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Wisconsin Democrats Leave State, Avoid Vote

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Senate Democrats in Wisconsin failed to show up Thursday for a vote on a "union-busting" bill that has prompted police officers to launch a dragnet for the missing lawmakers.
Republicans hold a 19-14 majority but a vote cannot be taken until at least one Democratic senator is present.
"It's kind of unbelievable that they're elected to do a job and they wouldn't show up to do it," Republican Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald told Fox News.

Read more:

Apologies if this has been posted, I searched and found nothing!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:29 PM
I just read a story about that. Talk about ridiculous! Supposedly state police are out trying to track them down but they can't cross the state lines.

Senate Democrats boycott Thursday vote on Walker's budget plan

Madison — Law enforcement officers are searching for Democratic senators boycotting a Senate vote on Gov. Scott Walker's budget-repair plan Thursday in an attempt to bring the lawmakers to the floor to allow Republicans to act on the bill.

As Republicans denounced the move, one Democratic senator said that he believed most of the members of his caucus are in another state.

n a telephone interview, Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller (D-Monona) declined to give his location but acknowledged that at least one other Democrat was with him. He said that law enforcement would be able to compel him and his members to the Senate floor if they are located in Wisconsin.

"I can tell you this - we're not all in one place," Miller said. "This is a watershed moment unlike any that we have experienced in our political lifetimes. The people have shown that the government has gone too far . . . We are prepared to do what is necessary to make sure that this bill gets the consideration it needs."

The Democrats are outnumbered so instead of playing by the rules and voting they all run and hide.

edit on 17-2-2011 by jjkenobi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:29 PM
That is funny. Too bad that can't be fired as a "no call, no show" like at a real job.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:31 PM
Waaaaa Waaaaaa. Took their ball and went home. Unbelievable.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:41 PM
do they have to be concious or can there drunk a**'s be dragged out of the bars they are wholed up in and returned to the senate?

If I was living in that state I'd be calling for there resignation or starting a recall vote.

It's got a video showing all the violent calls among the protestors calling for the govenors murder. Except accoding to Bill Mather only the right does that sort of thing....
edit on 17-2-2011 by exile1981 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:46 PM
Sounds like a job for Dog the Bounty Hunter!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:48 PM
Well, the democrats aren't the first to do this. Bohner a few years ago took his cronies and walked out of congress to keep a bill from being voted on.

Don;t know why the Wisconsin folks are upset over what their politicians are doing to them. They voted out all but a few democrats and put these republicans in that are now taking away their rights. Guess they should just get use to sleeping in the bed they made for themselves.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Mapkar

I think its brilliant and an excellent model of rebellion by our elected officials! I have no idea what the bill is about but thats less of my concern. ( Ironically though I dont live in Wisconsin I can channel there apparent mood) Rather than simply be out voted and there by pass the bill with little to no attention paid by the tax payers, these indivduals have made total jackasses of themelves inorder to demand the publics attention. Brilliant! Viva la resistance! ( I hope there not passing a bill to decrease the price of cheese exports)

edit on 17-2-2011 by MsAmen because: Punctuation

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by herenow

There are many more of us Wisconsin folk who are happy with the job our elected officials are finally doing. You just hear about the big stink that a few are making. It was the democrats that were in office for so long that put us in this budget mess to begin with.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Mapkar

In this case, I think the Dems are doing the best thing possible. If one needs a place to sleep, I'm offering a spare bedroom.

That bill is idiotic.

This is from a gun-toting Reagan Republican.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
reply to post by Mapkar

In this case, I think the Dems are doing the best thing possible. If one needs a place to sleep, I'm offering a spare bedroom.

That bill is idiotic.

This is from a gun-toting Reagan Republican.

The best thing possible is to allow the govt to function as intended and the elected officials of the state to do their job. The people of Wisconsin voted them in. If they are not happy with the results they will vote them out.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:14 PM
I have a feeling this is going to turn out bad here in america,I mean the protest in egypt was peacful but they dont have guns.there are alot of mad pissed folks out there looking for a reason to uprise.

I pray all this comes to a peaceful end.because in my opinion with the Dem leaving and the state police having to look for them screams a problem between political parties,and with the Tea party spewing toxic this could cause a great divide in this great country.

This maybe the hand the R.A.P. fans with,and a number of other groups may have been hoping for.its not that bad to me yet.but when you begin to see numerous protests around the U.S. thats when it will hit the fan

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Mapkar

I live in Wisconsin and this BS... the Wisconsin democrats should be removed from their offices immediately if this is true. Born and raised here in the lovely state, and everyone I know is supportive of this measure on the unions... if it takes us to hit the streets and voice our support, so be it... I think I'll deck out my vehicle in support of Scott Walker, the bill on the unions, and the immediate resignation for those senators that didn't show up!

edit on 17-2-2011 by ForestForager because: spelling

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:28 PM
What a bunch of panty wastes!!!!!!!!!

Go do your damn job, vote yea or vote nay, but vote. What the heck to they plan to accomplish by avoiding doing their job?

You know what, that's fine, the government needs to then enact some sort of rule for the future that voting will take place with those present and pass/fail based on the ratio or number of present members, because avoiding work is b.s.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by searching4truth
What a bunch of panty wastes!!!!!!!!!

Go do your damn job, vote yea or vote nay, but vote. What the heck to they plan to accomplish by avoiding doing their job?

You know what, that's fine, the government needs to then enact some sort of rule for the future that voting will take place with those present and pass/fail based on the ratio or number of present members, because avoiding work is b.s.
That type of thinking is what has saddled us with the federal reserve and income taxes. While I believe the demonkrats running away like that is deplorable, I also believe that quorum rules exist for a reason.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

Most of my rules, in my home, I make up on the fly because nothing is a problem until it is a problem. The state of WI now has a problem and needs a rule to ensure this doesn't happen again.

The democrats could have abstained from voting or had a spine and vote one way or the other. It's the fact that they didn't even show up that really burns me.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:38 PM
The Republican Governor and Legislators are exploiting an economic and budgetary crisis to political ends in order to get rid of collective bargaining, which is what they have always wanted to do. It's kind of hypocritical to feign outrage when the Democratic legislators use political tactics to save it. And if budgets are so tight, why waste precious resources by calling out the State Police. Doesn't that cost money?

All it says to me is that it's business as usual. The ship is going down and they're killing each other over life rafts while the people drown.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by searching4truth
I could not agree more. Does your state permit recall votes?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

My state, Illinois, issued a special referendum to get rid of Blago, but I don't know that it would be functional should my state reps decide to skip out of town or state.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

This is good, where they is a will there is a way, when ever there are problems with Government they try to screw the populace.

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