Does anyone anything about that person, just google it, you' l see, she writes something called " The masquerade of angels" with aliens playing
Can you provide some more information? For starters, what reason do you have that she is a disinfo agent? Or at the very least a link claiming such?
I've never heard of her so if she's a disinfo agent she's not a very successful one.
I don't know if she is or not that' s why I ask.
But thank you for your reply,I don't think I ll get other replies other than
"why ?"
What makes you think that?"
When i ask a mere question
Karla Turner was an abductee who was of a traditionally religious frame of mind and considered the aliens to be up to no good. I don't remember too
much else. She was intereviewed a number of times on the old Sightings (Rense) show and Linda Moulton Howe features her one of her books about ET
visitation. I doubt there was any "disinformation." She did lecture at conferences and came out with some info on Milabs which may be why she died
so young and so relatively suddenly, of cancer.