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You say you want to fight the Elites? (Part II)

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:26 PM
NOTICE: If you are religious, lazy, apathetic, and aimlessly looking for some direction in life then don't bother reading this. Do yourself a favor and please don't contribute to the garbage here at ATS, we have lots of them already. Also if you would only say Great thread S&F you could just give me the damn star and flag and leave if you have nothing to contribute.


A look on Modern Religions

You say you want to fight the elites? Then abolish their satanic religions. Religion and Government goes together so well that I almost see it as one and the same. Same objective different methods of functioning. Religion is now a system of mind control, isn't it time to reclaim religion? Our greatest gift?

If you still believe in all of the modern religions and you still subscribe to this then you clearly are not fighting against the elites. The religions you follow today are useful tools against you.

Well we have given this religions enough time to give us what they had promised us (i.e.peace, love etc.) they've had thousands of years to do this and yet they have failed in doing so, they have thousands of years to practice what they preach yet they have failed to deliver us their promise, isn't it time to get rid of these diabolical religions that are used against us? One only needs to look back at history to determine how evil these religions are, they are the cause of famine, war, pain, intolerance and suffering. They have divided US (humans) and they have created a false world (e.g. my creator's dick is bigger than yours).

Let's look at their promises the Christians said their God is a god that is forgiving, merciful and of tolerance.

Now look at what the Christians did, Christianity wasn't spread by love, but by fire. They tortured and executed heretics who does not adhere to their beliefs. God of tolerance? Yeah right.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." -Proverbs 3:5-6

Yep the God in the bible thinks we are stupid and that we will never make right decisions.

"If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it." -Mark 8:35

You see how this God tries and alienates us from ourselve?

"My unfailing love for you will not be shaken. Nor my covenant of peace be removed. Says the Lord, who has compassion on you." - Isaiah 54.10

Covenant of peace? Yeah right, he calls it "peace" when he had killed all of his enemies, that's what "peace" means to him.


Well the Jews call themselves the "Choosen Ones", and they cry and whine why people try and get rid of them? Well the answer is easy they call themselves the "Choosen Ones" and those who is not born a Jew automatically goes to Hell.


Need I say more? Just look at their name - Islams = Submission.
Look at how many people are stoned to death just because they have "sinned" to their God. And they have the nerve to question why they get so few Nobel Prizes? The answer to their question cannot be farther it is within them, they supress creativity, education, intelligence and rationality. Anyone who thinks outside of Islam will be branded as an Infidel, they will be stoned to death if they disobey Allah.


In hinduism there is the caste sytem - i.e. how you are born and how you live today is according to your past life and you deserve everything you are experiencing today that is a product of your Karma.


This could be considered one of the world's strangest religions, it is not even obvious that it is a religion. God does not exist in any sense according to the word "god" but there are supernatural beings such Titans, demigods, devils and ghosts. Heaven and hell exists but not human soul. There are many important lesson to be learned here but the Karma system still exists here so it is just as faulty as Hindiusm.

What is the purpose of religion?
It is to provide answers to the profoundest questions such as: What is the meaning of life? Who created the world? Why does evil exist? No one needs temples, churches, priests and rabbis for any of that.


When you say YES to life, you are saying yes to infinity, and to everything that implies.

Satan loves conflict, famine, death, war, and everything else that have been spread by his vile religions. We wonder why the world is at it's current state today, the answer lies under our noses RELIGIONS.

They are all Devil worshippers, their existence has turned this world into hell. They are RESPONSIBLE for almost all of things that is happening to us today.

We will never be free until we are free of this mad religions and their mad dogmas. You want to fight the Elites? Get rid of their religions.

Look at religions this way, they are different brands of one item but they are all ultimately the same. The item they sell is mental illness which is like hard drugs, when you become hooked you're totally #ed beyond salvation, and you become addicted to this astoundingly fast.

Abrahamism will need to see it's end before we can start a new age. The age of enlightenment.

When a person bows to “God” he has shown that he understands nothing of God. God is your guide, your light, your exemplar. He is your friend, ally and mentor. He is like a perfect big brother, steering you through life. If your big brother asked you to bow before him and pray to him, you would think he had gone insane. If he demanded your worship, you would hate him. If he commanded you to love, serve and obey him, you would fight him. His job is to nurture you and bring out the best in you, not to make you his slave.

If a person prays to a God whom he considers omnipotent, omniscient, and perfect in every regard, he will inevitably see himself by contrast as powerless, ignorant, flawed and sinful. He has stripped himself of his own nobility and worth and projected it onto this remote, inhuman God, so far above the level of humanity as to be unknowable and unreachable. A person on his knees to this God is profoundly unhappy, wracked with self-loathing. He has created a means to torture himself. Whenever he contemplates this God, he cannot help simultaneously contemplating how far he falls short. He sees himself as despicable. Does such a person have a healthy attitude to life? Is he contented, optimistic, self-confident, eager to take on every challenge life throws at him? Or is he mired in negativity? He can’t save himself, he thinks, only God can save him. His is an Alienated Soul.

Now imagine that this person realises that God is not external but internal. All the qualities he so admires and reveres in God are actually within him, albeit deeply buried. If he can get in touch with his inner divinity, his life will be transformed. Instead of crawling around the world on his hands and knees, terrified of his infinitely distant perfect God, he will stride around confidently and powerfully…a God in his own right. A majestic human being. A credit to humanity. He will experience the ecstasy of self-actualisation and self-realisation. His alienation from himself will be at an end.


It's time we left behind these monstrous, false religions of Satan. Let's turn to a religion of reason, hope and freedom that celebrates the True God, not Satan. Let's turn to Illuminism: the religion of light, the religion of enlightenment.

Armageddon Conspiracy

"You choose, it's all up to you now.

Would you pave the road to a New World Order or would you stay passive and even worse resist the New world order?

It's all up to you now. It's all in your hands since the very beginning, you choose to usher A new age or to stay afraid forever?"

Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light. ~Norman B. Rice

Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we'll need no other light. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Also read The Dangers of Religious Hypnosis and Indoctrination: The genocidal faiths of Christianity & Islam by Lucifer777.

(Other parts of this would come as soon as I have the time to do it.)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

I'm pretty sure that religion is the only thing a lot of people have to provide them with hope, in the poorer nations there is no chance of living a good life with their lack of an economy and stablility in society so they turn to religion as a way to empower themselves. But I'm all with you for tearing down every religious institution as they all spread the same garbage and poison their followers minds.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:51 PM
all in all the greatest questions religions have formed to address as to why were here are based on the idea that there must be a purpose and reason to be alive and something more than an inanimate rock, why are we so lucky to be conscious? what could have allowed us to flourish through the evolution of the universe into living beings from everything else in the universe.
anyhow i agree organized religion is a root of evil and that true enlightenment is found within an individuals spirituality not through a heirachy of organized religion and beliefs.

religions of the past have failed however one thing ive been contemplating lately is if a new great moral code of sorts could be made up, a new path to find divinity for all with no organized elite. anyhow it would need a catchy title

ps. star and flag
PPS. im thinking a catchy title would be something like 'The Humanist Manifesto'
edit on 28-2-2011 by trust_no_one because: additional and missing thoughts

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:52 PM
Reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick


Isn't God and Satan a construct of religion?

And by doing what you are saying, you turn to another religion called Humanism.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:59 PM
i do not think that believing in a religion is bad. it is the people who feed of it.

think about it, when ever people follow or support somebody or some organization, it becomes so powerful and out of control as to cause the problems you speak off.

when christians did what they did in history who directed it? the church.... which could only become powerful because of all its followers, donations etc.

the problem is not religion per say but giving authority to others to control it.

if everybody on this earth followed their religion but without feeling a need to support or go to places that harvest their power then there would be no power to give away for such figures to use for their own personal agenda's and properganda.

if people prayed at home, did not give donations and kept their beliefs to themselves then it would do no harm and they are not giving away any power.

when people do follow figure heads and it is not limited to religion then this is where the problems start, hitler comes to mind.

but following an deity that is not real if kept to yourself, gives away no power to anybody to use in anyway they see fit. the problem is those who feed of religion and those who willingly give away their power without understanding that is what they are doing.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Do you think these religions invented Satan and the God concept?

What do you think those people that have pre-existed these modern religions existed? Do you think they are that dumb to not understand the concept of Good and Evil?

They just named it specifically God and Satan, Good and Evil.

And that's the reason I created this thread to make a New Religion that is a complete opposite of Religions today. The bridge to a New World Order.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:17 PM
Reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

If you use the names religions have given to good and evil, you are giving creedwnce to the same religion's that you wish to abolish.

As for the NWO. Thanks, but no thanks.

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Well unlike the religious ones just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I can automatically condemn you to hell or whatever satanical place. You are still welcome to the NWO.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:31 PM
Reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

And God will still welcome you if you change your mind.

I have said my piece, so I will bow out.

Good luck.

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:34 AM
You cannot take away someone's religion and replace it with another. Look at how well it worked in the dark ages. A change of religion is only done by choice. What path should they choose from that's superior (for themselves) to what they have?

If the elites are are all part of some misguided religion then the best we can do is try to understand its nature to predict their next move. Do you think any one of us could create a new religion or explain an existing religion that would convert anyone who feels they are reaping benefits from their current ideals?

It appears as though you are condemning major religions based on the idea that they condemn others who do not believe the same way they do.

There are many paths to the same destination. The only religion I do not tolerate is one that infringes upon me. That could be said for a satanic elite I suppose, but what'cha gonna do?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:35 AM
religion IS government, and government is religion... 'government' literally means 'mind control', which is exactly what the purveying religious institutions are: mass mind control devices, nothing more..

if people want to find god, they should run far away from religion..

the old arguements about faith and tradition are just so irrelevant anymore; the OP is esentially right; we must chop the whole tree down before we can find our collective spirit again; but as for replacing old religions with new ones, well, I don't think we need to; every sovreign individual can commune with the divine (or not) is his/her own way

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by AlienMenace
You cannot take away someone's religion and replace it with another. Look at how well it worked in the dark ages. A change of religion is only done by choice. What path should they choose from that's superior (for themselves) to what they have?

You think it is done by choice? Or by force? As far as I can remember they are "forced" by gods to follow them.

And I do not seek to create a new religion in my OP I said that if you want to fight the elites then abolish their religions but I don't recall telling them to replace their old religions with mine.

If the elites are are all part of some misguided religion then the best we can do is try to understand its nature to predict their next move.

You think they would be part of the modern religions? Of course not, they know how those religions work.

Do you think any one of us could create a new religion or explain an existing religion that would convert anyone who feels they are reaping benefits from their current ideals?

No need to create a new religion that would replace the old ones. What we need is to abolish them, end of story.

The only religion I do not tolerate is one that infringes upon me. That could be said for a satanic elite I suppose, but what'cha gonna do?

All religions are basically the same except the eastern ones don't necessarily impose their beliefs on you, the point of this thread is for a NWO to be possible, everything will soon follow after that. Also there is already a plan that has been made.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

In this thread I see no proof of how these religions are being used against us by TPTB. I see no proof of how religion is satanic in nature (which it must be, if one can label every religion ever as satanic). Not to mention, all you have to say about religion was to point out the things in said religion you think to be dumb. This shows me you are uneducated with regards to the purpose of religion. If you are going to attack the belief systems of anybody that's NOT an atheist please do some research before-hand. Your religious intolerance makes you intolerant of so many more people than racism ever could.

Well we have given this religions enough time to give us what they had promised us (i.e.peace, love etc.) they've had thousands of years to do this and yet they have failed in doing so, they have thousands of years to practice what they preach yet they have failed to deliver us their promise

My religion does bring me peace and love, actually. What does your anti-religion bring you ?

PS. In the first paragraph of this post you refer to religion as "a system of mind control", and the very next sentence refer to it as "our greatest gift". Elaborate on this please ?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Gibbled
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

In this thread I see no proof of how these religions are being used against us by TPTB. I see no proof of how religion is satanic in nature (which it must be, if one can label every religion ever as satanic). Not to mention, all you have to say about religion was to point out the things in said religion you think to be dumb.

Well it seems you haven't read my notice there or you did not understand it or maybe you just disregarded it to show how great your religion is?

Anyways I also told you in my OP that you only need to look back at history to understand why "we" have been compelled to hate these religions.

Since you haven't done that then allow me to show you some "proofs" you want.



The picture shows the catholic christian inquisition torturing a "heretic".





Hindus & Buddhists

Hinduism espouses Slavery
According to Hinduism (read Geeta and Mahabharatha and various other Hindu documents), the sudras are made to serve the other three castes (Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas). While defining the jobs of the castes, the document considered the Bible of the Hinduism states that Brahmins are the people who 'possess' everything. God has made everything for the Brahmin. He has to learn the vedas and practice it. Kshatriyas should keep the Brahmins happy and rule the kingdom in line with the vedas. Vaisyas will do the trading. And the rest of the people (read sudras) should serve these three communities. There is no other purpose of their existence. What do you call this? It is slavery in the guise of religion. If the so called Hindu exponents are really interested in harmony, they should remove these lines which occur in more than one place all over geeta and mahabharatha. These were obviously inserts made during the later days of caste movement. Using this nearly 80% of the people were held slaves to the rest and the same is being tried today.

The worst is that this slavery is not accepted by the people who are on the top. At least in the case of the Negros of the US, the whites accepted there is slavery. But here this was not accepted. And this is the cause of the major problems. The classes who enslave others work against the liberation of such enslaved masses even today. What disheartening scene is this?

To add one more, women are considered slaves of the men! It is high time these thoughts are removed as well.


This shows me you are uneducated with regards to the purpose of religion. If you are going to attack the belief systems of anybody that's NOT an atheist please do some research before-hand. Your religious intolerance makes you intolerant of so many more people than racism ever could.

Uneducated you say? Well that is a bold statement anyways you also said that I am intolerant against religious people? Yep, you got that right. I am intolerant against people who choose to follow their dogmas rather than rationality. I am intolerant against people who try and spread their religion by fire.

And to clear it up to you I am not trying to convert everyone to be an Atheist as I am not an Atheist myself. What I'm trying to say is the religions we have today are broken beyond repair.
What is more practical I ask you? To try and salvage things that are broken (beyond repair) or to try and make a new one?

My religion does bring me peace and love, actually. What does your anti-religion bring you ?

What is your religion may I ask?

What does anti-religion bring me you say? Well here's one thing - I am free from any Gods or Tyrants that wants me to follow certain rules and regulations. I am my own god.

PS. In the first paragraph of this post you refer to religion as "a system of mind control", and the very next sentence refer to it as "our greatest gift". Elaborate on this please ?

Remember the Greeks? The Roman gods and goddesses? Don't you think it's better minus the slavery? You see how their religion is the complete reverse of modern religions today? You see how tolerant they are to others?

That is the gift I am talking about - the freedom to choose your path without someone telling you that you will go to hell if you don't follow their path.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 03:58 PM
I'm praying for you.... You have the right to believe what you want.. But when you throw a disclaimer like yours out there that tells me.. a Christian.. to leave your sight because of what you're going to post. I can't because your blaspheming the very God that I believe in and fight for... So... NO I WON'T GO QUIETLY AWAY AND LET YOU BASH RELIGION AND PEOPLES BELIEFS..

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by mpwaite

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

You have hit on almost all the points of religion that I have been wondering about my whole life. I am currently and have always been the black sheep of the family for questioning the bible.What people need to understand is that it was written by MEN. That does not take away the fact that people need hope in something to get them through the rough times of their life.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 07:11 PM
This thread is exactly what I needed to read, I hope you don't mind but i do use some of your sentences when debating the case with people in the flesh. No God would want to see his 'children' bowing down to him being something there not and that is the truth, no god would want people to literally kill other to make others believe and if he does then the guy is off his rocker.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 01:30 PM
I'm sorry sir but I don't believe you know much about religion. I'm not a religious person but I'm not ignorant enough to categorize all of religion as negative. It all comes down to the humans who live through the religion. I have seen love, peace, modernity, intelligence, and creativity come from many who practice religion.

Of course there are those who distort it for their own personal gains, but that is the product of us as humans and nothing more.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:33 PM
All living things believe in something greater than themselves. It's instinct. They just can't live on without that blind obedience to something. And those who believe seek worship of something yet higher to escape the pressure of obedience. In turn, even the worshiped seek something greater to believe in. This is how Gods are born.

All sheep need a shepherd, and the people controlling religions are the shepherds. They take advantage of people's need to believe in something greater than them, and use it to control them and get the things move the way they want to. Religion is the best way to control the mass of people. People are afraid of what they don't know and what they don't understand, and they always are told not to try to understand God, just worship Him and do as He says. It's like saying close your eyes and go the way i tell you to. All the new religions are Pagan rites and beliefs converted into monotheism. Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th? Because it's the Pagan celebration of the birth of the Sun. Another Muslim holiday is on the exact day as the spring equinox. Why is Easter celebrated on April? Because it's the time the Pagans believed that at that time the Sun reached the maximum of it's (his) power. All gods in history represent the Sun, the light or enlightenment, knowledge fertility etc. etc. The evil is represented as Darkness, which in itself represents ignorance and death.

P.S. I am new here. Sorry if i didn't respect the rules with this post and if i did so please let me know. Thank you and once again I'm sorry for any mistakes.

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