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The New World Order Blues & Alien Disclosure Coming to a Location Near You Soon

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posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:35 PM
One of the discussions that’s long dominated the boards is Alien Disclosure, but recently more and more members have confided in me, that they fear the Government might stage a mock Alien Invasion to divert attention away from the plethora of problems in the economy, banking, government, and the military industrial complex.

I can’t blame progressive thinkers for feeling this way in the present situation, in light of other things like mysterious bird, animal and fish die offs, the increased pace of natural disasters, and the increasing solar activity and 2012 prophecies all conspire to trouble a lot of members.

Many of us remember Regan’s infamous United Nations Speech where he mused that the only thing that could unite mankind would be an alien invasion from another world.

Of course if there is anything more popular than disclosure topics here on ATS, the New World Order, one world government theories are.

There too many observant members have witnessed politician after politician calling for a New World Order in governments throughout the world, since George H W Bush made his own infamous “I am calling on a thousand points of light speech” upon the heels of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

Of course many of us have heard theories regarding Project Blue Beam and HAARP and while many on ATS were recently thrilled to get a 1990’s official view of the Space Based Defense Initiative many of us have concerns that much more sophisticated off the books technology looms up in outer space orbiting the planet.

Tin Hats aside there is plenty of anecdotal evidence and circumstantial evidence for out of the box thinkers to think this way.

So when a dear friend sent me this YouTube video today summing up all those fears in a humorous cartoon, that I think will ring true with so many of us here on ATS I thought this is something we all might enjoy.

So without further adieu I present courtesy of UFO TV the Disclosure Cartoon.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:38 PM
This was posted about a month ago cant find it though there are 16 movies coming out this year alien related:

edit on 22-2-2011 by roughycannon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by roughycannon

Thanks for sharing that. I think if you hit the Watch on Youtube Link in the embedded player in the Opening Piece it will take you to a number of them on the Youtube page the video originates from.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Now that I have watched that video I know it all, cannot wait to go out and buy the book. Amazes me that we have to get information via a cartoon, the thing is, it's the only way anyone will find out the truth, who doesn't love a cartoon.

Stay tuned folks!!!

Thanks for posting this my friend, I can always count on you Proto.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Interestingly enough my friend, sometimes humor is the only way matters of grave seriousness and concern can be shared in our main stream media driven world.

The don't call it TV Programming for nothing, because it really is designed to program you.

Sometimes the only way to cut through that programing is by getting people to laugh at just how much of a Shakespearean comedy their reality has become.

Great find on the video!


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:12 PM
Really put a smile on my face, thanks op!

I for one believe these revolutions are a chess move for TPTB, and a big part of me believe that 'waking up' is part of their plan. They want utter chaos, and then ordo ab chao. I will say this though, waking up the people could have horrible consequences for them, and I don't think they ever leave things to chance like this. Sure they could take over the revolution and propose a world government of sorts, but if enough people see through that, they will be lynched within hours.

Remember, these people are not omnipotent. I think things went terrible wrong form them on 9/11 (Pennsylvania crash/explosion), and I don't believe they were 10 steps ahead of us planning some kind of truth movement to blossom. I think their utter arrogance lead them to believe they would have no problem convincing the whole world with their propaganda and tactics against the conspiracy theorists.

Now, if the waking up of the people not is a chess move, then we have a very scary reality over our heads; they are in great haste. Our numbers are not getting smaller, and people are getting angry. Very angry. If they are to stop the enlightenment of the people in time, a false flag alien invasion (or nuke attack) are probably right around the corner. I think they are going ahead with what I see as plan A, revolutionizing of the planet, and if that does not work they will attack and unite the human race with unseen technology (and then we will win in some way or another, and that should be a indication that it's all bull****. Any inter-stellar traveling, intelligent race would eradicate us within hours if not minutes)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:15 PM
"Prepare to die screaming"

Hahaha. Clever film.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:17 PM
I think that it is going to happen either way.

What is important is that AFTER it happens, we have several tools at our disposal
to show people that there were those amoungst us that saw it coming and tried to warn us.

It is very hard to uncover a conspiracy before it takes place. It is ALWAYS after, that people (the masses) will be able to see, if there is enough documentation, the reality of the conspiracy.

Great video to add to my collection.
WHEN it happens I will show videos like this to anyone who will watch and wait for a response.

Also very important that videos like this are date stamped.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by OleMB

I think that's some very sound thinking you are employing there. Though I am not sure if they meant for us to swallow hook line and sinker 9-11.

I suspect that there preferred plan is to mimick biblical prophecy, and that in order to do that, to turn the nations against Israel not only pinning 9-11 on them but a decade plus of cover ups sure would likely accomplish that.

I tend to think there are no accidents in life, and I agree something might have went amiss with the plane in Shanksville, that they hadn't planned on, but I don't know if that caused them to fall short of their objectives.

I have heard all kinds of theories from Cheney actually being KGB and representing a faction at war with the Bush's, to house cleaning at the Pentagon and so on and so forth.

Sadly it's hard to get to the rock bottom of something that tightly compartmentalized with that many cutouts employed.

They just might have 9-11 really set up though as the gift that keeps on giving as they shift from blaming it on one faction to another to drive world events.

TIme will tell, but great out of the box thinking there, it's the kind, that makes me happy and proud to be an ATS member.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by WraithXV
"Prepare to die screaming"

Hahaha. Clever film.

I thought it was very clever too.

I could almost feel for the Powers that Be as they were counfounded at every turn.

Makes me think sometimes I have way to much empathy for others.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 04:49 PM
When I hear False Flag such as an Alien Invasion, Nuclear attack or Terrorist attack the thing that bothers me more then anything else is there may not be enough of us that recognize it, for it to work they would have to create utter pandemonium.

The mass populace are to busy trying to survive right now to notice what may be going on under their nose.
edit on 22-2-2011 by Aquarius1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

There generally aren't but more and more people are starting to tune in to these political ploys and are able to spot them, or at least ask more ciritical questions about what's going on.

As one other poster pointed out, the people who survive them that do know better also can become a factor moving forward.

But I sure do share your concerns there.

People are by and large still way to trusting of the Government(s) and main stream media.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I think because of the recent governments of the world opening their UFO files and the increase of fake UFO videos on youtube has sparked an "alien mania" thing and the movie studios are jumping all over it

edit on 22-2-2011 by roughycannon because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2011 by roughycannon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

It makes perfect sense to me. Kill off a large portion of the population with a fictitious advanced civilization of alien beings whereby a tax will be initiated to protect the survivors. At the same time convince them that creating a one world government is the only way to keep everyone safe. This could very well work people.

I wonder what would happen if you refuse to pay it? Do they offer you up to the make believe aliens as an example? It seems to me that the plans they come up with always include us having to pay to thwart some catastrophic event.

Global warming? As if paying to pollute will stop the natural mechanics of a planet. Y2K? Good thing we funded that one and that it wasn't some kind of hoax or something.

Now we'll have an Alien Safeguard Surcharge, ASS for short, taken out of our pay checks! We'll gladly submit to the tax as the terrifying aliens can clearly be seen desperately trying to penetrate our atmosphere where we have our force field up. Thanks to the much needed ASS tax.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by roughycannon
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I think because of the recent government opening their UFO files and the increase of fake UFO videos on youtube has sparked an "alien mania" thing and the movie studios are jumping all over it

edit on 22-2-2011 by roughycannon because: (no reason given)

That's entirely possible, it's also entirealy possible Hollywood is planting seeds again. They do tend to drive fads and trends and raise social awareness to things like alternative lifestyles, etc.

I have (not to my knowledge) ever met a being from another planet, and never have seen anything I would consider an alien craft but that doesn't mean those things don't exist.

I do know the oft forgotten but infamous radio show Orson Well did "War of the Worlds" and the fact that it caused mass panic throughout the United States as many of the listeners thought aliens were really invading.

People and police departments all over the nation took to their cellars and streets in panic.

Between the religious sensibilities of people and that crazy madcap night of fear if the government(s) are in contact with bonafied beings from other worlds they probably have a lot of reasons to keep it quiet.

It's an interesting subject, thanks for posting!

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

It makes perfect sense to me. Kill off a large portion of the population with a fictitious advanced civilization of alien beings whereby a tax will be initiated to protect the survivors. At the same time convince them that creating a one world government is the only way to keep everyone safe. This could very well work people.

Isn't that what President Reagan said, if we had an enemy from without we would forget all about our problems with each other, perfect Jackflap.

Here is another quote by Reagan which is scarier.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' Reagan

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:31 PM
S&F Proto!

Here's a thread that everyone on ATS needs to get into. This could be one of the most important conspiracy topics anyone can tune into today, IMO.

The amazing thing to me is that "if" such a thing as false alien disclosure is really planned, it suggests that there is indeed a two-track technology gap, and it will have to be big enough to fool a lot of people. If the gap was wide enough, even respected scientists could become spokespersons for the charade, after being shown technology that they "know" could not be ours.

A lot of ways this could be played, but with all the resources that have been allocated so far in creating this very popular "alien paradigm", I can't see it as all for nothing. At some point, when the time is judged "right", we may get "Disclosure", and as exciting as that might be for those who believe in noble advanced aliens, it certainly could be a very well orchestrated operation, that leaves most of us convinced, and ripe for whatever is next.

Obviously, anyone going to all this trouble will have an agenda. If a false alien disclosure comes to pass, then it could not bode well for the sheeple. As has been suggested before by others who are looking into this issue, you do NOT want to sign-up to get on that mother ship headed for their idyllic planet! Could just be the latest clever version of the iconic "gas chamber" of yesteryear. Only this time, the numbers involved might really be huge, and for those left over, it might not necessarily be that much better, as the rest of the plan rolls out.

Wild stuff here, but not any crazier than old Rome still ruling from behind the scenes! As the saying goes, truth is often stranger than fiction.

I'll stay tuned...


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:38 PM
nice vid, i agree though i think theyve a few more schemes to try before pulling the disclosure trump card.
if the alien thing fails, then theyve got the second coming thing, after that surely they'll give up.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

As I often do with you JR I totally agree with you. This is a subject that truly warrants a close eye.

Typically there is at least a 20 year technology gap between military and civilian, with everything from the Internet to medicines to electronics being developed first for the military and then later after other militaries have it, passed on down to the civilian population.

What though happens when another military never gets it?

It's a very plausible conspiracy one that I and a number of other concerned people are keeping a watchful eye.

Great post my friend.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Rome used an invisible man who live in the sky and watch and judge us 24/7 for all our life to help them rule over the world, maybe the old Catholic God has become out of fashion and TPTB want to creat a new invisible force to control the world, an alien God

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