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Do you feel like Having to Work is un-natural?

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Thank you all for your responses!

What Im wondering at this point is: Can I change myself and my point of view first, and would that have a direct effect on my attitude towards working these long hours and supporting my lifestyle? OR would I simply be fooling myself into thinking that I am living a satisfying existence?

After all isnt what happens to you 20% and how you react 80% of what matters?

Could all this be in my head?

I guess I just need to figure out how I can work AND like what im doing....Just because your good at something does not necessarily mean you will like doing it...


posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:26 PM
You are all incredibly lucky to even have jobs. I can't even get my foot in the door and I have completed a fair amount of college and am certified as a cabinet maker and furniture designer. Still, nothing to be had. It probably doesn't help that I am in Florida where everything sucks unless you have a bachelors (I am working on my A.S in web programming still).

I can't even get into WALMART! Did I mention I am 25!

edit on 11-2-2011 by SmokeandShadow because: added more

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

Sales my friend. Go work in sales. Always jobs available at all ends of the pay scale...Did I mention what I do for a living?


posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:32 PM
People will tell you it's normal - they are just part of the system and have been brainwashed to think that spending most of your life working and sleeping off your work is normal. It's not.
As you have pointed out work is always required, even when we were hunter gatherers etc but the difference is once the food was caught or picked and eaten people would socialise and engage in cultural traditions, play games and interact. These days we are so busy working to make others rich that the average man does not get time to enjoy the fruits of our work - there are those who says this is because we all have so many want's, and they are correct to a degree but we not have so much technology that if there was not so much greed we would all hardly have to life a finger - but we all know this, just like we all know we have enough food and technology to feed the world but instead choose a life of greed where we would rather get the new playstation that contribute our fruits of hard work to the starving.
Yes I know Im preaching on the greed of humanity that I am just as guilty as most in facilitating. We are now all paying the price for the greed in which we help create. Not long ago 1 income was enough, 1 person (the male previously) was required to work to live comfortably, but now people throughout western society are struggling to live of 2 pay cheques - again people will say this is because of our wants, but not really when often rent in area's near work can take up 1 whole paycheque for a couple. Do you remember the lie of machines? Beyond 2000? the machines that do most of the work for us while we relax, they drive us round, clean our house and build our products instantly, so cheap we have everything we ever wanted.... What happened? We forgot to account for the greed of humanity - the greed where a company get's these machines in to do the work and instead of putting a plan of transition in place for the existing workers they laid them off, saving them huge amounts of money in wages, yes machines need repairs but those repairs are alot cheaper than a humans wages - They wiped out jobs in mass, good jobs where people actually talked to other people and didnt feel like machines themselves, the job's that remained were mundane, repetitive and souless.
I think most people would not mind working so much if they actually enjoyed their job - but nobody should have to work a 12 hour day - people should really not even have to work the standard 8 hour days society currently accepts as normal - again people will say we need to support our wants, but in reality if we stop lying to ourselves we know we are supporting the fat cat's up the top who have
- *huge amounts of money just sitting in the bank
- that money makes interest
- interest a bank pays through loans (money = money + interest it has to come from somewhere)
- loans that in turn create debt
- debt which in turn creates new money in the system
- new money in the system which creates inflation
- inflation which takes money out of the average workers pocket
- the worker has to work for the money which makes the fat cat's rich which creates (*)

Nice cycle going on there - for anyone who is about to try and argue pretty much all money comes from debt, I encourage you to watch THIS
As the greed continues to grow it is only going to get worst, currently 1% of the people own 40% of the wealth because this problem is exponentially increasing our childerens children will likely live in a world where 1% of people own 99% of the wealth - how is that different to slavery, the older generations will tell you they found it hard but survived but this is because they forget when they were young 1% of people owned less of the wealth. Capitalism is a great system but if the monopoly board is not reset once and a while 1 person ends up with everything and everybody else does not stand a chance.
edit on 11-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:32 PM
The fact is that everything we do in a western economy is unnatural. The worthless currency, the over-consumption, the imaginary hierarchy, the "work week", the restaurants, the bars, the liquor stores, the strip clubs, the drugs (dear God, the drugs) and the lottery.

The question is; was our species ever designed to live naturally? It is so very difficult to survive let alone thrive alone on this Earth. Perhaps we were designed for slavery, and that's why we do it so well.

A job=servitude.

Work is done when energy is used for displacement.
edit on 11-2-2011 by Darce because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:33 PM
I remember it always being difficult, difficult to pay for everything, difficult to come out ahead, difficult to convince myself it was worthwhile. But I really didn't have much choice except to work, find the best job I could get and work.

The pay-off seemed to come from pushing through the difficult parts, pushing through the drudgery that was necessary just to have money to buy what I needed or wanted. I remember doing jobs I didn't like, especially jobs I had early-on and wondered if I could get past those kinds of jobs. But after I pushed myself through those and they didn't bother me anymore I was able to move on to better things.

Even when I ended up in my career doing what I liked to do it was still difficult keeping the routine of days and hours, weeks, months, and years on end. And in that time my priorities changed about what I thought was important.

Eventually came a time when I had everything I wanted, could buy anything I desired without looking at the prices. And after a few years like that, still not always liking that I had a routine of going to work regularly but not bothered much by that, I expected I would probably work another ten years and retire with house paid-off and not debts or obligations. Then the bosses came around taking volunteers for early retirement with a separation bonus so they coulod cut the workforce without lay-offs. I had seniority so It would not be me to get laid-off, and out of my whole shop I was the only one without excessive debt - other than house and car payments - so I took the retirement deal.

I was 53 when I retired. For someone 24 that sounds like almost another 30 years of drudgery but 53 is young when you can leave the workaday world behind. I sold my house before the crash, moved to the highlands of Mexico where the weather is always great, cost of living low, and a government that doesn't interfere with your personal affairs. I have been retired five years now and love every minute of it.

I can look back and remember when I was in my twenties and it seemed impossible to make it this point 30 years down the road. I remeber it wasn't always terrific. I remember it didn't seem natural or worth the trouble. I do not feel worn-out, I feel lucky to have made it out as young as I still am and have a hundred little projects to keep occupied with. I take trips when I want and even with a reduced pension for retiring young I have plenty of money to do the things I want to do.

Looking back it doesn't seem all that bad. It may seem impossibly far down the road to you yet, but I wish you the best of luck and good judgement and that you can get ahead of the odds and do as well as I have. I didn't plan for these days I am living now - the best and most enjoyable years of my life - I merely kept pushing through when there seemed no end in sight. And I made it!

edit on 11-2-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

Sales my friend. Go work in sales. Always jobs available at all ends of the pay scale...Did I mention what I do for a living?


I have been applying to telemarketing outfits locally, but no luck yet. Let me put it this way...I have been a musician for over 10 years and know the equipment well. I got turned down for a job a Guitar Center selling pro audio gear because I didn't have any sales experience and them manager came right out and said they don't want to train anyone.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:37 PM
deleted - double post
edit on 11-2-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro

Looking back it doesn't seem all that bad. It may seem impossibly far down the road to you yet, but I wish you the best of luck and good judgement and that you can get ahead of the odds and do as well as I have. I didn't plan for these days I am living now - the best and most enjoyable years of my life - I merely kept pushing through when there seemed no end in sight. And I made it!


I must say that your post resonated with me simply because it probably the best balance of realism, cold hard truth, and at the same time contains a positive message. The most "Common Sense" reply on this thread so far. This is the real life advice I seek! Because really how many of us are gonna sell everything we have, move to Alaska and live off the land? Thats right pretty much none of us here.

Thank you very much for sharing, it gives me a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dark world.



posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:48 PM
The fear mongers say you need to work to live. It's all about the $$$$. Those who can't understand the truth know you can live without $$$$$$.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

What do you enjoy doing? What is your passion?What would make you excited waking up everyday?

You should read "The 4 Hour Work Week".

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by byteshertz


Thank you for your reply. Even though what you are saying is informative and very well may be true, this does not help those of us who have to make do with what we have. Ofcourse there are the PTB who get rich off our labor, we all know this.

However unless anyone of us makes it to another planet with another power structure in this lifetime, we need to find positive solutions where we are and with what we have. I am not discrediting your post, however I would advise we find positivity in all this instead of pointing out how badly the PTB are screwing us over in our daily working lives. (everyone on ATS already knows these sad but true facts)

This is the same reason I have stopped watching ALL movies with "end of the world" scenarios. Simply because I will not let those scenarios into MY world and MY perceptions, you see they are all negative and attract more of the same, and CREATE more of the same.



posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by GeminiSky

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro

Looking back it doesn't seem all that bad. It may seem impossibly far down the road to you yet, but I wish you the best of luck and good judgement and that you can get ahead of the odds and do as well as I have. I didn't plan for these days I am living now - the best and most enjoyable years of my life - I merely kept pushing through when there seemed no end in sight. And I made it!


I must say that your post resonated with me simply because it probably the best balance of realism, cold hard truth, and at the same time contains a positive message. The most "Common Sense" reply on this thread so far. This is the real life advice I seek! Because really how many of us are gonna sell everything we have, move to Alaska and live off the land? Thats right pretty much none of us here.

Thank you very much for sharing, it gives me a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dark world.



Erongaricuaro's advice is the best advice you can get to survive in they system - you need to not worry about it, keep your head down and push through it. My post pointed out it get's harder and harder for future generations because the game is designed to let those up the top gain a bigger share over time because money makes money, so while you should push through because there is no end of this system in sight - just remember that your odd's are going to be worse for your future generations so they will likely need your help just to stay afloat and if you can create a self sustaining enviroment for them that would likely be the best gift someone in the future could recieve. Just my 2c though

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
reply to post by byteshertz


Thank you for your reply. Even though what you are saying is informative and very well may be true, this does not help those of us who have to make do with what we have. Ofcourse there are the PTB who get rich off our labor, we all know this.

However unless anyone of us makes it to another planet with another power structure in this lifetime, we need to find positive solutions where we are and with what we have. I am not discrediting your post, however I would advise we find positivity in all this instead of pointing out how badly the PTB are screwing us over in our daily working lives. (everyone on ATS already knows these sad but true facts)

This is the same reason I have stopped watching ALL movies with "end of the world" scenarios. Simply because I will not let those scenarios into MY world and MY perceptions, you see they are all negative and attract more of the same, and CREATE more of the same.



Totally agree - was just replying
see post above.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by topdog30

Already read the updated version of the 4 hr work week, using the Epub reader. And again I only read about half of it. Good read nonetheless.

What do I like? I like helping people....I like Selling people....I dont like taking advantage and screwing over people...(this is why most sales people have a bad image)

I guess Im at that point in my life where I would love to do anything that IS NOT repetitive....making sales calls gets old FAST! Any suggestions?


posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by GeminiSky

I found the same with my job in telecommunications - I was one of the people that gets screamed at 24/7 and I found it slightly repetative too. I found a job where I was the person solving technical issues and people came to me for answers, I think anything that you can express your creativity in will be rewarding for you. For me it was showing off how much i can think outside the box. Anything where you can be what you want to be and feel appreciated - this is why I say something that expresses creativity.
edit on 12-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by byteshertz

Yes, I am already feeling the reality of what you are saying, not just future generations but mine as well. I was out of work for about a year recently, and had to move in with the parents for some time, and LET ME TELL YOU I could not be more greatfull for simply having someone provide me with a roof over my head, a warm bed, and food.

My generation is already feeling it and there is no end in sight.

My little sister? Well thats another story, she has NO values, is COMPLETELY materialistic, and would not know what work is even if it hit her upside the head. She cannot boil a damn pot of water, and screams for my mother to "clean her room" before her friends come over, and screams "feed me" when shes hungry, and will throw a fit if she does not get something she wants (see $600 purses, $700 sunglasses, ETC.... (spoiled 16 yr old brat)

Ive been doing things myself since I was 7 yrs old, including cooking, cleaning, etc. And what baffles me is that NO ONE TAUGHT ME any of these things. So she cannot use the same excuse. Just baffling. But thats for a future thread.... LOL


posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:07 AM
I personally think being born and having to make sense of where you are in this great big mysterious world is unnatural if you really want to think about it. the programming for man is "WHY I ?" its indecipherable, so this is where you take advantage and make up the rules as you go along...whatever floats your boat, however you choose to pull it off, and get away with it, while on the path of least resistance

just make it worth your while or the entire ride will be for nothing

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by byteshertz

Erongaricuaro's advice is the best advice you can get to survive in they system - you need to not worry about it, keep your head down and push through it. My post pointed out it get's harder and harder for future generations because the game is designed to let those up the top gain a bigger share over time because money makes money, so while you should push through because there is no end of this system in sight - just remember that your odd's are going to be worse for your future generations so they will likely need your help just to stay afloat and if you can create a self sustaining enviroment for them that would likely be the best gift someone in the future could recieve. Just my 2c though

What you say is true the same as it was true in my day, it keeps getting worse. By the time of the mid-70's the cost of buying a home had skyrocketed. It seemed it was going to be impossible. I remained a renter until I was over 40 but eventually I could afford a home. California coast is an expensive area to live in.

The recent crash of 2008 has made it difficult right now, but I will almost guarantee there will be a time when the curve comes around or catches up. It will always be worse for the next generation, if today's standards are applied, but economics is not a straight line, and moves like a dolphin. I either got lucky or got smart, probably both, but opportunities come around that can give you an edge if you see them and act on them in time.

It is difficult but not impossible. TPTB quit being powers when it becomes impossible for everyone. They need you to win sometimes.

edit on 12-2-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

Consider your still VERY young, not like a guy I know very well (a cousin) who worked for the same company since 1960. A change of owner and despite WORKING LIKE A DOG, and given little respect, he was fired. They called it “re-structoring" I calling it getting *!!!@! And actually being laughed at by the 26yr old new manager as he left! No, I’m NOT kidding! The manager is a pig, and I took the liberty of telling him this. Oh, by the way, he was looking for financing to expand and guess what? I know the venture capital house (a big one) he was sucking up too. The only people he‘ll get any money from now is, perhaps the mafia. And I don’t think they do “sliding payments” I was lucky to be able to offer my cousin a consulting job in factory management. He’s in his early sixties. He’s in poor health, and his wife has serious medical (I mean major) problems. He only kept working as long as he did JUST TO KEEP the insurance. Hey, now he’s got the Gold Plan of coverage. Fantastic experience, and dedication. A good and decent man who seems to never had a break. Now he’s got one. Oh revenge is sweet. Ain’t it fun when people find out someone out there is actually bigger you-know-what then their tiny little souls can possibly imagine? Wow, was I upset, thankfully I can and did do something about it. Chuckle...

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