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More dead birds - eyewitness report from Scottsboro, AL

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posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by packinupngoin

There are links to this. I personally have not figured out how to link yet. Just look!!!

I think Im just dumb, I have tried to follow th thread on how to link and I still can't do it. Maybe its the computer Im on. I doub"t that. I'm doing something wrong,

The links are there. This happened!!!

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by crappiekat

If anyone in this area wants to contact me by u2u, we can talk.


reply to post by packinupngoin

I haven't had the time to try and find a link to any news reports. I was en route to college when I saw the birds, and didn't arrive back home until about 6:45 PM CST.


reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

It was too dark for my cell to capture a picture on the way back, sorry. But the birds were still there, although those in the travel lanes were pretty mutilated by traffic by that time. There were quite a few on the shoulders that looked undisturbed, though. It didn't appear there had been any 'official' clean-up.

I'm still thinking methane releases...


posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 07:49 PM
Local news report can be found at WAFF News from Huntsville.

I disagree with this part, however:

"These dead birds findings have occurred for years. This is not a new event," said Winfred Cotten, environmental supervisor with the Jackson County Health Department.

I have lived here all my life, probably longer than Mr. Cotten. This is not a normal event.


posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Not good at all. I might be wrong, but it seems to me a lot of these birds, especially in the south, have wound up dead along interstates? I wonder if it's something they're spraying on the areas around them. Or maybe something being released from some trucks using those interstates.

On the other hand, how many more are dying miles away out of sight? This may be just the tip of a much larger iceberg deeper in the forests of America.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

That many birds anywere is not very good (IMO). I live in Pa. and have yet to encounter this type of die-off.
I have seen fish kills, but all were linked to chemical companies. Mass bird die-offs anywere in the country alarms me,whether manmade or natural.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:51 PM
This is the stuff that should alarm us...I'm sure the State Game Wardens will say it was caused by a truck backfiring along the highway and it scared them all and they flew into each other...maybe I shouldn't have given them the verbiage...

+2 more 
posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:05 PM
Okay the pics. I was rushed for time and had to park in a no parking zone smack dab in the middle of "ticket" central, so I snapped a few and flew (no pun intended ha.)

There were more dead birds (fowl) than the photos show because of the distance they were spread out. For better than a hundred yards of both the N.W. & S.E. view (I think) shown in the pics were more dead birds albeit fewer and farther between and hard to show from the vantage point from where I took the pics. (Redneck is that East & West basically?)

Looking N.W.

Looking S.E

By the time I got there many had been run over in the road making it harder to come to any guess or determination of causation.

The fowl that I saw that hadn't been run over after the fact did look strangely intact. Meaning that their feathers were in remarkably good shape and might be suggestive of a cause of death other than vehicular fowlicide.

The fact that they were spread over a pretty good distance would also suggest that if they were hit, it would have had to have been multiple impacts over a period of time.

Some of the "intact" fowl had blood coming from their beaks like has been reported in some of the bird death cases while others did not.

Side Note - As I was coming over and off the bridge I thought I saw dead birds scattered amongst some lillypads in the river, but didn't get a chance to check that out. I might can look into that tomorrow as that would go a long ways in ruling out impact deaths. Kind of slim-chance for me time-wise however, so if anyone else can check that out it could be significant.

Summation: Could be consistent with multiple vehicle impacts but the good condition of some of the corpses and the distance that the bodies covered might suggest anomalous bird deaths.

Further investigation off-road and in the lillypads could shed further light on the matter.

Redneck: I have always enjoyed your posts and now that I know we're in the same area, I have a couple of ideas for fairly local investigations. I think they would be right up the ol' ATS alley. I'm not much of a still photographer but I'm a pro videographer with a full-service production boutique and I need some on-camera talent. You game?

Peace Y'all!
edit on 25-2-2011 by The GUT because: various fixes

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Thank's for the pics, I'm sure that was unpleasant and dangerous. What is causing the internal "trauma" in most of these incidents? Besides the obvious blood coming from the beak you can see an indication of blood from the rear of the bird in one of the shots. Very disturbing.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by The GUT


That is indeed the area I was talking about. I was hoping someone might manage to get some good pics.

Hwy 35 in that area runs northwest to southeast... looking back toward Scottsboro is northwest.

Oh, and yes, you have a u2u.


posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Trublbrwing
reply to post by The GUT

Thank's for the pics, I'm sure that was unpleasant and dangerous. What is causing the internal "trauma" in most of these incidents? Besides the obvious blood coming from the beak you can see an indication of blood from the rear of the bird in one of the shots. Very disturbing.

You're more than welcome. Taking ATS into the real world kind of adds another dimension to the experience.

I noticed the blood from the rear too and while I guess some might say 'internal injuries' it reminded me off the effects seen in a neighbors dog who died of parvo. It bled from both ends like that. It was a little disquieting shooting pics of the birds. I had the notion to feel their bodies to see if it clarified anything, but besides grossing me out I worried about the effects on me and opted out.

Redstone Arsenal & Marshall Space Flight Center (Stomping grounds of the late Werner Von Braun) have crossed my mind in relation to the bird deaths here. Very intriguing military installations to say the least. Might be a reach, but who knows.

Can anyone here identify the birds? Very strange feet. I called them fowl, but I'm not sure what they are.

And, yeah, I did get some very curious looks by passerby, but only feared for my life once.

edit on 24-2-2011 by The GUT because: clarification

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by The GUT
I had made a comment earlier about this being a possible placement scenario,.
But buy the pics you provided ,.that clearly is not the case,.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:04 AM
Just a thought here for bird die-offs. A scalar ray, which is the next generation HAARP, when activated produces a vacuum which will kill anything which flies into it. Scalars are usually triangulated, pointing toward a specific point. Thinking New Madrid. If any reports come in for areas North of Alabama, it would be interesting to get a fix on where they originated to see if there is any correlation among them. Hope that makes sense. Just fishing here, hoping to get a clue. Thanks

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 01:12 AM
The close-up pics look like everyday pigeons. The smaller ones in the background I could only speculate as to what they are.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by tallblondealien
Just a thought here for bird die-offs. A scalar ray, which is the next generation HAARP, when activated produces a vacuum which will kill anything which flies into it. Scalars are usually triangulated, pointing toward a specific point. Thinking New Madrid. If any reports come in for areas North of Alabama, it would be interesting to get a fix on where they originated to see if there is any correlation among them. Hope that makes sense. Just fishing here, hoping to get a clue. Thanks

Scalar ray huh? Interesting. Col. Thomas Bearden is a nuclear engineer with a long history of being mentioned on many topics that come up on ATS. He worked on various Top Secret stuff--alot of it at the facilities I mentioned above--and still lives in Huntsville and when you mentioned "scalar" it jogged something in my memory. So I googled and check this out: Col. Tom Bearden talks about scalar weather modification technology.

I'd already thought about seeing if I could set up an interview with him for a mini-doc and now I'm gonna definitely do it.

That brought to mind some crazy shizzle I hadn't really thought much about in awhile. Even with hearing stuff lately about the New Madrid it's only mildly crossed my mind until now. I actually have some supposedly inside info on the New Madrid. Lemme think here how I can protect the source and tell my little bit and I will.

I did some work for awhile that lets say involved some counseling. One of my counselees had/has a business that is very useful to Fema. He is registered and on call for emergency services 24/7.

I've seen his FEMA/Homeland credentials. This guy is a little off--hence the counseling--but pretty straight-foward in my estimation. He's rather intelligent, but kind of simple at the same time. What I mean by 'simple' is that he has no apparent guile.

He was just telling me some stuff about his work with FEMA and why he had needed to be out of town for awhile. They had been on a large and pretty intensive training exercise in Tennessee for handling a New Madrid quake. I could tell he didn't even see much significance in what he was telling me other than explaining why he was away.

At the time-- about 2 yrs ago--I was new in this area & didn't even know what the New Madrid Fault was (duh me) so I said something to the effect of, "An earthquake around here, I don't think that's likely." And he said they told them that it was a sure thing and it was going to happen in the not too distant future.

Now, I guess that might not be much different than what the scientists say--that eventually it will happen. But the way he said it--so easily and like it was nothing--and they had him convinced. He wasn't scared or trying to scare me he was just very matter-of-factly relating the facts as he knew it. Pretty big-money contract for him too.

So I dunno if it means anything or not, but I do believe he was straight-shooting.
That's my lil' bit on that.

I have just TOTALLY weirded myself out.

edit on 25-2-2011 by The GUT because: clarification

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:29 AM
poleeeee shift

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:42 AM
The pics of the birds taken are coots,not pidgeons.coots are waterfowl,very odd to see them on land,something even weirder.last week my neighbor and i were coming from gunt. When we crossed the bridge to go up to grant off 431 the coots were in a line about 8ft. Wide stretching to the first boat ramp leaving gunt. About 2mls. My neighbor has lived here all his life and never seen anything like that.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:51 AM
I would guess a flock of about 50 birds that were on the ground near the road were spooked by something and flew straight into the path of a couple of large trucks. Far more likely than pole shift Chinese lanterns or harrp.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:53 AM
This is one of the things I love about ATS, the actual investigating of events. Thanks for putting yourself out there and getting pictures of the actual event. We really appreciate that you took the time and the danger of getting that for us!!!! Good JOB!! Being a member here we have access to everywhere through our members and that is awesome. We don't have to rely on the media to get us the info, we get it ourselves. Now we can discuss the issue with true information. Go ATS!!!

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by theson
The pics of the birds taken are coots,not pidgeons.coots are waterfowl,very odd to see them on land,something even weirder.last week my neighbor and i were coming from gunt. When we crossed the bridge to go up to grant off 431 the coots were in a line about 8ft. Wide stretching to the first boat ramp leaving gunt. About 2mls. My neighbor has lived here all his life and never seen anything like that.

Yes they are Coots.
Wierd feet.
They look like they were young one's. fm

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 06:59 AM
Here is the pic of a Juvenile which matches really great.
Maybe some of the other birds where adults and that is just the one he took a pic of.

edit on 25-2-2011 by j2000 because: (no reason given)

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