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Why Haven't We Had An Attack On U.S. Soil Since 9-11?

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posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:43 PM
In the nearly ten years it has been since the attacks of September 11, 2001 on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. Why haven't we had a major terrorist attack in the United States since then? Is it because of where we are cracking down on "terrorists" by way of the NSA and the FBI spying on the entire populace of the United States. Or maybe the Department of Homeland Security has actually done the job it was supposed to do and keep us safe. I'm not saying that an attack is imminent, but I am wondering why we have not had a major terrorist attack on our soil since 9-11. If it has anything to do with the government, then they have been on their toes in preventing an attack.

Ever since the attacks of 9-11, both the mainstream media and the government have been saying that "All Muslims are terrorists and they should be dealt with." For one, it is not fair for someone, especially the government, to lump what is inherently two groups of people in to the same class. Actually, governments around the world have been lumping the peaceful of the Nation of Islam into this one group along with the extremists. It's been going on since the first hijackings of TWA and Air France flights that the Palestinians committed back the late 1960s and the early 1970s. The way I see it is that it is only a small percentage, close to five to ten percent, of Muslims that are the extremists. Look at Muhammed Ali, he became one most well known advocates for peace and solving world hunger. A man who has spent the last twenty five years praying for peace the world over. Yet he gets lumped into this small percentage by the media because he is a Muslim.

From what the mainstream media tells you and I, it is only Muslim "extremists" than can carry out terrorist acts with great success. Yet the "media" absolutely refuses to acknowledge the threat of "homegrown terrorism" that has been running amok in the United States, and abroad for that matter, for at least the past one hundred and fifty years. I mean look at what the Ku Klux Klan did for years in the Southern United States. Yet no one in the "media" seems to either want or be able to pay attention to the threat that "homegrown terrorism" has become to us.

The F.B.I. has known for years pertaining as to how much of a threat domestic terrorism is to the United States. However, it seems that little has been has been done by the F.B.I. to prevent an attack by a domestic terrorist. Seems to me that the FBI and the NSA should be looking more closely at these "homegrown terrorists" that are across the country. I do realize that some steps have been taken by the FBI and the NSA to avert an attack by domestic terrorists with in the last ten to fifteen years. Does it mean that they have taken down every single domestic terrorist and domestic terrorist front? By no means have they taken down every single domestic terrorist group. For all we know, the next attack could be just around the corner and I can almost certainly guarantee you that it won't be an Islamic extremist or extremists that commit the attack.

One particular "incident" that was brought to my attention about twelve years ago pertaining to the the crash of Amtrak's "Sunset Limited" near Palo Verde, Arizona on October 9, 1995. In this case, evidence found pointed towards sabotage of the tracks by either a disgruntled railroad employee or by domoestic terrorists in an attempt to rob the train. Four type written notes signed by the "Sons of the Gestapo" were found in the area after the crash. The FBI maintains to this day that the notes were a ploy made by a person or a group of persons in order to hide that a train was going to be robbed. Even if it was a disgruntled railroad employee as the FBI has said. That in itself would constitute an act of domestic terrorism were as the tracks were tampered with.

If the "Islamic extremist" is the only way that a terrorist attack can happen on U.S. soil because "they hate our freedoms and our way of life." Then how do you explain the nearly two dozen attacks that have occurred on U.S. soil in at least the last century? None of these attacks had any ties what so ever to the religion of Islam when these attacks occurred. Is our government, and a few others around the world, using Islam as an excuse to wage the "War On Terror?" I for one believe that we are using it as an excuse to wage what has basically became a holy war.

If you ask me, the only people we should fear are the ones in charge of our governments.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:55 PM
In reply to your title OP , because they are so good at their job
. Because they are the terrorist's and they control that beast .It is contrived .More people die from be stings in a year than from terrorism .Funny isn't it that all the bees are disappearing ? So you know where they all are don't you ? The answer GITMO ! Having their wings pulled by saddist in khaki's .

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:56 PM
I believe there are many awake now - which makes any false flag transparent.

Just a whiff of an 'incident' and people are now all over it (which is a great thing). I think there have probably been a few prevented simply for this reason.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:01 PM
george bush, cheney and rumsfield are out of office.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:02 PM
Because the US has shown their superiority to the foreign oil suppliers. That or they have seen that the US will do anything for oil and just said f* it! 9/11 was an inside job. The US can't cover up everything they do, so no more inside jobs. Now let's scare the world with aliens! Maybe that'll work.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by gimmefootball400

Ever since the attacks of 9-11, both the mainstream media and the government have been saying that "All Muslims are terrorists and they should be dealt with."

This is nothing but a lie . For the most part , your entire post is flawed .

However, it seems that little has been has been done by the F.B.I. to prevent an attack by a domestic terrorist.

And yet you ask why we haven't had a major attack since 9/11 ?

edit on 13-2-2011 by okbmd because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:24 PM
Sir, you are clearing trolling this well thought out, and excellent post. I suggest you take your negative comments elsewhere.

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by gimmefootball400

Ever since the attacks of 9-11, both the mainstream media and the government have been saying that "All Muslims are terrorists and they should be dealt with."

This is nothing but a lie . For the most part , your entire post is flawed .

However, it seems that little has been has been done by the F.B.I. to prevent an attack by a domestic terrorist.

And yet you ask why we haven't had a major attack since 9/11 ?

edit on 13-2-2011 by okbmd because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-2-2011 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:28 PM
There was at Ft. Hood.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

And you sir , are mistaken . Pointing out falsehoods and inconsistencies is not trolling .

Your post , on the other hand ...

Hmmm , As of 11/07/09 , there were THIRTY-ONE (31) attacks on U.S. citizens by Islamo-Fascist terrorists on U.S. soil since 9/11 .

Yea , the FBI isn't doing anything to thwart domestic terrorism

Then there was the Tennessee man who was trying to obtain nuclear material while talking of setting off WMD in Washington , D.C.

And the Texas man who had stockpiled enough sodium cyanide to kill everyone inside of a 30,000 square-foot building :

Do you want me to provide you with further sources to prove that the OP is totally clueless ?

Who's the troll now ?
edit on 13-2-2011 by okbmd because: eta

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:43 PM
The reason that we have not had a terrorist attack on US soil that could be laid at the feet of Islamic Extremist is because it was all a LIE in the first place.

Surly you never believed that there were Islamic Extremist hiding behind every bush, so we as American’s must surrender our freedoms to the Government so they could better protect us.

The Real group that hate us because of our freedoms is the N W O Government minions.

First national terrorist attack after 9/11 was the “Anthrax” attack. Who was the target, well The speaker of the US Senate, Tom Daschle SD and two of the Nations top Newsmen, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather. Five people killed and seventeen injured. It was Anthrax from Fort Dertrick, MD. However, the lies that came from this is that it was Saddam Hussein. FBI closed the case without fanfare in February 2010. No convictions.

We had the sniper who shot shoppers from the trunk of their car, but these were not the so called terrorist, just lunatics.

Fast forward to the latest terrorist , the panty bomber in Detroit, proved beyond any doubt that he was ALLOWED on the plane by a unidentified Governmental Official without a Passport, something none of us could possibly accomplish. Then we have the patsy in Oregon who received his training from the FBI and was supplied the “bomb” by the FBI.

So WHO is the REAL terrorist ?

Now, they want us to believe that we have “homegrown” terrorist. What a crock. Ever see the listing of who the “homegrown” terrorist are ?
Ron Paul supporters, People who have or know the US Constitution, People who fly the Gadsden Flag, Our own returning Vets, Oath Keepers.
So, if you believe in Liberty, have served this country and you take the Oath you gave in its defense seriously, you sir are a “homegrown” terrorist candidate.


Do Not Fall for the LIE.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by gimmefootball400

Why would they need another false flag??
All the money the people can be screwed for is already being spent on wars and fed into the hands of the few..

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:48 PM
Well 911 was a NWO op/ritual carried out by Saudi Arabs under the banner of AQ - but in practical terms, facilitated and overseen by the KGB. The NWO controlled faction of the CIA, merely looked the other way whilst it went down - and of course encouraged all the demo, freefall, cruise missile nonesense as a smokescreen and giant distraction for the loonies to fret over.

All Muslims are of course potential terrorists and passive cheerleaders by definition - since it is an essential part of Islam to eventually conquer the lands of the infidel. And there have been several individual or amateur group attacks since 911, and plenty more thwarted ones.

The main strategy of the Islamic world is the stealth jihad by demographics, which for it's sucess depends on the 'boil the stupid infidel frog slowly' approach - and acts of terrorism are a definite no-no for this bunch, who strive to make Islam seems like a respectable moderate 'religion of peace' - ha ha!

That is probably why there have been no major jihadi attacks on US mainland - the Islamic rulers around the world have warned the major terror groups off from any major theatricals on US soil - for the time being at least!

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by gimmefootball400

You just don't realize how long it takes to plan an attack from a cave. It's very time consuming.
Give them a break and be patient.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by gimmefootball400

You just don't realize how long it takes to plan an attack from a cave. It's very time consuming.
Give them a break and be patient.

haha, yes carving their plans into the rock takes time..

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:52 PM
the mission was accomplished and they have no need for a new one yet.
the U.S. is to big of a cash cow to to have multiple terrorist attacks like what you see
else where. terror attacks here would stop many from going about daily lives. and that would stop money from flowing.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:58 PM
Because it is not convenient time for a strike.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by gimmefootball400

You just don't realize how long it takes to plan an attack from a cave. It's very time consuming.
Give them a break and be patient.

I do realize that it takes time for the attack plans to come about. Hell, the plans for the bombings in Madrid and London took over five years to come about. Just because somebody "living in a cave" drew up the plans and the way that these plans were to be executed. Doesn't mean that the person "in a cave in a far off land" made the plans. For all you know, the plans could have been made in your city.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:14 PM
Q: "Why Haven't We Had An Attack On U.S. Soil Since 9-11?"
A: Because the time is not yet tactically ripe for us to attack ourselves again.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:27 PM
Here are some stats on causes of death in the US each year. (This only covers medical deaths)

* Heart disease: 616,067
* Cancer: 562,875
* Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952
* Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924
* Accidents (unintentional injuries): 123,706
* Alzheimer's disease: 74,632
* Diabetes: 71,382
* Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717 * Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 46,448
* Septicemia: 34,828

Here is a list of most common cause of deaths in the US each year on wikipedia.

Wikipedia: Leading causes of death

Not anywhere does it say terrorism.

Why are we at war again?

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 01:19 AM
The leading cause of death is Life.. 100% fatal.

Stop living in fear. If I wanted to kill 100s of people, I could do it quickly and easily with no consequence or retaliation as could anyone. We are being told to fear, but in fact, it is nothing but a means of control. This is an old trick that has been used throughout the ages with mixed success.

Stop worrying about dying and start worrying about living.

But to the point of the OP, my guess is that the reason there has been no major attack on US soil since 9/11 is that there was never a serious or real threat to begin with -- Islamic or otherwise. These things happen, but they are not that common and usually orchestrated by power brokers.
edit on 2-14-2011 by rogerstigers because: (no reason given)

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