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The Big Lie

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posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:27 AM
Think outside the box:

These are my thoughts:
I imagine all excitement could be set to rest about extra terrestrials, and their ‘traveling machines’, if one could pause for a moment and investigate the inventions of Nicola Tesla. He was one intelligent man, except he allowed the Nazis to steal his patents. At the stalemate end of WWII, Nazi scientists were brought to the USA and from there began the building of “Flying Saucers” . Hitler did not commit suicide but was whisked away, with Eva, via flying saucer to….South America? As were Mengele and……oh “what’s his name”?

All the sightings from 1947 (Roswell), maybe before, have been planned hoaxes and what happens is only meant to happen by TPTB. They will deny the truth and push a Hoax. They have more props and believable equipment than Hollywood has for its movies. They will invent another hoax to explain a previous hoax that failed….. They are capable of anything

More and more sightings are being announced. Why? Is their plan to scare the He77 out of us about a “planned” invasion from outer space?

HAARP is from Tesla’s invention and can control weather, create and direct tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes. What if one of the U. S. Government’s flying saucers was up above New York on 9-11. What could have been accomplished via remote control or otherwise?

I am not a scientist, a physicist, just trying to think reasonably about stories, such as giant lizards living in the bowels of the earth.

Now just think if we all owned a flying saucer (I just don’t know who would build the ‘highways/airways’)--all the automotive corporations would be out of business. There would NOT be this scramble for oil, when electricity would be free to power a nice little powder blue pink saucer of one’s own.

It’s was in Tesla’s plan, his invention, that we could turn on a dime and travel at excessive speeds.

That’s all you are seeing…Made in the USA flying saucers, all shapes and sizes---


posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:35 AM
My thoughts exactly are, what? You know, it might be useful to actually read your post before posting. This can be helpful with grammar, punctuation, and if you do it with the perspective of someone other than yourself it can be very helpful in identifying incomplete thoughts. The OP is so mixed up and incoherent that I really have no idea how to respond.

Tesla was a brilliant man, maybe the most brilliant man who ever lived.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:39 AM
I like it so now all conspiracy theories are a conspiracy theory

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:51 AM
I think the owners of such technology are either directly related to the aliens are or chosen ones by the aliens. UFO,s are not a new phenemonon nearly every civilization has sightings of flying chariots riding on clouds and describe beautiful looking beings and even wars in the skys before man even considered flying. Yes Tesla was a great scientist but his original invention was to convey electricity without wires not to blast gamma rays into space he worked worked on many things. The nazi,s possesed technology of highly advanced flying machines inventing the first rocket engine. There was belief they worked with electromagnetically charged mercury particals which flew as orbs but not proven to travel anywhere with people inside. They did not steal all of this from Tesla but where did they get it. When you think your thinking outside the box build another box and think outside of that one and so forth.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 11:15 AM
Um... Yeah... What are you saying?

Not seeing much there. I hate to use the trump card but what evidence do you have for any of this? With out the evidence I have think this is just another story.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by canadiansenior70

There is a co-op program that invovles Ets/entities and the para military. There are also real cosmic citizens and true benevolents watching over. There are different kinds of crafts and experiences that occur, ones that are not in their ballpark.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by canadiansenior70

There is a co-op program that invovles Ets/entities and the para military. There are also real cosmic citizens and true benevolents watching over. There are different kinds of crafts and experiences that occur, ones that are not in their ballpark.

What is the para military? How do you know of this "co-op program"? Where did you hear of this program?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by canadiansenior70

Yes, it is perfectly possible and likely the US government has used Tesla's theories and discoveries for technology, with a lot of help from that massive Black budget, to create flying saucers and all the other unexplainable advanced technology we see on earth. This is an excellent observation that we must always keep in mind!

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:02 PM
You hit this right on the nail! fortunatly for us the nazi's couldn't perfect the flight. BUT the germans have already won the space race. they have already begun to populate other planets beyond our solar system and have come in contact with the ET's (The Plieadians located in the Pliedes constellation)

and imagine a electrical propulsion system using mass frequencies with electricity...except all put into nano technology. good thread!

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by HispanicPanic

Ok for entertainment perposes lets say your right. Ah heh. If the "nazis" have flown to other planets and are inhabiting them are they still nazis or are they aliens. I have some belief in the ancient astronaut theory it makes some sense to religeon around the world. But why the nazis. And if they left dont you think maybe they were aliens to begin with so like are you joking or do you have some proof.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:40 PM
i see what hes trying to say...

Regardless this subject is nothing but speculation...

How was WW2 a stalemate?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by canadiansenior70
Think outside the box:

To be honest I think your better off getting back in the box, turning it round and travelling a fair distance before attempting to climb out of it again.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:29 PM
I was just submitting my thoughts on what the all over picture for Earth could be.

There are no outer space aliens.

The only flying saucers are Made in the (by the) U.S.A. The "Black Ops" can organize sightings wherever, whenever they want. These will either scare the general public to pieces, or might just intrigue a few. Nevertheless, an all out "Attack from Outer Space" would likely bring everyone together and bring in the NWO for good, OR......

This big secret will always be...that we don't need cars and oill/gas/etc to get around--just our own little flying saucer built in our own little garage, from Tesla's invention of electric propulsion.

I never mentioned other planets or secret meetings on Pluto. I was thinking a single-minded thought about our own planet and EVIL vs. GOOD, right under out noses

Can you not see the possibility? Only one responder did!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:14 AM
I believe you have given human beings too much credit on this one. Everything in the world that you hear or see is not a conspiracy but every thing you hear or see is not necessarily true either. You are just being very specific on what could be a broad subject. Dont write off all of our ancestors as crazy for seeing et's and angel and flying chariots.
The lord raining down brimstone and fire smelling like sulfur consuming a whole city the supernatural has been here as long as we have.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by canadiansenior70

There is a co-op program that invovles Ets/entities and the para military. There are also real cosmic citizens and true benevolents watching over. There are different kinds of crafts and experiences that occur, ones that are not in their ballpark.

Are you talking about Serpo?

edit on 20-2-2011 by cripmeister because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by canadiansenior70
There are no outer space aliens.

The only flying saucers are Made in the (by the) U.S.A.

I think someone said further up that this is giving Humans way too much credit, I'd agree.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by teotwawki77
reply to post by HispanicPanic

Ok for entertainment perposes lets say your right. Ah heh. If the "nazis" have flown to other planets and are inhabiting them are they still nazis or are they aliens. I have some belief in the ancient astronaut theory it makes some sense to religeon around the world. But why the nazis. And if they left dont you think maybe they were aliens to begin with so like are you joking or do you have some proof.

if i said nazis sorry. most or all the nazis are dead. if not they would have tried to come back again with this technology. its just the germans who perfected it. they do have the best engineers over there around the world. and no they were not aliens. just like the aliens themselves figured out the technology for space travel, we are too. its the whole cycle of evolution.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:30 PM
this is a great post. when i read it it reminded me of this The Orion Project im replying this because it is very closely related to the OP and worth a good review.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Nikola Tesla originally intended to give his flying saucer invention to the Geneva
Convention, for use in the prevention of war. He was disillusioned when the League of
Nations fell apart, and began to conceal his discoveries. Tesla died a pauper in 1943, and
the government illegally confiscated all his known papers. Today those scientific papers
(over 80 large trunks, around a box car load), are stored in secret vaults at Los Alamos,
still classified, over 56 years later. The main reason for the continued secrecy is the
flying saucer, as well as things which we can only imagine.

From the "Pentagon_Aliens" by William Lyne, pg. 289


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