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I've been watching planes lately

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posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 07:50 PM
I live in the middle of nowhere and I've taken to watching the skies, especially on clear days. I've been trying to figure out where I stand on this whole chemtrail conspiracy for a long time, and honestly, I still haven't made up my mind. But I would just like to show some pics that I have taken over the past week or so.

I'm not trying to convince anyone one way or the other... like I said, I'm not sure where I stand myself. I do believe in weather modification, but like many people have pointed out, weather doesn't occur at the cruising altitude of jets. So, being an open minded person, I can't call it one way or the other without definite proof, so I've been doing what I can to try to decide or at least to lean more to one side than the other.

I apologize that these pics are large. I resized them, but they're still much larger than I intended, so if you have to scroll, or open the pic in a new tab in order to see the whole thing, please accept my apologies in advance.

For the most part, in the absence of storms, the skies to tend to start the day looking like this:


and then usually end looking a lot like this:


Both of these photos were taken facing west, for what it's worth. And just in case someone decides to check the exif data (although I don't know why anyone would, lol) I have the a.m. and p.m. settings set wrong on my camera, at the moment.

Anyway, I have really been paying attention to the air traffic and taking pics of planes and I've noticed that the majority, if not all, of what I'm seeing is passenger jets. I've noticed that during a certain time of day (usually before noon) nearly all flights are south to north or east to west. Vice versa is rare until afternoon and then many of the flights switch directions. That doesn't mean anything... I've just been paying attention. All of these planes have contrails behind them. Some of the contrails hang around and some don't.

On the weekends, skies usually look like this:





... but very well could be caused by heavier air traffic on the weekends.

Now for the plane pics. Like I said, most, if not all are passenger jets. I don't claim to be an expert on planes though, so have a look for yourselves. There is only one plane that left me with questions. First, let's see the "normal" ones.

I apologize for the suckiness of some of the pics. It's hard to get a clear shot of a jet at cruising altitude, while standing on the ground.












Now, out of all the pics of planes that I have taken, the only one I photographed that looked like it might actually be "spraying" something is this one.


Thoughts? Is it just the contrail forming at the tail of the plane or what? The engines are on the wings, but the contrail looks like it's coming from the tail. I don't know either way, so I'm interested in what both sides of the conspiracy think. The contrails seem to form behind the planes in the other pics, but this one looks different. And yes, I have changed the contrast on this one pic because the plane barely showed otherwise, but I'll gladly post the original if anyone wants, although it looks the same, with a lighter sky, lol.

Please, please, please, please let's keep it civil, people! I'm all up for debate, if anyone wants to debate, but let's all just get along, please?

edit on 3/3/2011 by gemineye because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/3/2011 by gemineye because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:04 PM
very nice pics! they are not only interesting, they are pretty too. star and flag.

if you were of the mind, and if you haven't already done it, there are a couple of websites that let you see ATC screens, with most call signs, elevations, etc, in view.

you could probably correlate the planes that pass over you with their ATC data. that might add another interesting element to your observations.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:08 PM
Whats funny is i do believe in chemtrails..there is a difference between them and contrails...i drive for a living and i go long distances in Ontario Canada and i often see these allot of the time...usually there is a few and the stream behind them dont last very long tend to disapear after a few minutes kind like you would expect when the air cools down again after the the hot engine heat them up..

However when i see a chemtrail this streak not only stays for hours, it drops altitude due to it being denser and it spreads out so think that by the time a few hours have past its like a blanket covering the sky.

Today i counted over 40 chemtrials from 9am to 7 pm i watched them as them as i seen these planes alll at the exact same hight judgeing but the same size they were, realese these barium,aluminum, iron particle filled streams into into our air, by the time i got home and watched them all day the sky was a complete haze as they open up.

I only had my cell cam so the pics i will post do not do it justice for what i saw today was not contrails and it was so apparent and almost sickening to see it happen i also saw that the uk got hit hard today with it also so i really dont care what others say im gonna listen to my heart on this one..

here are some of the pics.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by gemineye

Interesting, especially the one with the streams coming directly from the tail. It makes me wonder why the aircraft designers can't add or remove a flair to remove some of the contrail effect because some planes really don't have much of a trail behind them.

I also wonder, when will it be illegal to take pictures of flying aircraft?...

edit on 3-3-2011 by Mapkar because: turned a "fro" into "from"

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by gemineye

Very interesting,
Appreciate the time and effort you took to not only get these photos, but to post them!! S&F

I am looking forward to seeing the usual debunkers try to explain that last photo away, I'm no expert by any means, but that last photo appears to show the trail coming off the tail in some way????

Keep up the good work!!


edit on 3-3-2011 by ParkerCramer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:20 PM
Those are actually pretty good pics for an "average" camera.

Regarding the one that looks like it is spraying from the tail - hot air coming out of the engines takes a while to cool and condense - that is why there is always a gap between the engines and the contrails they generate.

contails spread out and form clouds because the ice crystals they contain are good nucleation sites for other ice to form if the air is supersaturated - ie ice requires something to actually form on down to -42 deg C (ie at -42 water will spontaneously freeze without a nucleation site) - so without nucleation the atmosphere can actually contain a lot more moisture down to -42 than it can if there is nucleation - eg see the Wiki page on cloud physics - especially the section on supersaturation, and the Bergeron process

the difficulties of photographing a/c and guessing heights are covered on this page - if you know sufficient data about your camera you can use image size as a rough and ready guide to altitude.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by gemineye

Those are all perfectly normal contrails and cirrus clouds.

What's the question??

You have excellent, good long-lens shots of airplanes as well....with the clear-cut signs of normal, everyday contrails forming in the engine exhaust, just as one expects to see, when the relative humidity and temperature are conducive to formation.

SO, again....what's the question here??

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Mapkar

Waht is particularly strange about the last one that interests you?

Parallel contrails occur when an aircraft flies along a route leaving a contrail, then the wind pushes it sideways, and another a/c flies along eh same rout 5-10-15 minutes later.

Wind at high altitude is often not like on the ground - it can be a large mass of air all moving at the same speed and direction, hence the contrails do not get broken up as you think they would if they weer subject to the sorts of winds we usually experience at ground level - or at least theones I do!!

A 60mph wind could push a contrail 5 miles in 5 minutes, 10 miles in 10 minutes, etc - proportionaly more or less for faster or slower winds.

And there's possibly a short contrail at another that it? My take would be it was probably made by an aircraft at a different altitude so in different conditions.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Those are actually pretty good pics for an "average" camera.

Regarding the one that looks like it is spraying from the tail - hot air coming out of the engines takes a while to cool and condense - that is why there is always a gap between the engines and the contrails they generate.

contails spread out and form clouds because the ice crystals they contain are good nucleation sites for other ice to form if the air is supersaturated - ie ice requires something to actually form on down to -42 deg C (ie at -42 water will spontaneously freeze without a nucleation site) - so without nucleation the atmosphere can actually contain a lot more moisture down to -42 than it can if there is nucleation - eg see the Wiki page on cloud physics - especially the section on supersaturation, and the Bergeron process

the difficulties of photographing a/c and guessing heights are covered on this page - if you know sufficient data about your camera you can use image size as a rough and ready guide to altitude.

Sounds pretty technical, and possibly correct.........................but maybe you should put your glasses on and take a good LOOK at where those trails are coming from????

they are coming directly out of something in the tail, if you don't believe it look at the other photos, those appear to have some space from the engine to the actual appearance of the trail, but definately not in the last photo

Would love to hear another explanation???


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by gemineye

Those are all perfectly normal contrails and cirrus clouds.

What's the question??

You have excellent, good long-lens shots of airplanes as well....with the clear-cut signs of normal, everyday contrails forming in the engine exhaust, just as one expects to see, when the relative humidity and temperature are conducive to formation.

SO, again....what's the question here??

I thought pilots were suppose to have 20/20 vision???

What's the question???
LOOK at the last photo, or read your partners response, where he tries to explain it away.........

So, now it's your turn WeedWhacker, tell us what we are not seeing


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by ParkerCramer

...but maybe you should put your glasses on ....

Good advice. Put your 3-D glasses on, and engage your brain.....what's that? No 3-D glasses? The picture ISN'T in "3-D"?? Oh, well...then think.....

/...hey are coming directly out of something in the tail...

NO, they are not. It is called perspective.

Must I explain that? Will wait to see......

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by ParkerCramer

Well science often is quiet technical!!
But I reckon the wiki articles I linked to are in reasonably plain language.

The reason that particular photo loks the way it does is probably nothing more than the angle you took the shot on - here's a great shot showing how such things can happen...poor stork!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Could not agree more Mr. Whacker.......................Perspective..................Ours vs. Yours


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Chemtrail skeptic here.

To me, verification should be fairly simple, but could be accomplished only by someone with the right equipment. Video camera with a good tripod and a holy hell of a zoom lens. Go outside one day and study all the planes up close, and in video. If there is really a chemical dump happening, it should be fairly obvious with a close enough look.

Then we can all be adults and accept the evidence in front of us and see where it points and be willing to change our minds. At the very least we can learn a lot about the close-up details of the formation of contrails. And who knows, maybe it'll produce the smoking gun for chemtrails. A tube end billowing out a smoky substance should be pretty obvious.

No, the latter wouldn't convert anybody who elevates the ego of "skepticism" to the level of religion. (But there is no point in debating the "psychologically religious" anyway. Merely presenting genuinely rock-solid evidence is the best you can do, and the most you should. Plant your mental seeds and walk away.)

edit on 3-3-2011 by NewlyAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
reply to post by ParkerCramer

Well science often is quiet technical!!
But I reckon the wiki articles I linked to are in reasonably plain language.

The reason that particular photo loks the way it does is probably nothing more than the angle you took the shot on - here's a great shot showing how such things can happen...poor stork!

So, your reasoning is that a stork left the trail and the plane just flew into the path??????????????????????????

Loved the photo of the stork though, but, other than a distraction it does not prove your earlier beliefs.


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by NewlyAwakened

Without thousands in equipment, I believe this is what the OP intended to do,

Do you have any thoughts on the photos in this post??


posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:43 PM
Great Pics!!! These look like some of the contrails I have seen when I was home in rural S.E. Oklahoma...they don't hide themselves as well in the rural areas and are blatant. I've noticed that in the big cities they spray on the edges of the city usually upwind and let the contrails drift over. They also use different patterns on cities, they use the semi-circle sometimes in the convex and sometimes in the concave pattern. Someday one of the pilots of these planes will come clean and expose what they are spraying.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by ParkerCramer
I thought pilots were suppose to have 20/20 vision???

Local requirements (not USA):

With or without correcting lenses:

1/ distant visual acuity of 6/9 in each eye, and 6/6 binocular
2/ N5 or better binocularly at a distance of between 30 and 50 centimetres, and have intermediate visual acuity of N14 or better binocularly at a distance of 1 metre, and
3/ have no deficit of colour vision to an extent that is of aeromedical significance

The last one uses various Ishihara Pseudo-Isochromatic Plates (PIPs) - mild colour blindness has no restrictions, more severe colour blindness results in restrictions on night flying and carrying passengers as a professional pilot (yuo can kill your friends and family - but not fare paying passengers!!)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by MMPI2

if you were of the mind, and if you haven't already done it, there are a couple of websites that let you see ATC screens, with most call signs, elevations, etc, in view.

I had actually thought about doing that! I think on the next clear day, I'll just take my laptop outside with me and see what I can come up with. If I can see what's supposed to be flying over, while I'm taking pics, maybe I can make a log. Even if it doesn't prove anything, it would be fun.

I like taking pics of planes, even when I'm not trying to decide which side of a conspiracy to be on, lol. I miss my flight attendant days. *sigh* Being able to see them up close kind of makes me miss them a little less. I really should know more about planes than I do, hehe. I was always working on 50 seater commuter jets, but I like watching them all.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by ParkerCramer
Do you have any thoughts on the photos in this post??

Nope. Too far away and not enough expertise on my part to have anything productive to say about them.

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