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You say you want to fight the Elites? (Part I)

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 02:30 PM
NOTICE: If you are religious, lazy, apathetic, and aimlessly looking for some direction in life then don't bother reading this. Do yourself a favor and please don't contribute to the garbage here at ATS, we have lots of them already. Also if you would only say Great thread S&F you could just give me the damn star and flag and leave if you have nothing to contribute.

We all know that we are all fighting a mutual enemy, we are all fighting the same enemy whether you call them the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Reptillians, corrupt Government, the Ruling Elites, TPTB etc. they are all the same aren't they? By defintion here (in ATS) they are all the same aren't they? They all want us to stay "asleep" right?

Now we have millions of people "waking up" and learning all these things, you know what is dangerous? The NAMES they give these people - the ruling elites, you see how they have been called differently over the time? WE have made ourselves fearful of every secret society conceivable.

No wonder some people have predicted a cataclysmic event. Now it is happening - too much too soon.

In spite of some peoples bold façade (i.e. acting tough, fighting against the NWO) you can look right through them, look right through that person and you could see their ulterior motives clearly and that is to make us terrified of a NWO a New World Order saving humanity.

The Real enemy is the Old World Order - they are the ones who have been in charge since the very beginning. Do you really think they have the need for a NWO? My answer to this is no they don't need a NWO in fact they would fear a NWO. Remember the saying that if it is not broken, don't fix it? Yes that applies to the OWO they have no need to fix anything since almost all of us already dancing to their tune, they have been in control for decades or Millenias, the last thing they want is a NWO.

The OWO subscribes to a belief that your birth is more than your worth i.e. your parents identity would have a great impact on your life.

The elites or the priveleged can be compared to little children who believes that they are the centre of the world, but whereas the reality kicks in for ordinary children, it never does for the elites/priveleged people.

Now you have people that wants to fight the Elites, yet they don't realize that one of the main beliefs of the Elites is still embedded deep within them which is family above else. The issue could not be simpler. If you have the ability to place your family above more talented families, what will you do? Will you do everything in your power for your family or will you stop yourself from doing that? Would you want your untalented family members rise up in our society just because they are your "family"? If you would do this then (surprise surprise) you are no different than the Elites you are fighting, they only want their family to be above everyone else, if you would do this thing then I assure you - you are just as worse as them.

The anti-NWO people has an agenda that can be simplfied into 5 things:

1)Destroy Government
2)Destroy Socialism/Communism
3)Arm everyone with an assault rifle (e.g.kill everyone who stands in their way)
4)Let the free market and the private sector set laws
5) Worship the materialism inherent in anarcho-capitalism

(Don't deny it!)

If you are anti-NWO then you could not be part of the meritocratic and just New World Order that good and intelligent people have sought for millennia.

Instead of solving the problems these anti-NWO is the central part of the problem.

Don't you want future generations to look back and say, "I would give anything to have been back there with those amazing people who changed the world. We are forever in their debt."

Don't you want to be remembered as one of the ushers of a NWO?

Truth will naturally reach its omega point.


You choose, it's all up to you now.

Would you pave the road to a New World Order or would you stay passive and even worse resist the New world order?

It's all up to you now. It's all in your hands since the very beginning, you choose to usher A new age or to stay afraid forever?

Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light. ~Norman B. Rice

Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we'll need no other light. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


I will try and make a few points regarding Meritocracy as a NWO.

Only meritocracy will be able to deliver a world where the master and slave relationship will be abolished, the Master in the master and slave relationship is a person who has general authority over others and they are able to control vastly more resources than others. Meritocracy advocates preventing anyone from acquiring excessive resources. For example when the richest man (those who have shown their merits to the society) is only ten or twenty times as rich as the poorest man in that society then the master and slave relationship would (in theory) cease to exist whereas in our current world today a capitalist democratic society the richest man is allowed to gather as much as he can, such system is devised by the Old World Order to keep people in their hands.

Of course the masters(in our current society) won't allow you to change their system because this has brought them vast amounts of wealth. They give you a sense of freedom, freedom to choose your President or someone who is supposed to stand up for you, sure you can change this person again and again but you won't eliminate the problem, the problem is in the system and they won't allow you to change it. That's how they control us, giving us a sense of freedom but in reality you don't change anything At all. The system is rigged, it has been like this since they have taken over. A good slave is someone who denies that he is one and yet acts like one i.e. doing their masters bidding. To me those who call themselves "awake" should know this, they would resist the system, they would be troublesome and do such things to show their resistance it would take a lot of time and effort to control them. It costs money to their masters. What is their (OWO) solution to this? They will force you to be their slaves (and they have already done it). Of course it would be obvious if they would still call you "slaves" so they choose a new name for us (how convenient) and it is student, consumer, employee, customer, voter, citizen.

Now let's talk about communism for a little bit, communism would supposedly replace democracy according to Karl Marx. Communism in short is a lazy man's paradise, those who are too lazy to work would achieve the same benefits as those who are meritorious, hard working, and competent people. In short this would create a sterile environment for everyone, no one would want to work because they can get away without doing nothing and they won't get more with doing more.

In meritocracy inequality that is present in a capitalist society would be abolished and so is the false equality that communism creates. In meritocracy those who are meritorious enough and capable enough would be allowed to go as high without damaging others (in short he will be limited by the resources available).

I'm sure that there are a lot more points that I haven't touched here or simply I have no capabilities of doing that. However my explanation I assume would be enough to give you guys an idea on how Meritocracy would work.
Remember one thing though in Meritocracy everything is not set in stone, we would apply the dialectical process where new and more effective ideas would be allowed to take over the old and withering ideas.
edit on 28-2-2011 by Lateralussicksicksick because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2011 by Lateralussicksicksick because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 02:45 PM
upon seeing your smug little notice i think i will just leave, sans the star and flag...

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 02:48 PM
I chose the blue pill shortly after 911. The blatent lies were just to much for me seeing that I was already half way there anyway. The assassinations of the sixtys giving me more than enough reason to never have voted.
Why vote when it's obvious the good ones, the ones who respond to the love of the people, will be obliterated. That for me says the ones that will be allowed are dirt bags.

I don't want to fight the powers that be though. I want to absolutly take a bull whip to them.
edit on 28-2-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 02:49 PM
As long as representative forms of government dominate the globe, there will always be corruption.

The only viable solution for non-corrupt governance is a system whereby the citizens vote en masse on bills instead of voting for representatives.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 03:00 PM
waging a war against the elite? why not just take up tax returns and kill everyone who had an income over $220K?
Or you could set your level about anywhere you want, just to make sure you get all of those filthy bastards.

Who do they think they are, earning money and not pissing it away! The nerve of them! And I like the idea of getting all the Freemasons and the like. Go after the Elks, the Moose lodge, and the Woodmen of the World too. All of those fraternal organizations. After all, since we don't know what they are doing behind those doors, it must be sinister!

Dude, there is a boogyman, he does run the world, and he wants more power. But be careful who you lump into your evil cartel. Some of those you condemn, might just be the very ones who save you some day.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by randyvs

I see that you have choose to be one of them Ignavi. Those who have given up on doing anything and are willing to live and let live, they just let life pass through them they act as no one they truly are.

reply to post by DeReK DaRkLy

That is the point of Meritocracy - the new government (???) we will give the powers back to the people where they really belong.

reply to post by nougat420

You said you would leave then why have you bothered responding? I see that no message passes through your mind correctly.

Originally posted by epicfail
Dude, there is a boogyman, he does run the world, and he wants more power. But be careful who you lump into your evil cartel. Some of those you condemn, might just be the very ones who save you some day.

Your point is?? I believe that you haven't bothered reading my OP. Because if you did you would know that that's the reason I created this thread.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 03:22 PM
When the missiles start flying just weld the doors shut to the bunkers the NWO folks will be hiding in.

Problem solved.

When we create a new Government remember to Ban Lawyers from all forms of Government office. Only place they could reside would be the courts. No Court could make a law.

No person could serve jail time unless someone was injured.

Future Currencies will be based upon Oxygen Production and Cleaning up Earth's Biosphere. No more profiting by destroying our Biosphere. Make it a crime punishable by DEATH.

The illuminati's Greatest Fear....the world will return to ruralization after Crude Oil. Make it so.

End their thieving, stealing, and global manipulation for their own profits.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
I chose the blue pill shortly after 911.

I, too, ate the blue pill at one point. I'm pretty sure it's wearing off, though.

The OP illustrates one of the biggest stumbling blocks in "fighting the NWO", the fact that so many people have so many opinions as to what, exactly, the NWO is. With so many differing ideas, it's practically impossible to form a cohesive front from which to fight.

I breathlessly await "part 2"...

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Pervius

You see this is the main reason why NWO is having a hard time, its because of people like you who have misunderstood them and even worse you sucked up all of the propagandas against it by the media. Just because Bush mentioned a NWO doesn't make it his plan, don't you think he strategically used that term? To deceive people into thinking that a NWO would be bad, that a NWO will have concentrations camps and whatnot. No wonder these xenophobic people are afraid of a one world, no wonder they are afraid of the Illuminati and their new world.

I suggest you read my thread Clearing the Terms: NWO and OWO to understand what I mean when I talk about NWO.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 03:31 PM

I don't want to fight anyone, i just want whoever to stop trying to pick a fight with me.

one does not fight fire with fire, motivation is important yes, but no more than direction.

personal labels and social titles aside we are all still (sort of) human.
edit on 28/2/11 by AnotherYOU because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by AnotherYOU
one does not fight fire with fire, motivation is important yes, but no more than direction.

You are right about this but enough is enough, we have waited for far too long hoping that they would finally step down from their thrones. Humanity has suffered enough and it is time to fight back.

Watch as the spectacle unfolds before you, the choice is yours to make would you watch us or fight with us?

The keys are all around you, but the choice is yours to take not us.

Only you can take your path. To truly grow, you must stretch the boundaries, try to break out of the limitations of your normal self to find your higher self.

Man-made laws are not divine laws. They promote a certain agenda, usually that of the powerful. They are mostly concerned with the protection of property.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Lateralussicksicksick

You are right about this but enough is enough, we have waited for far too long hoping that they would finally step down from their thrones. Humanity has suffered enough and it is time to fight back.

Watch as the spectacle unfolds before you, the choice is yours to make would you watch us or fight with us?

I will not fight any of my kind, or anything for that matter.

last time i checked the so called Elites want us to fight them anyway, so i don't feel like waking into a trap anyway.

they do want us to rise up and seize the day, so they can deliver back as planned.

the best way to foil a plot is not complying to your pre ordained role.

i will not fight, as i feel no treath.

i know who i am, those so called elites are o no menace to me,

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

That is the point of Meritocracy - the new government (???) we will give the powers back to the people where they really belong

If the point of your Meritocracy is for the people to vote in their own laws, then you should be focusing on that point more than anything else, because that's the best "selling point" out of all of it.

In other words, don't just acknowledge what i said, think about how important it is for such a system to work!
No more "representative democracy"... TRUE Power To The People!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by DeReK DaRkLy

Nope I'm not trying to "sell" anything here, what I want to do is to make them understand. We need leaders not followers, so unless they understand the whole point of Meritocracy and the NWO then that's the only time they could be of use to us (humanity).

That's the whole point I'm making this series for people to "understand".

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:28 PM
I don't think it is a new or old world that people wake up to, just the truth. So long as people expand their horizons by thinking and researching and finding out more information about the world they live in, then it is a good thing. I agree with your use of the phrase "Old world order" or as I call it "Old world chaos" since it is a disorder not order, but order for them I suppose who are on stop imposing chaos on the bottom like wars, famine, economic strife, etc.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by DeReK DaRkLy
Wow I completely agree... But then i'm sure they could just change a few numbers like they did in Florida and surely elsewhere. It seems there is no winning : / I'm just waiting to see how it all plays out.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by subject x

Originally posted by randyvs
I chose the blue pill shortly after 911.

I, too, ate the blue pill at one point. I'm pretty sure it's wearing off, though.

The OP illustrates one of the biggest stumbling blocks in "fighting the NWO", the fact that so many people have so many opinions as to what, exactly, the NWO is. With so many differing ideas, it's practically impossible to form a cohesive front from which to fight.

I breathlessly await "part 2"...

This much I do have figured out. When you look at how long these wicked elitists were able to stay in the shadows. It's been these same tyrannical families for thousands of years. Always pulling the strings down through history. If anyone believes that we know of them now, because we're so smart in this generation we finally figured it all out? You are only fooling yourself. We know of them now because they have let it be known.
Why is that you might ask? Because technology has now come far enough to where it dosn't matter anymore.
That's why we know. Because they now have us by the cahounnes no matter what we know. They want to reduce the population and they are taunting us, with what we now know about them. Their easy to figure though. All you have to do is think the most wicked way you can imagine. Then you'll be in the ballpark at least.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by Lateralussicksicksick

A political / economic system doesn't really matter that much, as long as a degree of individuality is preserved. Even under a dictatorship, the population can be happy and lead fulfilling lives. It all depends on a myriad of decisions made by whoever is in power. There is no magic formula, there will always be imperfections. One exception is communism - that is not a political / economic system, it's purpose is purely to kill massive numbers of people.
A lot of the things people think are freedoms really are not. Are we better off with multiculturalism, the promotion of feminism, homosexuality, paganism, drugs, casual sex? Obviously, we are not. We're on the brink of starvation or death in a globalist-inspired war or caused disaster, it could happen any time.
The strong family has been mostly destroyed. The strong family is a model for a strong society.
The presence of many independent nation-states is key to a positive outcome for all of us.
Sure, there are many legitimate gripes about the old order. This is used to foment revolutions all over, and for hundreds of years. Almost without exception, perhaps entirely without exception, these have been controlled by a globalist cabal, and the outcome is much worse than the old order.
We are at a point now where the whole world is poisoned, and it's only going to get worse.
There are solutions, real solutions that will work, but they are singularly cold-blooded, and the necessity of cold-bloodedness to resolve things (the alternative is living in 1984) is going to become moreso as time progresses. Everyone had to fight for their right to party, and now it's time to pay for it.
It just amazes me the blithe manner in which most people have doomed most all the children on this planet to a horrible death or a "life" of abject slavery.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by LateralussicksicksickJust because Bush mentioned a NWO doesn't make it his plan, don't you think he strategically used that term? To deceive people into thinking that a NWO would be bad, that a NWO will have concentrations camps and whatnot. No wonder these xenophobic people are afraid of a one world, no wonder they are afraid of the Illuminati and their new world.

That's a hefty assumption that flies in the face of the evidence. What about the FEMA camps, the expunging of Jesse Ventura's show on it, even from people's DVRs?
The globalists are bad, m'kay? Have you seen Aaron Russo talk about what his Rockefeller buddy told him?
I suggest you go get chipped and give up all your personal property to show your support for a planetary slave state.
Xenophobia, fear and hatred exist for very good reasons.

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