits of the aliens themselves and about a dozen other illegal immigration related problems.

I agree with the other poster who states that more border security and screeing of foreign nationals at ports of entry could reduce the rationale behind provisions of the Patriot Act.

Tell Bush "NO to Amensty"

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 09:32 PM
Is nt being an illegal immigrant a criminal act in itself? Not to mention the ridiculous amout of tourist and school visas given out under false pretenses--These people are here legally but have no greencards..Then ofcourse they dont leave when the visa expires. This policy is ludicris. This is criminal activity--Lying to the government.
Their children get to attend school even though they are not citizens. So they get free healthcare because they must have innoculations to register for school. So far, noone is paying for anything yet. They are filthy theives.--Another crime.
misuse of social security identification numbers, not paying taxes, theft of healthcare--These crimes follow the initial--coming here illegally in the first damn place.
In my town in NY it is at epidemic proportion..Leading to overcrowding, contamination of water supplies, sanitation issues, unsanitary conditions, higher crime rates, higher taxed....ect.
I wrote a letter to my local police department and the mayor. I suggest you do the same if these problems are occuring in your town. I m not going to be able to afford to live here because of this
Not to mention every piece of open grass becomes a makeshift soccer or volleyball court, ruining the lawns and not to mention there are no facilities available. Theres no where to take a sanitary crap, so where does it end up? I found dirty diapers on the beach of the hudson river along with a bunch of randomly discarded refuse at one of these "sites". Overcrowding is the reason for this, 15 people living in a 1 bdrm apartment, illigally.
I rather pay for them in jail then pay taxes to support them and their familys secretly enjoying the fruits of MY LABOR. Still the best thing to do is keep them out in the first place. These people are laughing all the way to the bank. Our county hospital closed because of this, we couldnt support the dead weight. Sick of these parasites

[edit on 18-7-2004 by xxKrisxx]

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 10:22 PM
The scariest part of this is that very few politicians are unwilling to support these issues. There afraid of being called a racist. If I want my government to stand up & enforce the laws I'm labeled a racist by some. I frankly don't care what these people think. Say you snuck into to Mexico or any other country. What would happen to you? If you don't get shot on the spot they will through you in jail & throw away the key.

Honestly we've become so afraid to offend people were undermining our national seventy.

I'm all for people coming here & benefiting from the good of this country. But all I ask is you do it legally!

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by oconnection
The scariest part of this is that very few politicians are unwilling to support these issues. There afraid of being called a racist.

I know I've posted these pictures before, but they essentially sum up the phenomenom you talk about, and it would do good to show them again:

I wouldn't worry too much about being called racist by these morons. To them every aspect of life is viewed through a racism/classism/sexism prism.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:05 AM
Rich brats going to college on dads buck love to cry out in defense of the poor "undocumented migrant worker", or what I call theif. They have discussions over mint ice tea at the country club about how they help these people by hiring them. They dont notice the expanding slums due to overcrowding and excess refuse produced by this problem--because they dont live there. They are removed. I live there. These people are stealing from me.
I work for theses rich sympathizers and it makes me sick. They have no clue what this situation is doing to us. I can't afford to support these parasites.
My mother is a registered nurse that worked (18 years) in the hospital that is closing because of this problem--She got layed off. She lost her job so illegal aliens could benifit. Her life is compromised to support vermin.
But she has had the pleasure of assisting delivery after delivery of "undocumented citizens".--thousands, before her termination. People who say straight out, "I cant afford to pay the hospital." But they can afford to raise a child--5 children??--No, we are paying for them. These people leave the bill behind everytime, and Im sick of it.
Hospitals will make sure they have your contact info, ss#, drivers lic. ID, mothers maiden name, insurance info before they take you. If you dont speak english and just refuse to answer, write down your cousins aunts mother-in laws ss# and give them her name...viola! You're in like Flynn with noone to answer to. Happens every day. YOU would NEVER get away with this! NEVVVVVVVVVVVERR.
Come to my county, and see what is going on here. See the blatant misuse and theft of the system, the destruction of our park properties, the excess garbage, the dumping by illegal unregistered workers, the decline of our hospitals (every single one is closing), the deteriation our water quality.
Yeah, Ill pay for them to goto jail, you bet baby.

[edit on 19-7-2004 by xxKrisxx]

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:13 AM
well what are you going to use to secure the borders? infantry companies form the army or the marines? hell no. thats not their job their job is to conduct the awful business of war. not capture fench jumpers cause they are too lazy to work for citizen ship or enter the US legally.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
well what are you going to use to secure the borders? infantry companies form the army or the marines? hell no. thats not their job their job is to conduct the awful business of war. not capture fench jumpers cause they are too lazy to work for citizen ship or enter the US legally.

You can watch people casually swimming/walking crawling through the river to get over here. leisurly climbing fences....some take the long way around to insure crossing, and getting the coc aine and marajuana over here safely also. When they die in the mountains it is our fault.
They leave trails of # behind too.
The Border patrol does enjoy retrieving these pesky immigrants, but there are so many its like trying to catch a swarm of flies with your bare hands.

Get them in the hospitals where they are spawning. The ALL end up there. They have babies immidiately and many of them. (some even have the balls to sue!)--Once they get the children in school, they are homefree. They need inoculation papers to get into school. They get innoculations in hospital clinics, and welfare clinics Can you believe the blatant theft of education by these non taxpayers? and its legal. Whos the criminal here? illegals ALLOWED to attend school.
Why cant we question them? Get them in school get them in the hospital adn get them the hell out of here.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 11:16 AM
Do you vote, pay taxes and enjoy your status of an American? I do and I believe everyone in this country should also. Living in California but origionally raised in Connecticut I never heard of racial profling, discrimination or illegal aliens. I guess I was living in a glass house. Now this is what I hear and read on a daily bases.
What can be done when our poltical representatives listen to us with deaf ears? Mexico is our prime problem and to a lesser extent other foreign nations. I heard that some western states are sending the Mexican government bills that apply to health care and educational institutions when they are forced to care for there citizens. Another proposal was to demand a percentage of there oil production in proportion to there citizens we must care for. The last and most dramatic solution was a military solution in the form of invading there country.
I believe the only solution is to deny them work and social benifits. No instant citizenship for babies born here. This will work but it will not happen instantly.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 06:54 PM
First of all, the people on the pictures posted appear to be white. Obviously they're tryint to spark anger in you, which has persisted and is being vented out. Some of the comments made by several people, were unfortunately those who have suffered from indirect consequences. Let me remind of you an old saying, one man's happinness is another man's saddness. Right away, you say that immigrants are freeloading. But the day you open your eyes and realize that you're suffering wasn't cause by them being here but by the people exploiting them. We need immigrant to support the middle class that support the upper class, those who are making tons of money beyond your comprehension. I am really sorry that your mom lost her job, join the club buddy.... Moving on, if America build an ISRAELI border with 25 foot high walls, which can easily be built and several times thought of, nothing new, but it's not worth the trade off. Then tons of peole will be out of jobs. Look people, society is a whole that work in sync. If all illegal immigrants are taking back, thousands of people lose their jobs and then when have all those people crying and venting their blame on terrorists instead. You need to look at yourself. Criminals come in different colors and shapes, you focused on illigal crimes which I ma sure you know typically victimize their own people. Just as whites hurt whites, blacks hurt blacks, and sometimes they hurt and kill each other. It's the ugly side of society. When money is scarce, they must acquire from where ever possible, hospitals, right now in schools, and civil services. Take your anger and protest wars, boys and girls....

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
well what are you going to use to secure the borders? infantry companies form the army or the marines? hell no. thats not their job their job is to conduct the awful business of war. not capture fench jumpers cause they are too lazy to work for citizen ship or enter the US legally.

Sadly, this problem has escalated to either war or revolt. If the military doesn't put the foot down, citizens near the border may start taking matters into their own hands. I really hope it doesn't come to that, not that I sympathize with the fence jumpers. I don't at all. Have I mentioned that a nice 7 foot ditch that follows the Mexico-U.S. border from one end of the ocean to the other, filled with all the nuclear waste from our power plants might solve a few problems... just my 2�

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 10:46 PM
Well...we make it easy for the illegals. We even have water stations for them in the desert so they don't get parched an die on us. Boo hoo! I think that a country that has most of its troops overseas trying to secure the borders of other countries and fails to do so for its own country is just making it easier for another terror attack

What good IS the Patriot Act anyway but to make life harder for the American citizen? Huh? IF this country would get the willpower and the politicians would quit worrying about losing the vote of minorities then maybe they would do something. But until that day our borders are like sieves and evryone who wants to can come in. It is just not nice little Mexican families coming in here wanting to make a better life for is also criminals and it is also terrorists and anyone who doesn't believe that needs to wake up and FAST!!

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 03:54 AM
I guess we reap what we sow comes to mind at our current situation.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:27 AM
lets get the jailbirds out there to build one just like it.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:49 AM

Have I mentioned that a nice 7 foot ditch that follows the Mexico-U.S. border from one end of the ocean to the other, filled with all the nuclear waste from our power plants might solve a few problems... just my 2�

Novel idea, but I think we will need to save all that nuclear waste for the Canadian border in the future.

A simpler idea would be to get a couple of good sharpshooters and pick off 7 or 8 coyotes over the course of a few weeks, and let their cargo go back home to tell everyone else. This won't stop the illegal immigration entirely, but when the coyotes start to quadruple their prices (hazard pay), I'll bet the effect would stem the tide considerably.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Crazyhorse
A simpler idea would be to get a couple of good sharpshooters and pick off 7 or 8 coyotes over the course of a few weeks, and let their cargo go back home to tell everyone else. This won't stop the illegal immigration entirely, but when the coyotes start to quadruple their prices (hazard pay), I'll bet the effect would stem the tide considerably.

Interesting application of economics. And it just might achieve a desired result. Besides, who would actually feel bad about killing a half dozen or so coyotes? Those people are scum.

[edit on 7/24/2004 by Eastern_Diamondback]

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by oconnection
The scariest part of this is that very few politicians are unwilling to support these issues. There afraid of being called a racist. If I want my government to stand up & enforce the laws I'm labeled a racist by some. I frankly don't care what these people think. Say you snuck into to Mexico or any other country. What would happen to you? If you don't get shot on the spot they will through you in jail & throw away the key.

Honestly we've become so afraid to offend people were undermining our national seventy.

I'm all for people coming here & benefiting from the good of this country. But all I ask is you do it legally!

You're right. They have entered the country illegally and should be held accountable for their actions. I don't care if the guy is white or whatever, he broke the law and should be punished.

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