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Islam in Europe: Prepare for Civil War

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+2 more 
posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:48 AM

France has some 751 "No Go" zones. The French government has labeled these areas "sensitive urban zones" that are dangerous for whites and non-Muslims to enter.

PARIS - In a northern district of Paris, a brave shopkeeper named Marie-Neige Sardin guards her newsstand like a military fort. As a white woman, she is a minority in the mostly Arab-speaking Muslim area. Sardin has been the victim of dozens of crimes -- raped, robbed, and having acid thrown at her, as other residents try to get her to leave. Still, Sardin -- the daughter of a French soldier -- calls her little shop "a piece of French soil inside occupied territory," and says she will not leave.

That has led to the formation of groups who want to oppose Islam and protect the white native French. In Nice, Philippe Vardon leads one of those groups called Bloc Identitaire. He told CBN News members are being trained in hand-to-hand combat.

"Our government, our politics are leading us to war," he said.

The "failure" of multiculturalism pronounced by the leaders of France, Britain and Germany comes as far-right parties mobilize across Europe, capitalizing on fears of the growing Muslim population. Read more:


Before the left wingers come out and start saying "Ohh another thread on Islam, this is ruining ATS boohoohohoo"

This is a serious issue which is getting bigger and bigger, the French have now had enough, and are forming there own organisation, with memebers being taught Hand to Hand Combat!!

Is this what it has come to? We must be taught to fight out of fear of our lives in our own countries?

There is a problem with the Muslim Community, the quicker we accept this the better, with thousands more immigrants entering Europe by the year, something is going to snap, the people have had enough, if we have to resort to building our own militias then, well i dont know what the future holds.
edit on 16-2-2011 by Haydn_17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

I remember when I was in Germany, the turkish people would always start fights with U.S soldiers by some night clubs and most of the time out number them. I recall one of my friends getting hit with a bat and got his pinkie smashed in. A civil war would be a very bad idea indeed but how long can this situation last until relative calm is restored?

edit on 16-2-2011 by Stop-loss! because: (no reason given)

+10 more 
posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:02 PM
To me, it's not ac tually a civil war, it's repelling an invading hoarde of violent invaders.......they didn't acclimate, they never will, remove them from the country any way you can. It should be done world wide, the world would be a much safer, and advanced place.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Albert Pike's 1871 Plan For The Three World Wars

the first two went off as planned, this is the last...

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." - Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871. (see former Royal Canadian Navy Intelligence Officer, William Guy Carr's books "Satan, Prince of this World" and "Pawns in the Game", p. xv-xvi, which includes extracts of Pike's letter

Go figure!!

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Can I share with you my personal point of view and experience?

I live in Berlin, "Little Istanbul", more precisely in the district with the highest percent of Turkish immigrants and people with Turkish ethnic background. One block away another district starts, where many Arabians live.

There's a mosque two bus stations away, all the corner shops and fast food restaurants are owned by Turkish people, my favourite restaurants are Arabian, a lot of my neighbours are Muslims.

In the nearly 5 years I have lived here, I've had no conflict with any of these people. They live their lives, we live ours. Sure, some of the younger men tend to be a little... testosterony, but young men tend to be like that no matter their ethnicity. The kids might also be loud, but then again all kids are. In any case, the streets are safe, I'm not afraid to walk alone at night, even though I'm a female and I weigh 50 kilos. And despite (or who knows, maybe because) all the immigrants, my neighbourhood is actually gentrifying.

I'm not saying that the story with the Parisian neighbourhood is not true. It might be. I lived in Paris for 6 months and I didn't see any such thing even in neighbourhoods where "whites" seemed a minority, but maybe I've never been to THAT neighbourhood. Don't know. What I mean is that even if the story is true, it doesn't mean that Europe is anywhere near civil war. Believe it or not, most people just want to live their lives peacefully, no matter their ethnicity or religion.

I can only imagine what a person who's never been to Europe thinks after reading this thread...

+3 more 
posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:03 PM
islam and it's followers are nothing but saintly, good samaritans remember?? they crap rainbows and puppy dogs, and bring nothing but peace unto mankind!!!!! just look how they warmly embraced that reporter woman in egypt, they filled her with the love of the prophet!!

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

I accept there is too much religious tolerance period, and that includes Muslim communities for sure who refuse to assimilate. It also must be extended though to the Christian Right, who already have succeeded in taking over one of America's two main political parties. The numbers of the Christian Right are so large and their members so powerful that literally no one in power dares to cross them. The Muslims are just more obvious and perhaps more openly hostile to their host country's political and social values compared to the Christian Right who are clever enough to attempt to re-write history and re-define those values in their favor.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Wallachian

In the nearly 5 years I have lived here, I've had no conflict with any of these people. They live their lives, we live ours. Sure, some of the younger men tend to be a little... testosterony, but young men tend to be like that no matter their ethnicity. The kids might also be loud, but then again all kids are. In any case, the streets are safe, I'm not afraid to walk alone at night, even though I'm a female and I weigh 50 kilos. And despite (or who knows, maybe because) all the immigrants, my neighbourhood is actually gentrifying.

A friend and I went to nuremburg once for a night out in the streets and we got lost. We ended up in some neighborhood that looked mostly like arabic people . I swear we felt like we were gonna get robbed or something worse, but people just looked at us strange cause we were in their hood. I guess you are right about the young ones causing trouble, otherwise we would have ended up like my other friend like my post above.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:41 PM
I have been saying there will be war with Islam for 2 years now and back then i gave a time scale of 20 years, so i believe within 18 years there will be civil war/s with Islam. Maybe even tomorrow, oh how i hope that it starts tomorrow

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:46 PM
This problem is specifically related to the banlieues. Its not a new thing.

In french this word means 'suburb' but it has a negative connotation in france. In france the poor and disenfranchised are often pushed to sink estates on the outskirts of the cities. This is the reverse of the USA where the trend is that the middle class flees to the suburbs.

A lot of the poor in those areas are immigrants from former french colonies. So they tend to be from an ethnic minority background, largely muslim but not all. Its the high rates of poverty, crime, drugs and prostitution that make the places no go areas for anybody that cannot easily blend in.

There has been sporadic violence and rioting in these places since the early 1980s. Its been exploited by the National Front for a long time also. Hatred breeds hatred.

For some insight I'd recommend the film 'La Haine'.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Enoch Powell 1968... "Rivers of blood" & "No parallel in a thousand years of English history" Etc...

Just garbage spouted by paranoid bigoted little man angry that some things in life change. Angry that some people, who are different to himself, live close by.

Enoch Powell was spreading fear... stirring things up. But many see his speech as a prophetic look at the near future. They were wrong. The Black people who Powell was spouting about happily settled into British society and eventually gave us Sports Heroes, News Readers, Actors, Poets, Writers etc...

Same story this time round. Muslims have been living in Britain for about 300 years. The vast majority of Muslims arrived in Britain during the 1950's 60's and 70's. Does no one on ATS find it strange that Muslims lived in peace, and had no real social problems, until the west suddenly decided that it needed the oil in Iraq???

Then, all of a sudden, the Media start reporting the hate story’s....

"Muslims want Islamic NHS"

"Muslim men rape white Girl"

"Muslim men shoot fire out their bum and burn little white babies with anal napalm"

There is a very simple rule that TPTB use. If you dehumanise a group of people it makes it far more palatable, to the general population, to wage war on said group.

Are there bad Muslims?? Of course there are... Like Christians, Jews, Hindus, Black, White, Asian etc... All people have good and bad amongst them.

ALL Humans have the potential to do Evil or do Good. Do not become another scare mongering Enoch Powell. Do not subscribe to fear and hatred.

I work in Barking, London. There are many many Muslims in Barking, some of which are my friends. I have no problems at all.


posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:14 PM
If the muslims decide to turn off the oil taps, the Western world will reverse back 500 years.

Muslims already own half this planet with over 50 countries and a civil war in Europe would lead to a bigger war of resources/land/water etc..

A civil war simillar to the Bosnian genocide will finish Europe.

The real culprits are those who opened the gates to mass immigration in first place.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:20 PM
If a civil war kicks off, i bet you guys any money it will eventually turn into a white VS the rest War. Islam has huge variety of followers and majority of the muslims in France are blacks.

Funny how muslims were saints before 9/11 and after 9/11 they all become 'baby killing, head chopping terrorists'.

Exactly the same way Osama, Saddam and Mubarrak were good ol freinds of US, and now they are 'blood thirst, freedom hating terrorists'.

The media can certainly stir up BS in any direction it wants.
edit on 16-2-2011 by forklift because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Wallachian

Turk and arab are amongst the same group to a lot of people. You may draw a distinction, but to the rest of us, the distinction isn’t that big. And according to your own posts you have posted on other threads, you are not an outsider to those communities. You are an insider. You are treated differently than I would be if I walked into that area.

That is a thing that has got me about a lot of people. Insiders telling how nice everyone is. But the rest of us are outsiders, so that information is of little use to us.

Like I could say how nice everyone treats everyone else around here. But if a city slicker tried to move in, he may find the community less than hospitable. I know that. I am not going to tell someone that everyone is just nice and friendly here, you will be treated like family. I know they won’t, so I won’t lie to them.

That is the same way it is with almost every community. The only question is how badly do they treat outsiders, and what does that outsider have to do, and how long does he have to stay, until he gets recognized as an insider.

Around here, you don’t have to do much. Just be willing to talk to the neighbors on a day to day basis and get to know them. Not get bent out of shape when one of your neighbors does something stupid, and we won’t get bent out of shape when you do something stupid. Be willing to help other people out how ever you can, and we will do the same.

But, for other communities, the bar between insiders, and outsiders is far higher……….

Why do you think everyone of those backgrounds (turk/arab) has gravitated to those specific areas? Where is the mix of Caucasians, Jews, Russians, Hindus, Catholic’s, Spanish? They are no where to be found because the neighbors scare them so they leave. When they leave, the only one that will move in is someone that identifies with that culture.

Pretty soon, after the neighborhood becomes homogonous, then the only people they interact with on a day to day basis, is people of the same group. People start to think in terms of us vs them. That causes them to fracture from the communities around them.

Just look at yourself. You go to Arabic restaurants and shops. You don’t go out of your cultural bubble unless you have to. And outsiders don’t enter your bubble unless they have to. That causes your community to fracture from the communities around you. You don’t have a mixture of native Germans in your community to help anchor your community’s attitude to the rest of the country.

Group think is a very big factor in that. If you are not the majority, you will temper your attitude, and opinions. If everyone else thinks like you do, then there is no majority pressure to restrain yourself.

Example If you lived in a section of the city where you were surrounded by a German majority, and If your country did something stupid, you may be outraged. but the majority, feeling a sympathetic connection to the country, just lets it slide, and tells all the people screaming about it to just let the incident slide……. Then you will back off and not push it any more.

If you lived in a group of people that thought like you do (your current location) and the country did something that infuriated you and all the ones around you, then there will be no one trying to stand up and tell people to keep a level head. If they did, they would be knocked off their block by the majority. So the people in one area goes up in arms, while the people outside of that area doesn’t. that is what I mean by fracturing from a community.

That is what it already sounds like you live in. A fractured community.

The US has many of them. Little china….. on and on….. And in those areas, the people can often do things that are technically illegal because their neighbors will not turn them in to the outsiders (police) often they form their own security force that is autonomous from the official police. Same thing that is happening with the ZUS areas that dot France.

When that happen, the question becomes how far will the communities fracture from the rest of the city. That depends on their cultural background. Like a Mexican community. They are usually roman catholic, so even if they total fracture from a US city, then they won’t stray far, besides talking a different language. Chinese, or Japanese, Same thing plus or minus a few Buddhist temples or such.

An African immigrant community, or a Arabic immigrant community…….. now you have big potential for fracture there. Their native cultures are far different than what we consider normal.

Even if they don’t technically break the law, they can make it inhospitable for outsiders to live in the area they control. That is a fact of life that I have seen repeated time and time again.

What causes that is people clumping together to avoid having to integrate into a foreign culture, instead of spreading out amongst the native population and integrating into the existing community. Something your own post demonstrates. “all the corner shops and fast food restaurants are owned by Turkish people, my favourite restaurants are Arabian,” that is a sign of a community that has fractured from the outside country.

You are living in the very thing that a lot of the people on this board are complaining about.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by forklift

That first video is a bunch of BS. I can tell you that from being a Swede. They are not leading anything here. I don't care what website says what. I can make a video about green beans from outer space and have actors that would appear to be quite serious and even create a webpage to look legit and people would take me seriously. Please don't use a David Duke video as a source. I mean no disrespect, but seriously.

To the OP: I wouldn't go so far as to say a civil war across Europe is on the brink, that's jumping the gun on the issue.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:51 PM
Turks are coming , mamma mia , Turks are coming .

There is not going to be a civil war in Europe at large .

Most Turks in Germany are there as guest worker and when asked to leave , they will go back to Turkey .

Same for Arabs in France or Pakistanis in UK .

If Europe attempts to get rid of muslims , in the long term Europe will be the loser .

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by TheAnuraOne

Is this BS too?

Like i said, blame lies on those who opened the doors to mass immigration.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by BarmyBilly
I have been saying there will be war with Islam for 2 years now and back then i gave a time scale of 20 years, so i believe within 18 years there will be civil war/s with Islam. Maybe even tomorrow, oh how i hope that it starts tomorrow

I think my views are relatively well known here on ATS but I am honestly amazed!

You 'HOPE' civil war starts tomorrow?

With all the death and suffering that would mean?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by TheAnuraOne

Are you sure? Cause all of our prime ministers go to Bilderberger meetings, that means one thing and one thing only, they're puppets of the globalists agenda.

Sweden is already acclimatized to Fabian leftist ideologies and brainwashing, that is VERY clear from anyone coming into Sweden from the outside, it's downright bizarre.

And the immigration costs approximately 30-40 billion sek each year, so why are we doing it? Cause they're creating conflict, discord and tension, a simple divide & conquer technique. Yet most Swedes are totally oblivious to it, the most brainwashed nation on earth, second only to maybe North Korea.. but at least they know they're being lied to?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Mr Tranny


Nah, I just moved here like everyone else. I said the neighbourhood is gentrifying like crazy. Students, artists, and yuppies recently. Lots of immigrants, not just Muslims. Not all neighbourhoods with large Muslims populations are ghettos, you know. And since we have lots of bars and restaurants, people flock here at nights and during the weekend from all over the city.

If you, an "outsider" would come here, nobody would even be able to tell you're an outsider.

Originally posted by Mr Tranny

Just look at yourself. You go to Arabic restaurants and shops. You don’t go out of your cultural bubble unless you have to. And outsiders don’t enter your bubble unless they have to. That causes your community to fracture from the communities around you. You don’t have a mixture of native Germans in your community to help anchor your community’s attitude to the rest of the country.

Didn't you just make a lot of unfounded assumptions about me?

I don't know what you assume my "cultural bubble" consists of, but I assure you I spend a lot of time outside of it. And I somehow get the impression you think I'm a Muslim? That would fit well in your theory. Nah I'm not, not even close. I just don't dislike them as much as some do.

You are living in the very thing that a lot of the people on this board are complaining about.

No, I live in a very diverse and dynamic environment. That's what I like about it.

Edit: just to make it very very clear. Yeah, I'm an immigrant here too, but I'm Caucasian, Christian by baptism, atheist by choice. I study at a German university, I learned German on my own money and time, my boyfriend with whom I've been for the past 7 years is German. I left my cultural bubble when I left my country, and since then I've been living in the World, not in any exclusive community.
edit on 16/2/11 by Wallachian because: (no reason given)

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