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Geomagnetic Disturbances Cause Heart Attacks and Strokes

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posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:54 PM
This is old news, but important - we're entering the solar maximum when solar activity increases and causes more perturbations in earth's magnetic field.

The very young, elderly and chronically ill are most likely to be affected; the best defense is rest during danger periods, and 'immune boosting' with anti-oxidants and the like. Unfortunately, authorities have NOT educated the public about the dangers and do NOT forecast geomagnetic disturbances - they don't want people to panic. But forewarned is forearmed.

Presenting geomagnetic storm warnings along with the weather report, pollen count and pollution index makes a lot of sense.

Magnetic Storms Affect Humans As Well As Telecommunications

…there are risk groups (including)… people suffering from ischemic disorders or hypertension, or children whose adaptation system is the process of formation. Newly born are particularly at risk.

"We think that simply forecasting storms is counterproductive because people merely get scared as a result," said Dr. Breus. "But steady micro variations are different. We should concentrate on this in forecasting geomagnetic disturbances."

Space radiation health: a brief primer.

The goals of space radiation health research are to understand qualitatively and quantitatively the ionizing radiations present in the space environment, identify qualitatively and quantitatively the risks associated with these radiations, and discover countermeasures to mitigate these risks. The articles that follow address each of these three components of space radiation health research. This article introduces the basic science and definitions underlying radiation health research and protection. Space radiations consist of energetic protons from the sun, protons and electrons from the sun that are trapped in the Earth's magnetic field, and cosmic rays that include energetic nuclei of H, He, C, N, O and Fe atoms. The risks presented to space travelers by these radiations include cancer due to protons and cosmic-ray exposure, immune failure due to high-dose solar proton storms, and possible neurological effects caused by single tracks of cosmic-ray heavy nuclei. Potential countermeasures include shielding, medication consisting of radical scavengers, anti-oxidant consumption, cytokines, and cell transplants.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It's not the extreme geomagnetic storms themselves that appear to cause the problems, but rather, the micro variations that begin 24 hours before the storm. The before-storm micro variations cause low and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields, which destabilize the heartbeat, leading to a heart attack or stroke.

Magnetic Storms Affect Humans As Well As Telecommunications

It has long been established that magnetic storms not only affect the performance of equipment, upset radio communications, blackout radars, and disrupt radio navigation systems but also endanger living organisms. They change the blood flow, especially in capillaries, affect blood pressure, and boost adrenalin.

…The heart and cardio-vascular system have always been considered the main biological targets of geomagnetic activity. However, the damage inflicted by magnetic storms on human health has been found to be different. Experts from the Institute of Space Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Institute of Physics of the Earth (RAS), and the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy have established that the biggest danger emanates from the micro variations of the geomagnetic field, which coincide with the heartbeat. They occur in about half of all magnetic storms, and are most typical for a prelude to a storm with insignificant changes in the geomagnetic field (mostly affecting high altitudes), and for the recovery phase, when the geomagnetic field is coming back to normal.

Medical statistics for Moscow show that 70% of all micro variations, caused by geomagnetic disturbances, are accompanied by an abnormally high incidence of heart attacks (a growth of about 13%), and blood-strokes (7.5% growth). The low and extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields destabilize the heartbeat, leading to a sudden death or infarction. Medical experts have finally explained why heart attacks take a heavy toll before a magnetic storm - because micro variations begin 24 hours before the storm.

The effects of geomagnetic micropulsations seem worse in winter, and may be linked to the pineal gland's increased production of melatonin.

Seasonal variations in the myocardial infarction incidence and possible effects of geomagnetic micropulsations on the cardiovascular system in humans

…one of possible reasons for the seasonal variations in the occurrence of myocardial infarction is an increase in the production of the pineal hormone melatonin in winter which leads to an unstable state of the human organism and an increase in its sensitivity to the effect of geomagnetic pulsations.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Ok...this really bothers me and I hope it's not true. Sorry if this post gets to long, but it's complicated and I need to explain a few things first. My new year's resolutions were to cut a CD and to loose weight. I cutI recorded the CD Friday, but that's neither here nor there. I switched from sugar to stevia and from regular sodas to diet least until I read the info about diet sodas leading to increased chances of heart attacks and strokes. I only had a 12 pack of diet Dr. Pepper, before the news broke, so I kind of doubted that these heart pains I've been experiencing lately could be from the sodas. I have also stopped using stevia, because it reminds me of sweet and low and equal, and I just can't believe that stuff you actually inhale dust from while adding it to your drink can be good for you...I don't care what the labels say.

The deal is, I'm only 34. Isn't that too young to be experiencing heart pains? Besides, these pains just began last week. They are short-lived and not arresting, but I am very aware of them. After reading through your post and the title caught my eye, due to these pains, I wonder if there is actually a link. I can't rememner if it was two or three nights ago, but the pain was on and off, constant. And right now I'm feeling painful twinges as well. I'm not super-overweight, but need to loose at least 20 lbs. I do smoke, but I also walk and during my day job, I am extremely active. We eat pretty healthy, using olive oil instead of butter, when needed and no fried foods. Lots of veggies, but I admit to using salt. This post is alarming to say the least, as the heart pains are very new in my body and life.

Just my two cents to add to the plot!

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by staciebee

Similar to what you described, for about 3 months now, I've been having heart palpitations, where it feels like my heart is skipping beats, and it makes me cough. Ironically, it only tends to happen when I sit still. I've always had very minor (almost unnoticeable) heart issues... for instance, my heart would palpitate for a second or two once in a, every few months. But, suddenly, they've started coming every few days, and they last for upwards of an hour or two, which is highly unusual. Add that to the fact that I'm only 22 and not even close to being overweight and there might just be something to this. I wouldn't assume it has anything to do with it, but I wouldn't completely ignore the possibility either.

ETA: the past couple days, I've also been having something like a headache, except it's more just a pressure than an ache. I almost never get headaches.

edit on 13-2-2011 by CLPrime because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-2-2011 by CLPrime because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-2-2011 by CLPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by staciebee

butter is a lot better for you than what you think and the heart pains will most likely just be muscle cramps, something i have suffered with for years and was often paranoid for about a year after they started but i suffer from cfs and one of the symptoms is muscle pains but you dont have to have cfs to get these.

i would say i am in a pretty similar situation where i smoke and drink but i tend to drink red wine and that stuff is good for your heart. try to eat red meat only in a fresh form, eat some mackerel or something similar once a week and never go any where near margerine as that stuff is deadly.

i would still get checked out though as it is quite an important issue.

back on the main topic, i mentioned that i suffer from cfs and the last few days i have not exerted myself but i have been devoid of all energy, are these storms happening now? i know my energy levels fluctuate at times and could these storms have something to do with it or am i just trying to find reason for something i really have no understanding of, apart from the way i feel at times.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by staciebee

reply to post by CLPrime

reply to post by lewman

Thanks all for your responses.

...There is no doubt that low level geomagnetic frequencies can cause health problems (solar and earthquake generated, and human created).

But before everyone gets all panicky, remember that LOTS of things besides heart attacks can cause chest pain - breathing problems, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma, CFS, fibromyalgia, muscle pain, panic attacks, and etc. …If you are having problems, seek medical attention - but don't panic!

Pay attention if you're in a high risk group and remember - any action needs to be preventive. There is NO magic pill.

Have been doing more digging - Most space weather R&D is concerned with predicting large storms - solar and on earth - can only predict 10-20 hours ahead, and is only 70-80% accurate according to this DoD website (whose last entry was 2005).

SPACE WEATHER PREDICTION: Research and Development

The kind of geomagnetic disturbances that impact health are low and very low frequency - the low level disturbances happen 24 hours before a storm, and afterwards.

Does anyone have prediction info that's more current? …How 'bout we start a thread to track geomagnetic activity, along with our (putatively) related physical reactions/symptoms?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:11 PM
For those having symptoms. Please, post your 'records' in the following "Watch Thread":

Weird Health Problems Related to Geomagnetic Storms, Earthquakes? Watch Thread.


posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by staciebee

I've been having the same issue the last 3 weeks! My heart rate stays normal but it seems to have stronger more revealing beats. I can see it through my shirt even when it happens. I feel normal aside from noticing this. I even went so the doctors to get it looked at got a lipid profile and stress test. It has not bothered me since last Tuesday. For the record, I eat healthy and do not drink any types of soda nor have I for many years. Thought I'd share seeing I'm not the only one experiencing this. You're also in my age group.

Edit: I only notice mine when I sit still as well! This is strange.
edit on 13-2-2011 by disfugured because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:06 AM
Ooops, wrong thread - but I'll leave it...


This thread is about "paying attention" and "tapping into body knowledge" - building awareness to environmental influences. It's not meant to encourage hypochondria - actually, the opposite. Knowledge is power: our mental and physical reactions can, and do, give us a window of insight into the larger world. It's a hard-wired awareness that's been suppressed, almost totally, over the past few generations. I'd like to see us get it back.

Low frequency exposures can cause heart attacks and strokes - such "acute" symptoms are at the 180 degree point on the graph below. Acute symptoms are the medically significant ones, but many of us experience reactions-cum-symptoms at 45, 95 or 140 degrees. These are the reactions that show us our interconnectedness with our world, if we bring them to conscious awareness.


Since the March 9.0 M earthquake in Japan, I've been tracking my own and my pets' reactions, and comparing them to EQ and magnetic field activity. A 6 M quake brings on "symptoms" that can be plotted at around 45 degrees; a 7 M quake pushes it to about 120 degrees. ...I'm now fairly confident that I can recognize the precursors to 6 and 7 M quakes, and distinguish between them.

This awareness is quite helpful to me mainly because I don't waste time anymore trying to identify and fix "problems" that are beyond my control. It also 'validates' my feelings of connectedness to our Earth.

edit on 24/4/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by staciebee
reply to post by soficrow

Ok...this really bothers me and I hope it's not true. Sorry if this post gets to long, but it's complicated and I need to explain a few things first. My new year's resolutions were to cut a CD and to loose weight. I cutI recorded the CD Friday, but that's neither here nor there. I switched from sugar to stevia and from regular sodas to diet least until I read the info about diet sodas leading to increased chances of heart attacks and strokes. [...]

Just one advice from a non american: stop sodas all together, they are NOT good for you
Try tea, limited coffee, fruit / vegies juices, etc. instead!

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:15 PM
Interesting stuff sofi.

So I wonder if they have done studies of these effects on animals. And what I am getting at is scientists don't seem to all agree about what caused the dinosaur extinction. And so I am postulating that maybe if the pre-storm variations were severe enough, it could end all or most animal (and human) life on earth in a matter of minutes. They would just all fall over dead at once. What a way to go, eh?

I prefer the asteroid impact variety of death. Much more spectacular.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Someone just started a thread asking if the earth might be a capacitor - makes sense, and could link the whole electro-magnetic approach, re: life the universe and everything.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:15 AM
Who the hell in their right mind still drinks "SODA"??
What are you, 6 years old?

Come on people.
If you are thirsty you drink.........say it with me now..........WATER!

Not trying to be a dick but I know I am.
Please do yourself a favor if you are a grown ass adult who still drinks soda.


Knock it the F off.

It is only calories in liquid form.
It does NOTHING for you.

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:22 AM
This thread is premised on the idea that geomagnetic disturbances can affect life, and cells' and organisms' function. It also happens that environmental contaminations, industrial pollution, diet and disease for example, also affect life, and cells' and organisms' function - however, that's not what this thread is about.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 04:54 PM

Not just heart attacks and strokes

Seems the road to strokes and heart attacks is paved with a variety of metabolic disturbances. ...I'm diabetic, and noticed my readings have been wonky - high, and definitely NOT related to diet. Happened again yesterday and today, so I googled radiation, diabetes and metabolism. Revealing.

12.03.2012. Solar storm passes without incident

A solar storm in the Earth`s magnetic field has passed by the Earth with minimal effects, experts say, according to BBC.

"The freight train has gone by, and is still going by, and now we`re just watching for how this is all going to shake out," said Joseph Kunches, a scientist with US weather agency Noaa.

The last of the charged particles from the Sun will pass Earth Friday morning.

There had been fears that this "coronal mass ejection" could wreak havoc with satellites or power grids on Earth.

Diabetes and the Environment, Radiation

Some epidemiological suggests that high doses of radiation may contribute to type 1 and type 2 diabetes development. Whether lower doses are also implicated remains an unexplored area of research.

The Effect of Nonmalignant Systemic Disease on Tolerance to Radiation Therapy

Low Level Radiation Exposure Linked to Dementia, Fatal Brain Diseases

Contaminated Kids: Radiation Exposure 101

Its Official Now: Radiation from Your Cell Phone May be Killing You

Environment in Crisis

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:16 PM
I only have one thing to say in regards to this thread ...

If you think you have palpitations, irregular heartbeats .... GET YOURSELF TO THE DOCTOR!

Why the hell would you sit and wait about thinking that your heart was doing something abnormal? If your foot was hanging off would you come one a forum 3 weeks later and say "Duhhh something weird is happening at the bottom of my leg ... kinda looks like my foot might fall off"? Be sensible people, better safe than sorry.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Ficargul

Thank you for your concern and advice - it's valid. I personally have adequate and appropriate medical care - and know when it's time to use the nitro or call 911. Hope and trust others do as well - but there's the qualifier for those who don't.

This is a kind of research thread - a way of collecting "anecdotal" information about peoples' symptoms during geomagnetic disturbances. ...What little formal research is done regarding health impacts of radiation exposure is suppressed and dismissed - and virtually nothing in the Western world considers the impacts of geomagnetic disturbances.

My hope is to fill a gap, generate interest and possibly, provide some basis to rationalize formal study.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Ficargul
I only have one thing to say in regards to this thread ...

If you think you have palpitations, irregular heartbeats .... GET YOURSELF TO THE DOCTOR!

Why the hell would you sit and wait about thinking that your heart was doing something abnormal? If your foot was hanging off would you come one a forum 3 weeks later and say "Duhhh something weird is happening at the bottom of my leg ... kinda looks like my foot might fall off"? Be sensible people, better safe than sorry.

I'm with you.
People, get checked out. Even if without insurance, you need to go to the ER.
I will also add, I used to have PVC's( heart skips beats) until one of the Dr's I worked with told me that fish oil cured his. Well, it cured mine too. That oil is essential to the heart. It must have that oil!!!!
Ask your Dr. He'll tell you.
Over the years, fish oil has cured the irregular heartbeats of 7 friends and family. PVC's and arrythmias.
Please see your Dr., please.... It is such an easy fix compared to other diseases and illnesses.

Op thanks for the info. We knew we were being affected. We are both very tired and irritable after a major storm. I myself have tiny little balance problems that go away a few days later.

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