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No joke - US "moderate Muslim" man beheads wife: The Mo Hussan trial.

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:17 AM
I just read this on some topical news channel while surfing the Web on race and the US (trying to find a good thread for once).
I came up with report after report of this grizzly murder.
It basically repeats that a Muslim man who founded a TV network to improve the image of Islam after 9/11 (and even likened himself to Nelson Mandela) ended up stabbing his wife and beheading her.
Supposedly he argued in his defense that he was an "abused husband" who just exploded, although the purchase of the murder weapon was pre-meditated (strangely he doesn't seem charged for straight-out murder though - which led me to question the story).
They say he turned on his wife when she was divorcing him.
I mean if this is true, then it's surely a bit silly to ask why there are so many anti-Islamic threads.
Sure, all people have killers, but that method of beheading seems somehow cultural.
And all over the world stories of stonings, judicial rapes, incest, misogyny and intolerance are beginning to outweigh the evils of any other group. Is this just propaganda?
In any case, perhaps it's all just a hoax.
Here's the link:
PS. Subsequently realized it was true, and here is a Youtube video on the trial:

Not sure of any outcome, or why it was second degree murder, instead of plain premeditated murder - maybe for cultural reasons?
edit on 17-2-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:29 AM
Oh my hat - it is true!
This man wanted to show the positive side of Islam, but murdered his wife in a semi-honor killing!
Sorry but it sounded very ironic.
But why is he charged only for second-degree murder, when he then bought the knives with intent?
How can he come up with lies about patriarchy and abuse, when he was the abuser?
What could be the psychology here?
Is he a psychopath?
edit on 17-2-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:30 AM
I did a quick search on Youtube and found many videos pertaining to his trial.
It would be quite an elaborate hoax to have so many videos of him and the trial.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

Thanks, was just going to add, this live leak has video footage too:
Oops, I guess it's not a hoax, just a possibility I considered - wasn't sure.
I mean it does sound pretty ironic.

edit on 17-2-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:20 AM
Looking at the video I wonder whether that rather dainty and fragile woman could have "abused" that big fat husband.
I mean, is it even possible?
I'm seriously reconsidering my stance on the Shrien Dewani trial here. I really thought the local cops may have framed him.
Granted he was probably Hindu, rather than Muslim (or customary rather than religious) but it seems some cultures seem to feel they have the God-given right to eliminate their wives.
I know I shouldn't feel that way, but honestly I can't help it.
Have I been brainwashed?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by halfoldman

Honestly, I don't think race or religion makes much of a difference.
Sadistic, narcissistic, homicidal people come in all flavors.
I didn't watch hardly any of those videos, but it seems to me like this guy is claiming that everyone tortures him.
In this video, he is in court, telling the judge that he was beaten to near death by 16 "white nazi" guards at the jail. He could be telling the truth, or he could be lying, or he could be setting himself up for a later change of plea to insanity.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

I wonder what the traditional tribal punishment for him would be where he comes from (if any).
Sure, there are good and bad people everywhere.
But somehow this is a crime in the US that cannot be totally divorced from his culture.
Culture does play a role here, and it is not an isolated incident in that context.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

Honestly, I don't think race or religion makes much of a difference.

Culture and religion can make lots of difference. That muslim man came from Pakistan at the age of 17, and pakistani muslims are mostly brainwashed violent extremists. (82 % support stoning adulterers, 82% support cutting off hands of thieves, 76 % support killing those who leave islam).

And seriously, pro-muslim activist beheaded his wife? Oh, the irony..

edit on 17/2/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:11 AM
A question....

Why is it, if a muslim removes someones head it's called a beheading, however if anyone else does it, especially white males, it is reported that they decapitated someone?

I just did a Google search for "man decapitates wife", and all of the stories, at least on the first page report the decapitation of the victim.

Could it be a way of getting the word "beheading" ingrained in the publics mind as something only the muslim terrorist does? I mean we mainly hear about beheadings when done with kidnap victims, we see the terrorists carrying out this horrendous act, and it does leave a disturbing image in your head. Fear of probably one of the nastiest ways to die.

Maybe it's nothing, i just wondered if there was some kind of play on words and the publics minds to paint any muslim as a terrorist...which of course as we know is not the case.


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by CX
A question....

Why is it, if a muslim removes someones head it's called a beheading, however if anyone else does it, especially white males, it is reported that they decapitated someone?

I just did a Google search for "man decapitates wife", and all of the stories, at least on the first page report the decapitation of the victim.

Could it be a way of getting the word "beheading" ingrained in the publics mind as something only the muslim terrorist does? I mean we mainly hear about beheadings when done with kidnap victims, we see the terrorists carrying out this horrendous act, and it does leave a disturbing image in your head. Fear of probably one of the nastiest ways to die.

Maybe it's nothing, i just wondered if there was some kind of play on words and the publics minds to paint any muslim as a terrorist...which of course as we know is not the case.


the way i see it, you are a whack job if you are white, therefore a stupid criminal. if you cut the head off your wife it is "beheading" if you are islam guy, like the student in the frikin lunch room, and it is all subject to belief.

if i cut the head off my ex wife which i didn't, it's because i am a whack job, if i do it because i am musilum and she insulted me, i am worser. ya worser, lol. so is this a let him go thread?

the chump should be dead in 10 yrs. oh yeah, by the state.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:33 AM
Perhaps one could say that there are good and bad people everywhere, but how they express their individual badness is culturally framed.
Every culture has its plethora of scandals.
So in this context it can be quite fair to say that his culture influenced the actions.
Here in South Africa we have muti (black African witchcraft) murders every day.
Most of these "sangomas"are herbalists and have good intentions. However some take the black magic path, and require human body parts. It's a big problem.
Nobody can say that is not cultural, but not everybody in that culture follows that destructive stream.

Add on: Muti in SA documentary:

edit on 17-2-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by halfoldman
I mean if this is true, then it's surely a bit silly to ask why there are so many anti-Islamic threads.
Sure, all people have killers, but that method of beheading seems somehow cultural.
And all over the world stories of stonings, judicial rapes, incest, misogyny and intolerance are beginning to outweigh the evils of any other group. Is this just propaganda?
In any case, perhaps it's all just a hoax.

Perhaps because this is what the Western media choose to continuously show in order to push and to maintain the anti-Islam hate agenda. From a different perspective, if another country, or culture, showed the things that Americans constantly do, from mothers and fathers shooting and drowning their kids, to husbands and wives massacring their spouses while also going through divorce, to the other number of horrible things that we constantly see on the news, then they might have the same type of biased perspective of us as we create and maintain of them.

Propaganda? Yes, mostly, I think. It's meant to dehumanize the other culture(s), and justify our own actions via ignorance.
edit on 17-2-2011 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Liquesence

Originally posted by halfoldman
I mean if this is true, then it's surely a bit silly to ask why there are so many anti-Islamic threads.
Sure, all people have killers, but that method of beheading seems somehow cultural.
And all over the world stories of stonings, judicial rapes, incest, misogyny and intolerance are beginning to outweigh the evils of any other group. Is this just propaganda?
In any case, perhaps it's all just a hoax.

Perhaps because this is what the Western media choose to continuously show in order to push and to maintain the anti-Islam hate agenda. From a different perspective, if another country, or culture, showed the things that Americans constantly do, from mothers and fathers shooting and drowning their kids, to husbands and wives massacring their spouses while also going through divorce, to the other number of horrible things that we constantly see on the news, then they might have the same type of biased perspective of us as we create and maintain of them.

Propaganda? Yes, mostly, I think. It's meant to dehumanize the other culture(s), and justify our own actions via ignorance.
edit on 17-2-2011 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

really? whack jobs against religious nut jobs?

the law is about intent.

if i kill your family, would you humanize me?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Liquesence

From a different perspective, if another country, or culture, showed the things that Americans constantly do, from mothers and fathers shooting and drowning their kids, to husbands and wives massacring their spouses while also going through divorce, to the other number of horrible things that we constantly see on the news, then they might have the same type of biased perspective of us as we create and maintain of them.

It is not whether they do bad things, that happens more or less everywhere. It is whether the deed is culturally accepted what matters, and thats what sets apart good cultures from bad ones. Killing of adulterers happens al over the world, but in some coutries the murderer is shunned by society and punished, in other countries ovewrwhelming majority supports such acts as a right thing to do. That is the important distinction.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Maslo

that's f'd up dude.

killing someone for poking is, let's just say, less than stupid. takes 2 to tango and you loose, deal with it.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by halfoldman

I am just curious...why is it that whenever a "muslim" commits murder or has done some crime people tend to put it on news with the word "muslim" highlighted? But if the crime is committed by another man who is not a muslim they simply say, "a man commits a crime"? Why these hatred on Muslims? I am not a Muslim but I think these people who are being condemned just because their religion is Islam just doesnt make sense and justly unfair. What about the psycho killers, rapists and others who commit brutal crimes and who are not Muslims?


C'mon guys...wake up! This isnt the Dark Ages anymore.....

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Liquesence

That's an interesting take on this story. Clearly, if ANY American man, viciously attacked his wife during a divorce, and cut her freakin head off, it would be on every news show in the country. A woman cut her husband's penis off, and it was on the news for weeks.

Cutting your wife's HEAD off, because she "turned against" you?

And you call it propaganda? Are you nuts?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Prokopio
reply to post by halfoldman

I am just curious...why is it that whenever a "muslim" commits murder or has done some crime people tend to put it on news with the word "muslim" highlighted? But if the crime is committed by another man who is not a muslim they simply say, "a man commits a crime"? Why these hatred on Muslims? I am not a Muslim but I think these people who are being condemned just because their religion is Islam just doesnt make sense and justly unfair. What about the psycho killers, rapists and others who commit brutal crimes and who are not Muslims?


C'mon guys...wake up! This isnt the Dark Ages anymore.....

common! they are criminal scumbags and no one wants them walking around.

muslim scum, there are plenty of guilt mongers for these dirtbags.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by Prokopio

C'mon guys...wake up! This isnt the Dark Ages anymore.....

Oh yes, it is. In lots of muslim countries, substantial part of population, often majority, does indeed still live in Dark Ages.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by fooks

common! they are criminal scumbags and no one wants them walking around.

Are you being sarcastic? I can't tell.

You do realize this article is about one man, one scenario, and not an entire population of people, right?

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